
Saturday, August 13, 2016


The chief aim of wisdom is to enable one to bear with the stupidity of the ignorant. The Ring of Pope Xystus 

It's confirmed.

Dannie's weekly bulletin will indeed carry a regular feature about the Latin language (see PL's post of July 10).

The title of Dannie's failed self-rehabilitation effort has, however, metastasized from "Latin Hiding in Plain Sight"  to "Latin for You," which promises to enrich Gerties with "20 Phrases for Daily Life" at what looks like a rate of two phrases per appearance. As with all Wee Dan's ploys to convince his cultlings he's not the ignoramus we've shown him to be, we'll use his series to demonstrate he's every bit the untutored boob we say he is — and worse.

However, before that, indulge us as we point something out: the two paragraphs Dimwit Dan chose for his Aug. 7 bulletin were lifted — cut-and-pasted is more like it —verbatim without appropriate attribution from a mental_floss blog post by Paul Anthony Jones. (Click here and then compare that gentleman's first two pieces with the entries on Dannie's last page found here.)

It's obvious that the $GG strangers to academic standards harbor no respect for intellectual property rights. In addition, their failure to give credit to Mr. Jones provides another witness to malformation in moral theology. Even more telling, their necessary recourse to out-and-out plagiarism from the Web betrays the poverty of their personal resources as well as of their imagination. Less obviously, this disgraceful literary pilferage confirms once more the cult masters' abject unfamiliarity with basic Latin grammar, as we'll presently show.

In explaining his second adage, Mr. Jones writes (and Dannie's bulletin unashamedly apes):
A man described as barba tenus sapientes is literally said to be "wise as far as his beard"—or, in other words, he might look intelligent but he’s actually far from it. 
Mr. Jones, a writer and musician, does not (apparently) claim to be a Latinist. Therefore, we can easily pardon his not knowing that sapientes is plural, so the word could never refer to man. That being the case, an accurate translation is not "wise as far as his beard" but rather something like "sages as far as the beard." Now if the cult masters knew Latin, they would have cured the infelicity by fixing Mr. Jones's explanation.

But, then, if Dannie and Co. knew Latin, there would've been no need to purloin another man's work. The cult masters could've supplied 20 adages of their own, perhaps by consulting Catholic authors. Better yet, they might have chosen effata from their own commonplace books (if, that is, they had received a formal, classical education, where the practice is encouraged).

Had PL had been invited to contribute to Dannie's series, the Readers would've suggested Canis in praesepi ("dog in the manger") as a phrase the groveling Gerties should be using. It's eminently apropos because it perfectly characterizes Wee Dan's behavior a few years ago, when he meddled in the affairs of distant French traditionalists in Chambéry. Without a regular priest to serve their small chapel, they engaged a man who had challenged His Dubiety during the $GG School Scandal. That was too much for pay-back Dannie. Although he couldn't staff the chapel with a valid, residential priest, he nonetheless determined to prevent the community from keeping the good man they had found.

Under coercion, the weakling laity, to their eternal shame, asked the priest to return to his native country. The only good news is that Wee Dan's savage triumph over the consciences of others was short lived: A while later, the collaborationist French "priest" who enabled Dannie to pressure those gutless laymen broke with "One Hand." Now, thank goodness, the Wee One's out of France, and the French are out of his malicious reach.* Sadder but wiser, they learned the perils of associating with ill-educated American spoilsports.

. . . . . . . . 

From e-mail correspondents, we're heard many Gerties who follow PL are beginning to have second thoughts about their "old bishop's (?)" qualifications to speak about anything related to the authentic Church. 

Now that's the kind of worldly wisdom that can't be faked by exterior signs!

In fact, the testimonies bring to mind a pearl of Latin sagacity from Cicero, which the cultlings should apply diligently to their daily cult life: Posteriores enim cogitationes, ut aiunt, sapientiores solent esse, "to be sure, second thoughts, as they say, are usually wiser." 

So get wise, everyone. Heed your second thoughts. Stop putting up with stupidity, and get out of barking Dannie's non-Catholic cult today.

* If the cult masters had also asked us to contribute an adage of our own invention, we'd have submitted the following to describe all the posturing kingpins of the U.S. bishop (?)-led cults : Mitra tenus praesulastri, which we freely render, with some assistance from Tennyson, as "mountebanks with no more sign of prelacy than a miter."


  1. Dannie teaching Latin is symptomatic of the times in which we live. Hillary running for President instead of being locked up for TREASON, is the same idiotic thinking that allows an idiot to teach simpletons Latin.

    I guess these really are the end times. Truth means nothing. Lie and lie blatantly, and let the suckers fall where they will, and fall they will.

    1. Amazing! Even when Dannie PLAGIERIZES, he gets it wrong!! But even if he someday “gets it right” (one of these years), the world already knows that he and bonehead Tony are (and always will be) just a couple of bungling FOOLS. Hey Dannie! Here’s one you can use in your next ’Corner: Q. What does one “Latinist” cultie say to another when he expectorates? A. “Hoc Tui Splattus”!

  2. Speaking of Latin, I think the authors of this blog and some of its readers will appreciate this little sketch from somebody with a real educational background:

    Maybe it could even serve as an example for Dannie, a little humorous aside during one of their greasy potluck dinners?

    1. Why, heck no, Tarquinius! Rather than being a “humorous aside,” this video is “GOOD STUFF” for Dannie! That is, it (along with Tony’s excremental videos) could become the CORNERSTONE (“anguli”?) of Dannie’s continued (failed) efforts to make SGG the Tradistani “model” for egregious erudition (or is it “downright demolition”?) in forming the discriminating “cultivated cultie”! Why, HECK! It could even be “adopted” (cut and pasted, that is), and used, as is, as the FOUNDATION for the SGG school’s Latin program!! (It’s “silly syllabus,” as it were). When Dannie incorporates this PEARL OF WISDOM into SGG’s “cult curriculum,” “Cultacademia” will never be the same!

    2. Very clever — a tour de force never to be equaled by any American trad "bishop" who never attended a seminary with the courses delivered in Latin.

      Do you think, Tarquinius, that the speaker had Dannie in mind what with the American moral theologian's case about what the celebrant should do with the mouse? On second thought, perhaps not, since the celebrant does the killing, not his feral cat.

    3. Oh, indeed, quite a number of American "clergy"-men come to mind, even though the analogy is a very imperfect one. After all, none of these vagrants have ever held a lecture in the Church's own tongue, and they probably never even have set foot in any Roman seminary, let alone the Gregoriana.

      I had to think of ol' One-Hand again, when Mgr. Léonard described Father Gaultier. Couldn't one simply exchange the names?
      Dolan erat enormis. Erat quasi rotundus. Erat repletus, erat pinguis, saginatus. Erat Diaconus Dolan praepotens, et etiam ventripotens.

      And who does not picture Pivarunas here? Erat verus cowboy theologicus. Valde stupidus.

    4. Quite apt for Wee Dan, although for perfect accuracy, we would drop the quasi. Have you seen any recent pix? He's positively globosus. It must be all those burritos and grape soda.

  3. Did you happen to see sgg's newsletter today?
    Back to SCHOOL?
    Are your children attending the sub-pagan schools? Get them...out of there. What are you waiting for? It’s not as if sub-pagan schools actually teach children English grammar and give them facility with numbers and make them familiar with the lands and rivers and seas of our world, let alone introduce them to the great works of western civilization. If your children are in the sub-pagan schools, it will require almost a mir- acle of God to keep them from be- coming sub-pagan themselves. They too will learn to worship the three- poisoned god of our times, self, sex, State. Take for granted that every- thing in their classes will be sexuali- ty and politics; even in science clas- ses. Shakespeare? Sexuality and poli- tics and nothing else. Get them out. Begin, if necessary, with one room and one teacher and ten children. Begin.
    (The above was written by Anthony Esolen in Crisis Magazine, but de- served again a place in our bulletin, as your children do at our school. And God bless our persevering home- schoolers!)

  4. The State own the children.
    Parents are only breeders.

    Pray St Michael, with his sword, slashes these enemies.

    1. Anonymous 3:33 PM, to which school were you referring by “our school”? Hopefully, you were referring to a school other than SGG (or MHT). At SGG, riding roller coasters and wearing “sport logo” headbands are “mortal sins,” while watching porn and animal torture videos are NOT (as long as it’s the principal’s sons who are watching them). And as for “great works of western civilization,” one of SGG’s was “Brideshead Revisited,” a novel whose characters engaged not only in fornication, but two of whom had what many of the book’s reviewers described was a quasi-homosexual relationship as well.

      And as far as academics – “reading, writing, and arithmetic” -- are concerned, places like SGG and MHT are WOEFULLY DEFICIENT. The scenario you depict in your comment (as described by Anthony Esolen) DOES NOT EXIST at SGG. Their “graduating” students are woefully ill-prepared to compete in today’s ever-challenging world. The scenario that Mr. Esolen described was HOW IT USED TO BE, not how it is now – especially at cesspools like SGG and MHT.

      Their “graduating” students come out ILL PREPARED – both academically and “religiously” – to compete in today’s world. On things like grammar, etc., they’re no better trained than students at the “lowest-common-denominator” public schools. (Actually, they’re WORSE.) And religiously, they get the “cosmetics” of Catholicism, not its substance. Places like SGG and MHT are not only NOT accredited, but they don’t even teach many of the courses (especially the technical ones) required to compete in today’s world. (At MHT, they’re only fit for careers as JANITORS!)

      Bottom line: At dumps like SGG and MHT, it’s NOT “like the good old days,” but is some surreal CARICATURE of the way things used to be. Like Dannie’s “show,” it’s “all cosmetics, no substance.” If I were you (or the other “anonymous”), I’d be praying that St. Michael, “with his sword,” first slash the lepers who run the cult centers, before going on to “slash” anyone else.

    2. I wasn't referring to anything. I was just quoting what sgg put in their newsletter. It just seemed like a huge joke that they would put it in their newsletter, seeing that both schools are such a mess with scandals and academically deficient.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. "Lmao" is very offensive, and you seem to be very much in this fight as a cultie and not someone searching the truth.

    5. Sorry, Anon. 3:33 PM, my mistake! I didn’t realize that you were quoting directly from SGG’s BULLETIN. (In your comment, you said “newsletter”; so, I looked at their newsletter, and didn’t see it. It was from their bulletin. So, forgive me for being a bit confused about what you said. For anon. 6:19 PM, however, there is no confusion: he (or she) is a typical brain-dead cultie (and possibly a product of SGG’s puppy mill). It’s amazing how such idiots continue to open their big mouths to expose their empty craniums – but what else could one expect from one of Dannie’s brainless bootlickers?

    6. I don't attend SGG. I'm in CA. I know of Fr C and Bp. Dolan and if your info on them is as accurate as it is on me, I'm fearful as to what go passed on in those textbooks by Craig Toth!!! LMFAO

    7. So, you attend Sanborn's California chapel, associated with Sgg priests?

    8. No. I go to an independent priest ordained in 1962 who offers Mass for us on a portable altar in our homes. He is unaffiliated with any other priests/bishops.

    9. Where, LMFAO, in the portable toilet w/ Mark Shea & Simchee Fisher? You didn't mention it, but I guess what you, Dolan & Cekada have in common is your wit(lessness).

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Well, you scored a direct hit w/this column. I guess it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

    1. Thanks, and it is. Wait 'til next week. The fish swam to the surface.

  6. The Watcher,August 15th 2.00pm-The same standards are at Mater Dei hell hole too.Look at their "priests".Just watching some of them say Mass is a scandal.Good article PL as always.

    1. We've heard some real horror stories about their failure to observe the rubrics, too.

  7. AnonymousAugust 16, 2016 at 10:37 PM
    "I don't attend SGG. I'm in CA. I know of Fr C and Bp. Dolan..."

    That is your blessing Anon, that you only know OF them, and don't know them. For if you knew them the way the people in Ohio know them, you would be thanking this site for trying to protect people like you who are ignorant to the facts. AND FACTS THEY ARE!
    Quite honestly I do not care to know your identity, however I still do not want to see you or anybody support the ill will of SGG et al, and cause more pain for the few parishioners who till attend that factory of "give me".

    Keep spreading the word P.L., and hopefully these people will seek the truth before it is too late.

    Starve the Beast!

    1. We'll keep spreading the word — you can bet on it.

  8. Who's the clown that keeps cluttering up this blog with his nonsense/hatred of Craig Toth? Please Anon, give it up!!

  9. AnonymousAugust 15, 2016 at 6:19 PM
    "Well being a janitor is still more intellectually rigorous than being a textbook proof-reader like Craig Toth! Maybe he graduated from there and he's upset with his only choice of work in life!! LMAO"

    Well, now that we know the Initials of ANON,(LMAO) we can only assume that he not only laughs, but also thinks out of the same part of his anatomy, hence his idiotic deductions and remarks.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. We removed the previous comment because the writer confused vulgarity for discursive thought.

  10. AnonymousAugust 17, 2016 at 11:59 PM
    Wrote Yet Again:

    ..."And by the way, my full initials are LMFAO!!! Can't Toth and his reason-challenged cult followers get ANYTHING right?!?

    Obviously you must be writing out of that part of your anatomy again, Jack. For it was you who wrote the first quote, and then later decided to add yet another defining INITIAL to your already depraved logo, and way of thinking.

    Some people have PhDs, some have Master's, but in your Galaxy, which is light years ahead of Captain Spock a/k/a Craig Toth, you boast of adding an F to your now new logo LMFAO.

    WOW! Now that makes all the difference in the world, according to you Mr. Jackass.

    You tear apart a name that has never appeared on this blog, not once, and then have the nerve to boast how smarter your ass is, in comparison to his.

    Seems to me that you are some disgruntled individual who belongs to one of these cultie groups, and takes insult to FACTS stated on this blog.

    "There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."

    So you continue to shoot your arrows blindly into the air in hope that one day you may slay your big, bad, boogie man known as Craig Toth.

    Maybe then you will find the truth in your dragon.


    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Since the apparently Tourette's afflicted commenter has descended into adolescent, bathroom vulgarity, we've removed his remarks.

    3. Thanks. I don't allow vulgarity in my home even via the computer so I would have had to stop reading PL. Thanks again.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I'd just like to point out that, according to Catholic theology, sins against faith are graver than sin against the moral order, so The Reader's/Craig Toth's statement that apostasy was the "right and brave thing to do" in one instance, will always be greater than Dolan saying "boys will be boys" when told some were watching porn.

    Anyway, I don't believe Dolan even meant to say that it wasn't a sin or something bad, but that it's just a fact that boys will usually find a way to watch porn at some point, and that it shouldn't be surprising. It seems like saying "that's how it is" when being told of the high number of people that live together without being married. Not an approval of concubinage, but recognizing the way things are.

    Toth, on the other hand, said that apostasy, one of the worst sins imaginable, was a "right and brave thing to do" for someone. That will always be worse than all the things against the moral order that Toth accuses the cultmasters of.

    Why more people don't denounce this is strange.

    1. Dolan not only meant EVERY WORD with his anal “boys will be boys” comment, but he IGNORED peoples’ complaints about it. And, in the case of the Lotarski boy who impregnated a fellow student, Dannie not only said NOTHING about his act, but FETED the boy SEVERAL TIMES later on. You, Anonymous, are a DISGRACE to all rational people, and to yourself. Crawl back into your hole, and STAY THERE. I could to provide more evidence of Dannie’s malice, but I’ve wasted enough time on him (and you).,

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. It were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should scandalize one of these little ones.

      Luke 17:2

    4. The previous commenters first need to learn the real definition of apostasy.

      The sede "bishop"-led cults are not the Catholic Church. Going from one of them to the Orthodox is merely to move from one non-Catholic group to another, except that Orthodoxy is less scandalous and less dangerous to one's savings account.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Anon 9:52PM - You're forgetting some key words here so perhaps that's why you just don't get it. Yes, indeed there have been evil clerics in the past. However, they were valid - whereas the "priests" & "bishops" in the cults are questionable & not THE one true church. To leave them is not to leave the true church. Hope this simple explanation helps & you can now leave in peace.

    7. We Readers see that you're skirting the issue of your deep misunderstanding of the definition of apostasy. Although we're not here to school you, let us quote from Roberti's Dictionary of Moral Theology:

      According to the Code of Canon Law (Can. 1325.par. 2), [apostasy] is the act whereby a baptized person abandons the Christian faith entirely. Unlike heresy, apostasy is the rejection, not merely of some particular dogma, but of the the entire deposit of revelation, and the a;state either embraces a non-Christian religion or remains without any religion whatever.

      As for your last remark, your sede cultists are not clergy in any sense belonging to the Catholic Church. They are outsider laymen who may (?) possess valid orders.

    8. "your sede cultists are not clergy in any sense belonging to the Catholic Church. " Baseless assertion.

      May possess valid orders? Why wouldn't they? Oh, because Bp. Dolan was ordained with "one hand." And your witnesses can't say anything because if they came forward the cultists would kill them! What about Bp. Sanborn? Bp. Williamson? Bp.Kelly? All dubious because a textbook proof-reader with no degree in theology says so?

    9. Dannie knows what happened in 1976. Oh, yes, he knows.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. You're right, I was wrong about defecting to the Orthodox being apostasy.

      It's still heresy and schism though, both of which are in the top 5 worst sins a human can commit.

      The sede groups may not represent THE Catholic Church, and I agree, but if the individuals hold to the faith, then they must be Catholic. This man from the CMRI who went to the orthodox, seems to at least have been Catholic himself, so he did abandon Catholicism and went into heresy and schism.

      And this you called the "brave and right thing to do."

  13. "Anyway, I don't believe Dolan even meant to say that it wasn't a sin or something bad, but that it's just a fact that boys will usually find a way to watch porn at some point, and that it shouldn't be surprising. It seems like saying "that's how it is" when being told of the high number of people that live together without being married. Not an approval of concubinage, but recognizing the way things are."

    If that's the case why is lotarski still in charge of the school? Why is Dolan a plagiarizer as illustrated in this post? If Dolan & Cekada weren't so lazy, they could run the school themselves. But that would be beneath them. You poke fun at proof readers and advise to read Novus Ordo Watch, but who wants to read error? People here had faith in these men to guide them on the path to heaven; they entrusted their children and their own souls to them and what happened--their childrens' lives were destroyed (they are show porn and impregnated by the principal's children), young men who were ordained and/or employed by them were deported out of the country for standing up for these same children, other employees have been driven to the point of nervous breakdowns, churches along w/their six figure bank accounts (savings of the parishioners) were stolen and the money pocketed by Dolan and Cekada.

    Readers here prefer those who are diligent--and so does God.

    "For verily I say unto you, Till. heaven and earth pass, one jot or one. tittle shall in no wise pass from. the law, till all be fulfilled."

    If we relied on Dolan & Cekada's to pass down the law, it would be a hocus pocus jumble that changed w/their pet peeves. Imagine if they'd been in charge of passing down sacred scripture.

    P.S. if you think you are helping the case of anyone w/your profanity and ad hominem attacks on those who expose the nefarious deeds of these two, you merely illustrate the kind of congregation that surrounds them.

    1. If their "nefarious" deeds are as well attested to as the alleged one handed ordination, there's little if anything to the charges. Did the principal's son rape the girl or was it consensual? It takes two to tango. Let me guess; it was rape but the "cult" pressured her not to report it!
      If things are as bad as you say, people can leave. If it's so bad but they can't see it, nothing will make them leave. How do people not "starve the beast" of the Novus Ordo with their convicted child rapists and sodomite "priests"?

    2. Why leave the Novus Ordo to hang w/the same crowd of child rapists and sodomite priests? The scuttlebutt is Lotarski's still principal because Cekada exposed himself to the violent, fornicating, porn and animal torture video watchers.

      You don't seem to understand that holiness and love of God are what is needed in priests--not gossips, debaters, etc. (especially ones who are too slipshod and only in it for their own glory and physical comfort).

      These two said they were building a church and instead built themselves huge bedroom suites w/their own personal climate control. They vacation at resorts and then beg, beg, beg for money.

      Kudos to this site for exposing them!

  14. My question is why can't these people just be transparent? They act more like the government with all their hidden agendas.

    For instance, why keep Lotarski, when most of the school left because of him? Most schools have a religious in charge. Are they saying that they don't have a religious available? Because they have a good number of priests to step into that position. If Cekada is going to need recovery time, maybe he should stop his travel and concentrate on his own parish.

    Maybe they can be more transparent in finances. How much did they make from the sale of the Columbus chapel? How much did they get from the building fund? Where did the money go? Why don't parishioners demand to know? How much are these mexico trips costing and who is paying for them? Who pays for the Bishop Lodge vacations?

    Then you have the seminary and staff. If the majority of seminarians are from poor countries like Nigeria and Argentina, how can they have a cook who is required to make gourmet meals with organic ingredients? Do they also have a handyman and other paid employees? Who is footing the bills for Sanborn's European tours, including his fancy tastes in restaurants and hotels?

    School scandals at SGG and MHT, and I'm sure only half the story from both of these places have been reported. What else has happened at these schools that we don't know about? Abuse? Are there also scandals at the cmri school too? So, we should just expect scandals when these men are involved? If more than half the children have left both these schools, something is wrong. You can't always blame the families who leave. Take accountability.

    If everyone knows Selway is the next Bishop, why don't they come out and say it? And say what the future plans are?

    Why doesn't Sanborn tell Arizona that he will be yanking the nuns there as soon as his fancy convent is finished in Brooksville? Be honest and acknowledge he is using them for their money and shelter until his compound is built in Brooksville?

    Why does a female cook reside at the seminary and a male priest reside at the convent? Shouldn't the priest stay at the seminary and the cook at the convent? It's 15 minutes away from each other and avoids the look of a scandal?

    Then you have Neville. Why is he all the sudden aligning with Sanborn? Is it just because he needs help? Why steal from Sanborn and then try to get in his good graces? There has to be more to this.

    Then you have CMRI and dolan teaming up. Why?

    Does anyone not see that there are too many underhanded things going on here that need to be resolved? Why let these men not have accountability? Because we are the sheep who are to shut up and follow?

  15. AnonymousAugust 19, 2016 at 1:28 PM


    "My question is why can't these people just be transparent? They act more like the government with all their hidden agendas..."

    I think you answered your own honest question with the fact that they do have an agenda every bit as vile as our governments.

    The faithful must unite, and demand accountability from these so called shepherds a/k/a fences, who launder our funds into their own Corporations.


    "The pen is mightier than the sword."

    Stop writing checks to Corporations that reward bad behavior, like keeping Lotarski as Principal.

  16. AnonymousAugust 18, 2016 at 8:07 PM

    "Toth's endorsement of APOSTASY is still worse than anything you can accuse Dolan of.

    Will you be honest and admit this fact?"

    You ask for honesty, and yet you refuse to be honest, and cite where anybody named Craig Toth ever wrote anything on this blog.

    Just name the article, and the date.

    Then you be honest, and admit the name does not exist.

  17. Apologies for a somewhat off topic inquiry but Fr Cekada's Work of Human Hands (which this blog finds fault with) has a number of positive reviews from Rev Dr Alcuin Reid, Mgr Andrew Wadsworth, and others ( Now some of the reviews linked are in not easily accessible formats, but the ones that are (Rev Dr Reid's on NLM for example) are positive. What this blog has highlighted about the running of the SGG school is disturbing, the howlers in Latin probably disturbing too as the SGG crew consider they have the cure of souls. My question is: are you too hard on Fr Cekada's Work of Human Hands? Also would you find linking a post that's close to a full review? Thanks, the blog is both really interesting and disturbing.

    1. I saw the link, apologies, but anyhow, were you a little too hard on Fr Cekada? Surely the positive reviews by some genuine experts counts for something?

    2. No, there is no such thing as “being too hard on Cekada.” The “positive” reviews he got were by people predisposed to approve of him (and many were either solicited and/or “bought”). Checkmeister has proved himself to be a blowhard know-nothing in so many ways, that it is utterly INCREDIBLE that someone still can think of him in any kind of “positive” light.

      And to answer the one Anon.’s (Aug.19, 1:28 PM) question (…“why keep Lotarski when most of the school left because of him?), the answer is simple: Lotarski “has something” on Dannie and Tony. He has reportedly said, more than once, “They can’t fire me, I know too much.” We have our suspicions as to why he said that, but we are not at liberty to voice an opinion about it (at least, publicly). Usually, one who makes such a boast has “damaging” information on someone else. (Simple deductive reasoning ought to bring one to draw hat conclusion!) Will the truth one day “come out”? Who knows? “Que sera, sera.”

    3. Dear Anon. 10:59 and 11:10,

      We're aware of those reviews, and we read them carefully when they came out. Moreover, in our 2010 series, we even acknowledged that one chapter, though poorly written, was useful (although its utility has now been surpassed by a far better, though admittedly flawed, treatment of the subject matter by a real scholar with university training).

      The principal fault with those reviewers is that they ignored the many scholarly shortcomings in the execution of WHH, shortcomings that PL thoroughly documented in the first half of 2010. That failure impeaches those reviews. It's true, Dr. Hull did point out numerous errors, but his assertion that WHH "upheld" "scholarly standards" discredits his generally favorable assessment.

      So, the short answer, is no, we haven't been too hard on Checkie. WHH is represented as a work of scholarship, and it is not. Its writing style and gross errors disqualify it from consideration as a serious scholarly effort. All thesereviewers are indeed remiss in condemning its pretense, even though they may approve of its general tenor. Dr. Hull, who is a master of academic prose, should have called out Checkie not only for the errors we exposed, but also for the awful writing style, which, among other defects, shows an inability to produce a unified, structure, and coherent paragraph.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. I'm 10:59 and 11:10, thanks for the response.

    I heard Fr Anto cultivates a
    circle of clerical friends, something which maybe has borne fruit with those reviews, yet it's said his manner with civilians who don't see eye to eye with him, can be remiss. On one forum, the poster wouldn't say much on Fr, but referenced here, so here I am. I'll try read the rest of the 2010 series when I have the chance. I did buy a copy of WHH a little while back, although I read it only more recently.

    Can I ask do the editors have suggestions as a unitary academic work (or failing that a collection of articles) on the post V2 liturgical transformation, covering also the pre-history of the Novus Ordo and the translated 'transitional missal,' where relevant (a Trad minded layman was roused by some poor translation in the transitional missal I think)?

    Thank you.

  19. We would suggest starting off with Dr. Lauren Pristas's Collects of the Roman Missal. While there are some serious scholarly errors, perhaps owing to some adversities affecting Prof. Pristas at the time of writing, we find her book a sober comment, from a Novus Ordite point of view, on the the changes that occurred. It's not as comprehensive as you have requested, but it's a far better analysis than that provided by the malformed Cekada.

  20. Thank you. That should do nicely, and it's available on Kindle for a less fearsome price than $34-$50 for the dead tree version. That might be typical enough for an academic work, but any little saving in these hard times is good.

    1. How right you are. We paid the full price and were a little disappointed when we discovered the errors. Still, we consider the book a worthwhile contribution, although we wish we had in it the Kindle format and price.
