
Saturday, July 1, 2017


He who gives a beggar something to eat or drink deserves no gratitude, for he loses whatever he gives and helps to prolong a wretched life. Plautus

Oh, man, are the Gerties in for it!

Witness this excerpt from Dannie's "Corner" last week:
We are slowly, very slowly repairing the asphalt of the parking lot, bumpity bump. Virgil the air conditioning man came by with a crane and a new unit for the altar, which should help once it’s finally connected. The old unit on St. Joseph’s side had a little more life in it after all. And did you see the restored grotto fountain? Viola! [sic!] Beautiful ... Much repair and maintenance remain, but each project accomplished is no small victory, and we are grateful.    
Since we'll be accused of pettiness no matter what, let's get one little thing out of the way:
Unless there's a new flunky Gertie Gal named Viola to do Panhandlin' Dan's bidding, we guess he meant to write Voilà, the French defective verb that English speakers sometimes jocularly use as an interjection. (Among social-climbing semi-literates in the U.S., it's often pronounced "wall-AH," with a really dark [ɫ].)
But back to our topic, which today tackles (1) the cult's seeming absence of good management practices and (2) the looming specter of a new begging initiative.

As we've admonished so often in the past, the cult masters should've been saving all along for maintenance and repair instead of taking lavish trips, buying a new organ when the old one could have been fixed, and running a "$chool" that apparently doesn't generate the revenue to cover its operating costs, let alone contribute to the cult center's general fund.

From the way Dan writes, we'd have to say there's not enough moolah around to patch all the potholes in the parking lot or to perform routine upkeep elsewhere. Well-organized Catholic families sacrifice luxuries for the peace of mind that a "rainy-day fund" brings. Why can't trad "clergy" emulate the laity's example? Surely imitating lay prudence wouldn't diminish Tradistan's hard-core clericalism — or would it? If $GG $chool were to close down, think of the tens of thousands of dollars that would be freed up annually to complete the many remaining projects.

For those of you who haven't learned to read between "One Hand's" lines, last week's message is more than the straightforward progress report it purports to be. In our estimation, it reads like a strong hint about impending big expenses that Gerties might be asked to underwrite. The first of which may be a new AC "unit on St. Joeseph's side." Observe how His Necessity was careful to describe it as "old" but pregnantly added it has "a little more life in it." But then ... just how little is "little"? Are Gerties being prepared for a day, in the not too distant future, when that unit will must be replaced? In March 2016, a new unit was to cost "the princely sum of $11,000 to $12,000." Will this one cost the same, or more?

According to $GG bulletins, two recent weekly collections came in under four grand. Maybe the beggarly haul represents a trend. Maybe it's only the summertime lull. We doubt it's the latter, though. Based on the urgency of recent pleas for dollars,  Gerties apparently must be becoming reluctant givers. The years of free-spending have made the culties — who're facing economic uncertainties of the own —wary.   From our vantage point, the cult masters' frequent and sudden demands for emergency bucks have produced terminal giving fatigue, the bane of any organization whose business model relies on others' generosity. Once a customary giver says no to an entreaty, it gets easier and easier to say no when a beggar again rattles his cup.

If you don't believe us, then do a little introspection of your own. Maybe the first couple of times when a cashier hustled you to kick in a dollar more or round up your total to benefit a charity, you said OK. You didn't like the soft coercion, but you went along with it all the same. In all honesty, you were too embarrassed not to. Then after you got out to your car, however, you felt used. You hated yourself for not having the guts to resist the thinly veiled arm-twisting.

Finally, one day you looked an inquiring cashier in the eye and grunted, "No, thanks" to her cheerful solicitation for you to part with more of your hard-earned money. At the time, you may have felt a little uncomfortable, a bit sheepish even. But when you got outside, you were proud you didn't cave. You straightened up and put a spring in your step. The next time it got easier, and the time after that your confident refusal came as effortlessly as breathing. Now you don't even add "thanks."

That's what's happening at the SW Ohio cult.  That's why the Wee One's asphalt repair job is going  "slowly, very slowly." Vehicles will continue to go "bumpily bump," and projects will remain undone: Gerties no longer see their own good in giving to $GG. Pressured by the cultlings' aggressive resistance to appeals for more cash, the mooching cult masters may have to mount a major, but ultimately unsuccessful, offensive on Gertie discretionary income.  In the weeks to ahead, we'll be reading with extra care both the "Corner" and the bulletin in search of signs of His Mendicancy's increasing despondency.

As we suggested in last week's post, events seem to be speeding toward a game-changing financial crisis. The Gerties won't give, or at least give enough.  Dannie's needs are outsized, so he may likely have to venture something bold. When that fails, and it will, we'll see the reckoning. What form will it take? Pulling up stakes and retiring? A thorough house-cleaning? Downsizing? A melt down?

Your guess is as good as ours.

But if Beggarman Dan gallops out of town whither he belongs, the hoofbeats will echo all the way down to the fetid Swampland.


  1. Reader, I never hated myself for not giving to the shake down at the register. I do hate myself however, for being conned by men who are supposed to work for GOD.
    If $GG is running low on funds, I would suggest to D&C that they dig into their own deep pockets and foot the bill. After all they own all the Corporations and the Property.
    Never forget the lesson with St. Clare's, they wiped everything clean, as they were begging for money.

    1. St. Clare's should be a lesson for everybody. Apparently it has to be learned over an over again.

  2. Is it true we will never be able to do more than speculate about what he did, I ask myself.

    1. I wonder why would Abp. L ordain dd with one hand not two and presumably also the other nine men who evidently were ordained on the same day. Just ask myself Why.

    2. Ask myself did the others get re-ordained.

    All the one hand attention seems to have been given to dd. The other men have prevailed upon him to re-ordain.

    3. A lot of people must have been there watching some of whom would have been watching closely, and able to see.

    Again, I don't think Abp. L would have done things differently with Dolan than with the others, and evidently no questions were raised at the time by the sight of a one handed ordination given to many men in front of a large audience many of whom were people concerned with validity including the men involved.

    Thank you...

    1. But we do have testimony from those in the sanctuary. One swears it happened and that afterwards the abp. was in a panic. The witness even expressed anger that the others who were present in the sanctuary at the event said nothing to the abp. The same person alleges that someone then told the abp. that it was OK to soothe his agitation. Another says the one-handed ordination happened to Dannie alone, and that the abp. was persuaded not to fix the defect owing to the damage such an action might do to his reputation. Plus we have the letter of 1990, signed by Sanborn and others, showing that the event was well known. Moreover, the event was common knowledge at Winona from the late '70s through the '90s. No one said anything until later owing to the abp.'s cult of personality.

      But forget about all these other reports. Dannie knows , in his heart of hearts, the truth. No matter what, he should be re-ordained and re-consecrated to be on the safer side.

    2. A sacrament is presumed valid until the opposite is proven. You claim witnesses, yet refuse to. Ame even ONE. ALL of them need you to keep silent for some reason. The nine priests who signed the letter did so at the instigation of Clarence Kelly. None of them were present, nor do they claim to have witnesses who were there. The 1990 letter comes 16 yrs after Dolan's ordination. None had problems with him until after he left the SSPV in 1989. How convenient

    3. As we have written many times, out aim is not to convince you or anybody else of the fact of ordination with one hand but to persuade Dannie to get conditionally ordained and consecrated. He knows what happened just as many others do.

    4. There's really nothing to this story until one of these witnesses comes forward publicly. Until that happens, this is just one more internet story, of which there is an infinite number.

    5. Not true.

      First, it's more than an internet story. It was well circulated first hand among the SSPX starting in the '70s. Many of them know the name of one of the witnesses we have cited, and the account was taken for granted as true, especially by seminarians at Écône, who spoke with the participants in the ceremony.

      At the time, no one thought much about it, owing to the abp.'s cult of inerrancy in such matters. It wasn't until the 1990 letter that people began to have doubts about the validity. That's the reason Checkie eventually published his monograph, which PL has thoroughly debunked. Beforehand, priests knew of the irregularity but thought it was nothing to be worried about: the abp. could never be wrong.

      But let us reiterate: our objective is not to convince people that the one-handed conferral happened. If that were our objective, we would have sought permission from the witnesses to release their names and verbatim accounts or, barring that, we would have said nothing (except to point out Checkie's perverse translation of infallible papal teaching and his many other errors.

      Our aim has been to persuade Dannie to seek conditional ordination and consecration to assure the poor, deluded fools who are attached to him of the validity of the sacraments they receive. A doubtful sacrament is no sacrament at all, and in the sacraments we must follow the safer course.

      Dannie knows the truth, and he's the only one who counts.

  3. I am sorry to make this rather blunt statement to Anonymous July 1, 2017 at 7:50 PM, but the FACT is, it did happen. I can't believe that the generation before the "Baby Boomers" allowed Vatican II to come into existence, but the fact is they did, and we are here.

    Somewhere in the past history of P.L. they already gave all the facts pertaining to one hand Dan's ordination, and the few others it happened to. I know the Archbishop made a mistake, but Danny Do Little could have corrected this years ago as suggested by a parishioner, and several of the nine priests he is, and was associated with.

    HE chose by FREE WILL, not to correct the obvious mistake. WHY? Now, that is the $64,000 ? people should be asking. Not denying the fact that it did happen. There were too many witnesses. Think about it!

    1. Got all the reasons why Dan is not re-ordaining on his own by myself. Seem to have a secure handle on his character and that of the others in the threesome, Sanborn, and Cekada.

      Needed exactly what was given to me by The Reader and the other comments. Will be rereading this material with pleasure right after writing to say ...

      Mahalo nui loa.

      By the way, was not born Catholic; am the granddaughter of a Lutheran minister who came from Germany to help found a seminary in Canada.

      I was raised in the Episcopal Church. Have had a very circuitous route to get to the point where I am in terms of understanding and this site and particularly thelaypulpit and sggscandal were life changing in a planned move to the mainland for sacraments.

    2. Noʻu ka hauʻoli.

      There are a few places stateside where you can receive the sacraments from valid priest independent of the cult masters. Send us an anonymous email with the city or area you're thinking about, and we'll try to see if there's someone trustworthy. In the meantime, you're right to stay put.

    3. SSPX...they're most places. Do you consider them a cult?

      There are independents, too.

      And there are some certainly valid priests in the FSSP ordained by Lefebvre (with both hands).

    4. No, we don't consider them a cult in the clinical sense. We sometimes worry about the undue attachment to the personality of Abp. Lefebvre we see in some of its members but it's understandable in today's celebrity obsessed world.

      Independents and the FSSP are certainly all options for anyone to explore after conducting the necessary research under the guidance of conscience.

    5. The only priests of the FSSP with certain validly of orders are the few originals who left the SSPX. All of their seminarians have been ordained by bishops of the Paul VI rite.

      Better to find an SSPX, eastern rite, of independents with certain validity of orders than mess around with traditionalists who use the Paul VI ordination or consecration rites.

    6. Good point about Eastern rites. Sadly, there aren't many of them. We had a FSSP priest ordained by Lefebvre where I lived until a year ago. I know there are few however, and they move around their priests every so many years, so no assurances.

      Does anybody know about Clear Creek Monastery or other trads that may be certainly valid?


    In our post above we wrote,

    "According to $GG bulletins, two recent weekly collections came in under four grand. "

    We just saw in the July 2 bulletin that last week's collection also came in under $4,000, so now it's three recent collections of weak giving effort.

  5. That's true, but what's strange about the July 2, 2017, figure is that it's exactly the same as that published on June 25, viz. $3993.00.

    It may be a matter of editorial incompetence. We'll have to wait and see if a correction is forthcoming.

  6. Thank you... thank you... thank you to the writers of this site for giving big clues along the way as to what is quality as well as where to find it. Am the protestant-born one who has been reading the archives. This comment focuses on the FSSP which up until recently I wouldn't have considered being ignorant enough to fall into the TRRadio narrow channel when time was at an absolute premium and I could only fit in podcasts - nothing at all like the research I am now doing - while commuting by bike to teaching job.

    Learned today that the revised liturgy for Palm Sunday - what to speak of Easter - asks people to put their palms branches down. This is exactly the opposite of what was the case earlier for centuries as I am sure everyone reading this knows - and for the reasons that caused me to speak aloud which listening to podcast of explanation - not swearing - but gasping - even this protestant born person understands that holding the palms aloft is meant to comfort or support Jesus given that the Jews put theirs down - please forgive the roughness of this attempt to explain.

    For many reasons, the Jews are not my favorite people.

    The FSSP does it the right way and look look(!) at this beautiful picture of a service in England: I'm not going on record that I will chose them when I relocate Honolulu but from this site I learned of their stellar priestly preparation. I was going to write to the FSSP itself but of course, couldn't at the fssp site see a way to reach a central authority - there are many locations. My only other question regarding them is how they view their ordination process which has got to be, in my understanding, post Vatican II.

    Unless I am somehow made to change my outlook, this part of what MHT has to say, or TRR's many programs on the subject of changes, I believe to be accurate. It is a point of importance beyond all others? To me, it may be.

    V2 was a successful attempt to castrate priests who no longer perform a sacrifice. Patience all of you who already know this. Again, thank you PL.

    1. No one here disputes the MHT critique of the transgressive changes made to the liturgy by the reformers, although we believe that genuine scholars like Fr. Stefano Carusi do an infinitely better job than the malformed cult masters. See his monograph on the Holy Week changes HERE.

  7. Fr. Stefano Carusi's and Institute of the Good Shepherd's works hold that the heretic Ratzinger was a valid pope and friend of Tradition.

    1. That fact does not affect his scholarship or his conclusions. You should read the article, and then look at the comments, where you'll find the Cheesebnall praising his work.
