
Saturday, December 31, 2016


The wisest prophets make sure of the event first. Walpole

After delivering a forest of switches to misbehaving cult "clergy" and "religious" last week,  Krampus returned exhausted. Our shaggy prankster was particularly miffed at having to make a second stop in Highland, MI, at the — LOL — "convent."  (In past years, he could skip the house: the "nuns" were once fiery-eyed foes of Tradzilla because he used to laugh and call them names.)

"Every year," ol' Krampus complained resentfully, "the list of Tradistan's naughties grows longer and longer. When's it all going to end?"

A fair question, we thought. For sure, it's one everybody's asking. And that gave PL the idea for today's post. Many of you may remember The McLaughlin Groupthe long-running political commentary and discussion show on PBS, the host of which passed away in August 2016. Our favorite recurring segment featured Dr. McLaughlin's inviting the panelists to venture their predictions

Accordingly, by way of tribute to the late former Jesuit who enlivened many a Friday evening, PL asked staff to predict events in 2017 that might lead to the end of Tradistan before next Christmas. We told everyone here to think BIG, to guess boldly. Nothing would be too far fetched or absurd. Our good buddy Krampus hopes the new year can bring relief. Besides, Santa's been concerned about the rapid deforestation of the planet if his companion has to cut an equal number of birch rods every year.

As the Readers shared predictions, it dawned on the group that all you guys out in cyberspace could lend a hand. Many of you are keen observers or, like us, former victims of the cult masters; furthermore, often you have more information about internal cult activity than we do.  Therefore, we decided to post our most imaginative conjectures for TRADPOCALYPSE and invite you to add your own guesses in the comments section. That way Krampus can get a better idea of how many names he might cross off come December 2017.

Doesn't that sound like fun? It sure does to us. As a  handsel for our Latin-loving friends, we've concluded with a general prediction of Tradistan's collapse in everybody's (except the cult masters') favorite language.

So, as Jackie Gleason used to say, "and away we go!"

Reader # 1's Prediction: Dannie and Tony Baloney won't be able to wait for the renovated and expanded Bishop's Lodge to re-open in late spring of 2018. Knowing they can never retire to the artsy Southwest (or anywhere else), they may splurge in 2017 at another deluxe spa property in fashionable Santa Fe. Scandalized by the mortally sinful waste of their contributions, the dead-broke Gerties won't believe Travelin' Man Dan and Breezy Cheesy went on a "pilgrimage." When the Gruesome Twosome returns to the dilapidated Ohio cult center, they may well find mostly raccoons and mice to greet them. 

Reader # 2's and # 5's Prediction: Between the end of April and the middle of June, Tradistan's "bishop"-elect, a.k.a. the Kid, could get his birthright miter from Tradzilla, with the flappable Long-Island Jellyfish as co-consecrator. Thereafter, the Swampland élite might  (a) show Tradzilla to the door, (b) close the pesthouse to all but family members or turn it into a "convent," (c) run off anybody without enough money or unrelated to the Big 3, and (d) try to fly under the radar from now on. (No sense in further piquing the curiosity of those pesky, do-gooder governmental authorities.) The Jellyfish's disenchanted cultlings, stung by Its Gelatinacy's capitulation to the long-anathematized Donster, will likely become openly contemptuous, thereby pressuring the creature to return to native waters.

Reader # 3's Prediction: Way, way back in May, Big Don promised he would "[s]hortly...found an organization of Traditional Catholic priests" that "will give a 'body' to what already exists in spirit, i.e., a common mind and way of acting among our priests..." (click here for the full statement on p. 2).  Well, seven months have come and gone. It's the end of December already, and not a peep from the pestholuse: the last newsletter said absolutely nothing. Therefore, either this new "body," like Tradzilla's other embarrassing flop, the Big $30 K plan of 2011, will never materialize, or, if it does, the members will be limited to the toad-eating "clergy" the Donster already dominates. As the clerical grapevine has it, there's a boatload of questions about Don's so-called "Declaration of Theological Principles," and no one except his sycophants may want to sign on. The failure of the rector's initiative won't have any effect on Reader # 2's and # 5's guess.

Reader # 4's and # 6's Prediction: For Easter 2017, the SGGResources site will hawk memorial lilies. Like 2016's memorial-poinsettia cash grabathon, overpriced Easter lilies will provide His Designership with more than a tasteless money-making scheme.  It's the only way Decorator Dan can get the crumbling cult center tarted up for his big spring show. The Gerties aren't helping out as they used to. If they do show up for one of the (possibly simulated) Masses, they can't wait to get out of the vermin-threatened dump as soon as it's over. Also, they refuse to come back during the week. The handful of sullen suckers who do show up to decorate are aging, therefore reluctant to climb high ladders to hang Dannie's kitschy frippery. More than that, they're sick and tired of being it all the time. Significantly, with revenue down, SGG can't afford all the outrageous extravagance of the long-gone fat years before the 2009 School Scandal. Therefore, wilting flowers passed off as "memorials" for the dearly departed are all that's left:  It doesn't take Residential Interior Design Qualification Certification to plop vases around the blighted property to mask all the building's defects. (BTW, the vases will cost extra. We think Dannie might favor the Waterford Crystal My Favorite Things Opulence pattern.)

Our Techie's Prediction (e-mailed to PL from Mexico, where she's visiting her family):  His Footlooseness's south-of-the-border "apostolate" will shrink, as more and more chapels down there angrily break off relations with him. They've got this gringo's number now. Without big bucks to pass around, any oddballs who do remain associated with the Dirtbag will become restive. (There's already been some very nasty grousing about tacañería and — *shudder* — mezquindad.) By year's end, he'll be left alone with the mischief-making "Juárez Chihuahua King" to lick his boots, and talk ugly behind his back.

PL's Corporate Prediction in Latin:  By far, this is the wildest one we made as a group. Up front, we'll grant the probability of its coming true in late 2017 is pretty low. Nonetheless, the idea gives so much encouragement to everyone that we can't resist, notwithstanding the risk of depraved cult zombies' mocking us if it doesn't happen this year. But since it's in Latin, we're probably safe: their "clergy" won't be able to translate for them. So, begging pardon from the shades of Lucan for not preserving all the quantities, we predict that
Tota tegetur Tradistan* dumetis: etiam perierint ruinae.
If the prophecy isn't realized in 2017, it won't be long. The event will come to pass. It's only a matter of a little time. You can make it happen sooner if you

Starve the Beast in 2017.

*For objecting purists, we vindicate ourselves against a charge of scribbling dog Latin: "Tradistan," the cult masters' spectral desert island, with some stretch of the imagination could be a transliteration into the Roman alphabet of a never-to-be-attested nu-stem 3rd. decl. noun ἡ Τραδιστάν (like ὁ μεγιστάν, -ᾶνος "big shot," a late-Greek word with an Eastern flavor and a definite cultish resonance).


  1. Interesting. My predictions:

    1. the kid won't be made bishop until his anniversary of his priestly ordination in December 2017.
    2. Cekada will no longer be needed for the seminary, and his presence will increase in Cincinnati. He will possibly take on another apprentice (like McKenna) to train in Ohio instead.
    3. Sanborn will give Arizona one more chance to give him their land and money. If they don't, he will move the nuns to their new sorority house in Brooksville. To not totally look like a jerk, he will send a priest out for mass on only Sundays. Yet, he will charge them some major $ since they ruined his plan to cash in on them.
    5. Sanborn will begin discussing his 5-10 year plan to open a seminary in Europe, taking his loyal Argentenians as staff, and slowly turning over the seminary to the kid.
    6. The SGG school will be in one of the last years of operation. Funds are getting low and Lotarski's kids are getting older.
    7. The Brooksville school will be reported for abuse and investigations will begin on the school and families.

    1. Excellent! We're keeping our fingers crossed that they all come true.

      Your # 1 may be better than ours, since it's on Junior's anniversary. We'd forgotten to take that into consideration. Certainly makes sense. The only question we have is whether they can keep Jellyfish from slipping away before December.

      Hopefully, the AZ laity will find a replacement soon and get rid of the Toady. But your scenario is certainly the more probable.

      Thanks for looking into your crystal ball. It'll be an interesting year.

  2. A mere two predictions for 2017 and beyond. 1/ One of the older trad priests will meet their earthly demise sooner rather than later. That priest and or bishop (not neccessarily Cekada) will be "canonized" by the collective whole of sedelandia once they die. One of the younger priests will write a biography/hagiography as a fundraiser which will sell well enough to cover a few expenses.

    2/Mark Lotarski will turn "whistleblower" once either funds run out or his children have a high school education from the SGG school. Remember there is no sense of honor among thieves. If he has been in fact been extorting/blackmailing Dolan and Cekada then when they are unable to pay him more why wouldn't he turn on them. Since he "knows too much" about them and he's been silent so far then I would think if he squeezed the turnip dry he'd switch sides. He'd have precious little respect and integrity from those who have been fighting Dolan and Cekada for years now. But that's not his primary motivation. He wants money that's all. So far he's been able to receive a good living from the Gerties but as we know all good things do come to an end. So he'd write a tell all and maybe put out a newsletter for a while. Not much but enough to get more money off this pony he's been riding.

    I wonder if my speculation/prognostication would cause much consternation on Rialto Road because let's face it. It is not that far fetched.

    1. By Jove, we think you've got it! With all that juicy info to expose, he'll certainly have an audience to support his new apostolate. We'd certainly subscribe to a tell-all newsletter.

    2. I wonder if people will break out the champagne at the report of the demise? It has been reported that Sanborn and Selway broke out an expensive champagne when they heard about JP2's passing. Is this really behavior of two priests to celebrate a death instead of praying for a soul that he repented for any failings of his position?

  3. This blog is confusing to read. Do tell: who are "the Long Island Jellyfish" and the "Kid"? This blog seems like it's written only for "insiders" i.e., people who live near SGG and attend Mass there. Perhaps you should consider putting up a "list of names" permanently on this blog. You will list who is e.g., "The Long Island Jellyfish" and an explanation as to why you call him this name.

  4. I originally looked through this blog for gems about Latin. Now half the fun of reading is puzzling out the various personalities behind the nicknames. It's amazing how appropriate these nicknames are when finally discerned.

    1. A key of the sobriquets is really most useful to those who are actually acquainted with the personalities and their history, and that requires years of painful experience. After all, our mission is to encourage those who are in the cults to leave and to discourage others from joining. Without a key, however, a casual viewer can still understand from the facts we and the commenters marshal just how transgressive are the trad "clergy" of whom we write.

      Anon 7:15 is probably new to the blog, so s/he missed our reply in the comments section on Feb. 14, 2016 (click here), where we supplied many of the more obscure equivalencies. Since then we have, as the occasion has warranted, added others.

      Using that list as a reference, here's an update: The Kid, Junior = "The Clone"; Tradzilla = "the Donster, the rector" (whom you should already know from the comments section discussion); The Long-Island Jellyfish, which also has been referenced in the comments, = Neville.

      As to the latter, certainly the extended connotations of the word may well apply, but our principal reason for adopting it comes from our recollection of Pliny the Elder's description of the eponymous invertebrate:

      cum admoveri sibi manum sensit, colorem mutat et contrahitur. tacta uredinem mittit, paulumque si fuit intervalli, absconditur.

      Lit. When it has felt a hand draw near to it, it changes color and contracts itself. When touched, it lets out a burning sensation, and if there was a little interval, it goes into hiding.

      It'll take a entire series of posts to explain in exact detail why Pliny's text is so apt. But until that time, we hope this is enough to give you an idea. If you keep following this blog and reading the comments, you'll get to know all the characters better than you really want to, as no doubt Anon. 12:08 has.

      In the meantime, 7:15, don't get involved with any of the Tradistani cults, or, if you already have, get out now.

    2. Magis est conveniens quod tradistana tradantur sub figuris vilium derisuum, quam sub intelligibilium nomenclationum. Ipsa enim occultatio figurarum utilis est ad exercitium studiosorum vel eos ad ludibrium & contemptum ponere, quos nominatim appellare nefas est.

    3. Macte o doctissime Tarquini!

      Ed. Note: The always apt Tarquinius has no doubt discovered a work hitherto unknown to us: De inferna hierarchia.

  5. The way you pull out pertinent quotes is fascinating. I've never read Pliny before but now can't get that sentence out of my head. Uredinem is now a favorite word. LOL!

    Many thanks!

  6. And how uredo describes the experience of being having been associated with the Jellyfish!

  7. Did you notice SGG's SUNDAY collection is over $15,000? That's pretty odd, is it not? They must have a seriously rich donor in that parish!

    1. We saw that. We think SGG may have received a one-off gift for Christmas plus they included any personal gifts for all the "clergy." But it's also a Tradistani trick to over-report donations.

  8. Can someone please explain Sanborn and Dolan's weird obsession with cats? They preach about animal worship, but both have cats that they treat as humans. There are even stories about seminarians bathing the cats or wanting to harm them because the cats are so annoying and allowed to roam anywhere on the premises. One seminarian said he would like to kill the stupid cat, but he can't because it's Sanborn's. Dolan discusses his cats in about 75 percent of his newsletters. It's pretty sad and depressing that these grown men not only have cats that are treated better than seminarians and parishioners, but that these men contradict themselves by saying the world has humanized animals. I guess it shouldn't surprise me, these men contradict themselves over and over again.

    1. We hear that one seminarian from Europe was disgusted with Tradzilla's allowing the cat to have free run of the kitchen, including walking on top of the table and the counters.

      This inordinate affection for animals combined with misanthropy is deeply problematic.

    2. Misanthropy is a perfect word to describe these men's teachings! Thank you. I hope other future missions wanting to deal with these men take warning.

    3. Cats are nice and interesting, but letting them run amok in a kitchen is horrific. Cats are clean in their own way, but not for us. Doesn't Fr Cekada has a cat Caravaggio, who supposedly has imbibed this same hatred for man?

    4. Not only must future missions take warning, but those already associated with these men should start working right now to get away from them. There are independent priests available.

      Cats are fastidious, and a healthy one grooms itself half the day. But who knows where their paws have been? Our spouses are very clean, but none of us at PL would want them walking barefooted after coming in from the garden on the countertops where food is prepared or on the table where we eat.

      As for that familiar Caravaggio, we remember reading that captive felines actually do mimic the human behavior of their primary social group. The human does indeed have a high influence on the animal's personality. No wonder the beast is so obnoxious.

  9. In 2017 the trad world will see,
    *Selway be made bishop
    *Dolan's cat die
    *Sanborn plead for more money for a new idea that he will eventually not go through with (much like all his other ideas)
    *someone expose Sanborn for the fraud he is, and trace his trail of hidden money
    *a triple play funeral performed once again
    *a nun leave one of the compounds (SGG or MHT) and expose the sorority house for manipulating young girls in joining the convent for fear they won't go to Heaven
    *donations decrease at both Sgg and mht
    *cekada retire due to health concerns
    *sanborn break off from sgg
    *dolan align with cmri so that St.Therese in Cincinnati will have to give Dolan a part of their tithes
    *a few of Neville's nuns revolt since the misogynist Sanborn will once again be in charge over neville
    *a former seminarian expose the mht seminary for the beer drinking, encouraging corporal mortification, and hearing priests discuss confidential information about parishioners
    *the big 3 families exposed for more than their special behavior
    *sanborn being asked to not come back to Australia after one of his fund raising schemes turns bad
    *sanborn heavily recruit Neville's families to Florida, claiming a perfect utopia of catholic life (a school, church, seminary, cemetary, etc).
    *an investigation on the 3 schools associated with Sanborn and Dolan

    1. All very likely events! We'll add them to our watch list. Thanks much.

      Most intriguing is the possibility Highland revolt. Those "nuns" have to be very unhappy about having Tradzilla back. Trads have short memories, but no one could forget the humiliation they went through. The situation is worse today because Bp. McKenna is no longer around to defend them and put Tradzilla on notice.

      Those gals have pretty strong personalities and opinions to match. At least three aren't shrinking violets, so there's a good chance they'll speak up. Maybe the Dragon Lady already has. She may still be smarting because her buddy was purged and had to go to the Swampland to find a place. (Lucky for her she had a ton of information to trade.)

      Furthermore, an additional "sister" may have been radicalized after she was pressured a few years ago to apologize to the laity for playing the organ too loud at Mass. Memories and resentment for such vindictive punishments in the name of Catholic humility don't disappear easily. Even the Michiganders were talking among themselves about the excess. The "convent" can't be a happy house.

      So, you're right: there's a perfect storm brewing up north. If the Jellyfish is the Kid's co-consecrator, it's sure to erupt because the "sisters" were never pleased with all the special treatment given to a certain family.

  10. I have info that in 5 years there may be a new group that will replace the Big 3 Bishops as top tier hierarchy. (Piv Dolan Sanborn)
    This is all just in planning phase and as time goes on I will keep you posted.(Informal rare updates as time slowly but surely spins its wheels into fate)
    I will say the one person who is planning this will not live to see it's completion.This is because he is concerned with saving souls and doesn't want to be famous.
    Pray and love your neighbor for the Lord's ways are not our ways.

    1. Please do keep us updated on the progress of this group. This is very good news for traditional Catholics.

  11. SGG should publish a "wacky" comic book entitled "That Darn Cat" in hand numbered limited editions.
    Imagine the price gouging?!?!
    "Limited edition 1,000 copies with autographs from the Feline Fathers!"

    1. It's probable that they'll take your suggestion. They really wouldn't have to do any extra writing. They could just compile excerpts from old editions Dannie's "Bishop's (?) Corner." There's enough material to produce a whole series of comic books.

  12. This pertains to Reader #3's idea:

    have been looking forward to the commentary from this website on the and expect to be pleased when I run across it after April 2017 in the Archives.

    When I went over to mht to get this link I noticed there is now a 'blog' red type so you can't miss it, located in the area of the Important Announcement.

    I loved the jellyfish latin definition. I always have to express appreciation for this site. I'm not going backwards to look if any of these comments of mine are posted - understand please that it doesn't matter - posting is more a communication with PL's team on specific material I run across.

    1. Don't worry. We're posting every one of them. And thanks again for all the kind words.

    2. Re: jelly fish quote

      A reader of this comment needs to go through all. I will try to edit it down.

      My Lutheran relatives do not like the material I send them but I am not going to stop. All my relatives are materially comfortable. I grew up in one of the wealthiest communities in the US and managed to lose a large inheritance by investing it with the wrong person.

      I have learned a lot in my life to say the least, and am still secure financially as a result of working.

      Why did I say all this to you in writing?...

      I just used the jellyfish quote in a note to my relatives because it describes my modus operandi to a T as a person... and left unsaid that I am not going to - accurately cannot - remain one - it creates *much pain* trying to keep connections as I sense them to have been, especially when far away in Hawaii... but I am sure that when I relocate, the same issues will remain....

      As I see it and as others have seen it...comfort equals lack of desire to pray and in the case of the protestant relatives (5 uncles originally, all with doctorates and sons of Lutheran minister who taught in a seminary in Canada or helped found it - is unclear) no information about how to begin to seriously do that.

      Truly, had I had the information as a child that I now do my entire life might have been different - not that there were convents I could have entered then and God has used me very well I am sure... and I only want Him to use me more. Ouch ouch ouch - some people may recognize that God using you does or can include increasing levels of pain.

      At such times I remember, my yoke is easy and my burden is light - as best I can. Enough of the time am happy taking things day to day and just surviving here in holding pattern.

      I have always been able to tune in well enough throughout my life to see that this is all about suffering and that individuals are all suffering. I have seen no exceptions to this. It took me a while to reach harbor in terms of a 'fit' to me as a person in dealing with what I could sense though I tried hard to be precisely the opposite.

      But I didn't say that to the relatives. I merely wrote, with a few more details not centered on myself (ha ha ha), that "I am a cross for you."

      And I included the jelly fish quote in both languages as a self-descriptor.

