
Saturday, December 3, 2016


Times change, and men deteriorate. Gesta Romanorum

Fair is fair.  The devil deserves his due.

PL's spent a lot of time cataloguing Tradzilla's shortcomings, but today he merits our congratulations. Although he hasn't been able (yet) to swallow up Our Lady of the Sun in Arizona, his cult appears to have gained a new satellite — tiny Saint Dominic's in Highland, MI.

It seems this minor acquisition unfolded gradually over the last year.  First, Tradzilla and the Clone boldly celebrated there  "Bishop" Robert McKenna's Requiem. Next the mercurial Long-Island Jellyfish made a long-overdue "ad limina" pilgrimage to the boggy Swampland in order to participate in the "ordination" of the latest pesthouse completer (click here for the pix, last pages). Sealing the deal (at least in our view) was a notice in the cult's November schedule that the aforementioned completer was slated to say Mass on the 13th at the small Highland chapel.

The little place isn't particularly wealthy, but make no mistake: this is a huge victory for the rector.

"Why a victory?" you may ask. "A welcome boost to his badly bruised ego, yes. But how is it a triumph?"

The answer lies in the history of the contentious establishment of the Michigan mini-cult, which, in the opinion of one frequent visitor, always gave the impression of being organized around a raw and lasting antipathy to the Donster. As different as trads are socially, educationally, and economically, everyone at the splinter-group, including the "sisters," appeared to be on the same page when it came to the rector, the mention of whose name used to elicit wounded glances, furrowed brows, or venomous ridicule. (One witty, well-educated member of the group, a gifted mimic and stage-worthy comedian whose comic timing was impeccable, could induce wild fits of derisive laughter with his spot-on impressions of the loathsome cult kingpin.)

To lend credence our reading of the Highland emotional atmosphere, here's a bit of background.

Back in November 2003, amid talk of closing the "school" and relocating the Detroit-area pesthouse complex to the fetid Swampland, three members of Tradzilla's chapel filed articles of incorporation for St. Dominic Church, Inc. Then in March 2004, the Jellyfish along with a couple of so-called sisters filed paperwork for Saint Dominic Chapel, Inc., with the additional provision that "no laypersons...shall have any authority over, directorship of, management of, or financial control over this corporation."*

As you might guess, Tradzilla wasn't amused when he got hold of both documents a while later. In a February 23, 2005, communication with attachments, he charged the parties involved with hatching and executing a "breakaway plan." Hillary-like, he boo-hooed:
[...] it is deplorable that not a single one of these parishioners, some of whom I had known and served since the 1970's and 1980's, had the decency and forthrightness to come and tell me, face to face, what their grievances or accusations were, thereby permitting me to respond, a courtesy afforded even to common criminals — to face your accusers and to respond to them.
The year previous to the above communication had been one of acrimony over the closing and sale of the Detroit-area pesthouse "school," as blistering letters and combative emails bear out.  From what we can determine, the harsh exchanges started in late May 2004, when the Donster whined in a letter to parents:
Many of you have recently subjected me to backbiting, insult, and vilification concerning   these events, both in word and deed [...] most of you — not all — have displayed to me either insufficient interest, or downright bad attitude [Donnie's emphasis].
Taking umbrage, in June one of the lay signatories to articles of incorporation sent Tradzilla a long, allegedly "mortally sinful" letter airing much dirty laundry. After rehearsing a string of grievances and criticisms, he chided:
You have always said that if several people perceive the same faults in you and assess your behavior or personality in the same manner, you should consider it true and work to improve upon it. I can assure you that what I have written here is the nearly universal sentiment of the school families and many of the parish people [....] Up until recently, had you demonstrated the humility and charity to communicate in person with your parishioners, to accept the correction offered you by the elderly, pious Bishop who consecrated you, and to work in charity and justice to restore the confidence of the people in your leadership, you could have salvaged a lot of support. Instead [...] you relied upon hearsay and gossip for information dissemination, wrote increasingly mordacious letters accusing everyone and everything but yourself for all of the problems, and then wondered why you lost the respect and support of the school families and other parishioners.
Following up in October, another outspoken advocate for teeny, embattled Highland bitterly admonished Big Don:
Your interest has only been what would please your main benefactor. Does this sound like a hireling rather than a shepard [sic]? One could see that you had no respect for the other parishioners that had no interest in moving to Florida. Those that went appear to be cultists where you control every detail of their life. I feel sorry for the children in Florida, they didn't have a choice. I hope they don't drink the purple kool aid [....] On a personal note, I don't like your dividing families with no moral justification. Your simple mind control technique of taking advantage of a family tragedy. You can't hide poor management decisions behind the catholic [sic] religion. Feel free to contact me with any questions since I don't shun people nor believe that is the way our Lord spread his [sic] word.
Then, coming full circle, in response to Tradzilla's February 23, 2005, communication, yet another layman reproached the self-pitying rector for his double standards:
I truly think you should look at the mind of the Church in Her [sic] reaction to the Franciscan reforms, and apologize to Fr. Neville for suggesting he did a Judas-like act. West Highland is not in your back yard, but 50 miles from Fraser [MI]. It is outside of the radius you once set up for confessions, even at Warren [MI]. Hardly the back yard to Fraser. And it is even more ironic to see that when you moved the Armada seminary in the early 80's, out of all the places in the US, you chose to move it to Connecticut, right in the middle of two traditional mass centers in Brewster and Monroe, each about 15 miles away! [...] One can even wonder why you knowingly set up your Florida site about 15 miles from another traditional site, and then advertise in one of your public letters how you would like it to be a "center" for Catholics, thus effectively soliciting Catholics around the country and world to leave the priests they are currently helping to support....but horror that a person from Highland might have "contact" with one of your parishioners and possibly sway him towards another Mass site, so you indiscriminately forbid all St. Dominic parishioners from going to Mass in Fraser....even though the mind of the Church is to allow even heretics, Jews and pagans to attend a public Mass if they wish.
We've got lots more material, but that's enough background, we think, for you to get the picture: There was plenty of bad blood between the people of itty-bitty Highland and Big Bad Don. In fact, the animosity struck one observer as so pronounced that he can't conceive how this aggrieved community could countenance the Jellyfish's apparent communion with Tradzilla. From our perspective, it looks as though (1) the Donster didn't even have to make reparation for the hurt and pain over the last decade or so, and ( 2) the Jellyfish made his stunning one-eighty without so much as an eensy-teensy mouse-squeak of protest. (Sorry, folks, but bitter complaints over the telephone, in the car, or at the dinner table don't count as a challenge.)

Vanquishing an overmatched, former subordinate isn't that remarkable — if you know all the players' personalities. The signal triumph here is over the chapel laity.  Their non-reaction (other than a presumed private loss of respect and trust) is nothing short of startling. Why did this independent traditionalist coterie, once seemingly bonded together by a shared animus for the Donster, tolerate such abject capitulation?  Someone may correct us if we're wrong, but we haven't heard of any resistance to the cynical rapprochement.

Could it be that, like so many other trads, they'll always submit without vocal objection to their "clergy's" shifting positions, no matter how baffling? Could they be unaware that all Tradistani "clergy" come with a sell-by date?

If our speculation is right, then it sheds light on the control the cult masters wield over their prey. And it explains why cult "clerics" manifest so much contempt for the laity who pay their bills. Traddie laymen and -women seem willing to sacrifice their principles whenever their quicksilver "clergy" suffer a change of mind. Like a gullible, simpleminded child, they're willing to follow —with conscience silenced and common sense repressed— to the beckoning edge, notwithstanding the known peril awaiting them at their feet.

Theirs is an absurd noösphere, as bizarre as the word's coiner. In it antitheses dissolve, and impossibilities materialize:
What was black is now white;
Contradictory propositions may be, and are, both true and false at the same time — tertium quidem datur
The leopard can change its spots.
* PL wonders out loud whether someone might successfully challenge the midget corporation by arguing that trad "priests" and "bishops" are laypersons themselves. After all, how can they be bona-fide clergy if they neither belong to, nor have a commission from, an organized ecclesiastical body?


  1. Here's my problem with the situation: Sanborn publicly bashed that chapel, Fr. neville, the main families who he felt instigated the split, and the act itself. He felt betrayed that someone could steal from him...Him, not the church or the parish. He claimed that they started a foundation with a similar name so that they could cash HIS checks and start their new church. Since he publicly insulted and drug their name through the mud, shouldn't he publicly apologize? It wasn't just the act he discussed PUBLICLY, but he used the families and Fr. Neville's character as an opportunity to discredit them.

    At the time of the move, his main donor's daughter was still in Bishop Mckenna's convent. Sanborn and Selway were planning on starting their own convent in Florida as well. Who heads that convent? That's right, the sister they stole from Bishop Mckenna's convent. Who takes care of that convent's main form of income (besides Arizona's generous contribution until they build their convent in Brooksville AND the main families who endulge the sisters with anything and everything)? That's right, another sister who they stole from Bishop Mckenna's convent, the seamstress (who, as Sanborn referred to as the only nun their worth anything.)

    This is the kind of person who many feel is upstanding and spreading the faith? This man is the Catholic future? I don't think so. Yet, people give him thousands and tens of thousands of dollars when they are living and even more in death. How does SGG put it? Oh, don't forget us in your wills!

    1. You've have hit the nail on the head! You obviously know the whole sordid story.

  2. From what rumors have suggested, the main benefactor was having money issues; hence, the move to Florida. I know that rumors existed that it was for junior's hands, but who moves an entire parish and seminary due to one man's hands? They were afilliated with a California chapel. Why not just send him there instead of moving and building the master seminary? In fact, they already had land bought and paid for in Michigan to build the church, seminsru, and school in Michigan. Many parishioners told them they could not afford it be able to leave their job and life for Florida, but the "Big 3" were able to do it. Nothing mattered except the BIG THREE!

    No, no, this move was all done as requested by Selway. They visited a town with not one, but TWO Latin masses. They thought they could steal away parishioners from those two chapels, and they even met with the priests from those chapels! When they felt Tampa's chapel was a threat, they discredited the Tampa chapel as a liberal chapel where you shouldn't trust your salvation. These men actively recruit individuals who they feel can contribute financially to their business, and it is a $$$$ business. It's not done for the souls, but for money. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to steal away any Arizona parishioners who have money once that convent is built and they don't need Arizona anymore.

    1. Rumor has it that the AZ "recruitment" has already started.

    2. The Arizona chapel needs to look at their wealthy. Who has money? Are they being treated with a great deal of attention? Then, there's the answer!

    3. It was a little more complicated than that. The move to Florida was precipitated by a conversation in 2002 between the eponymous jellyfish and a former classmate of his over the issue of sedevacantism. The classmate confided in the jellyfish that he was no longer a sedevacantist and hadn't been one since 1998. The next day the jellyfish reported this to one hand who sought to arrange a trip to steal away the classmate's 2 satellite chapels. Suspecting this to be the case the classmate arranged for one hand to visit all 3 chapels and to personally to accompany him to all 3 locations. In all 3 locations Dan blasted JP2 as a heretic and the people were up in arms. The following week the classmate rebutted Dan in all 3 locations and severed ties with Dan. Dan then egged on Don to move to Fl to put the classmate out of business assuring him it would be "worth his while". A "seminarian" who was in the original Detroit location subsequently related all this to me years ago. The specious reason of the kid's hands was easily exposed - when it was related that health required warmer climes - an enterprising layman bothered to check the Brooksville temperature and noted it was lower that day than Detroit (middle of winter) - obviously something else had to account for it all.

    4. "They were afilliated with a California chapel."

      I was not aware of this. Which chapel do you mean?

    5. It's in their monthly bulletin

    6. What is in their monthly bulletin? And in which bulletin? What month?

    7. They have chapels in Modesto and Martinez, California. Zapp and Larabee are the pastors

  3. Most people just want everyone to get along. Also it is Christian to forgive and to preserve unity if at all possible. While Sanborn is a loose cannon who when angry (self righteous rage) blackens everyone and anyone's reputation (no doubt he deceives himself by thinking he is the 2nd Coming) and will no doubt stab these folks in the back if it will benefit him at some future date (and will always damn behind their backs because he IS superior to everyone and never forgets any slight), these MI folks are probably just happy that he is playing nice. They are not going to demand a formal apology etc. but just overlook Sanborn's dishonesty, projection, raving mad dog rages, paranoia, etc. The fact that he has invited them back into his fold is probably taken by them as a tacit admission (if he didn't admit in private) that he was completely wrong and totally out of line and he's learned his lesson and will never ever do it again. Honest Injun.

    1. A very interesting take on the the situation! Worth thinking about.

      Of course, it's possible that he interprets the current kumbaya fest as a tacit admission that HE was right all along and that the Highlanders have finally come to their senses.

      Only time will tell.

      But as one cult insider confided to us, Tradzilla will never forget the "betrayal," so a day of reckoning will come sooner or later.

    2. Should have said, "he never forgets any IMAGINED slight/betrayal"

  4. Is it possible that Sanborn has ran out of money and is just looking for more donations for his seminary? So, he needed to join up with as many chapels as he could to keep his train wreck of a seminary to keep functioning?

    1. Insiders have told us that his main benefactor ("Moneybags," as he was once described) doesn't have the same kind of cash to throw away that he had in MI. And if he does, then he's probably holding on to it so it's not wasted.

      In 2011, Tradzilla announced a Big $30K Plan for raise needed funds annually, but nothing more was said about it. We assumed that he was told that cult was willing to cough up that much money and hand it to him. Other cult masters enjoy spending like crazy too.

      We've also heard that as a result of the 2009 SGG "School" Scandal, outside contributions have dipped. So, yes, we'd guess he's scrounging for bucks in addition to trying to extend his waning influence. Tiny Highland isn't super wealthy, but several years ago, twe heard from a very good source that they had some healthy investments said to be more than a million dollars. (There was a building plan at the time, we think.) Maybe those assets are much less today owing to the financial crisis, but we would doubt they were wiped out.

      If we've heard of this little nest egg, then so has Tradzilla. And since AZ still seems to be courageously resisting his takeover initiative, it's probably worth the effort to lure them further into his web.

    2. If I recall correctly, Highland and Brooksville have some of the same family members. I'm sure insider information could have been shared. Since the Brooksville link is Big 3 related, you know if this is the case, it was shared with Sanborn.

    3. Yes, that's right. Plus there was some bragging going on that must have reached Fraser and then traveled to B'ville by the grapevine.

  5. Just for the record, many parishioners did tell Sanborn their concerns. Like normal, he ignored them. Just like he did when he made the blanket rule about no television or sports in his school. He felt that his "protected families" (aka: sheltered) shouldn't be subject to any of the talk that may be brought in because these other families may let their children play an occasional sport or other outside activity, so he banned everything. The problem was that his "protected families" had the means $$$ for private everything or the tenacity to do things such as watch television plugged in outside the house (because technically it wasn't inside the house breaking the rule.) So, yes, even before the move south, many parishioners expressed concern. Sanborn had a history of ignoring the concerns. How many families can just pick up and move to a different state without losing everything, including a job? He never cared about that, did he? He left everyone for what? So one family could escape financial bankruptcy he left an entire congregation? Or if you believe the hands issue, move an entire school, congregation, and seminary for one person (especially since land was already bought and ready to build)?

    Don't let this man fool anyone: he belongs to Selway. He plans on making his son a bishop and has his daughter head the convent. Another Selway will probably run any other new venture he attempts. They may as well call Sanborn The assistant and direct all inquiries to Senior Selway.

    1. "The Assistant" — a genius epithet!

      BTW, we noticed in the December schedule that Junior'll be in London on Dec. 11. With all this foreign travel lately, it seems to us as though big ceremony is coming closer and closer. And if the Jellyfish went to the Swampland for a mere ordination, it might be a good bet that he'll be there for the consecration. Maybe as an assistant to The Assistant? The suspense is killing us!

    2. If Sanborn is matched up with Neville, will there be a need for Dolan anymore? Are they distancing themselves due to all the bad press at SGG?

    3. Most of the servers on the December schedule appear to be from Big 3 families. Do they not have other children at that Church or is it that you just can't be a part of things unless you are one of those families? There is a possible third option: no one wants their kids to be a part of that place?

    4. The ushers have the same last name as some of the servers. So, only these families are allowed to take part in this Church (except for donating, of course!)

      This may be why they do not do anything for their community or the less fortunate in their church (or maybe they don't allow less fortunate individuals in their church?) Is there a poor box? Are their projects or volunteers to help others or just to help with seminary or convent things?

      Interesting how Our Lord teaches charity and encouraged all to follow, but this Church only encourages the elite and seems to have a lack of charity. I don't think I could call that Catholic.

  6. Anon. Dec. 4, 3:13 PM

    We'd agree that Dannie's going to be squeezed out. No one's happy with SGG, and we're told the Big 3 are infuriated that Don's association with SGG has put them all in the spotlight. And while we can understand how and why the Jellyfish is back with Tradzilla, we can NEVER imagine it hanging out with "One Hand" or the Cheeseball. (If that ever occurs, then we'll know the world is upside down and ready to disappear!) Personally, we don't think "One Hand" will be invited to be an assistant bishop at Junior's consecration, although he may be allowed to attend if he wants. But we doubt he wants to: Big Don's consecration was shock enough to his hopes. But when the Kid is elevated, with all the $$$ behind him, there'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

  7. Reader, what exactly was the "correction offered (Sanborn) by the elderly, pious Bishop who consecrated (him)"?

    1. From what we we remember, in a very stern letter, he upbraided him for his treatment of the "sisters."

  8. Not too long ago Sanborn & Cekada were proponents of "independent" priests (every chapel has its own Thuc 'bishop'). Change could be due to their "internet ministry" --trying to look bigger/more respectable/ Catholic (Sanborn suddenly forming a priestly society) to rake in more cash vs. lone (hungry) wolves/one man cults.


      Tradzilla ruefully eyes all those resources just "wasting" out there in the hands of independents, and he means to get his percentage.

      You know that membership in his new group won't be free! We'd love to see the "fee structure." We'll also bet dues are payable to a newly formed corporation.

    2. Where will the checks go? Florida, Michigan, Ohio, European countries, or some other place he hides his assets?

    3. Anon @10:45PM

      Most likely, the checks will go to a Panama corporation! hahaha

    4. Panamá — that's rich! Good thinking.

      The cult kingpins (and the élite laity) have a ton of corporations, that's for sure. Our guess is that Tradzilla will start a new one with different "clerical" signers just to keep things so mixed up they'll never be disentangled.

      BTW, we wonder what's happening on that front. He still hasn't followed up on his initial announcement last summer.

  9. I suppose there's a few shell corporations in Delaware. Whoever holds the pursestrings surely won't want the patent embarassment of being found out for sending chapelgoer's money to Panama or the Bahamas. This is interesting news anyhow.

    1. We think there are corporations all over the place. Years ago a lawyer advised the cult masters to create a snarl of entities.

  10. Let me get this straight: This place is a family owned church, run by a handful of families? Yet, they let other families in for tithing reasons. The one in charge is someone named Selway and the assistant who follows Selway's orders is Sanborn. Sanborn doesn't like being the puppet anymore, so he is starting a new organization so he can finally be in charge of something and so he doesn't have to take orders from Selway. Arizona won't turn over the Church and money so that he can sell them off and start this new organization, so his organization has been delayed, most likely, until he consecrates junior and receives a nice bonus from his Boss Selway. In the meantime, he cuddles up with Michigan's Highland church and the Bishop there so that he can collect more money for his dwindling seminary?

    And about that seminary: he can't keep anyone there if they have a chance to go home because they won't come back to that place. So, why does he need more money to expand it or build a new one?

    From grapevine rumors, and just as the above is speculation, I can't verify this, but there has been much talk about some independent priests cutting ties with Sanborn. What do you know about this?

    1. As you say, it's just talk now, but we too have heard of independents' keeping him at a distance. We think they're just getting sick and tired of his highhandedness. For instance, according to one unconfirmed story we heard, a "priest" was told to deny communion to a chapel member because of an ad on the individual's website, but he steadfastly refused.

      In addition, we've heard that even those independent "clergy" who haven't completely broken off relations with him are very wary of the Donster and have made sure their chapels are safely in their possession.

      All these stories have led us to speculate that perhaps a reason for the tardy announcement of his new organization may be owing to stiff resistance to the idea of belonging to a group under his control. These priests have better things to do with their people's money than pay tribute to Tradzilla or take his guff.

      At this point, we'd be willing to make a wager (given the appropriate odds, to be sure) that the new organization may never come off, just like his Big $30K Plan of several years back: he makes a noisy announcement, scares the living daylights out of everyone, and then has to walk it back for lack of participation.

      In the end, it might be just Donald and the Jellyfish along with the cartoonish three caballeros Scut, Squirmin' Herman, and the Toady.

      Curiously, we don't think his failure on this front will stop Junior's consecration and take over of the compound. Our guess is that the élite down there have had it up to their... whatever... with Tradzilla and want him out so they can avoid all the bad publicity and get back onto social media. (Some may already be back on, based on recent pix we've come across.)

  11. "In June, 2002, he was consecrated a bishop by the Most Rev. Robert F. McKenna, OP.

    Because Fr. Selway needed to be in a warm climate for health reasons, Bishop Sanborn decided in 2003 to move the seminary from Michigan to Florida. He purchased a small church and school facility in the city of Brooksville in Hernando County, about fifty miles north of Tampa. Shortly thereafter he purchased approximately forty-eight acres, also in Hernando County, on which to build the seminary."

    He moved the seminary one year after he became a Bishop? Why? There's more to this.

    1. When Tradzilla got his miter, Dannie was livid. It almost dissolved their association. Now we bet the Élite wish it had come apart: they wouldn't be the focus of so much criticism.

      We think the move to the Swampland had been in the works for some time. His consecration was just one necessary step before the big move. Junior had to be assured of his birthright, and it certainly wasn't going to come from "One Hand."

    2. Dannie was indeed livid - he had just been to Fraser to put on a whole Pontifical Holy Week at Don's invitation - the next newsletter announced Don's "promotion". Dannie realized he had been used by Don to show the value of having a permanent bishop in residence.

      Don also made sure that his lineage did not descend from Mark Anthony (of Cleopatra fame) because of the connection with CMRI and its "sordid" past. I guess he overlooked the weird and erratic behavior of the "Exorcist Bishop".

      In 2002 I predicted 3 things to Dannie: Don would fall out with McKenna, never build the "Dominican Motherhouse" although the foundation was already poured and abandon the "Thesis" of Des Lauriers and revert to full blooded SV-ism. Within the year all came to pass as I said. The reason he came to Florida was not a planned event but a reaction to an unknown story which I relayed above but was conveniently derailed:

      "It was a little more complicated than that. The move to Florida was precipitated by a conversation in 2002 between the eponymous jellyfish and a former classmate of his over the issue of sedevacantism. The classmate confided in the jellyfish that he was no longer a sedevacantist and hadn't been one since 1998. The next day the jellyfish reported this to one hand who sought to arrange a trip to steal away the classmate's 2 satellite chapels. Suspecting this to be the case the classmate arranged for one hand to visit all 3 chapels and to personally to accompany him to all 3 locations. In all 3 locations Dan blasted JP2 as a heretic and the people were up in arms. The following week the classmate rebutted Dan in all 3 locations and severed ties with Dan. Dan then egged on Don to move to Fl to put the classmate out of business assuring him it would be "worth his while". A "seminarian" who was in the original Detroit location subsequently related all this to me years ago. The specious reason of the kid's hands was easily exposed - when it was related that health required warmer climes - an enterprising layman bothered to check the Brooksville temperature and noted it was lower that day than Detroit (middle of winter) - obviously something else had to account for it all."

    3. Who is the classmate?

      What erratic behavior of McKenna?

      The entire Joe Selway family followed Sanborn to Florida, along with a handful of other families. Or, did Sanborn follow Selway to Florida?

    4. Anon.6:49 may wish to answer the first two questions, but as to the last, it's more like Tradzilla was given his marching orders by "Moneybags."

    5. No - moneybags moved to Florida and Don followed. The real reason moneybags moved was to get away from the McKenna "Nuns" who treated the children so harshly in Don's school in Fraser. Don found out about the real reason for the move and when he finally sheepishly asked if it was true - he was told "Yes !"

    6. I doubt that the move was based on the nuns since the Brooksville nuns were said to be slamming kids' heads into walls, having them clean for them, having kids tattle on parents, kids lay on floors with their arms stretched out and nose to the ground, and belittling the kids. Some of that was said to be done by moneybag's own daughter.

      It has never been a secret that Sanborn disliked Mckenna's nuns. In fact, he claimed the one he stole was the only one worth anything since she could sew.

      It's hard to imagine what kind of relationship he will have with them now that he's joined up with Neville. I'm pretty sure the animosity will remain.

    7. From what we've heard, the "Sewing Nun" went to Don after McKenna was pressured to kick her out of CT. We think her "worth" was greatly enhanced in Tradzilla's eyes owing to some juicy information she brought with her. It gave the Donster a very big edge, so it's no wonder he accepted a McKenna "sister" so quickly as the only one who was any good.

    8. Monkey see monkey do. The move was based on the nuns. Don took 1 nun to start the ball rolling for his girls in dress up charade. On their "Academy" page the gals (so we are told) started "teaching" the same year as their "order" was founded - in other words without a postulancy, novitiate and any credible formal training in subjects they claim to "teach".

    9. But then it's the same for Dan, Don and Tony isn't it ?

    10. Rumors are that the nuns or graduates begin teaching the year they graduate. June graduation equals a fall teacher. That may be the reason why they have so many "issues" with them. They obviously have a lack of training if they are banging heads into the wall, lack charity if they treat a child of God cruelly, and seem to not take a vow of poverty if they allow others to make three meals for them. It was even said that one of their chefs is a ninety year old woman who makes their lunches and some dinners. The nuns should be doing for others, not having others do for them. Yet, hasn't that always been that groups' motto? What are they going to do when she dies?

      How a school can grow with untrained nuns and how a convent survives with spoiled nuns is quite odd. Makes me wonder what they receive for Christmas and who cooks their Christmas dinner?

    11. We guess the answer to their survival is: It's all in the family.

  12. Did you notice SGG's bishop corner? He was complaining about dwindling attendance, no one showing up for guard duty and not calling?

    1. People are tired & busy from the worldly demands.
      Novus Ordo & traditional clergy do not understand how demanding & physically exhausting the world is today.

    2. It's true people are tired and busy nowadays, but if motivated they will do extra. What we see is the loss of enthusiasm for the SGG enterprise in people who have had enough of Dannie's cult.
