
Saturday, April 29, 2017


We interrupt today's post to bring you an important update to our April 8 analysis (click here). In the newly released April 2017 pesthouse newsletter (click here),  Tradzilla ended all doubts about the fates of Melbourne and Toady. The Aussies'll get Beanpole for their "priest," thus paying back Pivvy for his spectacular triumph in Arizona. At the same time, the Toadster,  pulled by a gam of pampered priory princesses, will migrate westward to California. "Ordained" on June 29, 2016, Beanpole has been a "priest" for less than a year!  (Doesn't sound prudent.) At least the Australians'll have someone who can speak English fluently, and the Donster'll have fewer ravenous mouths to feed.  Now back to our regular programming...

.. remember the hardship of tearful children. Teachers drive them hard with curses and orders to repeat and repeat. When the children return home in the evening, they can hardly walk. Kim-Il-sung

Finally the time's right to start posting the contents of an authentic copy of Kim Jong-Don's "school" rules, which a while ago was secreted out of the reptile-breeding capital of the People's Republic of Tradistan, boggy Pyongyang-on-the-Gulf-of-Mexico.  The rare document, which hasn't been found on the cult's website, affords an astonishing glimpse into the double standards, ghastly subversion of the Catholic family, and rampant hypocrisy characteristic of the rogue Swampland sect. Publishing now is a spiritual work of mercy enjoined by the precept of charity, so in conscience we couldn't sit on it any longer.

Since Tradistan's General Secretary was shown the door by Our Lady of the Sun, the "clergy" have redoubled efforts to entice families to pull up stakes and head on out for the humid swamp.  If brainwashed Arizonan moms and dads read this post, they may be able to change their plans before it's too late for their kids —and their savings. While our cultologists analyze the document in detail for future exposés, we want to share with these misguided Catholics our immediate thoughts before the window of opportunity to avert a family catastrophe closes.


The document's formatting is a classic illustration of amateurish pomposity — "Play-Church" in all its cockeyed glory. It's meant to trick the unwary into thinking "the Academy" (LOL) is a Catholic school run by Catholic men and women. (That unaccredited penal colony isn't like any school old-time Catholics we know ever attended.) The whole, messy exercise in tomfoolery, written in stilted, impenetrable pseudo-legalese, is divided into elaborately decimalized sections with Titles, on the model of old theological manuals. Each specific rule under a Title is followed by a notation of the demerits incurred or the punishment due for violation. Take, for example, this bit of arrant pettifoggery:
16. On days off, weekends, and vacation periods, even throughout the summer, the students of the Academy shall observe all the general norms of Catholic conduct, as described in the General Norms of Conduct. In addition they must observe (1) all the norms concerning dress and grooming, mentioned in Title 8, unless there is specific mention in the rule that it applies to uniform, school property, or school hour; (2) all the norms concerning culture, mentioned in Title 5. He is furthermore bound to the following rules: 
...16.12 Students may not watch broadcast or cable television programming. It is not forbidden to watch decent videos or even decent programs recorded from broadcast or cable television, provided all objectionable material is removed from them (e.g., commercials). [15 FOR INDIVIDUAL VIOLATIONS; EXPULSION AFTER UNHEEDED WRITTEN WARNING FOR REPEATED VIOLATIONS]
Given their obtuseness, it's obvious these rules, or "norms" as they're bombastically styled, are designed both to force violations and to give the enforcers wiggle room to excuse relatives and other élite offenders. What parents or school children are going to master the intricacies of Tradzilla's "norms" with their cross-referenced exceptions and convoluted sentences? (N.B.  "PENAL CODE" is the actual caption for Section VI in this document! Can you believe it? ).

Deeply problematic is the intrusiveness. For instance, who determines what's "decent" or "objectionable" at home? Parents? Or the cult "clergy" and "religious"? An even more serious question is: Who will monitor the observance of these "norms" outside the "school" setting?  Do the kids have to turn in their parents, as in a police state? Do parents have to denounce their own children? Must parents drop a dime on others' children? Are the children's playmates supposed to rat them out to the "authorities"? And just what kind of evidence against an offender is probative? Solely the testimony of a tattletale informant, who may have a grudge?


Worse than odious intrusiveness is the reported differential enforcement of the "norms": there seems to be one standard for the connected and another for the non-élite. Take for instance rule 3.6.19, which classes the "formation of exclusive cliques" as one of the "Infractions against charity." At the same time, consider the prohibition against "stealing in any form" under 3.6.21 (2) of "Infractions against Justice."

Then, if you're ever down in the swamp, ask what happened to a very well-connected "student" who snatched a math test out of the trash and copied it for distribution to members in her clique in order to prepare for an exam.  Was she expelled? (Don't be naïve.) And while you're down there slumming, ask anyone where this model student is today. Nothing can be kept a secret in a small compound, and there are plenty of people who'll tell you.

It won't come as a surprise to learn that élite parents also appear to enjoy the same loose application of the "norms" as do their offspring. For instance, one of the recurring themes among the Eternal Chairman's "norms" is insistence on showing respect and obedience to priests, religious, and teachers. Indeed, there are two titles dedicated to these topics (3.6.32. Title 2 and 3.6.33. Title 3). Moreover, 3.6.14 reads in part:
It is extremely disconcerting to the administration of the Academy when parents speak ill against the teachers, talk to other parents about their complaints, and presume malice in the teachers of their children. Those who give their lives for the Catholic education of the youth are doing a spiritual work of mercy, whether they are paid or not, and must not be verbally abused by those to whom they do so much good.
Although competent rule-making avoids writing cry-baby self-justifications like this — it's a rule, not an essay or letter to the editor, for Pete's sake!PL can see how this paragraph is consistent with the document's overall objective to manipulate the cultlings's psyches. But if the "norms" forbid the use of "foul, vulgar, or impure language" (and they do, see 4.1 under 3.4.4. Title 4: MODESTY, CHASTITY, AND DECENCY), then why did the authorities suffer two of the élite families to curse at a lay teacher in front of students?

Compounding the gravity of the violation, "norm" 2.13 commands, "it is forbidden for students to discuss among themselves what they perceive to be the 'faults' of priests, religious, teachers or adults." Now, from our reading of the "norms," parents are also regulated by them, as we see in 3.6.14, which orders parents to abide by the "principles and rules of the preceding paragraph [viz, 3.6.13, Ed.]" under pain of having "to remove the children from the Academy."

Those "principles and rules" state in part:
...where the parent feels that he must make an appeal in favor of his child, he should do so most discreetly and respectfully, first approaching the child's teachern for an explanation of the incident. The child should not even know of the intervention in his behalf. The parent should presume good will in the teacher, even if he thinks he has made a mistake. Furthermore, if it concerns a minor problem, the parent should have the wisdom to forget about it, being mindful of the greater good of the general accomplishments of the academy for their children.
So, then, why didn't these élite parents obey Kim Jong-Don? Is cursing a teacher a means of  "discreetly and respectfully... approaching the teacher for an explanation of the incident"?  They and their children must certainly have discussed among themselves perceived faults of the teacher. Why didn't the parents do as they were commanded and just "forget about it" instead of exposing students to "foul, vulgar, or impure language"? More to the point, why were they allowed to breach the fourth article of the "Pledge of Decency" they had to "declare, resolve and pledge" and sign? Said article reads, "I will refrain from the public criticism of the priests, teachers, and other administrators of the school, and will resolve my differences with them in a discreet and respectful manner." Oath-breaking is a very serious offense under every "PENAL CODE," so why not in this case?


For all the overwrought complexity, toxic logic chopping, compulsive hairsplitting,* and despotic severity of the "norms," the kids realize they're a sham.  They've witnessed how the "authorities" themselves don't model the very virtues the "norms" purport to uphold. That's why the young people (and the adults) telegraph their disdain on social media. For if, as St. Paul says, the greatest of the theological virtues is charity, then principled school administrators wouldn't tolerate "infractions" against it. Nor would they themselves engage in uncharitable behavior. Yet that's not the case, as two examples prove.

The Supreme Leader's "norms" make it clear that "hurtful teasing and mockery" constitute one of the "Infractions against charity" (3.6.19, punishable by 20 demerits). How, then, does this square with PL's reports of May 2016? You remember: the one allegation where classmates viciously teased a girl about her weight, while the "priest" in charge did nothing (click here, long essay #1); and the other, where a boy suffering from ADD was made to stand in the hallway in his boxer shorts after he was unable to change his clothes within three minutes after recess (click here, multiple choice #1).


Professionally considered, a school's rules, in addition to underpinning the good order required for effective instruction, form an integral part of the curriculum. Like academic subjects, they teach specific skills and knowledge necessary to function successfully in society; their just enforcement facilitates the development of habits proper to civilized man. The rules of a religious school subsume that end but go beyond secular objectives by helping to perfect the child's will and appetites, thereby enabling him to attain his final destiny.

But what do children learn from the capricious administration of the Swampland's "norms"? Above all, we suspect, they learn cynicism. Rules are just for show; fidelity, consistency, and clarity count for nothing. Any rule, it seems, is meant to be broken or at least bent, as long as you've got money and influence. It wouldn't amount to too much of a stretch to infer the rules' authors regard them chiefly as a means of mind control. The game, then, is not to acquire virtue by observing the rules, allowing them to inform one's life, but rather to survive them by means of a weary detachment directed at dodging the white-hot, punishment-happy rage of the Shining Sun of the People's Republic of Tradistan.

From the perspective of game theory, that's probably a useful strategy in such a disordered place: eventually the youngsters will be emancipated and on their own. Withholding assent undoubtedly helps unhappy kids get through each miserable, soul-crushing day. But in the long run, disengaged gamesmanship is mortally dangerous to the soul. When acquired in childhood and adolescence, practiced indifference to the moral, intellectual, and supernatural virtues does not dispose the future adult to order his life in accordance with right reason to God, others, and himself.


If we're lucky, the Arizona parents who're uprooting their families to move to the Swampland will read this post and reconsider. The great trek from the desert to the Hermit Kingdom hasn't yet begun, so we're told. If they don't get the message, however, their children are as good as doomed: The "norms" may have become more oppressive since we acquired our copy.  For others who may still be contemplating relocation to the swamp, we'll revisit in depth other "norms" in upcoming posts.  Some parents' hesitancy today suggests they have doubts about dismal tomorrows in the dark heart of Tradistan. They may still be able to act to


*Just read this vile example of Catch-22 gobbledygook:
3.1. Students must obey the commands of their priests, religious, teachers unless (a) the command is clearly contrary to a higher law; (b) the command is clearly outside or beyond their limits of authority. Whenever doubt should exist about (a) or (b), the presumption is in favor of the superior, and the command must be obeyed.
But if there's no doubt on the child's part and s/he disobeys in good conscience, what happens then? Or does "norm" 3 of 3.6.33. Title 3: OBEDIENCE override any exceptions: "Prompt obedience must be shown to all priests, religious, teachers in all that pertains to their respective competence [5 FOR MINOR DISOBEDIENCE; 10 TO 25 FOR GRAVE]?

BTW, good luck to any cornered kid or frazzled mom trying to figure out what "respective competence" means.


  1. Something tells me the parents do not have the courage to vote with their feet. Even in the "bad old days", any pastor who tried this would have been summoned to their bishop's/superior's office, and transferred to Outer Mongolia.

    1. Actually, they do. How many families did P.L. say have left that place? Over 10, correct? The only ones still there are the priest and nuns' families; P.L. said that they don't have to follow the rules.

    2. Brainwashing is the only reason I can see why people stay. They think Sanborn is the only way to Heaven, a little Jim Jones thinking, if you ask me.

      Another explaination is ties to family. If you have two or three generations there, it is hard to break the cycle and split from the norms that the rest of your family has set as an example.

      It only takes one person to start a change in the cycle though.

      Unfortunately, usually dynasties like to continue to rule. They like the power and the status. Seems to me that this place has a little Selway Dynasty going on. Selways set the standards, tell Sanborn how to run his show, how to run his school, and determine who has to follow the rules.

      Do you want to know one of the ironic things of it all: you have a group of 3 families who run The most holy TRINITY seminary. Maybe in this case, it's not referring to the Blessed Trinty, but a tribute to his 3 families who run the show.

    3. There are so many resemblances to cults, it's frightening. Last night, we all watched the CBS 48 Hours episodes of "The Family: A Cult Revealed" and were thunderstruck. Click HERE and HERE to see for yourself.

    4. Dave P.,

      You're 1000% right. But wait until we post some of the other "norms," such as "Parents ought to automatically presume that the accusation of disobedience is accurate and the punishment appropriate....At no time ought a parent take the word of a child over that of the teacher, unless there is overwhelming evidence that the teacher was wrong."

      Bearing in mind the "formation" of these "teachers" and the rogue status of the "school" itself, you might then say he'd be shipped to Mars or, more probably, degraded.

  2. Do the priests not have to be under a senior priest for a few years? Did they not learn with Ramolla that you can't do this? Or does Sanborn just have better control of Eldraucher? Why didn't the send Palma? I'm guessing they expect his spanish to come in handy in California?

    1. Perhaps so, but Today's English is not too good.

  3. P.L., did you notice Sanborn's site is now showing cmri as a mass option? (Too of page link)

    But, Sanborn tells people in person that they are liberal and shouldn't be an option to go to Mass? Quite ironic, don't you think?

    1. This is Dolan's website - none of the "scum" CMRI would EVER be mentioned by Kim Jong Don !

    2. The word is that the Toady has been telling anybody who'll listen in AZ that they can't attend CMRI.

    3. After years of the Stasi rule the East Germans were quite glad when the Wall came down - fat chance any sane person would listen to such nonsense.

  4. I quite agree about the wisdom of sending Beanpole after less than a year's ordination. Exotic climes have been the graveyard of well fortified priests before - but Kim-Jong-Don lives in cloud cuckoo-land as Aristophanes put it in The Birds.

  5. Sanborn is a total control freak moron - there's no other way to say it. Rules and regulations - has he ever read about the Scribes and Pharisees and their multiplication of rules and Our Lord's verdict on them (rules and pharisees)? Thank God it's Good Shepherd Sunday !

  6. Hey, PL

    There is a fundamental error in line 3 of the blog post: it should read "The DEMOCRATIC People's Republic of Tradistan" (as in DPRK, get it?).

    And Kim Jong Don needs to be put on a bit more weight, the better to look the part.

    1. Yes, that would've brought out the similitude more sharply.

      It's just that Tradzilla would never be associated with the word "democratic" even ironically. He wants absolute control both in fact and in name, and he's not concerned with world opinion. In that sense, Tradistan shouldn't be called a "People's Republic." It's actually a "clerocracy."

      Maybe its real title should be THE CLEROCRATIC TOTALITARIAN STATE OF TRADISTAN. However, the problem with this term is that Tradistan has several aspirants for the top job of autocrat. Perhaps, then, we should speak of "South Tradistan" when we refer to the Kim Jong-Don's crumbling Hermit Kingdom, and "North Tradistan" when we speak of Kim Jong-Dan's dying little patch of one-man rule. That, however, doesn't recognize that the Pivvy of West Tradistan is making solid inroads into northern, eastern, and southern Tradistan. He's got colonies in Ohio, Minnesota, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia.

      You know, come to think about it, the Pivmeister might just be the true Eternal Chariman of Tradistan, Kim Il-Mark, the Great Founder of the Tradistani "episcopacy." Since Kim Il-Mark pretends to be democratic, the adjective would be appropriate in the DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF GREATER TRADISTAN (greater than Donnie's and Dannie's measly acreage).
      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      From recent pix of Dear Leader, it looks as if he's well on his way to adding the necessary girth. Maybe collections are down so he can't get out to his favorite Belgian restaurant as often as he'd like.

    2. Careful ! There's a rear-guard action about to take place - the shock trooper is moving into Australia, Mark Zedung may yet be outflanked.

      Don't forget Kim Jon Don's empire stretches 15,000 miles but only when the plane fares and hotel bills and banquets are all paid for in advance.

      Kim Jon Dan's "modest impostolate" went up in flames long ago.

      As I see it it's Pivmeister and Donster duking it out.

    3. We'll see who wins. We think the Donster's playing on an uneven field. He's got so few, and the Pivster's got so many.

      We're willing to guess that Kim Il-Mark's may still have a counter move Down Under that'll send the Beanpole running back to the swamp.

    4. Sanborn and Dolan are together.
      Dolan and Pivarunas are together.

      Pivarunas takes over Sanborn's Arizona chapel and the chapel of Ramolla left (with a good number of Dolan's parish).

      Sanborn instructs people that cmri is liberal and not to go to them.

      Sanborn takes over the cmri missions in Australia because he likes how they spent a gob amount of money on him to entice him to send a priest. And after losing his chapel to cmri, he wants to pay them back.

      Does this triangle make any sense?

  7. 3.1. Students must obey the commands of their priests, religious, teachers unless (a) the command is clearly contrary to a higher law; (b) the command is clearly outside or beyond their limits of authority. Whenever doubt should exist about (a) or (b), the presumption is in favor of the superior, and the command must be obeyed.

    IF I understand this rule correctly, then
    this is absolutely frightening!

    Fourth Commandment of GOD:

    "Honor thy Father and thy Mother,"and all those who take their place.

    Mom and Dad say, " Do A" teacher says, "Do B". The latter is in direct conflict with A.

    Solution according to the Grand PooPah is:

    " Honor THY Superior General, a/k/a Thy Supreme Being".

    You cannot make this up, and yet he did.

    How far gone are we?

    1. All of us may be fine, but the cult's gone over the edge with their newly self-proclaimed "Superior General" (LOL).

      You have to be really sick to stay with him. Unless, of course, you're an élite, for whom the "norms" are a dead letter anyway.

  8. Reader,

    I just finished watching The CBS special on The Cult Family that you cited. I was in horror as I thought, how could they get away with this?

    And yet they did.

    What is the difference between this so called cult, and any one of the Traddie Cult Centers?

    Novus Ordo lost the Faith, the cult centers lost their minds, and the True Losers are?

    The Children.

    Always the same Victims with all these maniacs.

    They go by so many names, but just call them Devil.

    I keep the Faith, by following the teachings of Holy Mother Church, without the "MOUTHPIECE"

    If all roads once led to Rome, then today we are left to Roam without the need for the roads.

    Keep the Faith! Stay Home! STARVE THE BEAST!

    1. How right you are! BTW, great play on words: clever and oh so true.

  9. Dan's Lullaby Lyrics

    I was wondering why this week's "weather report" opened with the words:

    "I was just sitting down to write my Corner when Puccini arrived with a terrified baby bunny in tow. The bunny, late for Easter, has now hidden itself in my room like an Easter Egg, and Puccini has been put out. He’s quite put out. But like the children at the delightful Easter Egg Hunt on Holy Saturday, he’s raring to go. Stay tuned.
    The cats have been in a playful mood of late, probably for Paschaltide. Puccini usually organizes the recreation period, with Caravaggio as a reluctant participant. But Puccini mostly has a good time on his own, or with the odd animal he captures."

    Considering all the bad press he gets over here he must just do it to "annoy because he knows it teases."

    Which reminded me of words that must be dear to the heart of the Reader from Alice in Blunderland and the Duchess's Lullaby which we dedicate to "Duchess" Dan:

    Speak roughly to your little boy and beat him when he sneezes,
    He only does it to annoy because he knows it teases.
    Wow! Wow! Wow!
    Wow! Wow! Wow!
    He only does it to annoy because he knows it teases.

    I speak severely to my boy, I beat him when he sneezes
    For he can thoroughly enjoy the pepper when he pleases.
    Wow! Wow! Wow!
    Wow! Wow! Wow!
    For he can thoroughly enjoy the pepper when he pleases.

    Come to think of it this seems like the play book for all Tradistan's "schools" (North and South).

    1. It is dear to our heart, thanks. And it seems to encapsulate Tradistan's educational philosophy. We once did a parody (unprintable here) where we replaced the words of the chorus with "POW! POW! POW!"

      Dannie's remark in today's corner,

      Two vultures were perched on the rectory roof. I wonder what that portends

      lends even greater credence to the assertion that Dannie's doing more than teasing his adversaries.

    2. Perhaps next week's installment will have Uneven (when smoke gets in your eyes) Steven out firing a blunderbuss at them and that will leave a gaping hole in the roof which of course will require a begging bowl as that old video put it: "Not for me, but for the sake of the children."

      Yes "One take Dolan" as he called himself, lifting the line from an old 1990s documentary called "Elizabeth R" done by the BBC, where, in reference to her annual TV and Radio messages, she was known in the trade as "one take Windsor."
      He must have liked the reference and shamelessly appropriated for himself without, of course, citing the reference.

      Well it's fair game I suppose where "Royalty" is concerned.

    3. And the begging bowl explains why Lurch couldn't find the crock pot - it was in the vestibule being used for another fundraiser.

  10. I did find + Sanborn's comments on his ancestry of some interest. It is such a pity that he has strayed from the live free or die attitude of his New Hampshire kin.

    BTW, the CMRI seem to have motivated the Romish authorities to approve an FSSP conventacle in another part of NH. If it helps the cause of Latinity then I'm all for it. Native NH people wouldn't tolerate infringements on their rights such as you report in your blog. I say this as an immigrant from a priest-ridden state to the south of NH.

    1. We're with you about the Latinity.

      A long time ago, people who professed to be Catholic wouldn't tolerate the cult's transgressions either. Tradistan's motto should be "Live a slave or beat it."

  11. The unfortunate thing about Kim Jong-Don is that he meticulously commentates every minutia of his feverish mind on paper. We don't get to stand around with little note books taking feverish notes as the the "SUPERIOR General" shares his wisdom with us wearing inane smiles all over our faces.

  12. The math thief was actually a member of the main family and is now teaching at the school. She was also known for complaining that they have to live like nuns, even though they are not nuns.

  13. The religious are always above the parents in these situations. In fact, there are times the religious tell the children not to tell their parents that they have a vocation because the parents might talk them out of it.

  14. How long has Sanborn and company been running a school? And how many seminary vocations have came out of his schools? One? Junior Selway, correct? If his own prestigious schools can't produce priests, what is wrong with that place? If they have 10 families leave for whatever reason, what is wrong with that place? I can't imagine having to sign your parenting away like that. I do believe they have convent vocations, but some of those appear forced. In fact, rumors are that some of the girls left and their mother ended up begging the priest to let them back in....true or untrue? Is it normal that girls who leave the convent are let in after leaving? It is also rumored that all the girls there are suppose to at least try the convent, and once they go in, they are guilted into staying? True or untrue?


  15. The Reader quotes:

    …Two vultures were perched on the rectory roof”. "I wonder what that portends…”

    Just an observation:

    The vultures I think in this scenario could possess a double meaning. They are a scavenger bird, and as ugly as any feathered creature could be. Yet, they are symbolically perched atop of the rectory, and not the church, as one would see a gargoyle atop of any Cathedral in Europe, supposedly to frighten demons away from the Cathedral. Perched is a very interesting word as it alludes to the ever vigilant eye of the vulture, as it looms ever ready to strike for its next meal. The vulture unlike the Cat does not bring back any remnants of the cats kill,, to the doorstep for a reward from anyone.

    Ironically I find it quite funny that the vultures perched atop of the rectory as ugly as can be, are at least following the laws of nature, as opposed to the vultures inside the coop, who are peering out of windows to report the mating habits of Robins atop of a statue.

    Talk about "Rat Patrol!"

    1. After reading these “norms” in the Swampland’s “penal code,” it is evident to me that the “Donstrosity” is one sick psychopath – and that anyone who supports this maniac is equally deranged and/or hopelessly deluded. How can any sane person justify this monster? And as for his having himself appointed “Superior General” of the “Roman Catholic Institute” -- talk about SICK HUMOR!! What kind of fevered brain (or methane-inflated ego) could conceive of such crap? And, again, what kind of deluded MORON could take such crap seriously? Move over, Jim Jones; you have a rival!

    2. "Superior General" is the biggest, most obscene joke of all. It implies jurisdiction. Yet how can that be, since this "Insititute" (LOL) wasn't erected by the Holy See or approved by formal decree?

      We wonder if the members of this "institute" will be required to take a "fourth vow" to serve Tradzilla always.

      It's all PLAYCHURCH. The Cub Scouts & Brownies are more real than this pipe dream. Catholics should laugh these silly little boys out of Traddielandia.

  16. First, Dolan surely reads this blog, and he is probably teasing you at this point. I've heard him joke about persnikkity latinists in a sermon when I went there, suggesting awareness, and this was months ago.

    Second, most vultures are decent creatures and do an important job. I see them all the time. And there are two kinds in Cincinnati. The red headed Turkey vulture, a strict scavenger with weak talons and a good nose, and the black headed vulture, which is and opportunistic killer and a bully who drives the Turkey vulture from its finds. I doubt Dolan knows this stuff, but vulture life seems to fit the antics of these guys quite well, the black headed kind of course.

    1. Without question, you have a good point. The cult masters do read this blog. Moreover, it's quite in keeping with Dannie's character that he would redouble or triple his savage cat monomania to prove we don't have any impact on how he behaves. He may even think he's ticking us off.

      To share a little secret, that's one of the reasons we bring up his bloody tales every now and then. We're counting on his doubling down with greater cruelty.


      Because the more he does it, the greater discredit he brings on himself and the cult. Many people inside and outside the cult are horrified at his ghoulish tastes. (According to Big Don's "norm" 16.16, video games with "a relish of violence, death, killing, torture" are forbidden to students of his more upscale cult.) So the more we bait Dannie into writing these Sunday slaughter stories, the more disgust we gin up. Actually, if he were to stop, then we'd really be upset. But there's no worry on that score. He can't stop.

      At the same time, we think there's something to be said about the theory that "One Hand" is working out his terrors through these gore-spattered fables. There's nothing to argue that there must be only one way to look at these exercises in butchery. We're disposed to believe he's sticking his tongue out at us while simultaneously telegraphing his innermost wishes or fears.

      BTW, thanks for the info on the vultures in the Cinci area. May we use it when we post on a future BISHOP'S (?) BESTIARY?

    2. Certainty. Read up on vultures, too. One of the most interesting and successful feathered creatures.

  17. Why do these people follow? Because Tradzilla makes them feel stupid and tries convincing them that no one knows proper pre-vatican 2 traditions besides him. He counts on it. He counts on making you feel inferior so that you sign away or let him control all aspects of your life. This man is crazy. The people following him are pawns who have lost their self worth or don't realize what they are doing is allowing them to be controlled by Sanborn's propaganda. They believe these made up proclamations that he creates. If only people knew that they were giving up their self and their faith for a power hungry man.

    1. Very insightful.

      If the people read the blogs, they'd have proof that he's full of baloney.

  18. “…Two vultures were perched on the rectory roof”. "I wonder what that portends…” Piv/Donster rustling his "priests" (the same Dolan once did)?

    "(According to Big Don's "norm" 16.16, video games with "a relish of violence, death, killing, torture" are forbidden to students of his more upscale cult.)" except if it would mean he would end up working at walmart--then such students could end up in his seminary as potential 'brothers.'

    I guess the student thieves and cheaters end up teachers--as long as they are connected to money.

  19. Watcher stated:

    “Superior General” of the “Roman Catholic Institute” -- talk about SICK HUMOR!! What kind of fevered brain…”

    Beware this maniac!

    He is half in jest, whole in earnest, and he already has a maniacal following; as you so aptly likened him to,” Jim Jones”, who started out with only a handful of lunatics. Then it became, “Chuck Full of Nuts.”

    I see some kind of convoluted message being delivered to the Radical Traddies who want Cult Centers to declare the Sede Movement, THE CHURCH.
    So right under our noses, “The Magisterium Of The Church a/k/a. “The Institute” is being morphed into a language to make for a “Power Play, that will satisfy these ignorant Sedes to declare themselves, “The Magisterium of the Church,” with Sanborn elevated to Pontiff.

    He holds to the Title Catholic= Universal

    His Title, Superior General = Ruler

    He rules absolute on Matters of Faith and Morals... =POPE

    Bear in mind, Malachi Martin said, “the Institutional Church in Rome is dead, and should a Jesuit ever take the Throne of Peter, know the end is very near.”
    He also warned friends to steer clear from the nine who left Lefebvre. That would include SANBORN!

    I think The Plot Thickens!

  20. Perhaps another Windswept House!

    1. Where is Francesca Gladstone when we need her?


    "The seminary remains, however, an institution which trains young men for any of our approved clergy in the world. Therefore it is not an institution which trains exclusively for the Roman Catholic Institute, although ALL of the members of the faculty belong to it."

    Cekada's still listed as faculty on the website:

  22. I breezed through this, but seems main problem is that while states: "The Roman Catholic Institute is open to bishops, priests, and seminarians. Subdeacons may join permanently.
    Before subdiaconate, seminarians may join temporarily, provided they have completed one year of seminary." It doesn't define "priest, bishop, and seminarian" (or seminary) but leaps right to stating it has a list of "approved clergy" [The Institute has a List of Approved Clergy. The purpose of this list is to ensure that the members do not
    entangle themselves with clergy who are in some way unworthy or unacceptable. Something plaguing the traditional movement today is the proliferation of poorly trained priests and of priests with liberal or bizarre ideas. The Institute wants to keep clear of all of these types."]

    But doesn't state approved by whom and based on what criteria. Thus avoids the whole Thuc CMRI elephant--but if I were a lay person I would want validly ordained clergy administering sacraments as the first requirement. He seems to indicate all are priests (and bishops) but poorly trained, w/bizarre & liberal ideas. Guess that way he can remain (public (?)) friends w/Dolan & Cekada (?) and not call his own ordinations (not to mention his own bizarre opinions) into question. Certainly wide open to scam & bias.

    1. Right on the money. We'll be exploring similar notions next week.

      BTW, the other elephant in the room is the validity of "One-Hand Dan's" orders. If he's going to say there's no positive doubt, then he'd better issue a statement explaining why he signed the letter of September 1990, which held Dannie's ordination dubious.

    2. Why do these men look so unhappy in Sanborn's big announcement newsletter? I find it very unsettling that these men find their faith so depressing.

    3. They're very sad. Look at Joey. He looks positively depressed. Probably upset because his birthright is now in the toilet.

    4. He doesn't look happy--that's for sure. I am also amazed at the reason Sanborn gives for drawing up this list of Authorized Clergy: because priests fight--which disturbs the laity who are unable to make an "informed choice" as to who is right. So Sanborn (like Planned Parenthood) will decide for them--and that's providing the much desired unity (surely his seminary faculty and students are already unified or is there some fight going on there?).

      "The faithful should be encouraged by this
      development. Their greatest agony is to see priests fight. The lay people bear up with many difficulties, but they
      become very insecure and depressed when priests fight among themselves. Not being well versed in theology or Canon Law, they are unable to make an informed choice
      about who is right and who is wrong. It is my firm hope that our organization will provide the much desired unity among priests."

      I don't see how Sanborn can have a firm hope that his telling the laity which priests are wrong is going to provide unity among priests--but maybe that's why Joey looks so agonized, insecure and depressed.

      I am disappointed that Sanborn can't just found a society for his priests, but no it has to be about some fight. Someone has to be right and someone wrong and his group will be the judge. I don't know of any other foundation in the Catholic Church that would be similar--except the Holy See in Rome (?)

    5. His whole sede movement was born of a nasty fight with the SSPX, so it's naïve of him to think he'll end the squabbling. These guys were born to create discord, and none of the old guard is going to allow some self-styled "Superior General" to lord it over them.

      We're betting the resistance to the "Institute" is already underway. It will be instructive to see what Dannie has to say about the announcement, if anything. And since Checkie's been out of commission, he may not be a "professor" any longer down there and hence not a member. Big Don only named 10 scumbags, and Tony Baloney's name wasn't among them. "One Hand's" not going to let his errand boy pledge allegiance to another kingpin. Likewise the "Young Fathers."

      Speaking of which, we'd like to see if Uneven Steven McFaker's name appears on the List of Approved Clergy that's supposed to keep the members away from "poorly trained priests." If his name does appear on the list, everyone will know there are no standards, including the members of the "Institute."

  23. Is it not scary that he requires them to sign a document that they MUST place in their parish bulletin ALL information given to them by their Superior General?

    This man is insane!

  24. He wants them to check with decorating too? Unbelievable!

  25. I checked the 3 posts from last year in late April and early May the so-called "Open Letter to Don". Are those stories verifiable of the mistreatment at the "Academy"? If they are, there are civil authorities that would close him down in heartbeat!

    1. According to those articles, only 4 families and their extensions are left at their school, and all have allegiance to Sanborn. They would never go against their Superior General. If one looks hard enough, one could find over 10 families who left due to "relocations" or other reasons, that were, of course, nothing to do with the nepotism, abuse, or shaming that were mentioned in those articles.

    2. Of course, that was sarcasm. Some will tell you privately why they left. Others, like the family who fought with Selway in front of the Church will be up front. Then, there are others who were scared of Sanborn's wrath, and they made up excuses of why they had to leave so that he wouldn't have the chosen families shun them.

  26. And no one sees this as a maniac?

    1. It is crazy to assume any of these bishops will submit to another. They all want to be the big cheese. There will NEVER be unity in the traditional world.

      Forget unity. No fighting would be enough. One glance e at the "Directories" tells you there will be MORE arguing not less. The way they are written is a guarantee of trouble and name calling.


  27. Has anyone thought maybe Sanborn is doing this because he's scared if Jr. is made bishop, he will get the boot? If he signs declaring himself under his supreme power, then he can't give Sanborn the boot, no matter how crazy he is becoming.

    1. A very interesting insight.

      This way he can give the Kid the miter his birthright entitles him to and still call the shots as the "Superior General," despite not being physically present in the Swampland. And, as you suggest, even if he has to leave, no one can say he was kicked out. He was just moving onwards and upwards to carry out his greater "apostolate," leaving his Clone to take care of things in the swamp.

      Yep. That works. That works very well indeed. Brilliant thinking, Anon. 10:25!

    2. Does it say that Sanborn is the superior? Is the term for life? The appendage cannot be complete since it doesn't cover for instance who approves new members, how one gets booted out, etc. Also wonder how much of what was published has been plagiarized a la dolan--surely not the "opinionism" boilerplate unless maybe from a previous document (!).

    3. No, the announcement as posted doesn't specifically say that Tradzilla is the SG, but then, who else could it be? The other nine are his creatures. Would it be in character for him to let someone else be the head honcho of his own clique?

      But your point is well taken. So far, he hasn't published the "Institute's" constitution, which should tell us details about the election of the SG, length of term, requirements for membership, causes for removal, scope of powers, etc.

      Even if he has written such a document of authority, most of us seriously doubt it will ever be made public. Like the school "norms," it'll probably remain hidden from public view. No matter, we'll do our best to get our hands on a copy. And when we do, we'll post an analysis.

      Not everyone at PL shares this view. One of our colleagues insists Tradzilla is so proud of his new group that he will post the document, just to show the SSPX that he's a formidable rival ready to meet them head on.


      Let's wait and see.

    4. Maybe it is a condition for jr to become bishop? Sign here that you will be under my control OR I will not make you a bishop!

    5. What I don't understand is how Sanborn spends so much of his time telling the same people who already follow him, the same things over and over! Look at his newsletters. Why does he have to try and convince his own congregation he's right? Instead, maybe spend some time doing for others or praying for others to convert. His fire and brimstone sermons, newsletters, and everything else are only keeping the people who already follow him. How is he doing anything to spread the faith?

    6. He isn't spreading the faith. He's preaching to the already bewitched.

      Everything he writes, including these new 'Directories," is the same-old-same-old. His needle is stuck.

      Very symptomatic.

    7. He tries to convince them because as he once admitted they don't believe it.

      It's an entitlement scheme - he's in it for the pomp and circumstance, to feed his face and to lord it over everyone - that's it.

      Reading this site has been quite an eye-opener. Every week the comments' section is loaded with anecdotal evidence of a massive defrauding of people's trust, money, faith and family lives.

      I couldn't believe that such a ponzi scheme existed but since Sanborn never answers the charges - his silence gives consent.

      Dolan vicariously lives his revenge with pathetic stories of mangled animals.

      Cekada is his own Magisterium. Lefebvre was warned not to ordain these people but in his typical hand-wringing style he did it anyway.

      For 40 years these misfits have dogged the Trad movement. Strangely they are the "gifts that keep on giving" - you cannot make this stuff up and yet they do - every day.

  28. When I went to SGG I was struck by how prechin' to the choir Sanborn's newsletters were. They are so intellectually inbred that as a new commer I had trouble understanding the "code talk". Once I learned the lingo the newsletters seemed evidently to be boilerplate ideology pieces without support or any real substance. At the time I thought, well at least this guy is down in Florida and not up here in the 'nati. Then I learned D&C are just more coy, but are really the same. The una cum "catechism" lesson in the weekly buliten was it for me

    1. As Dolan once said of Williamson - "It's all smoke and mirrors". When he said that I thought it was more aptly said of himself.

      Sanborn's intellectual grasp of elemental ecclesiology is very slim. He frequently conflates the notions of the indefectibility of the church with the ordinary magisterium and papal infallibility. Honestly they do intersect but they are not co-extensive. He is short on distinctions and waffles quotations from Popes that are sometimes apples and oranges when read together.

      I saw a letter about Ratzinger that took a quotation out of context and he made it sound like the reverse of what Ratzinger actually wrote when I sourced the context - the famous "prayer is not like a conversation with God" piece.

      There are only two possibilities when one makes mistakes like that:

      (1) Disingenuity
      (2) Incompetence.

      Frankly I think he's not as bright as he wants people to think he is.

    2. "Sanborn's intellectual grasp of elemental ecclesiology is very slim. He frequently conflates the notions of the indefectibility of the church with the ordinary magisterium and papal infallibility. Honestly they do intersect but they are not co-extensive. He is short on distinctions and waffles quotations from Popes that are sometimes apples and oranges when read together."

      That's because there were 3 groups at Vatican I:

      1/ The Pope is infallible in everything
      2/ The Pope is infallible under strict circumstances.
      3/ This is not a good idea.

      It was #2 that won - but he clearly holds the theology of #1 - which isn't Catholic teaching.

  29. Eldraucher always appears happy and smiling in the photos, unlike Sanborn's other priests. Maybe this is why he is being sent to Australia? Why is it that most of his priests are so depressed looking?

    In the past, weren't priests rotated so that they didn't become too close to parishioners? Why is Jr allowed to stay with his family? There are also two places that their nuns are divided, but all nuns from the Big 3 stay with their family. Is this how it is normally done? Or is this just a perk for special families?

    1. Stay at home nuns ? Sounds like the monastery of the Incarnation in which St. Teresa of Avila resided for 20 years. I'll say one thing - saves on their upkeep.

  30. The rules of that school are used to control people. It's as simple as that. Not only are they used to control the students, but they want control of the parents as well. Turn over your kids and allow them to be brainwashed. That's the simple goal of those rules: Sanborn is the only way to Heaven. Everyone else is questionable. Selway is like your father and will take care of your daughters. Does this not sound like a Jim jones cult?

    1. Yes, this is a family-run cult, pure and simple. It only masquerades as the Catholic Church, picking and choosing what suits its bosses and discards the rest.

      It's built on the foundation that Tradzilla alone knows what Catholicism is supposed to be like. That knowledge , as many above have observed, is decidedly flawed.

  31. Anonymous May 1, 2017 at 8:50 PM


    "...Are those stories verifiable of the mistreatment at the "Academy"? If they are, there are civil authorities that would close him down in heartbeat!"

    The very sad thing about the "heartbeat" of the law is that it beats to a different drum beat, than what anyone would expect.

    When we encountered all of the horrors going on in SGG and reported them to the police we were told that they would investigate. They did, and kept an open file on SGG, that is still there today.

    Unfortunately, when we spoke to the detective he informed us that the children, and the parents involved would have to file a complaint, and press charges. When we tried to get anyone of the people involved to step forward, they all took the high road and did not want their children involved.

    Now some might say, "How could they not want to stop these atrocities?"
    There are several good reasons for their respective decisions not to get involved, and just get out. The big one was to protect their children from any further harm.

    Solid proof is another big factor. and that is where, (the he said,she said), syndrome comes into play. Again, more stress on the children, as the teachers and company deny all the allegations, as per their rights.

    Now we know what happened, but once there is no one to come forward with solid proof, the laws hands are tied.

    There is another big factor with private religious schools. Most have their own set of rules and regulations that the state does not have, and cannot enforce. The the parent knows about them when they sign on the dotted line, and accept those rules. So to enforce something that you signed onto such as: Corporal Punishment, is a very fine line to define if ever it went into a costly court battle.

    While all of these charges in SGG were true, none could be proven without the victims coming forward.

    Unfortunately, these maniacs know this, so that when another family leaves the parish, it is very nicely announced from the "Pulpit of Propaganda" that they will be greatly missed, and all of SGGs Well Wishes go with them on their new endeavors.

  32. Anonymous May 3, 2017 at 4:56 AM


    "...Sanborn is the only way to Heaven..."

    If Sanborn believes that he is the only road to Heaven, then you find another FREE WAY, to attain your goal.

    1. 10:48 AM

      Sanborn does not believe that he is the only road to Heaven, rather it is the opinion or belief of 4:56 AM.

      That is my understanding.

    2. No, not my belief. I have heard his cult followers say it. Not only that, his priests have said the same about him being the only one who can give you the true faith.

    3. Perhaps. My comment was based on what was said, which was limited.

    4. It appears that if Sanborn isn't saying it himself, he's having his priests say it for him. They spout off about him being the only one trying to hold the Catholic faith. Not only is he saying it, but the parishioners are saying it too. Seems a little odd that a good number of his priests and parishioners publicly make the assumption that he's the greatest theologian who exists right now, without any encouragment from him? Of course, they also have already declared the Selway family saints (and yes, this too, publicly).

    5. Why do people do that? Are they required to do so? They take turns to sprinkle the baking powder ... sure to rise!

    6. No requirement. They truly believe that, which is very sad. I think everyone gets sucked in the idea that a certain priest or certain family is perfect and the Catholic ideal. That leads to everyone wanting to be like a certain family and placing the idea that you won't make it to heaven if you aren't like that family or if you don't follow sanborn. Everyone, but Sanborn is liberal.

    7. In that situation, it can be seen that the faith is not in place. Just being together is a means of survival.

  33. Anonymous May 3, 2017 at 8:19 PM


    "Perhaps. My comment was based on what was said, which was limited."

    Please be advised this blog is anything but limited on warning people about these very kind of tactics of mind control employed by All of THE CULT MASTERS.

    Sanborn is more noticeable because he is A MORE IN YOUR FACE KIND OF MASTER.

    He is the Big Kahuna because he has "THE ANOINTED FAMILY" GREASING HIS PALMS. And that ain't with Holy Oils either!

    Please heed all these warnings coming from this site, as it is no joke. These Maniacs are a product of the times, not the Faith.

    Starve the Beast! Keep the Faith.

    1. How right you are. Tradzilla is very aggressive since he can always fall back on the Big 3. On the other hand, Dannie has to hide behind a mask of geniality. HIs problem is that the Cheeseball, who really admires the Donster's tactics, keeps messing things up for him.

      The sooner these cults collapse from non-support, the better off we'll all be.

  34. Take a lesson Bp Donald Sanborn, President Donald Trump just passed into Law Religious Liberty, and Freedom of Expression from the Pulpits. Now if only you will stop playing like the IRS a/k/a The Gestapo with your mind Control, the Faith could begin to do some good for America.

  35. Can we assume that Sanborn is holding Jr's episcopal consecration over Sr. Selway's head in order to have money for his new order and his seminary? Then, jr had to sign over his allegiance to Sanborn as a final step so that Sanborn is still in control and won't be kicked out or lose money?

    1. While anything's possible, we don't think Papa would allow that, because Papa's the one really in control. Besides, there are scores of "bishops" — many with multiple lineages — who can do the job if Tradzilla plays hard to get.

  36. PL.Do you or anyone out there have info about the reasons why Sanborn is taking over the CMRI missions in Australia.Has anyone contacted you about Gilchrist and his work there.If a priest was undertaking good work,there would be no need for another group to come and take over.All ears.

    1. Many writers have commented unfavorably about JG on these pages and elsewhere. But remember: Tradzilla is merely taking over a mission served only on a monthly basis by JG. That's low hanging fruit, if you ask us.

      Our guess is that he got wind of the bad vibes about JG, and when OLS gave him the boot, he got himself invited Down Under so he could propose sending one of his creatures to be a full time "priest." We think this is his pitiful revenge on CMRI for taking over OLS.

      The Aussies deserve much better than CMRI or Tradzilla's minions.

  37. Bishop Piv is no better than Sanborn, Dolan, or Kelly. They are all of the same mind set which is empire building. However Piv, is only a High School graduate, if that.
    Gosh from St. Thomas Aquinas to Idiots Inc.and this guy is running a seminary.

    1. What is stopping you from running a seminary?

    2. Oh, 1:07 AM is more for destruction, not construction & paid by the devil on the minimum living wage.

    3. There never will be a tolerably acceptable "seminary" in American Sedelandia because the the kingpins would never permit oversight boards of degreed educators to assure quality. Nor would they be able to desist from squabbling over their nutty theories or running the place based on the whims of whoever's in charge.

      The possibility of building an institution with some academic credibility is long past. For one thing, the funds have dried up as people have learned better than to trust their money to the cult masters.

      If the training were as good as the kingpins claim, why is it that so many ex-"seminarians" complain that there is very little time to study because of all the chores? And why do we so often hear that classroom instruction consists in taking turns reading from the book?

      The sede "seminaries" need to be closed down for good.

  38. If these families who fund them would not be so obsessed with the prestige and thinking they can buy their way to heaven, these men would run out of money and stop operating.

    1. From what we've heard, it's been said that all members of a certain family will go to heaven.

      So obviously money has bought canonization for the living. No wonder they keep on supporting the cult.

    2. As a past family at the school, I can confirm that students were taught that members of a certain family were certain to be saints and all should strive to be like them. It's ironic though, because that same family routinely broke the rules and felt they were above any rules. The same family was also given special treatment, and the principal used his "judgment call" in order to change grades for his own family members.

    3. 11:15 AM

      All operations would end when God turns off the oxygen! Forget about money.

    4. As "norm" 3.6.11 says, "The ultimate decision as to what penalty should be administered lies with the Principal, who will weigh all factors and strive to render a just and wise sentence. Thus the Principal may increase or decrease the penalty as he sees fit, or may even eliminate the penalty altogether."

      Perfect for protecting relatives who are destined for heaven.

  39. Your favorite reverend buddy made a brief splash on one of the NLM's comment pages the other day. In answer to a question he stated that he had only one book in him. Fret not, he'll still make videos.

    1. We missed that remark. One book is far too many for that malformed ignoramus. We'll bet the fine scholars at NLM had a good laugh at the appearance of such a fool on their pages.

  40. Hahaha!
    Everyone,including you all,always end their concerned pleas of saving the world from themselves with the question,
    "What about the Children?!?!"
    Rush Limbaugh,while being a Zionist owned pawn,is on the money with this assessment.
