
Saturday, April 22, 2017

THE "BISHOP'S (?)" BESTIARY, Chapter 2

Bestiaries, or Bestials. Books which had a great vogue between the 11th and 14th centuries, describing the supposed habits and peculiarities of animals both real and fabled, with much legendary lore and moral symbolism. Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (Centenary Edition)

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second installment in the series inspired by a comment revealing that Dannie's "animal posts have a double meaning and almost always refer to people (i.e. whoever he has in his sights)." The information turned out to be a game changer for PL. Beforehand we used to think "One Hand's" ghoulish Sunday tales of battered baby bunnies and mutiliated mice — the gory handiwork of the cult masters' two familiars, Caravaggio and Puccini — were but exercises in morbid impropriety. We know better today, thanks to our correspondent.

Underneath the mayhem and cruelty, it seems Tradistan's "Uncle Ream Us" is working out self-referential, angst-wracked psychodramas starring the cult's adversaries. With a little decoding, we can discover what terrors are agitating his anguished soul.  Before we begin, however, let's briefly review the format: First we'll quote verbatim from a "Bishop's (?) Corner." Then we'll present our rewording preceded by a key to the cast of characters.

Today's first fiendish fable comes from Sexgesima Sunday 2017.
I suppose cats fit into the picture as well, at least from their point of view. Last Saturday before dinner Caravaggio presented Fr. Cekada with a big black field mouse, pre-dispatched but pretty much intact for Father’s delectation and eventual consumption. His cool reaction, however, nonplussed the pussycat. I had to coach Fr. Cekada in a properly grateful response to such a fine gift. 
Constructing a key for this stomach-turning episode proved a little more challenging than in the first installment of the series, because both the Cheeseball and His Excremency figure in the plot along with one of the bloodthirsty felines. At least the slain field mouse is easy: its mangled corpse plainly represents an opponent who's been gnawing hard away at Checkie's delirious self-image as a "scholar and theologian" (LOL).  Insofar as Dannie used the adjective "big," we think he means more than one foe — in this case, the enemy could well be Tony's highly competent nemeses Salza and Siscoe.

But whom does the murderous Caravaggio play in this macabre fantasy? And why would the beleaguered Erroneous Antonius be so ungrateful in the presence of "such a fine gift"? Our re-write has the answer:
Dannie's been unnerved by the success of S and S's brilliant takedowns of his blundering sidekick, Bonehead Tone. As he surveys the sparsely populated Tradistan he and the "Principal" wrecked in 2009, the Dirtbag grimly realizes there's nobody who can effectively come to Tony Baloney's defense with a rebuttal written in edited academic prose. The only response must be another embarrassingly amateur video from the tinsel-draped underground studio of Cekadawood. That means even if there's a legitimate point to be made, it won't be taken seriously by thoughtful Catholics. Therefore, His Wishfulness has been driven to imagining a deliverer. Taking into account Li'l Dan's Irish roots, in this particular narrative we'd say Caravaggio is a pooka, Celtic folklore's shape-changing companion of social outcasts, along the lines of Elwood P. Dowd's invisible 6' 3½" tall rabbit in the Jimmy Stewart movie Harvey. Only in this case, the creature is far from benign. More grounded in reality than "One Hand," the harrowed Cheeseburger senses there'll be no deliverance from attacks. He therefore dismisses the unsightly butchery as the unremarkable, typical predatory behavior common to all cats, whether feral or domesticated. Besides, Cheesy knows S and S are lions, not rodents like the Flushing Rat and his ilk. Still suffering under the delusion that his cat is a pooka, His Eccentricity manically insists on Tony's thanking the critter for relief from his far-better-educated tormentors. 
Our second perverse parable of the day was found in the Lent II 2017 "Corner":
The cats are working double shifts in the face of all this new life in their territory. Robins are courting, and last week I saw a couple getting to know each other on top of St. Michael the Archangel. I spied what looked like a baby skunk out on the lawn the other night. I hope Caravaggio didn’t see it. He’s a brave cat, but somewhat imprudent around skunks. 
"All this new life" refers to the negative online buzz about the cult.  The robins are the Gertie families who opted out of Dannie's Friday-nights-in-Lent colon-clogging confabs. Representing those few independent-minded Gerties who've raised a stink about the "clergy's" behavior is the baby skunk.* Reprising their usual rôles, the toms are playing the Gruesome Twosome. This time, though, "Killer" Caravaggio takes the part of Tony Baloney.
"One-Hand Dan's" territory has shrunk considerably since the 2009 $GG $chool $candal; as a result, he and the Checkmeister have to be vigilant so as not to lose more culties. In this vignette, the pair are particularly incensed at the families who flew off on Fridays to St. Michael the Archangel Parish's tasty Lenten fish fry in Sharonville, Ohio, thereby robbing the cult of windfall revenue. (Gerties were supposed to get "to know each other" at the decaying cult center on Fridays or on $ocial $unday, where the "clergy" could put the squeeze on for extra "alms.") Although these errant families may have dodged the cult masters' collection/indoctrination scheme for the time being, the Devious Duo marks who they are: They'll settle scores soon enough. Indeed they will, they will. While on patrol, Dannie gets wind of unhappy Gerties who've been badmouthing the ignorant cult "clergy" by passing along the criticisms posted on blogs. He knows the culprits aren't afraid of him or the Checkster either. If they leave $GG, they'll take more dirty Gerties with them. As participation in mind-control rallies sinks, Dannie cannot afford to lose any more prey. Like him, the cultlings are also mumbling about the absent enthusiasm and empty pews. With a shudder, Li'l Daniel recalls the many times over the years when the Cheeseball blunderingly opened his big, indiscreet, unschooled mouth and ran off scores of paying trads. Nail-biting Dan hopes Checkie's spies haven't told him yet about the trash talk: The last thing His Despondency needs is a another noseful of rebellion.
. . . . . . . . . .

That's the best we've got for these two animal stories. We're positive some of you out there can do a whole lot better. Just post your own reading in the comments section. Everybody wants a peek at Deacon Dan's anxieties.  The more there are, the sooner the cult will shut down.

*Have you noticed how Dannie's fables often feature baby animals that are either actual or potential victims of the marauding cats?  We dare say, it's a virtual Slaughter of the Innocents in the Animal Kingdom, what with all the targeted kits and bloodied nestlings. The fact that Dannie keeps on printing these grisly accounts says a lot about the Gertie gals. Among decent Christians, women, especially mothers, abhor the sicko brutality characteristic of males who've never grown up. As a rule, the distaff side's moral compasses often read truer than menfolk's, which frequently give false readings. In PL's community, the civilized moms and grannies would be outraged at children's exposure to this gleefully narrated carnage. And rightly so! Ask yourselves this, folks: Does the following observation really have a place in a church bulletin on Rosary Sunday (or on any Sunday for that matter)?

Fr. McKenna tells me he read that cats kill far more creatures than we realize (only 25% of the carcasses make it to the step), sometimes just for fun.
From the looks of it, Gertie gals must have the instincts of she-wolves, or else they would've put an end to Dan's Sabbath savagery long ago. Perhaps spawn of dysgenic cultlings lack the human sentiments of properly socialized middle- and upper-class children, who are emotionally attached to and protective of all the furry and feathered "dear creatures of God" (as our favorite whited sepulcher once dubbed a robin and two rabbits that crossed his path in 2015). That may explain why viewing animal-torture videos was tolerated as boys being boys. The hellicat females probably want their offspring to be chips off the ol' block.


  1. I found another Biblical quote concerning beasts: "Deliver not up to beasts the souls that confess to thee: and forget not to the end the souls of thy poor." Psalm 73:19

    Other than that, all I can say is that anyone attending SGG w/items like this in the bulletin must not read the bulletin.

    1. Yes, that's one explanation for not leaving $GG.

  2. As an aside... those interested in this subject have to read the masterpiece of Charbonneau Lassay "The bestiary of Christ" which can be bought here

    The author was a very famous Catholic scholar and the book it is said to have been praised by no other than Pius XII.

    1. Thank you for mentioning this remarkable work of precise scholarship and profound spirituality. We'd recommend it to everyone, even if they aren't interested the ancient bestiary genre.

      A pity Wee Dan doesn't read such things. Had he known Frère René's masterpiece, he might have come across this gem:

      Between two infinities of the past and the future, human life is only a moment and the soul is an eagle which ought not to waste its energy in futile things.

      If so, he might have been moved to refrain from all those trivial, puerile digressions about bloodied baby animal carcasses.

      But then, we all know Tradistani "clergy" have nothing in common with Catholics of old.

    2. For our friends in South America and Spain, a fine Spanish translation with all the author's woodcuts is available HERE.

  3. Having left $GG back in 2005,the remaining folk still there are braindead.If the events of 2009(knew it was going to happen)did not wake them up,what will.

    1. You do have a very strong argument. Anyone with a shred of human decency would have left by 2009. The majority of hose who remain appear be beyond the reach of moral suasion. That's why we posted a footnote about Gertie Gals.

      Still, though, we are aware of several cases where the people loathe Dannie, Checkie, and the lumpen "clergy" but still attend. We know this because they often communicate their misgivings. Why they remain in that cesspool is a mystery to us. Yet at the same time, we understand humans do not always act with resolve in the face of bad leadership.

      As students of history, we see how many times entire nations have endured oppression for many years. Then something snaps and they revolt. The 2009 $GG $chool $candal should have been enough for everybody, but obviously it wasn't. If history teaches us anything, the slightest abuse could set off the next, final rebellion.

      All we can say now is there are signs that conditions are becoming ripe for another uprising against the cult masters. Notice how you never hear of MN any longer, only ND?

      A critical mass is definitely gathering in Tradistan.

  4. Sorry this is not scholarly or Biblical just a simple observation from reading this weeks blog.

    "Fr. McKenna tells me he read that cats kill far more creatures than we realize (only 25% of the carcasses make it to the step), sometimes just for fun."

    WOW! What a PUN on the Clergy of SGG.! McKenna, the wonder boy who didn't open a book, and managed to become a priest. He can actually read and report the antics of a feline.
    How about this one? The 25% of the carcasses that have been picked dry, and brought before the vultures, just for fun, are the poor souls who lost their Faith thanks to these beast of prey.

    Then behind the curtains, in between the drops of the ravaged carcasses left as an offering at their door step, do these soul snatchers manage to sneak a pervy peek upon two Robins mating atop of a Statue.

    Oh what gleeful thoughts of next years deposits being dropped at their front door. Could it be, they will get the whole Robin Family? What happy thoughts of at least 25% being picked dry just for the fun of it, and the other 75% still missing in action, perhaps hiding from that pounce of death.

    Talk about an idle mind being the devil's workshop. This place is Chuck Full of Nuts!

    What a picture! The Pervy Prelate Peering on the works of nature, while the nitwit underling reports on the other 75% of the MIA at SGG.

    Hopefully they flew the coop.

    Stay tuned, same Cat Channel, same Cat Time.

    1. Oh, how you must know those guys! Very insightful, and funny, too, Thanks.

      BTW, 10:12, you are very prescient. In today's "Bishop's (?) Corner," Catman brags about Puccini 's deliving a live bird "Easter offering" to the "clergy" only to kill it when the poor thing tries to fly off. We guess that means no one gets out of $GG with his/her soul intact.

  5. Thank you Reader.
    This was only a snip it of all the laughter, and knowledge, you have given me over the years. Thank you, and you are right, I know them inside and out.

    Back to the "Cats Corner"!

    Well that would fit into your analogy and mine, about the Easter offering. It's spring time! New Blood, new life to be put before the voracious vulture's doorstep.

    Aren't the school children back from Easter vacation? Well, Cat Patrol is back on double duty. In other words, " kill two birds with the one stone". Keep the parents in control, by controlling the children.

    Just a little Rhyme for the day.

    All these little birdies that tweet, tweet, tweet,
    Will learn how to dance to the Cat Man's beat.
    For if they fail, the percentage, IF true,
    Will leave them more than black and blue.

  6. Dannie gives a whole new meaning to the "rock" in Rockin' Robin, doesn't he?

    We think "One Hand's" weekly feature should be renamed as "Look What the Cat Dragged In." The Gerties would be on pins and needles waiting to read if their kids are the day's offering. After all, in today's "Corner," when Dannie referred to the "young people," he lamented, "Now if only they’d all start cooking, too, we’d be in like Flynn!" So if they don't start cooking, will they end up on the menu?

    (And who says we don't have fun in the tradisphere?)

  7. Quote the Reader evermore!

    "...So if they don't start cooking, will they end up on the menu?..."

    Bear in mind, " That ain't chicken in the,"Chicken Chow Mein!"

    Reader asks:

    ..."(And who says we don't have fun in the tradisphere?)"

    Have in jest, whole in earnest!

    The trademark of a good Court Jester.

    Stay on it Reader, there are more ways to skin a cat than one, and you are just the right tool for this job...

  8. Quoted from "The Cruel Cats Corner,"by the Reader.

    ... "Now if only they’d all start cooking, too, we’d be in like Flynn!"...

    We all know that the word "Cooking" has so many meanings, overtures, ambiguities, connotations, etc., but coming from the Cruel Cat's Corner I can only think of one. Coupled with the fact that they want to be "IN LIKE FLYNN, seals the deal for me.(The devil is always in the details).

    Note: Errol Flynn, was a dashing, devil may care, handsome rogue actor of the 1930's. He was brought up on sex charges against a 16 year old girl, back in his Robin Hood Days.

    The fact that The Cruel Cats Corner is waiting to see if the cooking skills of the young "Chicks" will one day satisfy the wants of the Vultures, so they can be, In Like Flynn", can only imply that some young innocent bird is going to be thrown into the pot, or get the shaft. Either way 1/4 of the bird or 3/4 of the bird, the sad fact is: the bird is still dead.

    Hey to those who still support the Beast is it still funny?

    1. We were astounded to read "in like Flynn" in this A.M.'s "Corner." We're glad that someone pointed out its off-color associations. We didn't want to be the ones who sent all the youth on a nasty Google search.

      Although there are several theories as to its origin, the rhyming phrase has always had an unsavory aura. The guy's got no taste: We thought dead bunnies and busted birdies were bad enough. Is there no end to what else will makes its appearance in the "Corner"?

      On a related note, let's see how many of the Gertie gals start giving their kids cooking lessons. The answer will tell us just how depraved the cult is.

      BTW, has anybody else out there wondered why the "clergy" can't learn to cook? Ol' Uneven Steven looks like he's been around a kitchen or two.

  9. For a moment I thought I was reading a transcript from some "shock jock" from the radio.

    So what did we get this week ?

    1/ Thanks for the Mass stipends (Money)
    2/ Thanks for the work how about "cooking" ?(Food or something more questionable)
    3/ "In like Flynn" (sexual innuendo - by the way that was a trial of double statutory rape which fell flat but sealed Flynn's fate)
    4/ A priest in Nigeria needs a car (back to Money again)
    5/ The bird and cheeseball story (it's like something out of the Twilight Zone)

    Sheer dementia, twisted freakery - this isn't a church it's a house of horrors!

  10. I am sorry to say, Anonymous April 23, 2017 at 8:40 PM, that this is worse than a "house of horrors".

    I remember back in the 70's When the Son of Sam Murders was the Headline News all over NYC. The forensic psychologist who was called on the case to give a psychological profile of the killer was very detailed. He gave the basic overview, but he honed in on a specific depraved psychological mentality that takes an abnormal pleasure in watching animal behavior. He elaborated on a specific exaggerated dysfunction of the sick mind that takes joy in observing all the bodily functions, of the wild kinggdom, especially the gruesome details of the inevitable deadly kill.

    He said it is like an arsonist, that has the pleasure complete when he stands in the crowd and watches the fire burn. IT all started by an abnormal pleasure in striking matches.

    He added, it goes from: observing, to talking,
    to acting out. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

    Well, I believe the Dr. was right in more ways than one. Animal cruelty of any kind, is indicative usually of a depraved way of thinking, which eventually leads to a rapid descent from the holy to the unholy, IF there ever really was a HOLY to begin with.

    Son of Sam when he was captured claimed the dog talked to him, and he admitted to being possessed.

    According to C&D: "Boys will be boys", and I guess Cats will be Cats. However, when the boy delights in the Kill of the Kat, then it is time to examine the boy before he turns into another lost soul for mankind.

  11. This blog is a manifestation of idée fixe.

    1. Apr 23 at 11:28 PM

      You have nailed it, spot on.

    2. When it comes to dead animals I couldn't agree more - the idée fixe is in Dan's head and expressed in print on the internet for the whole world to see. The man is sick.

    3. REALLY ??? ???

    4. You know there is a way to get a professional answer to the doubts raised by the bizarre cultic behavior of Tradistan's leaders - they all publish newsletters.

      All we have to do is submit them to qualified psychiatric professionals in a blind study and ask for their professional opinion of the mental acumen of the authors.

      I'm willing to fund such a study.

      You'd be surprised to learn how many people enter religious life with all sorts of mental issues and they do that with the best of intentions because they see it as a "spiritual problem" that with God's Grace they can overcome, however, they aren't spiritual problems at all but the fixed society allows them parameters of reassurance that help protect them from their mental issues.

      If we desire the best for the lay faithful, shoiuldn't we desire the best for these men who lead obvious cults but have expressed themeselves so often in ways that a trained professional could see that this just is not a normal religious experience and that it is self-destructive to the leaders who have passed on their own insecurities to their spiritual progeny, the "priests" they "ordain".

      Interestingly these features were very well identified in CMRI where their original leader drove some of them into psychotic and neurotic experiences.

      We know so much more these days so better call in the experts, make clear cases of illness and help all get the help they need.

      This is a serious problem we all need to address. If there is nothing there - then so much the better. We must begin the work of collating the writings which are often the most expressive source of mental issues since people frequently unbeknownst to themselves say more about their mental state than, most lay people might imagine.

    5. Additionally there are Youtube sermons and addresses that might be accessed, but we would get a good handle on the mental state of many of these people for our own spiritual well-being. If they choose to live as ostriches in the sand - well we can say: "We tried!"

    6. It would no longer be a case of a duel: "You hate us....because..." It would be an objective fact from real bona fide medical professionals - I have a hunch where to start myself and he's likely to want a large pool of experts to weigh in, and he's VERY thorough in his research (and a good Catholic to boot!) We have got to lay this nonsense to rest !

    7. It would be good to get a professional answer to the doubts raised by the behavior of the bloggers here.

  12. I the most charitable way I can put this I want to say that as a relative newcomer, I think the Reader is eroding his credibility with this speclative grasping. Maybe Dolan is a weirdo, maybe he's bored, who knows? I do know that cats, especially feral ones, are ignoble and sometimes quite wretched. I don't find these decodings compelling or plausible. I also think it a bit strange how you are making S&S out to be some intellectual heavyweights. Thoughtful sedes like John Lane (strobertbellarmine forums) have pointed out serious shortcomings in their book and thinking. Just because Cekada is having difficulties doesn't make S&S right.

    1. Whatever their faults, in comparison to blundering Checkie, these guys are geniuses. We find it telling how it takes a layman, and one who has been an adversary of the Cheeseburger, to point out S&S's flaws in discursive prose, not videos.

    2. John Salza is freemasonic tax attorney.
      How many people reading this blog have been invited to speak on EWTN,Fatima Crusader,and various media outlets?
      How many of you have been commissioned to write a 700 page book by the SSPX?
      He seems to have an unusual amount of access to Catholic media for an anonymous layman.
      I could care less what he says and will not be cowered into submission,theologically speaking,by an attorney.
      Fr.Cekada,without knowing him or anyone else you all hate,did a good job rebuking that book in his videos.
      You all are smart and I for one am disappointed this blog trumpets his writings as borderline required dogma.

  13. Anonymous April 23, 2017 at 11:59 PM


    "...Maybe Dolan is a weirdo, maybe he's bored, who knows? I do know that cats, especially feral ones, are ignoble and sometimes quite wretched. I don't find these decodings compelling or plausible..."

    Let me answer you as charitably as you tried to be with your comment.

    Dolan being a maybe at anything is more of a probability than not. However, a weirdo is more definite than not. His track record goes beyond the pale. Fortunately, you are a newcomer, perhaps not only to this blog, but have been spared all of the horrors that have gone on in SGG for years, and peaked in 2009.

    I pray that you are never at the mercy of these maniacs.

    The behavior of a particular breed of Cat is not the issue. The delight these so called Shepherds take in reporting the various Kills these felines have during the course of a year is frightening.

    How can any good Catholic not see that and the sick innuendo they want to imply?

    The Reader and the staff at P.L. have been dedicated to preventing and protecting the innocent from the claws of these vultures. There is no other agenda attached to this massive undertaking other than to spare the innocent from the depths of despair that have befallen so many, especially the children, the weakest of their prey.

    Now if you choose to swim with the Sharks after reading the warning sign, that is your business. However, if you don't get bitten right away don't thank the shark, thank God, but I would not push the hand of God too far.

    As far as S&S are concerned, I believe they are lawyers, while Fr.Cekada is not. They might have shortcomings as per John Lane, but that does not make them wrong, either.

    The Law is alive and must be continually interpreted, (not rewritten), in order to survive these times, while Keeping the Faith. The Church always had renowned Scholars, however today, they are few and far between.

    Personally, I believe debates are good, but they should be done live, and one on one. The candidates should also have some kind of superior credentials, one of which would be Latin. A Theological background that could be debated in Latin if necessary would be a big plus. That would exclude a whole lot of self proclaimed scholars. This was done in SJU with an interpreter some years ago. It is where you separate the men from the boys.

    I hope you understand all the pain that so many parishioners have endured, especially the children at the hands of these definite, not maybe weirdos. I hope you also comprehend the passion most of us feel for all these innocent souls who were wronged by these soul snatchers, instead of soul savers.

    1. If Anon. 11:59 PM is REALLY a “relative newcomer,” then WHY is he berating the Reader without FIRST ascertaining all the facts (in past posts) before opening his big, fat. IGNORANT mouth. The fact that Anon. mentioned ongoing exchange between Cekada and S&S is a telltale sign that he is NOT a “newcomer” but a regular reader of this blog – one who has followed it for quite some time. In other words, we think Anon. is a LIAR, and is just chiming in again in an effort to “make something out of nothing.”

      And if Anon. doesn’t find the Reader’s “decodings compelling or plausible,” we DO. As “The Shadow” pointed out in an earlier comment, “the behavior of a particular cat breed is not the issue.” The issue here, instead, is Dannie’s SICK RAMBLINGS about it. And THAT – not the Reader’s “decodings” – is what we find not to be “compelling or plausible.” Anyone who cannot see the obvious lunacy of Dannie’s maniacal musings -- but instead chooses to berate one’s critique of them – is either icurably BIASED, or severely deficient in rational thought. Anon., get a grip on reality.

    2. Whatever one may think of Cekada, it does not make S &S correct. These guys are just as shoddy, if not worse than Cekada. I would urge everyone on here to read the thorough debunking of them by Rev. Paul Kramer, all available on his Facebook page, and secondly, to read the excellent posts by "Nazianzen" on the Suscipe Domino forum.

      S&S are in my opinion dishonest con-men who play with the truth to support their own radical and heretical ideas. I don't make that judgment about them lightly, I am forced to make it by witnessing how they manipulate quotes, use non-Catholic sources, falsify events in Church history, etc.

      Their book must not be taken a face value, it must be scrutinized line by line, paragraph by paragraph, every quote should be verified, every ellipsis must be explained, and the context of those quotes should be checked.

      S&S reminds me of the junk theology pushed by the Dimond brothers in their goal to persuade Catholics to adopt the heresy of denying Bapism of Desire and Blood.

      I realize that most on here or not like Fr. Cekada or trust his work, that's fine, just don't get into a false dichotomy, where it's either Fr. Cekada or S&S. Many others have been, and are, actively exposing these charlatans.

      Anyone who tries to convince you to abandon even one iota of the Catholic Faith is one that you should flee from. People like this are dangerous to your salvation.

    3. We'd agree with you that everything written by any trad controversialist "must," as you say, "be scrutinized line by line, paragraph by paragraph, every quote should be verified, every ellipsis must be explained, and the context of those quotes should be checked." That's the exact attitude we have to the cult masters' body of shoddy work.

      We'd have to take exception, however, that S&S might be "worse than Cekada." To their credit, they're capable of writing unified, coherent, and structured paragraphs.

      You've got to admit, Gene, that alone puts them ahead of the Cheeseball. And any errors they have made don't diminish their exposure of Checkie's howlers.

      As for us, we think ALL the malformed amateurs, priestly and lay, should hold their tongues and wait until the properly trained weigh in on these profound matters. And that's not going to happen in Tradistan.

      In the meantime, what we all can do is make public the idiocies all sides put forward as the truth. No one should be spared a critical eye. It won't give us the answer we would all like to see, but it will tell us whom to write off.

    4. Cheeseball ? All he's capable of his fixing a conclusion in his mind and finding dubious quotations (with his translations) to fit it and loading it all with plenty of sardonic "wit".

      These days he eschews even researching things he just tears pages out of a book and dumps it in a trash can on Youtube as though that represented serious scholarship and tells you that these chapters were just a straw man and should be disregarded and discarded (ipse dixit) plus the sardonic "wit" which after a while becomes absolutely nauseating.

      He's not interested in the truth just propping up his ever more worn "arguments" which keep changing to fit the pontificate:

      1/ JP2 = heretical bishop, heretic cannot be pope, JP2 not Pope.

      2/ Ratzinger = priest, but pope must be bishop, Ratzinger is not Pope (btw he's also a heretic)

      3/ Bergoglio is not ordained (deacon, priest, bishop), a pope must be ordained (deacon, priest, bishop), therefore B is not Pope. (btw he's also a heretic).

      The original argument was "heresy", now it's first a question of lack of orders and then and also additionally heresy.

      I for one will never take this guy seriously. "Funny" videos do not qualify as theological treatises but he has no verifiable theological credentials so what's his claim to be an "authority"?

      Bring him another dead bunny!

    5. When you talk to this guy, in person, he sounds like he has a mouth full of olives as he pompously chortles on his own self confidence and keeps dropping lines like: "As I wrote in my piece on...". He's become his own "magisterium". One time he told me on a defunct forum that his "new case" depended upon 1 quotation on an obscure citation in a manual I possessed but had never read. I tread the quotation and then asked him: "Is that it?" The answer was basically "yes". I told him there was no way he rest his sede case on just this 1 quotation.

    6. Reader,

      I have been going through their book, it's bad, very bad. Yes, they can write coherently and certainly persuasively, but inside of their writings are dangerous ideas against the Faith made to look as though it is sourced by Catholic authority, and their arrogant over-confidence in their work gives the reader an impression that they actually know what they are talking about.

      These guys are clever, very clever, which makes then doubly dangerous. Take a look at how Robert Siscoe recently argued that Pope Celestine's ruling on a certain marriage was included in the decretals. Siscoe's paper sounds solid, well sourced, well written, but his argument is junk, the ruling was not placed in the decretals. This is what I am referring to here, these guys are dangerous, they manipulate the sources and are not to be trusted by Catholics.

      I will leave off with Rev. Kramers excellent paper titled: "Defection from the Faith and the Church, Faith, Heresy, and Loss of Office - An Exposé of the Heresy of John Salza and Robert Siscoe Part I:

    7. Gene, we see your point. Luckily we can rely on Fr. Kramer for a alternative view. If we had to depend on Checkie's videos, we'd be out of luck. They can't be trusted either, even when they may be on to something.

    8. S&S round like rehashed Gallicanism more than anything to me.

      Furthermore, the watcher is just wrong. I didn't berate the reader, and in fact take to heart much of what is said here (and appreciate your efforts). I just felt that in charity I should point out you are going out on a limb with this cat stuff and to a relatively new observer, you may be eroding your credibility and likewise your mission to keep people out of harm's way.

    9. We see your point, but respectfully disagree. We think Dannie's animal stories alone will sound warning alarms for people, while our whimsical interpretations reinforce the message. (BTW, some people familiar with the cult tell us we're not far in our reading of the sick tales.)

      The "cat stuff" shows just how far gone the cult is. For every communication like yours, we receive four attesting to people's disgust at the relish for cruelty. Nevertheless, we welcome your observation as a heartfelt critique. We won't ignore you, but we will continue because we know the series is helping people to stay away.

  14. The Reader Stated:

    "...As for us, we think ALL the malformed amateurs, priestly and lay, should hold their tongues and wait until the properly trained weigh in on these profound matters. And that's not going to happen in Tradistan..."

    You can say that again! You cannot even get them to agree on the basic Faith.

    Rome has its heretics, and we have our lunatics! Somewhere in between the Hee and the Haw, is the Donkey to pin the tail on.

  15. Ok Shadow, where do you think the Donkey is to be found?

    1. PROBABLY HERE !!!

      AnonymousApril 25, 2017 at 10:31 PM
      You know there is a way to get a professional answer to the doubts raised by the bizarre cultic behavior of Tradistan's leaders - they all publish newsletters.

      All we have to do is submit them to qualified psychiatric professionals in a blind study and ask for their professional opinion of the mental acumen of the authors.

      I'm willing to fund such a study.

      You'd be surprised to learn how many people enter religious life with all sorts of mental issues and they do that with the best of intentions because they see it as a "spiritual problem" that with God's Grace they can overcome, however, they aren't spiritual problems at all but the fixed society allows them parameters of reassurance that help protect them from their mental issues.

      If we desire the best for the lay faithful, shoiuldn't we desire the best for these men who lead obvious cults but have expressed themeselves so often in ways that a trained professional could see that this just is not a normal religious experience and that it is self-destructive to the leaders who have passed on their own insecurities to their spiritual progeny, the "priests" they "ordain".

      Interestingly these features were very well identified in CMRI where their original leader drove some of them into psychotic and neurotic experiences.

      We know so much more these days so better call in the experts, make clear cases of illness and help all get the help they need.

      This is a serious problem we all need to address. If there is nothing there - then so much the better. We must begin the work of collating the writings which are often the most expressive source of mental issues since people frequently unbeknownst to themselves say more about their mental state than, most lay people might imagine.

      AnonymousApril 25, 2017 at 10:48 PM
      Additionally there are Youtube sermons and addresses that might be accessed, but we would get a good handle on the mental state of many of these people for our own spiritual well-being. If they choose to live as ostriches in the sand - well we can say: "We tried!"

      AnonymousApril 25, 2017 at 10:54 PM
      It would no longer be a case of a duel: "You hate us....because..." It would be an objective fact from real bona fide medical professionals - I have a hunch where to start myself and he's likely to want a large pool of experts to weigh in, and he's VERY thorough in his research (and a good Catholic to boot!) We have got to lay this nonsense to rest !

    2. An excellent idea. And the shrinks should start with Dannie's blood fests featuring Caravaggio & Puccini.


  16. PL,

    Our class needs some help reading the manuscript writing on the illustration. We can figure out almost everything except for the first line. If you can answer before 1:15 today, we would really appreciate it.

    BTW all those anti-semites in Tradistan yes this is Ahuva so get your freak on you sickies.

    1. "Get your freak on you sickies?"

      There's way more important things than Latin and you need help w/more important things than translating it. All these posters here that spread the Catholic Faith could start by introducing Jesus Christ to you. Viva Cristo Rey! He is Risen Alleluia. He is risen indeed!

      Here's a Talmud-trained sickie gettin' her "freak on": "He Believes 'The Intentional Taking Of A Human Life By Private Persons Is Always Wrong'!"

      And here's another one: “You agree, once a child is born, is separated from the mother, that that child is protected by the Constitution and cannot be killed? Do you agree with that?” Boxer: “I think when you bring your baby home, when your baby is born … the baby belongs to your family and has all the rights.” Santorum persisted: “Obviously, you don’t mean they have to take the baby out of the hospital for it to be protected by the Constitution. Once the baby is separated from the mother, you would agree—completely separated from the mother—you would agree that the baby is entitled to constitutional protection?” She would not say “yes.” Instead, she said, understandably: “I don’t want to engage in this.”

    2. Hi, Ahuva,

      Sorry we didn't get back before the, ah, interruption.

      Any way, here's the transcription of the first line:

      Ursus fertur dictus quod ore suo formet fetus quasi orsus.

      We won't translate it for you and spoil the fun. Just pay attention to the play on words and you'll get it. You aren't sede completers, so we have every confidence in you guys.

      Good luck.

  17. S'more talmud trained sickies gettin' their freak on:

    "The Amazing And Heartbreaking Story Of The CEO Who Lived And Rebuilt His Firm After 9/11: Howard Lutnick" erhaps the only reason Cantor Fitzgerald's chief executive Howard W. Lutnick didn't perish during the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center is thanks to his young son...That Tuesday morning happened to be the day his five-year-old son Kyle started kindergarten. He and his wife both wanted to take him to his first day at Horace Mann School...Cantor Fitzgerald suffered the greatest loss of life of any company. The firm lost 658 of its 960 employees, almost two-thirds of its workforce."

    "OBAMA’S $400,000 CANTOR SPEECH MAKES HIM WALL STREET’S NEWEST FAT CAT - Company waiting to coordinate with the former president before making formal speaking fee will be $400,000, which is nearly twice as much as Hillary Clinton, his secretary of state, and the 2016 Democratic Party candidate, charged private businesses for such events. Obama has agreed to speak at Cantor’s health care conference in September"

    1. You are one sick puppy.

      But as it says in Masseches Ta'anis 21, gam zu l'tovah, everything is for the best.

    2. Kooks of all kinds showing up here - must be the Mac and Cheeseball diet is too much for these low feeders - never know how unhinged the Tradistanis are - years of cult-land wash up on these here beaches!

    3. The flotsam and jetsam of Tradworld have nowhere else to go as their universe collapses. We enjoy it when they appear. They make our case far better than we can.

  18. "Does the following observation really have a place in a church bulletin on Rosary Sunday (or on any Sunday for that matter)?

    Fr. McKenna tells me he read that cats kill far more creatures than we realize (only 25% of the carcasses make it to the step), sometimes just for fun."

    Observation: what kind of person would look up a statistic like that, and what kind of person would repeat it? Makes you wonder!

    1. And we've been wondering for a long time about those two!

  19. Readers

    You think you are so smart when you praise S&S and you refuse to condemn una cum Masses. Well my sede priest gave me a syllogism to prove you wrong for good.

    Every Novus Ordus is una cum
    No good Catholic is Novus Ordo
    Therefore, no good Catholic is una cum.

    You are toast!!!!!!!!

  20. Mind dead is more like it! First year student in logic would tear this syllogism apart.

  21. This sillygism is just that. Had to pull out my old logic notes (25 years ago).

    Attempt at a CAMESTRES universal positive followed by two universal negatives.

    Problem is it's a linguistic fallacy of equivocation - the supposition of the middle term is different between the major and the minor.

    Novus Ordo in the major refers to the rite of the Mass, in the minor it refers to membership of the modern official church - the conclusion doesn't follow.

    Was this a product of CMRI? Quite moronic in fact.

    1. It seems there's a formal fallacy there, as well, though I would have to dig out my old logic notes myself to recall the proper name.

      For the sake of argument, let's let the term "novus ordo" mean the same thing in the major and the minor. The conclusion still doesn't follow:

      Every Novus Ordus is una cum
      No good Catholic is Novus Ordo
      Therefore, no good Catholic is una cum.

      All A is B.
      No C is A.
      Therefore no C is B.

      I forget what that's called, other than a complete mess.

      With other terms:
      All apples are fruit.
      No cherries are apples.
      Therefore no cherries are fruit.

      Gotta love some o' that cracker-jack logic!

  22. Just ask Francis.

  23. In our view, Anon 3:31's "priest" commits an illicit process of the major: the extension of the predicate in the conclusion is broader than in the premises.

    In the first figure (sub-præ), the minor affirms. CAMESTRES is a mood of the second figure (præ-præ).

    This could well be the work of a Swampland completer— or one of its "professors.".

    1. Oh I see the problem is in the arrangement of the terms in the 1st mood it's diagrammed:


      But isn't there also a problem with the order of the major and minor (the arrangement of the propositions)?

      Barbara: A/A/A
      Celarent: E/A/E
      Darii: A/I/I
      Ferio: E/I/O

      It doesn't seem to fit CELARENT unless you reverse the order:

      E: No good Catholic is Novus Ordo
      A: Every Novus Ordo is una cum
      E: Therefore, no good Catholic is una cum.

      Now the minor affirms but the other way the minor negates.

      Clearly the middle term is equivocal - that's why it doesn't work.

      I haven't read my logic notes in 25 years.

    2. Now I've gotten the order out of kilter it's not a 1st mood anymore.

    3. 4/27 10:16 PM,

      Two things must be considered in analyzing a syllogism: (1) figure, the arrangement of the terms relative to the middle and (2) mood, the arrangement of the propositions according to quantity (universal/particular) and quality (affirmative/negative).

      Now, as you illustrate, the middle term is in the subject position of the major and in the predicate position of the minor. Hence we have a 1st figure syllogism (sub-præ), the valid moods of which are BARBARA, CELARENT, DARII, and FERIO, as you note.

      But the mood of 3:31's effort is AEE , which is clearly invalid in the 1st figure. Apart from any change in supposition of the middle, we can understand what's formally wrong by first recalling the fundamental "Law of Extension of the Predicate Term of a Proposition":

      An affirmative proposition's predicate is taken particularly, and a negative proposition's predicate is taken universally.

      If we examine 3:31's major, "Every Novus Ordus [sic!] is una cum," we know its predicate, "una cum," must be taken particularly because the proposition is affirmative. If we then look at the consequent, "no good Catholic is una cum," we see the proposition is negative and accordingly its predicate must be taken universally.

      Now let us recall the 2nd "Law of the Syllogism" — second, that is, in the order we learned it — which tells us no term may have greater extension or distribution in the conclusion than it had in the premises (Latius hos quam præmissæ conclusio non vult). Violation of that law results in illicit process, here of the major.

      For this reason, students of logic who had professors with real degrees learn the rules for the validity of figures. For figure 1 (sub-præ), the rule states "the minor affirms, the major is universal" (sit minor affirmans, major vero generalis). We can see, then, that 3:31's "priest" got it right with an A proposition, but botched it in the minor with a negative proposition.

      The whole point of the first part of the rule (viz. minor affirms) is to avoid the illicit major. Here's why: if the minor is negative, then the conclusion must be negative by syllogism law 8 (conclusion follows the weaker premises), and therefore its predicate must be universal. Now by law 6 (2 negatives yield no conclusion), the major must then be affirmative (predicate taken particularly). But then the predicate's distribution would be broader in the conclusion than in the major premise! Illicit process of the major.

      Of course, had this "priest" just observed that his 1st figure syllogism was not in one of the four valid moods for a 1st figure, he would have avoided this elementary blunder. But, then, these guys didn't attend a real seminary, did they?

  24. AnonymousApril 27, 2017 at 3:31 PM

    Ridiculously Commented:

    "...You are toast!!!!!!!!"

    Well I don't know about everybody else here, but I feel this poor soul has been fed some more Theological "Bologna".

    I don't know about the Readers being Toast, but if you listen to any more of this kind of "LOGIC", your Faith along with your brains will be FRIED.

  25. Tell the "Rector" to come on here and teach us his logic !

  26. Time to get Grenier out - again !

  27. Thank you for the review of Logic. I still revere the memory of my Logic prof who wrote his own book on it because he did not like the methods of contemporary texts.

    Actually you ladies and gentlemen shine in your expositions of such topics. I sometimes think your talents are wasted ...

    1. You're really too kind. We'll have to attribute our explanation to the teaching methods of our professors. We had to memorize and recite orally all the rules and laws, and our teachers, following the scholastic method, used very clever mnemonics to make it stick for some 50 years.

  28. Hey Reader

    This is getting way off but what do you make about the syllogism posted by AnonymousApril 27, 2017 at 10:06 PM (P.S. I am not being negative)

    E: No good Catholic is Novus Ordo
    A: Every Novus Ordo is una cum
    E: Therefore, no good Catholic is una cum.

    1. We welcome all comments, negative and positive. Even 3:31's babble was fine with us because it showed the malformation of the "clergy."

      As for your question, here's our analysis of the syllogism.

      EAE, or CESARE, is one of the 4 valid moods of the 2nd figure, where the middle term, here N.O., must be in the predicate of both the major and minor. (Abbreviated præ-præ.)

      But as you see, in the syllogism you cite, the middle term is the predicate of the major but the subject of the minor, or præ-sub, which is the 4th figure, for which EAE is not a valid mood. (The 5 valid moods for the fourth figure are BRAMANTIP, CAMENES, DIMARIS, FESAPO, FRESISON.)

      In addition, by rule the subject of the conclusion is the minor term or extreme (S), and the predicate of the conclusion is the major term or extreme (P). But in the syllogism you give, the S came from the major and the P from the minor.

  29. Take a trip to the Sanbornicum page - he's got a special announcement - behold the Superior General and the Roman Catholic Institute.

    He tells you what to preach and how to decorate your church. He tells you he's got a list of "approved clergy".

    Soon he'll be sporting the papal cassock !

  30. "My dear Catholic people,
    Recently I have founded something which is long overdue, that is, an organization of priests and seminarians. It is entitled the Roman Catholic Institute."

    Change the last word to "Church" - what a hoot. To join there's some kind of oath that's way longer than the Anti-Modernist oath - every pet peeve is included - no facet excluded. I hope Dan joins so he's subject to the "Superior General".

    1. It's the Palmar de Troya of Florida ! Vanishing chapels and faithful and the issuance of endless rules and regulations. Well he is "Thuc" line so I guess it goes with the territory.

    2. It doesn't seem likely he's going to leave the pesthouse now - he's only just beginning - megalomania at its finest.

    3. Right now our question is...


      And, come to think about it, why isn't the Toady in the merry band? And what about the Skipper and the Long Island Jellyfish.

      Don't they want to cozy up to the "Superior General"?

      9:36 may be on to something. Did you notice Junior's completely disgusted look? Maybe he's not the Bishop-Elect anymore?

    4. Toady's in but not the Skipper nor Ercoli neither is half the "seminary" Yes I was wondering all those things - Jnr. is out that's for sure! Eldracher takes out Gilchrist and the Superior General has 15,000 miles of "pro-postolate:

    5. 12:31 AM

      Fake News! What book are you reading? OR what are you dreaming?

    6. No, 7:53, it's not fake news. Big Don posted his announcement and rules on his website, and as for the Beanpole, read our BREAKING NEWS FLASH in the post we'll publish later today. And the 15K miles comes from Tradzilla's own words:

      Our apostolate now consists of locations in England, Florida, Michigan, California, and Australia, That is a stretch on the globe of about 15,000 miles!" (April 2017 pesthouse newsletter, p. 2)

      The only thing fake is the "clergy."

    7. The "Dreamer" is Don - as the Reader recently observed Don always has big "plans" and big "ideas" but like his big "seminary" they'll literally fall to pieces.

      He follows the money that's all. He's got big hope in Fresno - must be some deep pocket to pick out there.

    8. One source tells us that Zappo requested the Toad and the priory princesses to help start a new school.

      We can't see the Zappster ever knuckling under to a power-mad "Superior General," so does that mean the Toad has been cut loose from the rat pack in the swamp?

      It seems to us Toady's feelings would have been really hurt that he was NOT invited to be one of the founding clergy of Tradzilla's institute. Likewise his favorite shoulder-to-cry-on, the Skipper. We mean, these two losers got kicked to the curb, like unwanted rubbish. They were definitely not wanted to be in the photo of the in-group.

    9. The Laity

      "We want the lay people to see what we stand for, and invite them to adopt these very same principles in this great and life-long struggle we have all undertaken for the integrity of Catholic dogma, Catholic moral doctrine, Catholic liturgy, and Catholic discipline."

      Will an oath be administered to the laity at some future date (like the TV one he tried in Detroit and lost two thirds of his parish)?

      The Liturgy

      "The Institute holds that the changes which were made to the Roman liturgy by the Commission for the Reform of the Liturgy, founded by Pope Pius XII in 1948, and headed by Annibale Bugnini, were transitory changes which were made in view of the Novus Ordo Missæ of 1969. Consequently the Institute shall reject any changes made at the suggestion of the aforesaid commission, even if promulgated by Pope Pius XII."

      This is clearly schismatic - he states the changes were made by a legitimate Pope but he will flout them!

      "The Institute holds that, although these changes were duly promulgated by Pope Pius XII, the acceptance of them in the light of the changes of Vatican II would be harmful to the stated end, namely the preservation of the traditional Roman liturgy."

      He accepts the promulgation but rejects them anyway and...

      "Nonetheless, the Institute does not regard the liturgical changes of Pope Pius XII as sinful to observe or attend, or as non-Catholic, but does regard them as a prelude to the ultimate changes of Vatican II, to which their author, Annible Bugnini, attests."

      ...they're not "sinful" but he's rejecting them anyway - this is pure gobbledygook.

    10. The Cherry-Picking - meaningless lines in the sand - the product of an over-active imagination

      1. The members of the Institute of the Roman Catholic Institute shall adhere to the Roman Missal of Saint Pius V, the Roman Breviary of Saint Pius V, together with the additions and reforms made up to and including the year 1948, exclusive. The members of the Institute shall adhere to the Roman Pontifical by Pope Benedict XIV and Pope Leo XIII and the Roman Ritual promulgated by Pope Benedict XIV.

      2. The Institute shall accept any and all canonizations of saints made up to October 9, 1958, and shall reject as invalid any canonizations which were attempted thereafter.

      3. The Institute shall accept any feast days of the universal calendar which were established up to December 31st, 1954, and shall reject any made thereafter.

      4. The Institute shall reject the reformed Holy Week rite which was promulgated in 1955,including earlier reforms which were permitted in 1951.

      5. The Institute shall accept all changes made to the eucharistic fast made by Pope Pius XII. (But the last were in 1957 so '48 for some, '54 for other, '57 for the fast, '58 for canonizations - all perfectly logical right ?)

      6. The members of the Institute shall not use gothic-style vestments; they shall use only Roman-,French-, German-, and Spanish-style vestments. The San Filippo (Renaissance) style is also permitted.

      7. The members of the Institute shall use only the Douay-Rheims translation of the Bible when citing or reading Sacred Scripture in English, and shall use only the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate when citing or reading Sacred Scripture in Latin.

      8. The Institute rejects the use of the translation of the Psalms promulgated for optional use by Pope Pius XII in 1945.

      9. The members of the Institute reject the use of the Dialogue Mass.

      10. Bishops and priests of the Institute shall observe the rubrics of the Roman Missal regarding the mention of the name of the pope and bishop during the vacancy of each of these sees.

      11. Members of the Institute may not say Mass or conduct any public or private devotions in a church or chapel that is commonly used for the Novus Ordo Mass. The veneration of a relic or of a sacred image in these locations is permitted. (No Novus Ordo but you can kiss a relic in there!)

      12. The members of the Institute may not show any signs of veneration of what purports to be the Blessed Sacrament in Novus Ordo churches, or of their altars.

      13. The members of the Institute shall conform all liturgical rites and ceremonies to the instructions found the the Rubricæ Generales of the Roman Missal and Breviary, in the Cæremoniale Episcoporum, and in the Rituale Romanum, and in the books of approved traditional rubricists, such as Martinucci, Moretti, Van der Stappen, O’Connell, O’Kane, Le Vavasseur, and others which are approved by the Superior General. Local or national customs, provided that they are long-standing and not contrary to the rubrics, should also be observed.


      How is the "Superior General" elected ? How long is his term ? Who elected him ? What process exists for the election of another "Superior General" ?

    12. It's a case of "It's my party and you CAN'T cry if you want to"!


    Subject to Donaldus Magnus - I hardly think so - in any case they probably have enough of their own clergy already

  32. Anonymous April 25, 2017 at 9:58 PM

    "Ok Shadow, where do you think the Donkey is to be found?"

    Look for the donkey who bears the cross upon his back, and not the jackasses.

  33. Here's another interesting tidbit: from Piv's "Adsum" for March: "Josef Weissensteiner, who
    studies under Fr. Abrahamovicz" came over to Omaha to receive the first two minor orders. Not so long ago Dannie and Don were trying to cultivate a relationship with Fr. Abrahamovicz (former SSPX and a sede) but after he made the grand tour of their places he picked the Pivmeister. Who'd have thunk it?

    1. 6:54 PM

      Fr A made a decision, he is sticking to it. Yes, that was years ago too. What decision have you made?
