
Saturday, August 6, 2016


No rogue like to the godly rogue. Fuller

We are, to quote Hesiod, "in the season of wearisome summertime," with parching Sirius still hard upon us. It's far too hot for a longish post on the hypocrisy, greed, ignorance, and outrageous pretense of the cult curs. So today, we'll keep it short, and then, like our poet, take our ease with "sparkling wine in the shade."

After Dannie returned from his third (!!) vacation to Mexico this calendar year, he whined about "scandalous ordinations" south of the border, as though we gringos didn't have a similar example in the SW Ohio cult. Our good friends in Mexico, you know,  were very offended at the slur, so they asked us to vindicate their beautiful and proud land by reminding everyone of the "ordination" of Uneven-Steven McFaker. Obviously, they deeply resented the imputation that cult-master Dannie was somehow the authority on who's rightly ordained and who's not.

Although we've posted on Uneven's shocking case several times since 2012, a quick reminder is in order, just so everybody realizes that scandal is typical of all Traddilandia and not just limited to one country.
In a nutshell, "One Hand" ordained to the priesthood a man who had not even attended one of Tradistan's so-called seminaries. While living in the state of Washington, Uneven only worked under a former-CMRI "priest," who labored at the same time as a busy "pastor" of a traddie chapel. Uneven then left Washington for short stint of independent study under the benighted Blunderer, before priestly "ordination" by the ever-dubious "One-Hand Dan."
We won't go into how such shoddy "preparation" is completely at odds with the "Tridentine system" Checkie once touted in his monograph "Untrained and Un-Tridentine: Holy Orders and the Canonically Unfit," where the Cheeseball asserts the law demands candidates live in a seminary. (For that discussion, go to our post of February 16, 2014, YE BROOD OF VIPERS.) And we hardly need to say that under no circumstances can Uneven's residence in Washington state or at $GG ever be called a seminary.

All we'll say today is that Uneven Steven's ordination ranks right up there with all the other howlingly scandalous ordinations and consecrations that have disgraced the traditional movement. Maybe — just m a y b e — independent study might have been good enough for a simplex priest, as long as the faithful were advised of his minimal training and properly cautioned after his ordination. However, to pretend that such "training" is equivalent to the demonstrably low level of "schooling" on offer at the inferior cult "seminaries," which at least have some (albeit minuscule) formal structure, is too much to endure on a sweltering day.

Wee Dan's double standards remind us of the fate of those universally disrespected teachers who reply, "Don't do as I do: Do as I say," when challenged for violating the standards they insist their pupils observe. Just as flagrant self-exemption results in loss of authority, Dannie's wanton Tartuffery disqualifies him from making judgments about conditions in Traddilandia. Only depraved cultlings listen to him anyway.

Mexico — and the rest of TradWorld — should join us norteamericanos as we laugh ourselves silly as Li'l Daniel barks alone at the moon.


  1. Do your clergy have advanced degrees in secular subjects? If not, are they qualified for secular employment?

    I once heard of an Orthodox priest who was forced to supplement his church income by driving a cab. Mutatis mutandis these fellows could do the same.

    1. Most of these guys do not have a secular degree. Uneven Steven supposedly has a BA from UMass, Lowell, so he could be a security guard. We don't think Uber requires a degree so these guys do have a career in transportation.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. The best fit for the job must be Anon 8:30 PM, because s/he is the bigger retard!

      THE retard @ 8:30 PM seems perpetually obsessed with the person of Craig Toth. Is Craig Toth your daddy? your idol?

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. The Readers do not accuse Dannie and Checkie of ignorance: they document it with verifiable facts. The facts are all that's necessary to come to a conclusion about the cult masters lack of training.

    6. What advanced degree do these men have in theology, Latin, and canon law? Besides the one they self appointed themselves and declared themselves as experts?

      What qualifications do they have to teach, create academic programs, and instruct childen, seminarians, and convents? They have created all of these things without any type of authority, and they have even created their own academic programs that they declare are a cut above the others.

      Sanborn has created a seminary that he boasts as being too difficult for most to graduate. At one point, he declared McGuire too stupid to pass. Dolan took on McKenna and created his own academic study for him in order to ordain him without going through Sanborn's seminary. Selway didn't start at his hometown seminary, instead he went to Europe to begin his training. It wasn't until his "hand condition" bothered him that he returned to his second choice of a seminary.

      Then you have Cincinnati and Brooksville creating their own convents. Did Cincinnati not learn that their judgment is not that great with their past two or three failed attempts at nuns? Did one former nun even try suing them? And then you have Brooksville's convent run by the mother of half the nuns, and then a young priest put in charge to take care and guide these nuns. Disaster waiting to happen there, don't you think? Rumors are already swirling about inappropriate relationships there. Forcing girls into becoming nuns, being overseen by a young priest who was forced in himself, and him living on the same grounds as the nuns instead of the seminary up the street.

      Then you have three or four schools that they felt qualified to create. What makes any of them qualified to run an academic program for young people? They even had their staff create matg and handwriting books that take true academics years to research and create. Why? Because these have cute pictures drawn by Dominican nuns? Cute pictures make a good coloring book, not necessarily good academic teachings. I think you can find these books on Abe books by Jennifer Woodruff, the author (from my knowledge, no education teaching background.)

      Not only that, but the scandals involved in two of the schools are disgusting. Not only have we seen the sgg scandal that split the cincinnati church into pieces, but you wrote about physical and mental abuse of the Brooksville Schools.

      This is a shame that "highly qualified" individuals such as Dolan, Cekada, and Sanborn, do not have enough humility to know that they do not have the ability to start or run institutions of learning.

    7. Question to Anonymous August 9, 2016 at 2:11 PM – you inquire, “ Did one former nun even try suing them?”
      Do you know anything more about this former nun trying to sue them? Interesting.....

  2. I really only know of one truly educated and humble priest who has sustained a modest living along with running a small chapel, while performing all of his priestly duties of visiting the sick and the imprisoned, and is on call 24/7. Now that's a rare commodity today! That man was recognized as a true intellectual threat by the misfits at SGG and so they tried to have him deported to England. Needless to say his work speaks volumes, and his humility is a lesson to us all. Their efforts were defeated, because, "What man proposes, God disposes"

    Keep praying for good priests, they are out there, yes including in Mexico.

    1. There are many good, humble, and self-sacrificing priests in Mexico. That may be what the cult masters mean by a "scandalous ordination." Thankfully, the $GG misfits are suffering defeats in Mexico. The word is getting out down there.

    2. I know a humble self sustaining American priest that doesn't have TV or internet.
      I personally know him and his spare time is spent reading canon law and holy books.

  3. Ah, I take it that these priests are not gainfully employed, outside of the sanctuary, that is. It sounds like there are too many in one place.

  4. I have observed that in dealing with the Trad Institutions such as: $$PX, (which by all indications is heading back to Rome), SSPV, CMRI, MHT, $GG all only work within the frame work of their respective "LEADER$".

    "As far as gainfully employed outside of the sanctuary..." That would be a big negative!

    As the Reader wrote: "There are many good, humble, and self-sacrificing priests in Mexico."

    My $upport is going : "South of the border, down Mexico way..."


    1. We agree. Just make sure that no one you support is attached to any of the US "bishop-led" cults, even indirectly.

    2. So,if someone is in a severe state of mortal sin,they're better off praying an "Act of Contrition" as opposed to going to a Catholic priest ordained outside of novus ordo & donating $25 to said priest's chapel?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Watching pornography, 'boys will be boys' misunderstands whole nature of kingdom of heaven/Jesus Christ. Surely I wouldn't be joining any such faithful church of Jesus Christ (?) unless I wanted my children morally corrupted and punished so that I could have a good gossip/feel like an insider/be flattered. You must be sick to think there is any merit at all in Dolan or his enabling of bullies. Indeed what is the difference between attending Dolan's school run by Lotarski and his bullies (who happen to be his own sons) or this seminary?

  6. @Anon 8 : 30. Toth is exactly the opposite of the second rate hack you describe. He speaks several languages, is a scholar in the liturgy, holds a master's degree from the University of Michigan, and has served in the administrations of two of the nation's largest school districts, demonstrating an ability to succeed beyond the scope of Cultilandia, unlike the disordered "priests" who dwell therein. He is well-versed in pedagogy and is therefore qualified to give an opinion on the "education" provided at Sede "seminaries". I'd love to see how your resume stacks up.
