
Saturday, November 26, 2016


A mirror eats donkeys and spits out fools. German Proverb

In his October pesthouse newsletter, Tradzilla pontificated:
The Protestant churches are organized from below, that is, protestants of like mind come together and form a community or “church” where they worship in common. This “church,” however, is the product of human beings, and not of God. It has no authority to teach, rule, or sanctify the faithful. 
Big Don's lack of self-recognition is astonishing: He's describing the image of his cult glaring back from the mirror before which he brays.

If you substitute traddie(s) for Protestant/protestants, the rector's words eerily characterize independent traditional "Catholic" Mass centers inside and outside Tradistan U.S.A. Following the model of Nonconformist conventicles, these chapels were not erected by the Church but by rebel adventurers operating without her warrant as they organized their revolutionary cells "from below."

Behind a scrim of menacingly re-imagined Catholicism, stinking of brimstone and malediction, each TradWorld enclave peevishly clings to its own brand of earthly "identity politics": una-cum, non-una-cum, recognize-and-resist, materialiter sedevanctism, absolute sedevacantism, conclavism, Feeneyism, and so on. Their uncommissioned, scapegrace "clergy" have no authority or jurisdiction, and those among them who might happen to possess the power to sanctify may only exercise their orders upon demand of the laity.

Like their hot-gospeler fellow-travelers in non-Catholic America, these fragmented, rootless trad sects boast wantonly eccentric liturgical practices. One faction espouses the Pius XII rite, another the so-called Pius X, and yet another the '62 iteration. One troupe of dissenters abolished the Leonine Prayers, replacing them with sundry theater pieces recited by a hammy "pastor." Another outlandish coterie embraces the reformed Holy Week liturgy of the mid-'50s yet can't manage to get through Palm Sunday Mass in accordance with its rubrics.

Several vie with each other in publishing different calendars, some with partial abstinence on the Vigil of All Saints, others with full abstinence, and one with "optional [!] feasts" throughout the year. On occasion, there are horrors like "votive Vespers." Infamously, the sleaziest gang produced an ordo filled with Latin errors and at odds with pre-conciliar praxis. In many of these rings, malformed "priests" from unapproved "clerical" certificate mills either race or stumble through Low Masses riddled with sinful defects.

These wildcat, human enterprises purporting to be "Catholic" are no better than the mainline Protestant or the offbeat non-denominational "churches" the Donster condemns as not of divine origin. If he were really the head of the "A-Team," he would've kept his pie-hole shut lest his own jabbing, accusatory finger point back to him. But he's not. Don's but a noisy marketeer for an all-too-human civil corporation. And in order to keep the dying business out of threatening bankruptcy, folks have to be tricked into thinking the SW Ohio-Swampland Cult Cabal is the same as the Roman Catholic Church.

The blasphemous marketing strategy has its pay-off.  Once foolish culties buy into the fiction, manipulative cult masters can pass off as genuine Church teaching any fabrication they please. Hence the lurid, lunatic, on-the-fly prohibitions regarding women's footwear and clothing, popular music, or the kind of people with whom you may associate (unless, that is, you belong to the untouchable élite).  If you do believe the "clergy's" tall tales, then you'll surely agree you're bound under pain of sin to contribute generously to the support of bone-lazy, renegade "clergy," won't you?

No one, not even a congenitally "slow" cultie child, should be taken in by Sinburn's frequent riffs on the superiority of the Catholic Church. Their purpose is to make you (incorrectly) infer that she is to be found whole in Donnie's man-centered enterprise. The reality is, however, that the family-owned sect he runs for now is a splintered, hideously distorted reflection of Christ's immaculate Bride.

But those of you who grasp the difference between Catholic and "Catholicoid" won't fall for deceptive, image-twisting language games.  Hee and haw and kick as Big Don might, graced Catholic faithful can't mistake the worldly traits of divisiveness, greed, self-interest, and materialism for the divine marks of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.



  1. PL.

    An interesting article again.

    We have just heard that Big Don is going down under to Australia in January.It would appear the folk there have dumped CMRI.It is well known that Pivarunas has confirmed there several times in the last six years.Know anything?

  2. CMRI now losing the Australia Mission.This news comes to us as no surprise.That effeminate priest who was ordained by Bishop Pivarunas that is down there lost the folk in Kiwi land(New Zealand)too.Even the FSSP know all about him and his bizarre and very strange behaviour.Why does Pivarunas do nothing.This is very serious when a bishop takes no action on a scumbag like that.

  3. So the Novus Ordo "Church" is really the Catholic Church? And chapels of people just trying to keep the teachings handed down to them are not Catholic? I didn't know they had internet access at the funny farm.

  4. Your religion approves divorce and remarriage, contraception, sodomy, abortion, and every form of paganism, heresy and idolatry. It prohibits any attempt to bring non-Catholics to the Catholic religion. Your "pope" prays(?) to a "crucifix" of Our Lord nailed to a hammer and sicle, and can't even answer a few simple yes/no questions put to him by his own "cardinals" about whether divorce is ok.

    Suddenly those traditional Catholic chapels you denounce, with all their faults, don't seem so bad in comparison.

  5. We made the comment at 8.30pm.Did we say we were Novus Ordo.We hold the Traditional Catholic Faith and say our Mass prayers,etc at home.We saw to many bad scandals at these sede chapels and left.Do you approve of sede priests dumping good people,please wake up.

  6. Ha,Ha,ha,you talk of sodomy,etc in the New Church.It is a known fact that a number of sede clerics are sodomites.

    1. Give us some names with definitive proof.

  7. A very good analysis, as always PL. Anonymous 9:09 and Anon. 9:13 seem to be missing the point. Big Don - and all the other self-appointed pastors do not have ordinary jurisdiction and do not pass on what the Church has always taught but their own interpretation of it. The example of refusing sacraments to those who will attend an 'una cum' Mass suffices - this is not Catholic teaching but speculative theology. Likewise the praxis of the Kellyites towards the Thucites and, no doubt, vice versa.

    1. You've put it perfectly, TC.

      Today, many of those who profess the traditional Catholic faith are far better off staying at home, as 8:30 PM/9:31 PM wrote. The only exception we can imagine is perhaps finding a completely independent, guileless "priest" who refrains from all this useless speculation, doesn't intimate he has jurisdiction or a commission, and offers the sacraments to anyone who self-identifies as Catholic. For many of the faithful, home alone or finding such a man seems to be the only informed response to the mystery of the ecclesial crisis we've been living since V2.

    2. Thuc line clergy have no problem with Bishop Kelly or his holy orders.
      Bishop Kelly in my opinion is wrong.I have assisted at SSPV holy mass but couldn't receive the Sacraments.I didn't take it personal.

  8. Sanborn talks about the election in his November newsletter. There is a picture of Hillary Clinton captioned "Bill Clinton's Wife". Whether you are a supporter of her or not, doesn't she deserve the courtesy of her name being used? Is she only "Bill Clinton's wife?". Another sign of Sanborn's misogyny?

    1. The newsletter isn't online yet, so you must go to that church or have given a certain amount to have one mailed to you. I hope you are not giving your money to that place.

      Sanborn is known to be a misogynist. That is nothing new. He is also known to be a hypocrite by allowing his chosen families to choose which rules to follow; to live a lavish lifestyle; and to promote from within those chosen families.

      My questions to you are: if you go there, are there any alternatives in your area? If not, would you go to an alternative if there were any? Do you see other parishioners having your same opinion of that place?

      Why would anyone give money to a misogynist? The Catholic Church elevated the role of women. His own mother, Martha, Mary Magdalene, the numerous other saints all prove that women are not to be looked down upon like the Muslims look down upon their women. It floors me that anyone gives money to this man or to his organization of hate.

    2. May I say with perfect candidacy as one who does go to another chapel in the area - that I would hesitate to counsel them to look elsewhere. If they are that immersed in this swamp why would we want an influx of these people who have swallowed so much sewage already that we might run the risk of cross-contamination - no thank you !

    3. Muslims are conquering the world due to zero education & blind faith to their religion.

  9. The people who publish this site and the scum that visit it and read it and comment on it are so prejudiced and ignorant that they are an insult to serious Traditional Catholics. Step back and read what you are writing. I know none of the players who are subjects of your vitriol. But any honest reader of your trash must realize that there is a sinister bias toward those whom you excoriate. Get over it and find yourselves some worthwhile mission to pursue. Shame on you. Grown men and women should know better.

    1. Very hypocritical, don't you think? You came here, read, commented, judged, but then again, you don't know the people who you are defending? Not a likely situation. Yet, you criticize people who had the displeasure of actually knowing the players of these places.

    2. Anon. Nov. 28, 12:29 PM

      Since you admitted you don't know the "clergy" whom we discuss, we must gently correct you on several counts. First, the content of our site is not "vitriol." It's actually simple, objective reporting of the facts from folks who've had direct experience with the scum "clergy" you mistakenly champion. Second, the bias against these crud balls is righteous, and the our mission is noble: We all want to make certain that grown men and women know better than to support sleaze bags who take advantage of traditional Catholics.

      Why not pose this challenge to yourself? Get to know these characters by joining their cults and handing over your hard-earned bucks. Then, if you have the humility, come back in, say, five years and tell us how right we are.

  10. A report that contains the words "scum" "crud balls" and "sleaze bags" is not objective reporting. It is vitriol pure and simple. If you can't see that then you are so biased as to be blind to the truth. Wallow in your vitriol but you will not convince any sane person that what you are reporting is the unbiased truth.

    1. Those are sober, dispassionate epithets, although when you consider the creeps they refer to, they're really quite mild, almost charitable, in fact. To label something accurately is not bias, and you're the one blind to the truth if you gainsay their perfect applicability.

    2. I've met these men this site is about. While I wouldn't use those words, I would say that they are not nice people. Not only that, these men have no problems using the same words about others. What makes it even more disgusting is that it comes from the clergy.

  11. A little besides the scope of the current discussions ... but may I inquire where the quote "A mirror eats donkeys and spits out fools" is taken from?

    1. The divine H.L.Mencken's A New Dictionary of Quotations on Historical Principles from Ancient & Modern Sources (Knopf 1942).


    The St Lawrence Press blog mentions in a post announcing their 2017 Ordo that 'despite the latest attempt of plagiarism by certain USA cult, one claiming incidentally to uphold traditional standards of morality(!).' Could he be referring to the SGG crew referenced here? The difficulty is that given recently butchery of ordines, it might not be SGG doing the copying.

    1. Thanks for the info. We're not sure exactly of the reference, but it sure could be, especially because of the Psalm abbreviations.

      We're glad the 2017 edition is out now. That way people can order it before SGG starts to promote another inferior product.

      Frankly, we can't see why anyone would buy another product, given the poor quality of the competing products.

    2. As an update, we note that SGG has had the unmitigated gall to put out a 2017 version of their own with the SLP psalm coding system. You'd think they would have been ashamed as a result of PL's devastating criticism of their 2016 effort.

    3. I think it has long been clear that the SGG crew do not have a sense of shame. Quite likely the small English publisher is something only one or two of their priests (Tony and maybe Dan if Tony talks to him) will know about. I ordered a copy myself. Only a layman, but a 1940 Missal, only has a table of moveable feasts as far as 1972. I'd also like to learn how it works. An ordo has a complexity distilled into a few terse words, letters and numbers. Hopefully SLP could sent a legal letter, or just a frank request for them to stop stealing, but that would be likely be an utter waste of time and money.

    4. An updated Tabella temporaria Festorum mobilium is available. In fact. we have one that reaches as far as 2049. Plus, we'd wager that there are plenty available free online.

      But you really don't need an updated matrix to learn all the movable feasts for any year. They can be found by using the Tabula Paschalis Nova Reformata printed in any Tridentine altar Missal, provided you know how to calculate the Dominical Letter and the Epact for a given year.

      The formulae are very easy — simple arithmetic plus one little matrix of 2 rows, six cells each. If you're really interested, send PL an anonymous e-mail, and we'll explain it.

  13. Hi, Anon @7:55PM

    Re: sending a legal letter (demanding that the SGG cult respect SLP's copyright) is good idea.

    Yes, it costs $$$ - but an upright trad Catholic (who's a practicing US attorney) might do this pro bono. This should not merely be seen as a favor to SLP, but something supporting a worthwhile, Catholic cause - upholding Catholic liturgical/publishing standards as well as the common decency of respecting others' copyright and intellectual output.

    But I wonder if even this would shame the SGG cult into behaving decently.

    1. A very good idea. Maybe somebody in England reading these comments will inform the press's board of directors about this option.

  14. Go ahead and say whatever you want its fine.
    Pope Michael Bawden is a humble intelligent speaker and I enjoy listening to his videos.
    Thank the Lord our priest at the local Sedevacantist chapel is not involved with any of the clerics this blog talks about!

    1. Annon Nov 26 at 8:50 PM

      The said Priest has not lost all folks in NZ/Australia. Leave them alone and work out your own personal salvation.
