
Saturday, December 17, 2016


How many people live on the reputation of the reputation they might have made! Holmes

Of late, the media have been been spinning in a moral tizzy with hand-wringing outrage over fake news. Bergie himself, who stuck his nose into the uproar last week, declared it sinful. (One of the few sins still around in the Vatican Establishment, we suppose.)

In PL's view,  equally reprehensible is fake repute. Fake news is swiftly discredited as the truth swiftly comes to light. But fake repute endures because people don't want to surrender a comforting meme even when faced with evidence disconfirming their misplaced esteem. It then takes persistent effort and lots of repetition to motivate folks to abandon their misbelief.

In the aftermath of the calamitous 2009 SGG School Scandal, so much information surfaced on the web that it's probably reasonable to assume that no one, neither rite-trash cultist nor drool-glazed pesthouse completer, believes any longer that Tony Baloney is a "great scholar and theologian." Likewise, nobody with half a brain today assents to all the hype touting His Excremency, "One-Hand Dan," as a "man of broad culture" and an "expert liturgist." TradWorld 's citizens have been set straight on the Dynamic Duo:  One by one, the folks're walking —if not running — away.

But in the case of Tradzilla, there persists a widely accepted canard that he's the SUPREME AUTHORITY; that he's the revered go-to guy in Traddielandia for the last word when it comes to matters ecclesiastical; that he epitomizes the intellectual standards of pre-Vatican II clergy. This amusing but pathological delusion may explain why many, including some independent "clergy," still feed his insatiable money-lust or play the lap dog in spite of their intense, personal dislike for him.

Part of the blame falls on PL. We've spent most of our time exposing "One Hand's" and Bonehead Tone's errors. In our defense, on a number of occasions we've pilloried Big Don for cringeworthy gaffes in his turgidly written newsletter — remember his howling blunder "desirous of living a more hermetic life" (click here)? Nonetheless, as many correspondents have fraternally chided us, we haven't done as much as we should have to correct the mistaken impression of Tradzilla's "expertise."

In this busy week before the Christmas weekend, we'll make amends for our negligence. It's important for traditional Catholics to realize Big Don is definitely not the master of churchly lore that the guileful Tradistani PR machine claims he is. As is PL's custom in these matters, the Readers will zero in on one seemingly small (but in truth hugely significant) detail, inasmuch as it's the little things in life that reveal the most.

We discovered today's tell-tale blunder by happenstance, as we were scanning the November 2016 pesthouse newsletter in a fruitless search for Tradzilla's announcement of the formation of his long-promised new organization of "priests" (and possibly at least one other spineless "prelate").  On page 3, in the caption beneath a photograph of Raymond Cardinal Burke, we read the following:
The magnificence of the cardinalatial robes consists in the fact that they are reflections of the glory of the Catholic Church ...
Oh, my!

The Readers bet the hillbilly cultists and hollow-eyed completers were passing impressed with the lumbering polysyllabic qualifier "cardinalatial." Not without reason we surmise the Donster was pretty proud of himself, too. What a rare, virtuosic command of ecclesiastical protocol! How the word slips with oleaginous luxury around and off the tongue, like a mouthful of warmed petroleum jelly.

Ah! that lilting cadence, an even run of a Leonine cursus planus without caesura: 🎶TUM-tiddy-TUM-tee🎶.  This, kind friends and cult-crazy foes alike, is a word peerless, disciplinary experts trot out for our admiration and humiliation — a word from the domain of the chancery "in crowd." We, the uninitiated lay masses, recalling the lessons of freshman-year composition, would've penned without affectation, "... the cardinal's robes...." But only fastidiously schooled, real-McCoy clergy have an adjective like cardinalatial lodged in their honeyed throats. None other than an élite churchman could've mined such a sesquipedalian gem from the deepest, darkest recesses of the English lexicon.

E X C E P T ... cardinalatial isn't the lexical unit the really educated would have typed!

The adjective's etymologically correct form is cardinalitial.

Yeah, sure, lexicographers have attested to Donnie's nonstandard lexeme,* but the same can be said for that barbarity irregardless. When it comes to the form recognized by authoritative dictionaries like the New Shorter O.E.D. or Webster's Third International Unabridged, you'll find it's cardinalitial.

If, however, you don't read Church documents in Latin, then by all means you'll never come across clues to the correct English spelling in terms-of-art like rotulus cardinalitius** (= annual dividend paid to cardinals resident at Rome) and titulus cardinalitius** (= title taken by a cardinal from a titular church of Rome), or in whole clauses like Cardinales... qui dignitati cardinalitiae... renuntiaverunt... and Habitus quem vocant cardinalitium... (from Pius XII's 1945 constitution Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis).

Additionally, if you don't read Italian or French works on the subject of Church polity, you'll never encounter phrases like dignità cardinalizia or prérogatives cardinalices.*** And if you don't understand much about classical and post-classical formation of Latin words, then you won't know why the vowel is i and not a in English. Without approved models to guide you  — and if you're too slothful to consult a reputable dictionary — then you just make it up out of thin air. Perhaps, may we guess, like Big Don ...  on the misguided analogy of palatial, an adjective dear to his checked upwardly mobile aspirations?

To all you Tradzilla fans out there, we say, Go for the gusto: guzzle all the theologically adulterated cult Kool-Aid you want about women's clothing/footwear, mixed swimming, or the una-cum-as-dogma fairy tale. (Whatever floats your pervo boat is O.K. by PL. ) However, if you have any regard for ecclesiastical learning, reject the myth of Big Don as past-master of Catholica. Spit out at once any of that swill, if you took a sip.

Amid the gathering disintegration of Tradistan, try to earn a little respect from cult-free traditional Catholics by jumping off the Swampland bandwagon.  Acknowledge Tradzilla for what he is — a foiled arriviste, counting on his bamboozled boosters not to notice the unnerving absence of intellectual pedigree. And, once you do that, you won't hesitate to


* We saw cardinalatial in an old, woefully unscholarly Maryknoll Catholic dictionary and in John-Charles Noonan's pretentious, error-strewn, and incompetently edited book on ceremony and protocol (which he dedicated in part to JPII). We also laughed ourselves silly on those occasions.

** Sometimes spelled cardinalicius.

*** It's surprising the Argentinian Squirmin' Herman didn't correct the Donster, since he surely knew the Spanish equivalent cardenalicio, as in capelo cardenalicio, diócesis cardenalicias, títulos cardenalicios, Colegio Cardenalicio, etc. Deeply embedded informants tell us Hermie studied Latin in a real university back in South America before descending into the downmarket pesthouse vocational program. He, therefore, should have known Tradzilla was wrong and intervened before his loud-mouthed master publicly embarrassed himself again. Could he have been fearful of the Donster's wrath, of his envy of a minion's superior education? Or did Squirmy  let Big Don intimidate him into believing the Donster was a master of the English language?


  1. The cultists sit at his feet and hang on his every word, as though he is a saint. It's quite sick how this man has become the expert and someone to look up to in the trad world. Why anyone would look to a misogynist as the know all, I'm quite surprised, especially since The Catholic Church has given women honor in Church history.

    The sad fact of Don's sick obsessions and outrageous rules and regulations have only led to his congregations' false sense of purity among the members, children who lead double lives, and parents who have no clue what their children are actually doing (sometimes in front of their rose colored glasses.)

    People need to start looking at who this man is and stop allowing his pompous attitude rule them and steal their money to feed his desire for wealth.

    1. Double lives also apply to the adults. We've recently seen a photo of the élite getting ready for mixed scuba diving in skin-tight wet suits. How on earth can Tradzilla permit them to make a mockery of his rules?

    2. I think you might have made a bigger score on the caption under the photograph of Card. Burke. Don ridicules his ring. Don's seminarians gave him the nickname of the "Lord of the Rings" because he has so many and pectoral crosses. Dan too lamented some years ago that after a break in a ring with and emerald was stolen - that was his "St. Patrick's Day" ring. Every time you read in a newsletter about a fund for the parking lot, or for an outdoor stations of the Cross, or the basketball court that was ruined in a Florida squall - please remember that the parking lot cost $45,000 (so he said) and he asked for donations to it 3 times in as many years even though it was already installed. When you read about his speaking trips to Europe (where 2 or 3 show up) it's another excuse to visit the Roman Jewelers and another crosier, miter and cross and ring - that's where it all goes !

    3. My goodness, flipping through the back issues of the Seminary Newsletter - another Cardinal gaffe ! June 2014 there is a photograph of 3 cardinals - the one called "unidentified Novus Ordo prelate" is none other than Bernardin Card. Gantin - the fellow who signed the excommunication decree of 1988 for Lefebvre et al. It was said in the early 90s that when Gantin walked into a room in the early 90s the cardinals went silent - he was the leading contender for JP2s replacement. How could this phony "Rector" not recognize one of the most important "prelates" of the 1980s and 1990s ? Absolutely clueless ! He writes about the Novus Ordo Church and doesn't even know the principal characters - abysmal !

  2. Does Sanborn impose his belief that Francis is not the Pope on his "parishioners" elevating the issue to the level of dogma? Does he believe that he has the authority to make that determination?

    1. Great questions. We'd love to hear what the folks have to say.

    2. Actually Don answered that question in one of his newsletters (I can't be bothered to trudge through all that verbiage again) but he wrote something to the effect that most people who go to his places aren't on board with his Papal theories - they just want the Mass. I suppose his way of looking at it is that he'll keep cranking it out even if they're not listening and accepting so long as the coffers are always filled.

  3. Ein Kardinalfehler, a cardinal(itial) error, as the Germans would say.

    1. Very nice, and a wonderful word for everything that comes out of the cult. They're all less than amateurs.

  4. Why did they send Fr McKenna out to visit Fr vaillencourt in Washington, when there is already a priest in Washington who could have performed a sick visit? Seems like a waste of money and resources for a plane ticket across the United States. Also, please explain Fr Vaillencourt's association with SGG.


    2. Another key question is, What happened with Uneven Steven's mission in Minnesota?

      Why haven't we heard from Dannie about that place for quite a while? Seems like the McFaker should be there rather than out West in Washington. For a long time, there's been radio silence about missionary activity in the North Star Star, and we'd like to know the status of Uneven's apostolate. We've heard some rumors, but that's all so far.

  5. Why send Uneven ? Well he "studied" under Vaillancourt. Also Vaillancourt is ex-CMRI and Big Don doesn't approve of them. If you compare the 2 lists of "Approved Masses" that Don and Dan have - Spokane is noticeably absent from Don's list.

    Does anyone know who's running Our Lady of Guadalupe now ? Vaillancourt seems to have had the place stolen from him. His "nuns" called in a group that supposedly had orders directly from Pius XII (a likely story). I cannot find out who's there now.

    Mount St. Michael issued a flyer about the change over and the "fake priests" in October but it hasn't appeared on the internet.

    1. The Nuns may have called SSPV
      Bishop Kelly's orders are in Pius XII line.

  6. How did Vaillancourt hook up with SGG. That's a long story: after leaving MSM he hooked up with George Musey (who ordained him and Piv). When Musey died he took up with Hillebrand - an Australian living in Kyoto teaching Japanese History to Japanese students (which makes perfect sense). Hillebrand was a "bon viveur" and when his priests chatted about this behind his back (like racking up $500 phone calls from the bridal suite in the local Hilton and boasting how many Japanese beers he could consume in 1 night) Hillebrand departed the US scene for good.

    Vaillancourt then invited "Jellyfish" (as the progeny of Mckenna with whom he kept in close contact over the years). Jellyfish was just that and so V. called in Dolan who was more than happy to dig in Piv's back yard (with MSM sitting up there on the bluff).

    1. We've heard a lot of stories...Many very nasty. But the BIG question we have is, Why did Uneven leave V to finish up with Checkie Cheeseball at SGG? "Bishop" McKenna sent McFaker out there, and at the time, from what we recall, the old man wasn't a fan of "One Hand." What changed the interpersonal dynamics?

    2. It was a question of logistics. V told me he could never work with Dan because it would hurt his credibility in certain Trad circles. I asked him what that meant - he mentioned Henneberry in Miami would be upset and so would McKenna.

      Henneberry had crossed swords before when he was the lay co-ordinator of his chapel with Dan.

      Mckenna's distrust was with the SSPX trying muscle in on his ORCM chapel in the early 80s. Those operatives of the SSPX later became the 9 SSPV and then they fragmented. Mckenna never forgot or forgave anyone who crossed him which was a huge surprise when he consecrated Don.

      Then there is the CMRI issue. Dan & Checkie sidled up to Piv. for a consecration and Dan got what he wanted. For Don the CMRI history and the lineage derived through Carmona (whom Check once - aptly - described as a "Ranch Priest") stuck. Dan held his nose. Don stayed away.

      Don angled for his own consecration but through des Lauriers, who, of course, was a celebrated Dominican theologian. In order to claim this "better pedigree" he had to hold his nose also since Mckenna was quite a problem with his Exorcist antics.

      This all smacks of Donatism of course (which it is).

      Now Henneberry died. Mckenna retired (after issuing an apology for some of the men he consecrated - I'm sure that stuck in Don's craw) so for confirmations V had only Mckenna's "successor" in the person of the "Jellyfish". Well when J made his one and only appearance in Spokane he was appalled by the liberalism of V and the parish. So logistically the only bishop that remained in the US of the Thuc line was Dan.

      There was a time when Dan had nothing good to say about V but as the proverb says "Needs must when the devil drives." He had no other choice. As others have correctly pointed out here Dan needed it also because his outlets for pontificating have been closing worldwide.

      If you follow the SGG bishop's column you will almost always notice that whenever Dan went to V he always said he was going to Spokane for confirmations and almost never mentioned V by name. I often speculated that this was done so those who might disapprove would not be fully aware of where he was going. In fact today's column is the first time that I can remember that he has ever mentioned V by name at all. With this explanation you can see why.

    3. Why did Uneven move on ? Well V has a tendency to paranoia ("big league" as Trump would say). He told me a couple of years ago that they were holding Satanic worship at MSM and that Piv was personally involved. When I heard that I realized V had serious mental issues.

      I contacted Piv and told him what had been said. He actually elaborated on many issues which V hadn't said. The sad thing was they we both agreed that V genuinely believed this stuff even though it was manifestly false.

      Also he suffered major physical health issues for years and in addition to the rumors surrounding Uneven himself there is no way V would have countenanced his continuation in Spokane.

      Thus for Uneven with Mckenna out, where else could he go but SGG ?

    4. But, wait! I thought Bishop McKenna is a Thuc line bishop; hence, that would make Sanborn a Thuc line?

      Why didn't Fr. McKenna go to the seminary with Sanborn instead of going to Cincinnati with Dolan? That doesn't even make sense that he wasn't required to go to the seminary, but instead had private instruction?

    5. I guess you aren't following the thread. Uneven started his training with Vaillancourt in Spokane. V was an ex-CMRI priest. Don doesn't deal with CMRI at any price so having started with an ex-CMRI and Dan and Tony once worked with CMRI (at least long enough to get a consecration) they naturally took him in. We are also forgetting that Uneven was supposed to be ordained for a church in MA but that deal folded and CMRI moved in so he ended up permanently at SGG.

      Subsequently, though Uneven has been allowed to Swampland for retreats and to carry Don's bags on trips to Europe. The chump even posed next to a fat statue and Don made obvious fun of the pair's rotundity.

    6. McKenna has said Mass at MHT, including the sermon. He hasn't been there for just retreats.

    7. Of course he has as has Fr. McMahon but that is a different matter. Sanborn once swore he would never allow him to set foot any place near him - but then even Rigid Don changes his mind.

      He became quite useful after the summer European tour as evidenced by September 2014 page 6.

    8. But the McFaker was ordained by Dannie in the MA church (that of the Willing Shepherds in Lawrence) and served as "priest" until he left a few months later for SGG. Rumor has it the Willing Shepherds were unwilling to hand over the property to the cult masters.

  7. I like your TUM-tiddy approach to meter. My teachers never came up with such devices although they did make us learn the rules. Such an approach is boring compared with yours. Many thanks!

    1. I'm the Reader who drafted that segment, and I thank you for your kind words. However, I'm bound in academic piety to tell you that I learned the technique from the college educated nun (and concert pianist) who taught me mediaeval Latin and verse composition at university way back in the early '60s.

      When she taught us the clausulæ from Toynbee's appendix to Dante's letters, she insisted we learn the basic rhythms for the cursus planus, tardus, & velox. After more than half century, they've never left me.

      While I must still pause for a second and think before I can recite the formal rules about paroxytonic tetrasyllables preceded by whatever etc., I'll never forget:

      TUM tiddy TUM tee, or TUM tidddy TUM tiddy, or TUM tiddy tiddy TUM tee.

      Those were the great teachers of the pre-VII Church, and the Tradistani cult masters never sat at the feet of such luminaries. To tell you the truth, they would never have been allowed to matriculate.

  8. Why does Sanborn send Palma from Phoenix out to California for a mission chapel when Larabee is less than 2 hours from the same mission. Larabee is in Modesto and Palma's mission is in Fresno. How does that even make sense monetary wise to have a priest fly in when they can drive in less than an hour and a half? Who is paying for that flight? Arizona's Our Lady of the Sun? They are draining every cent they can get from them while they can, aren't they? When is will their convent be built in Brooksville? Is Arizona paying for that too?

    Is this lack of joint venture in Washington and California a sign of an impending split between Dolan and Sanborn?

    1. In French they call it "un mariage de convenance". Don could hardly have run the "seminary" without Checkie's help. Now he's "trained" enough priests for the "faculty" he could well do without Dan & Tony altogether. I should tell you about the "miraculous nosebleed" sometime - that would make for a real understanding of the symbiotic (or should that be parasitic) relationship between these 2 "prelates".

    2. Nosebleed? I'm not sure I have heard about this.

    3. Oh but you should ! It was a "sacred event"! To avoid Don's consecration Tony & Dan went to SW USA for supposed sinus surgery for Dan. At the very hour that Don was being consecrated, Dan's nose began to bleed uncontrollably and nothing Tony did could make it stop. Now the miracle: (Dan's own words) "At the precise moment Don's ceremony concluded - so did the nosebleed" - so Dan called it a "Miraculous nosebleed".

    4. Sarcastically adding BTW: "I offered up every bit of suffering for Don." With friends like that who needs enemies.

    5. Why did both Dolan and Cekada have to go sw for a surgery? Why couldn't the surgery be performed in Ohio? This doesn't make sense. Yet, nothing ever seems to at these places

    6. Because Tony would have had to be MC and how could Dan the man refuse to be co-consecrator ?

  9. I would like to know who actually is still with Sanborn, Dolan, and Neville? Which priests on their lists of Mass locations are actually still with which one of these men?

    I'm looking at Fr. ahern, FR berry, fr zapp, fr Collins, fr kasik, fr mcmahon?

    1. As Dan once said (to me) of Williamson - "It's all smoke and mirrors."

    2. Tony the "canonist" might put it in these terms: "The loose arrangement of clergy in our circles are a question of who are "tolerati" and who are "vitandi" from everybody's point of view."

  10. Did it ever cross your mind that once the SSPX FINALLY jumps in with Frankie - there's only a few independents and these sede fraudsters left claiming to be the Catholic Church - what's wrong with this picture ?

    1. God is providing just be patient and keep the Catholic faith.
      I can't say anymore at this time but I promise God is providing new clergy outside the big 3 groups.
      Believe me don't lose heart and pray.God loves us and he is not abandoning us,I promise!

  11. SGG's building program says their current church is only the temporary church until their larger, permanent church is completed. Is their church so full that they need a larger church? The social hall will be offices. Offices for what?

    I also noticed they mentioned they are cooking for themselves but needed people to volunteer meals. It says they have a crockpot they have been using. Why not ask for recipes so they wouldn't have to beg for meals? How many of them are there? Can the nuns not cook for them since they can't cook for themselves?

    1. Yet another "confused" neophyte. The lingo used in the Bishop's column is sucker people into doing jobs for them they could as just a easy do for themselves.

      Years ago when the Dolan cult ran correctly he rang a little bell between courses and the plates were changed by lackies (and washed no doubt as well). They have fallen on hard times - with no full time cook they need the people to bring them their food and you can hardly ring a bell for service when you are relying on the vagaries of your own people to feed you in the style to which you were once accustomed but you have to microwave everything yourself.

    2. Sanborn still has his chef with organic meals. The nuns down there have their meals cooked for them. Maybe Dolan needs to move south?

      Does Sanborn's seminary and convent having everyone make meals for them or having a cook mean that they are doing better than the SGG church? Or does it mean that people just don't realize what they are funding?

      You must be kidding about the bell? I really hope so; that is no way for anyone to act, especially a priest.

    3. No the Piv-meister tells that story.

      The gals have their meals cooke d for them by a 90 year ex-nun but her cooking isn't organic - just pure stodge - so if you start seeing pictures of overweight teenagers in dress up you know who did it.

    4. Such trivial petty comment.

    5. Anon 5:27 AM - you know why?

      Because the main characters of Tradland (and their enablers and underlings) are trivial and petty! Therefore, the comments about them could not be other trivial and petty!

    6. Correction - should be "Anon 2:57 AM" and not "Anon 5:27 AM".

    7. Advent time should be spent on preparation, not on trivial petty matters.

    8. The comment of Anon 1:04 PM is (unfortunately?/regrettably?) also trivial and petty. And not just the comment itself. In attitude and intention, as well.

  12. Anon 11:46, if that was in reference to the Florida nuns, the 90 year old lady wasn't an ex nun, that I know of. The "sisters" tell the people what they want, and they are made whatever they are in the mood for. Breakfast, lunch, and dinners are made for them by a handful of families willing to serve their every desire. This info has all been passed around the church because one of the food preparers has complained about the demands that the sisters have asked; yet, no one would ever tell these nuns no. It was rumored that they don't even do their own meal dishes; instead, the school children do the dishes for them. Another family even waters their plants, does the lawn work, etc. The children of several families have complained outside of the church doors how their lives revolve around the sisters and how they are tired of being the sisters' slaves. Just stand close enough to the kids after mass, and you will find out all you need to know.

    1. The florida nuns are given everything because there were several who were forced into the convent and the parents probably have some form of guilt. In return, the family members provide meals, snacks, groceries, presents, entertainment, and all their chores. They ask for everything and have never been told no. It has even been rumored that the nuns tell the kids that jr Selway is like a father, and provides everything they would ever want for them.

      They breed kids in order to work at the family company or to send them to the convent. The childhoods of these children are spent serving the nuns, choir, and serving schedule of Pope Sanborn. Nothing else is important except serving the needs of their religious. This is a pure cult.

    2. I must say that quite frankly I'm surprised Sanborn hasn't run into trouble with liberal entities like ACLU or Southern Poverty Law Center for the stuff he spews in his "newsletter". Maybe he's too small for the radar but one of these days somebody's bound to bring a legal action against him for the "abuse" these children seem to be going through. I'm sure somebody's keeping tabs on them. Indeed there was quite a stir when they showed up in the local county. The original church was and still is located on a street that was used as a local corner cutter for decades. They moved in and the county officials blocked one end of the street almost immediately making it very difficult with the new traffic pattern to get to the church. Sanborn also fell foul of county inspectors who ordered refits to the building countless times costing him millions in overruns. Even now the place is still in need of constant refits because of the cheap material that was used in the building of the place. The photograph on the website makes it look glorious but take a drive by the place its covered in green mold - a filthy eyesore which befits what goes on according to all these accounts.

    3. From reports, only 28 children remain at the school. All except one of the families are in relation to the big 3 families. I doubt that they would bring any kind of scandal down on that school for fear of going to hell.

      You are right about that place being an eyesore and need of repairs. In addition, their school is in close walking distance to a probation office. I would think they would realize how unsafe this is to have children within distance of predators and such. Yet, like their contractor that cost the church 100,000 or more due to paying off inspectors and having to redo the work, they probably didn't research their location well.

      Sanborn is lucky with the presidential election because with the other candidate, his sermons would convict him of spreading hate.

    4. From the many emails we receive, the deteriorating state of the cult campus is a real problem requiring more cash than Tradzilla has or that the élite are willing to cough up.

      Also, it seems that many down there are questioning the need for the "seminary." According to one writer, there are bitter complaints about how the chapel suffers in repair work because the pesthouse consumes so much money. Perhaps others can comment in depth.

    5. Maybe, things will be different once The Kid gets consecrated and takes over the cult campus.

      Then there will be infrastructural investments and projects.

      Now that 2016 is almost over, it seems that The Kid's consecration will most likely take place after Easter 2017. This would (presumably) be conditional upon Big Don getting his new priestly organization already up and running. Any thoughts on this?

    6. We completely agree with your analysis.

      We would only add that even if Big Don doesn't get his organization off the ground in 2017, there'll be pressure from the élite for him to consecrate Junior. First hand reports say that attendance is down, and the physical plant is in dire need of repair. Don's trip to Italy for that ordination drew a lot of resentment from people who thought the money could have been better spent on needed maintenance and not on his networking needs.

      Your date for after Easter seems ideal, when all the guest "clergy's" commitments of Lent and the Triduum are finished. The Swampland weather in late April or early May should be pleasant enough to serve as a vacation venue for visiting priests and the squiggly co-consecrator.

      Once the consecration takes place, we'll see many changes at the Swamp as the Kid starts feeling his oats. Tradzilla will have to go soon after that. Maybe he'll move the "seminary" to France.

    7. Do you think the "regular" families will then be pushed out and only the main 3 and those connected with them will remain?

    8. I doubt that. They still need everyone else's money.

    9. We agree with 11:38. The élite families' money is not enough. They've got a hard enough job just holding on now.

      We think the idea is that when Junior's in charge, he'll attract more folks, or at least keep some of the restless from leaving. That's one reason we think the consecration will take place at least in the first half of 2017. The bosses know that Tradzilla with his association with "One Hand", is a real liability. We think the hope is that Junior will be more palatable. When the Donster leaves with his tail between his legs, they're betting the scrutiny will die down and they'll be left alone.

    10. The "sisters" of that place have said that Selway will be the next Bishop. It's obvious it is just timing.

      I don't think that junior's personality will attract that many new parishioners. His youth may attract some, but not after they get to know him. He is just as extreme as Sanborn, but he knows how to hide it. So, that place has a rude awakening in store for them. The Big 3 will be given even more privileges, and it will just create bigger gossip among the other church members, prompting some to make that final exit.

      The talk is that people are fed up with Sanborn's obvious intent on keeping the other parishioners of the church from having any form of community relationships. Any community within the parish needs to go through the Big 3 or else it isn't going to happen. It has become a dreaded place and now people are actively searching for another mass to attend.

    11. That's good news. They have a number of options in their area. We hope they make use of them.

    12. Selway will be a disaster to that church. He is known for favoring and giving exceptions for his family members. This will only infuriate members of the church who already feel a handful of families are being favored.

      In the past, priests were rotated. They certainly were not the ones in charge of their family members. The entire compound in Brooksville is Selway bought and paid for. With Selway as a Bishop, it will only get worse.

      From what rumors are stating, The Argentenians will remain loyal to Sanborn. Selway has created his own alliance with the new Michigan born priest and a couple of the American seminarians. Selway will remain in charge of the convent, seeing it is mostly composed of the Big 3 daughters and a few others.

      Dolan has already shown he doesn't need Sanborn's seminary, with the ordination of McKenna. The SGG and MHT alliance is fading fast. That may account for Dolan's recent activity with the priests out West. Sanborn is creating his own alliances with Neville and a handful of others. It's almost like a territorial mafia war is about to happen.

      One thing that is quite obvious is MHT and SGG are falling apart. The structural damage to both are just a sign of what is to come to the organization itself. People are tired of being hounded for money while they see the travel of these priests and high end lifestyles. They may think they have people fooled, but the congregation is talking. No one wants to fund a group of priests who knowingly take advantage of their congregation. The outlandish rules that Sanborn keeps implementing are showing how crazy tyranical he is, and people are tired of it.

      The more people realize what goes on at these places, the better we will all be. Maybe they will finally get priests in there who long to save souls instead of the ones who enjoy the power, elite lifestyles, and controlling people's lives.

    13. Thanks for the great analysis. The collapse of Tradustan is at hand. It's comfortating to learn that Junior will be a disaster. That way we can be assured there will be no second generation of these scumbag cult masters.

    14. I went to Immaculate Conception in Tampa,FL recently.
      Very holy priests at that Chapel.If I lived in Central Florida that's where I would attend weekly.
      I think its on Stuart St off I-75 if I remember correctly? Very warm welcoming congregation even though I was a complete stranger. :)

  13. Hi PL

    Fr k Vaillicourt told our family that he knew that a number of nuns up at Mt St Michael were on the pill as they were having relationships with Fr Louis(since departed with another nun whom he married)and other priests.We thought it was strange.He also said he had been given death threats from the Mount and Pivarunas.Talk about crazy and losing the plot.

    Keep up the fine work and a blessed Christmas.

    1. Really? But death threats ain't nothin'. At least when compared with threats of hell-fire pronounced by the "ecclesiastical authority" that is Pivarunas.

    2. Tradistan is a mess. Everybody should just get out!

      BTW, with Uneven Steven McFaker helping out V, we wonder how the new alliance of Dannie and Pivvy is going. The Pivmeister can't be too happy about "One Hand" giving all this aid and support to an archenemy who has spoken so ill of his organization.

    3. Hi Anon Dec 20, at 10:33 PM

      The devil must be frustrated, knowing that "time is up".

    4. The Anon Dec 20, at 10:33 PM works for the devil alright! God given time, prepare your body and soul for Christmas.

    5. We can think of no better preparation than telling people to stay away from Tradzilla and "One Hand." We're dreaming of a cult-free Christmas, just like the ones we knew before V2.

    6. The comment was directed to Anon Dec 20, at 10:30 PM, not the Reader!

      How long have you been telling the people? They are there at their own free will.

      Keep dreaming. First and foremost, mankind will have to pay a great cost.

    7. Correction: The comment was directed to Anon Dec 20, at 10:33 PM [not 10:30 PM].

      Actually Reader, Anon should defend himself or herself.

    8. Anon Dec 20, at 10:33 PM

      Did Fr K Vaillicourt tell your family "you are free to quote him"? Have they read your comment on this website? Strange? Your action is strange. I hope you go to confession.

      Remember also that you will stand alone in front of God. Not with your family or Fr Vaillicourt, not with PL or the Reader.

  14. Ha,Ha,Ha.Saying someone is working for the evil one for exposing the truth is just goofty.You could say the same abut this website and the Reader.As far as Father Kevin(Thomas Marie CMRI)saying strange comments to a close famliy about Bishop Pivarunas,etc.As far as we know,he had major problems with Bishop Pivarunas and left back in 1991 and took several nuns to start another convent.Another good priest who is former CMRI is Father Kasik.He left back in 1997 and lives at Spirit Lake,Idaho.He is very sick with cancer and needs many prayers.He has a care and a mission for helping young men with problems.A kind and holy man.

    1. You have a lot to answer for.

      Meantime, do pray for Fr Kasik.

  15. I hate to be generally off topic here, but the St Lawrence Press Ordo Recitandi, which I got today, is a beautifully done piece of work. While it was surely a hard thing to make, it isn't hard to follow as there's explanations of cryptic letters like 'U' which, depending on context, refers to the colour violet or simply means last. It is on topic to the degree, given a SLP blog comment from 23rd of November (Despite the latest attempt of plagiarism by certain USA cult)

    Prayers for the priest, Fr Kasik, and also for the SGG crew, including in particular Fr Cedaka, who like many cancer sufferers could possibly have to face a resurgence of his cancer (it is a lucky sufferer or survivor that suffers only one visitation of that plague), if the current affliction has been beaten back. Aside from issues of health for Fr Cedaka and others there, pray that they mend their ways. Why is the SSPV's quiet and good quality (I'm thinking of their liturgical calendar) work beyond SGG? Their limited competence, pratfalls and pretensions have been amply documented here.

    Happy and Blessed Christmas to you all.

    1. The SLP ordo is a delight to read, with its superior formatting and uncluttered appearance. And of course, the SLP provides a key to interpret the psalm-symbols, something SGG forgot to "borrow" last year.

      The SGG crowd can never attain anything beyond passingly mediocre, and their dreadful calendar is just one example. In the 'States, there are a number of one-man operations that produce excellent liturgical work. SGG, on the other hand, with it many "clergy" and the "Principal" always manages to generate error-scarred trash. They really should give up.

    2. READER:

      They will give up at expiry.

  16. hey anonymous Dec 23rd 1:05am

    What do you mean they have a lot to answer for.Can you not face facts.Do you agree with the material on this website.Why are you afraid of not wanting to know the Truth.Many good folk stand behind the comments of the Reader and PL.Praying for you.

  17. Yes,well said.The scum sede clerics are the ones who have a lot to answer for,not lay folk who have been hurt.It never seems to amaze us how goofty some folk are.Yes,let us pray the scales will fall from their eyes.

  18. Replies
    1. Glenn - you can say that again.

    2. And thank goodness for wars! Otherwise there would be more victims of unscrupulous and money-mad clergy. Get rid of these ecclesiastical buccaneers, and you'll get rid of a lot of the fighting. There can be differences of opinion and peace at the same time. All we have to do is stop financially supporting the bad actors.

    3. The bad actors are in the Vatican where the great war has been taking place.

    4. Anon Dec 23 at 9:03 PM

      "They" is plural.
      "You" is singular.
      Read the comment again.

    5. Anon Dec 27 3:40 PM

      You're right. Neither side has a monopoly on bad actors. In either case, the laity must stop funding them.

    6. How can the laity be stopped? Not all are reading this website. Talking to those within reach can fall into deaf ears.

    7. We know it's a rough slog, but if we all keep talking, emailing, and writing, we'll have an effect.

      No, we won't reach everybody, but we all can reach some. And each person who leaves the cult puts a dent into cult master finances.

      We and others have been blogging for over six years, and while Dannie and Donnie are still around, believe us, they're hurting, in fact, they're on the edge of desperation. Eventually the losses, albeit never complete, will be unsustainable.

      Furthermore, all your and out efforts have an invisible effect, when you consider how many people did not join the cult as a result of learning about who these men really are. PL gets emails almost weekly thanking us for the warnings.

      The key is never to give up, never to stop communicating: nil desperandum!
