
Saturday, June 24, 2017


... the frequenting of non-Catholic schools, whether neutral or mixed, those namely which are open to Catholics and non-Catholics alike, is forbidden for Catholic children, and can be at most tolerated on the approval of the ordinary alone, under determined circumstances of place and time, and with special precautions... Pius XI, Divini illius magistri, Dec. 31, 1939 (Vatican translation).

Disgraced $GG "$chool" has been a popular blog topic of late, inspired largely by Dannie's frenzied promotional campaign. We're sure it's aimed at offsetting the huge embarrassment of four Gertie adolescents' graduating from Protestant-Evangelical institutions. The distress signals are unmistakeable: Not only did the Wee One post a sermon titled  "A Catholic Education" (here), but he also led off last week's "Bishop's (?) Corner" with what looks like a plug for the ill-famed (and misnamed) "$chool":
Trinity Sunday marked a significant milestone in the history of St. Gertrude the Great School with one of the largest graduations in our thirty some year history. We congratulate our five eighth graders who will begin High School with us in the Fall, and especially our three graduating High School Seniors.    
There's a lot of panic in those two sentences, a lot of whistling in the cemetery. He's got his back to the wall.

But before we get started, let's immediately put one bit of silliness out of the way. In the real world, eighth-grade "graduations" are meaningless. The only genuine pre-collegiate rite of passage that counts is graduation from high school. The eight-grade transition statistic is just sleight of hand — and pretty clumsy at that — to disguise the "$chool's" dismal 30-year record.
An aside: We'd like to know just how many of the five eighth-grade "graduates"  (LOL) commencing $GG High "$chool" in the fall will remain there until graduation day. That's something we'll be keeping a close eye on. If surnames mean anything, we'll lay odds that at least one of them might end up at Mars Hill Academy. Why should a family's girls get an education inferior to that afforded its boys?
For a sharper picture of the Dirtbag's dilemma, let's consider the secondary-school numbers. In late spring 2017, Dannie congratulated seven high-school graduates: three from $GG (two of whom are the "Prinicpal's" offspring!) and four from area Protestant-Evangelical independent schools — or as Dannie said in his sermon, "the Bizarro world of ... Protestant education." What this means is that some Gertie families who wanted to give their kids an education grounded in Christian moral principles opted against sending them to $GG "$chool." To put it frankly, they made the conscious decision to trust their children to Protestant educators and institutions, the kind Dannie characterized in his sermon as "very serious and methodical in indoctrinating ... children."

The way we figure it, there should have been at least seven 2017 graduates from $GG "$chool," not three. (We don't know how many Gertie parents homeschool or choose public or other private schools, so the number could be much higher.)  Anyhow, 57% of the officially acknowledged class of '17 went elsewhere. And not just any elsewhere, but a heretical elsewhere!

Numbers don't lie.

Anybody with some elementary business smarts can see "One Hand" has a big problem. By his account, Dannie's sad excuse for a school has been around for some 30 years, yet this year it only managed to graduate three — one for each decade of operation. Furthermore, after almost a third of a century, $GG's total enrollment stands at an anemic 19, as reported last week by The Lay Pulpit (here).

Compare $GG's miserable stats with the enviable record of Mars Hill Academy in Mason, Ohio, from which a Gertlet graduated this year. The little classical Christian school started with 27 students about a decade after $GG "$chool." Ten years later it moved to a new building on a 13-acre campus and, after 20 years of operation, boasted more than 360 students and 40 staff.

The Readers' tale of two academies should tell His Idiocy something's really wrong with his enterprise. It also should wake the Gerties up. The time has come to stop funding a manifest failure. Almost eight years have passed since the $GG "$chool" $candal came to a catastrophic head in the late fall of 2009. Someone needs to do now what Dannie should've done way back then. As the Italian proverb goes, "Sometimes it's better to give your apple away than to eat it yourself."

No amount of sermonizing or hollow claims of an "excellent education" can fix the problem, which is a loss of confidence in $GG's "leadership," starting, but certainly not ending, with the "Principal." Only a few parents, among whom are the "Principal" and his wife, embrace Dannie's fictional "Catholic" education. He's definitely being sent a message. It's as if the majority of employees at a Pepsi bottling plant chose to drink Coke: a wise consumer could only infer the insiders must know something untoward about plant conditions or the product.

Dannie doesn't need an MBA to come to the same conclusion as PL. The primitive survival instinct of a plague-rat drowning in raw sewage should be sufficient to tell him $GG "$chool" along with its "Principal" constitute an unsustainable drain on diminishing financial resources. The dreaded "'big ticket' expenses" are coming fast and furious, as we learned in last week's "Corner," in which "One Hand" confessed the air conditioning had "conked out."
A question: Is this the same AC system that was to replace the "dying" system in March 2016, just a little over a year ago? You remember: the one that cost "the princely sum of $11,000 to $12,000," and for which Dannie adjured the Gerties to "do your part" by donating "$100 in a lump sum, or $30-$40 in monthly payments"[click here].)
Panhandlin' Dan may try to cajole, wheedle, spook, and shame until his overstressed vocal cords snap, but the majority of Gerties won't heed his call. Oh, they may smile blankly at their "old 'bishop" or convulse like a distempered cur in nodding assent as he pleads to stanch the flow of red ink. Good parents however, will receive the grace to shield the apples of their eye from $GG's hickory-stick curriculum. Moreover, these moms and dads will parry every effort to intimidate them into enrolling their kids where they won't receive "a Catholic education."

Seeing that the rational solution to the Dirtbag's problems — close the $chool and remove the "Principal" from the cult center — is forbidden to him, we can expect his message to become increasingly agitated as Gerties turn their backs on his frantic appeals. The unbearable tension between his need to free up more cash and his inability to invoke the necessary remedy may well cause $GG to crater sooner than we expected: Gerties with insurance policies naming $GG the beneficiary aren't dying fast enough to soothe Dan's itch to spend.

Although PL is delighted about the impending crisis, we imagine some of you cultlings are depressed. Quite laudably you refuse to condemn your children to the cult's educational black hole, yet you wince in sympathy whenever the Mitered Maggot poor-mouths.

Well, then, why not help the larval creature? Make a counter-offer the Maggot can't refuse: Withhold all donations until $GG "$chool" closes down on its own, thus wiping the "Principal" and his wife off the cult's welfare roll.



  1. The numbers seems bit off to me... 5 eighth graders would be 25% of the whole student body.

    Why would the parents send their kids to $GG through eigth grade if its so terrible? Is it to save money over the protestant schools? I would think it would be worse to send a very young child to bad school than to give them a good education when they are at such a vulnerable age, then send them to the $GG when they are older and can handle things on their own more.

    1. What school would be on their high school transcripts, college, and job applications? That makes perfect sense to me.

      They basically pacify their pastors by sending them there for grade school, but then send them to a real school when it really counts. Is SGG even accredited?

    2. Most colleges (except the unnecessarily competitive "elite" ones, which don't provide a better education than run-of-the-mill schools) and prospective employers don't care what high school you went to, in my experience.

    3. Not true.

      Colleges now "score" applicants' high schools, and employers take them into account when making hiring decisions for key staff. The game has changed considerably.

      But for the Gertlets, that doesn't mean anything. We doubt they're college material (not even community college), and Walmart probably doesn't scrutinize the educational background of its stock boys, janitors, and cashiers.

    4. Anon June 24 1:39 PM

      In addition to your question about $GG's accreditation, we'd like to know the educational qualifications of the "Principal" and the staff. Other independent schools proudly display their administrator's and teachers' credentials, but we can't seem to find any info on the $GG website.

      Does anybody out there know about the "Principal's" formal educational background? It seems to be a big secret.

    5. LOL employers don’t care what high school somebody went to. Often they don't care what college they went to either.

      Regarding the educational credentials. This is a classic mistake. Having a PHD in education or any subject doesn’t make one a better instructor of others. Often the PHD types are smarter and have a hard time relating to people not quickly understanding subject matter. I would argue a better way to judge a school would be on how effectively they teach the students.

      There is a similar issue with the larger universities that focus more on research to improve their rank, but this does not translate well to how well the students are actually learning.

    6. There is a reason very prestigious universities are happy to accept home schooled children without any high school diploma and it has nothing to do with the credentials of the student’s parents.

    7. Both 4:29 & 4:31 demonstrate they are painfully unaware of the scoring system universities use to determine the relative value of an individual applicant's high-school leaving credential. Those commenters are speaking without requisite knowledge. The home-schooled children "very prestigious universities" accept have very high college board exams. Those kids do not come from SGG or MHT.

    8. Some of the best universities in the world don't even require a GED for home school students. Even if the student went to a "conventional" high school their GPA is just one part of the equation. Many other aspects are now an important part of the process. A graduate of SGG with good grades would have no difficulty in getting accepted into college.

      I am guessing The Reader must be older and not in touch with how these things work in 2017.

    9. We can tell you that university admission officers are well aware of the grade inflation that goes on in all schools today, and so they require additional indicators of academic potential (as we indicated by our remark on college boards). Also note that our remarks did not address the admission chances of home-schooled applicants; we were referring to graduates of $GG $chool. Once an admissions officer googles the "school" and reads about the 2009 $candal, the applicant better have more than good grades from that dump to get into college.

    10. Look, reader, you undermine your arguments by doubling down on stuff that is plainly nonsense.

      I work for a university any we hire only people with college degrees. NEVER once have we even asked about high school. It's irrelevant to us. Ironically, it might BE relevant to Walmart, as it may be the highest level of education their applicants have received. Military recritment might be interested in high school as well, but not the sort of employers of "Quality people" you speak of.

      Colleges, for the most part, care about test scores. I worked in my college's admission office for a time. We litterally had an equation that we plugged ACT scores into to arrive at scholarship offers.

    11. Your testimony is certainly valid for your institution. However, we personally know of some universities that use a scoring rubric such as the one you mentioned, in which high-school ratings are plugged into the equation along with the college boards.

  2. Eventually the game will be up for the Principal. Surely even he knows that. But then again he doesn't seem to be terribly bright based on what I've read. What does he do when the game is up?

    I bet he'll spill the beans anyway and write a tell-all about Dolan and Cekada. Like any grifter he's only in this for the money. Dolan and Cekada are going to live to regret whatever bargain they might have made with him.

    1. We think Dolan's been regretting the bargain for going on eight years.

      As the old VoV website conservatively estimated, as a result of the "Principal," $GG must have lost $560,000 for the biennium 2009-2011. In the highly unlikely event that SGG is still in existence around November 2031, the "Principal" will be Little Danny Dolan’s very own Six Million Dollar Man.

      Can you imagine the pent-up anger "One Hand" must feel every time he looks at the "Principal"?

      One day he'll erupt, and the beans will go flying everywhere.

    2. Anonymous, June 24, 2017 at 1:33 PM raises a very important issue when s/he asked, "What does he do when the game is up?"

      The answer is too frightening for the 'Principal" to contemplate, which explains why he will stop at nothing to remain on the $GG dole.

      We highly doubt that $GG has provided him a pension plan, and having a large family may have impeded his ability to fund a 401(k) sufficiently large to provide for a comfortable retirement. At best, he may have to rely on Social Security, but he may be years away from eligibility to receive benefits. We can't see any other independent school's employing him, not after the 2009 $GG $chool $candal: That will haunt him for the rest of his days. In his years at $GG, he's grown to think of himself as a professional, a conceit that will make it hard for him to accept the kind of menial employment he'll be offered.

      So even if he does know his time is up, for survival's sake he must do everything in his power to keep the clock ticking and the $GG cultlings' money flowing his way. It's a matter of economic life or death. If he goes, he'll take others with him.

  3. The Principal obviously has the upper hand and knows it. Bear in mind the quote given by the illustrious Principal himself on the many Blogs during the $GG $CHOOL $SANDAL.
    " They will not fire me, I have too much on them,"

    Well, that was back before 2009 when that statement was made and here we are in 2017, and the barnacle is still attached to the $HARKS.

    So, I would suggest rather than finding out the education of the Principal, find out what he has as blackmail on the two $harks. That would definitely open that can of worms, and $ink that $tinking $hip, once and for all.

    BTW: The Great Barnacle went to Michigan State
    University. The last I heard $GG is not accredited. How do we know? Well the Lotarski girls had to teach for a year after they graduated High School in order to pay back. Bear in mind they were given a salary. How much? One will never know, but I can assure you they did not stay longer than 2 years at most, while they received 12 years of free education at the Parishioners expense.

    I'd say that is about right in the land of Traddie-ville. They get 12 years of free education, and pay back two years of service while getting paid.

    Yep, I'd say that is why $GG is dead in the head, and in the Faith.

    This is nothing more than a den of thieves who know how to pick your pockets.

  4. AnonymousJune 24, 2017 at 10:36 PM

    Stated the Following:
    "... A graduate of SGG with good grades would have no difficulty in getting accepted into college.

    I am guessing The Reader must be older and not in touch with how these things work in 2017."

    My child who was home schooled, went to the number 2 university in the world. She was considered well versed and achieved excellent grades in all her studies, and they still gave her a placement test upon entry. That determined her college future, as she was awarded a full scholarship based upon that test. Her Regents grades also played into her acceptance.

    I would love to know out of the students that graduated $GG, (including the Lotarski's) and those who entered college, how many of them got scholarships, (and not bogus ones to fill some kind of federal requirement), and graduated with a profession?

    Bear in mind the Principal did not fail his offspring. As a matter of fact the marks were curved to accommodate one of his slower boys.

    Sadly, reality does come into effect when they enter the real world and they realize that marks must be earned, and not given out just because of ones name.
    True, some of the academic standards are not up to snuff which has allowed doors to be opened, when they should have been closed. Now it appears the universities are starting to go back to higher academic requirements for entry, in order to compete on a global market.

    Another major reason is because of all the unpaid student loans. The students are not getting the jobs in their field to accommodate their massive loans.
    So now trade schools are on the rise once again. A good licensed electrician gets in some areas of the USA $90.00 an hour. That is more than what a teacher earns.

    So I guess we all have to be updated with this ever changing world of ours.

    1. You're right about the move to higher admissions standards, which is the reason we mentioned the scoring system. Of course, admissions officers use a multi-factored rubric to determine acceptance or rejection, and essays, grades, and test scores, though heavily weighted, are just a few of the elements. Social factors also enter into the equation. (Your report of your daughter's success does indicate that the university wanted more objective evidence of academic ability than her home schooling grades, and hence they used the placement exam as well as the Regent's data.)

      Your question about the $GG $chool's college-placement rate is a great one, and we've asked it ourselves. We haven't been able to find it on the $GG web site nor have we read it in the "Corner." Demographically, we suspect the kids who complete $GG $chool may not be college material in the first place (by "college" we mean a competitive, non-profit, brick-and-mortar four-year institution). They should be steered into the kind of post-secondary vocational training that will provide a skill set to enable them to earn a living wage. There are far too many college graduates today saddled with crushing student debt who cannot find professional employment. For too long, universities have admitted students who don't belong just to get a share of the student loan money. Thank goodness that awful practice is starting to come to an end.

  5. Sadly, many worldly parents put their children in non-Catholic schools because they offer greater chances of success in this world. People have always done this. In the past, the Church countered this by opening schools and universities that could compete with the non-Catholic schools even by worldly standards, and this worked great until they were also taken over by non-Catholics at Vatican 2.

    1. Exactly, and it was all made possible by legions of Christian Brothers/Sisters who worked for a little bread and a bed and a fast track through purgatory!

      In a more idealistic time in my life (when I had 3 instead of 6 children), I was considering teaching at Catholic schools. Oh, I was qualified, and they were begging me to start right away. Then their offer. 28k! I looked the principal in the eye and asked her why she was wasting my time and hers. It would have been unconscionable for her to even pay me so little knowing full well I had a wife (no job) and there kids.

  6. Your correct, and again Vatican II strikes with all its evil effects. However, we must still survive in the world, without losing the Faith. A good education does not mean that you must sacrifice your Faith, not yet at least. I firmly believe," as the twig is bent, so grows the tree". Just because you were educated by the Catholic Schools does not mean that you will not lose the Faith. Look at all those children who were educated by nuns in the 60's and they, along with the nuns went awry. That is because the Catholic Culture died along with the Faith in the 60's.
    Then enter the likes of SGG who prey upon the nostalgia of the Catholic Culture by offering the Traditions of the "Way We Were". Well that is known as close but no cigar. There is no perfect solution on this earth. Many of the students of SGG not only did not graduate, but left the Faith as well.

    So teach your children the Faith at home, and then pray a lot that they remain loyal to it.

    Everything is in God's hands.

  7. Pop Quiz

    I once kept posting the same reply on a blog where the blog owners were suppressing me for:
    A) 5 years?
    B) 8 years?
    C) 14 years?
    You've got no idea of what you're up against.
    Leave the post up and don't comment on it. Those are my terms of your surrender. Capiche, peasanos? ;-)

    1. You, sir, have some serious issues. Get some help, Mr. Anon, who keeps admitedly posting the same thing over 10 times.

    2. Anon, I'm subscribed to the thread. I'm not a person who writes it. I'm annoyed at the emails from subscribing. You need serious help because you have an obsession. It's not normal. In fact, if you felt so strongly that these men were so wonderful, you wouldn't be reading this site.

  8. The Reader,
    You deleted my above post numerous times.
    I took screen shots after I posted, and passed the screenshots on to a witness.
    You did your level best to suppress me, and only finally let my post stand because it was unintentionally left visible for a lengthy period after your day of toil which comprises making a complete goose out of yourself for your tiny audience of brain-dead peons who slavishly follow your hateful internet diatribe against good and holy traditional clergy whom you accuse of heinous crimes WITHOUT PROVIDING A SCRAP OF CREDIBLE EVIDENCE. All of you mutts are transparent frauds. You viciously reply to people on your pathetic blog, imagining in your delusions that you are macho head-kickers, when in reality you are a bunch of gutless wimps who are, in fact, so deathly afraid of my replies that you set up alerts on your blog to enable you to immediately delete my posts. (You would've rather run from me but were forced to reply to me because in your incompetence you slipped and failed to immediately delete my original post which we both know you previously removed at least a dozen times. If you'd deleted it after people had seen it you knew that you'd run the risk of the scales falling the eyes of the pitiful sheeple whom you so generously provide free koolade. You couldn't afford to let your cult members know that you're suppressing people left and right.) You called me "trite and smarmy" Rich, coming from the poster children for not only trite and smarmy, but also for dishonesty, lying, injustice, rash-judgement, hypocrisy, busybodying, libel, slander, obsession, effeminacy, psychosis, narcissism, inanity, unbridled pettiness and rank stupidity.
    I've never met Bp. Dolan, Bp. Sanborn or Fr. Cekada, "genius." (But this doesn't mean that I'm not close to morally outstanding Catholics whom attend their Masses, and are utterly appalled by your unconscionable campaign against these clergymen. The latest is your "pitch" that these men are not clerics but in fact laymen. Unbelievable insanity!)
    Your atrocious, sinful, behavior renders all of your words hollow.
    You need to take your cultish, pontificating, smelly, keisters off the Intarwebz post haste.

    1. Would you like us to delete your rant now?

    2. Anon 12:28 PM is fighting the Man

      The almost traditional response to a shouty wall of words would be for him to get a hobby. It is somewhat over-emotional.

    3. To The Reader,

      Is it true that you sometimes delete comments that oppose you?

    4. No, it is not. We only delete comments that have unbearable vulgarities or that our readership has asked to be blocked because they go beyond the pale. (We have even deleted or edited and re-posted pro-PL comments that use profanity or that tread on delicate areas not suitable for young minds.) Look at past comments, and you'll see we're telling the truth, We're not afraid of criticism. In fact, we believe it's necessary for people to come to an informed opinion.

      In all honesty, for a number of reasons we love comments that oppose our position, which we won't share now because of space limitations. Suffice it to say we'll even keep 12:28's up unless he wants it deleted to feed his rage. (We aim to please.)

  9. Well by golly, tell me how you really feel!

  10. Reader,
    You can do whatever you want, but please understand that I've noted that new comments have appeared and the TIME SEQUENCE IS ALL WRONG. So, I rightly conclude what we have known all along; to wit: you are making comments using "Anonymous" in addition to the other names you are using. How fraudulent can you get? How disingenuous can you be? It's beyond pathetic.

    So "Anonymous," yes I'm certainly admitting that I'm reposting many times, but if you were intelligent enough to be tactical you'd know that we've achieved a situation where it's a proven fact that the Pistrina cult masters are acting like little girls, and SUPPRESSING CONTRIBUTORS MANY TIMES simply because these poor, precious petals cannot handle criticism.
    Now, if you want to have a reasonable conversation where I make inquiries and you give evidence for your assertions, fine. But please understand that if you want to continue playing games we're in it for the long haul. And, finally --- your trite comment about needing help. I'll just ignore your stupidity for the time being.
    (Suppressed by Pistrina cult masters 3 times.)

    1. Whatever you may think, that comment about your needing help , no matter how apt, didn't come from us. We ONLY post as PL or the Reader.

      As with all commenters, if you're reasonable, we'll engage in a conversation, until it proves futile in our view. Then we'll pass over you in silence.

      BTW, we've suppressed comments very few times and only for reasons of propriety or because our readership has asked us to remove a bore.

      P.S. Sedes can never be considered clerics in the proper sense of the word.

    2. The comment about him needing help comes from me, no relation to this blog. I'm sick of his 20 emails, just because I'm subscribed to the blog. I love hearing other people's comments, just not his twenty times. He really has an obsession and claims not to know The Sanborn/Cekada/Dolan trio? Seems like a bit of a far fetched lie to me? Or maybe I'm confused with another responder who said that they don't know the trio?

  11. Pistrina, can you please block this person from spamming? It's obvious that he is very childish and that he's only there to annoy.

  12. Good Move Reader! Otherwise we might have to meet him at the Macaroni Grill at High Noon to make him an offer he can't refuse. You cannot make this stuff up!LOL

    You must be doing something right, Bellevue is starting to ring in.

    1. He must be the same lunatic that we spammed about a week or two ago. We got tired of having to respond to his nonsense, so we zapped him.

  13. Oh really? I don't think so. You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag, let alone "zap" someone. You've got the wrong person, Einstein. Let me ask you again: How confident are you that you are anonymous? How confident are you that actionable material isn't in the hands of those whom oppose you? Is it wise to be acting the way you are in such a litigious society?
    Ever heard of TOR, proxies/web anonymizers? Quit lying to that guy, leading believe you've blocked me. You can't block me. ;)

    1. Well, if and when you do surface (on our blog), we'll "spam" you -- and keep spamming you, until you go back to oblivion (where you belong).

  14. Actionable Litigation is a very difficult process especially on the internet, let alone on a blog.

  15. In my experience, there was an overwhelming feeling that things were not right with one group you tend to mention. It was almost as though the people were in more of an entranced state. They were extremely cold, which one could be told that it is due to their holiness, but it is obvious there is more to this. Are the right intentions there? Probably, but the coldness hits that church like a blizzard storm. The clergy and the parishioners have that same holier art thou attitude. The mass is why I went, but it seems to me that a place who lacks the basis idea of charity, seems to miss the point of Catholicism.

    1. We entirely agree. Sanctimony is not sanctity.

  16. "When we had our split with Fr. Jenkins in 1989, he was the principal of our school, he had all the schooling families. These were people who felt they really needed a school and didn’t see any other way. So even if they were somewhat sympathetic to my position, they had to go with Fr. Jenkins because he had the school. So we continued on with families that weren’t really that attached to the school. They were either happy with public schooling or we have a big contingent of young parents who really believe in homeschooling and want that level of intimacy, comfort, and control of their own children and they don’t want to give that up to anyone else. They love them and want them there with them at all times. Highly protective at times and sometimes critical about administrations or how a school is run.

    We used to say that there’s nothing like a school to divide a parish. And for a while I was grateful that we didn’t have a school because of that. (Schools divide when self-serving sloth like C/D do nothing but take all the credit. What made them stop being "grateful"? Some schmuck volunteered to run a school for them until they drove into a nervous breakdown when they put in Lotarski.)

    You have to say, that if we operate a school, it’s here for the convenience of the parents, to help them educate their children (adult centered-convenience: to help them. What is a "bishop"/priest's responsibility?). There are also all sorts of things that are good for the life of the parish, and naturally beneficial. And we enjoy working with the kids (What WORK, C/D ?). And such opportunities! I mean, where else would you have boys, except here at St. Gertrude’s, who for their Lenten observance, would sing Vespers after Mass? {how great to have a school to have "boys"sing for you!)

    Fr. C. You certainly want to promote the school. I have tried to persuade all sorts of families to put their kids in the school. Obviously it was the mind of the Church that you were to put the kids in the parish school.

    Was that really the case before Pius XI’s encyclical?

    Fr. C. Oh yes, very consistently in the United States. If you had a parish school, you had to go....We recognize that there are some families, across the board, who are going to prefer homeschooling. And others also live at quite a distance, and sending their children to school here just doesn’t work. And, of course, there are some children that we don’t want anywhere near our school. (But porn/ animal torture video watchers, those who impregnate other students, use 4 letter words & threaten teachers--as long as they're the principal's sons, that's fine w/D/C--they'll fire & deport other staff!!)

    Bp. D. Every case is unique. You let families make the decision.

    How would you feel if one of your kids went to the Dominican school in Post Falls for girls or the La Salette Academy for boys where they are really trying to push the envelope academically?

    We would be devastated. One of Fr. Jenkins families sent a son there and that’s terrible. Sure, that’s a great education, but it’s in the One World Church. And we thought, why wouldn’t he speak out more against this? [But when yours go to protestant academies announce it in the bulletin!!!!)

    Then we realized, that La Salette isn’t the enemy. The enemy is really Archbishop Thuc. And us. There isn’t any other enemy. [As they stick their knives in again! What sodomite slime!] We wish we did have a boarding school. It’s a great apostolate.[Then get off your duff and start one!]

    At the same time, we’ve gotten students here who have come from a homeschooling background and they are really behind. I mean, there are some real exceptions, of people who do really well. But, my impression is that a lot of the mothers just aren’t up to it time or education-wise. [Obviously neither D/C are up to it "time" or education wise or CHARACTER wise!]

    1. Are you saying Tim Duff was/is a schmuck? I don't think he is at all.

      Also, there is some truth to the Cicada's shrill cries. Schools DO divide parishes, well run and poorly, Catholic and Protestant. Schools tend to become the financial focal point of the parish, and you and up with Immaculate Conception. The parish is an afterthought, and homeschooling families are forgotten. Resentment grows, particularly when collection basket money is earmarked for the school.

    2. I personally don't know any of you (but the devil knows all of us). Surely could be a schmuck to fall for Dolan's 'po me' lies, gossip & schmooze.

      Re: schools dividing parishes because most of the collection basket goes to the school, the parish is an afterthought and the home schoolers are forgotten - don't know what you mean in regard to Immaculate Conception which runs retreats for adults, annaul summer camp, numerous societies like Holy Name, Book Store, ProLife activities, etc. In regard to home schoolers being forgotten perhaps you should watch last week's WCBOhio program. If home schooling is necessary due to distance lived from parish could be valid reasoning - however, perhaps should consider moving closer in if possible. If home schooling to save money might consider other families of the parish and what is best not only for your own situation but for all. Pretty selfish to opt out of school but then want support for your needs. Cost comes down more that participate. Hard for me to be sympathetic to (single/childless/dink) adults who think parish is their social club and most of the money should go to entertaining them vs a sacrificial endeavor like a school or supporting missions etc.


    Your readership has discovered that you have ZERO evidence against any of these clerics insofar the heinous sins of which they are accused.
    This renders you PERVERSE. Throughout the history of the Church, good and holy persons have been persecuted in like manner. You merely prove how much God loves these clerics whom you are so viciously attacking.
    The pettiness of the majority of your attacks shows that your overall case is NOT substantive. Your petty charges against these clerics is reminiscent of the devil in his desperation taunting St. John Marie Vianney, by calling him, "Potato eater!"
    You are as equally pathetic and desperate as the devil.
    Cease your activities post haste lest you become in danger of the judgment!
    In closing. If these clerics are so bad, you should be praying and sacrificing for them. Can you direct your readers to a single instance on either of your blogs where you've recommended people to do as such? In other words, to do the CATHOLIC thing and help these (supposed) wicked clergy?
    Well, have you?

    1. I'm a former member. My testimony is evidence of at least one of these men and their group having Non-catholic practices and being out for money. Not only that, I know several ex-parishioners who have been through the same!

    2. In your own admiration of these men, you are doing an injustice to yourself and others. There have been too many people who have left and have stories to tell. Wake up. In 5 years, if you keep letting these men off the hook for their misdeeds and acting as they should get a free pass for their collar, than they will take you for the fool you are. You will have no one to blame but yourself. Testimonials are out there. You just need to take the cotton out of your ears and listen.

    3. It took me about 4 months to figure out what's up at SGG. Everyone there acts like some great tradgedy occured, and all the children were piped away. Others are major denile cases or are personally connected so thoroughly that it would break up families of they were to jump ship.

      In my estimation the Reader, Watcher and crew do exaggerate and never let anything go, as well as just seem to have no perspective. Every Church I've been to had had an ugly side. For crying out loud the instituional church covered up rampant pederasty for decades!

  18. "When we had our split with Fr. Jenkins in 1989, he was the principal of our school, he had all the schooling families. These were people who felt they really needed a school and didn’t see any other way. So even if they were somewhat sympathetic to my position, they had to go with Fr. Jenkins because he had the school."

    Was Fr. Jenkins ever part of SGG or was he always SSPV? Did Cekada and Dolan split from SSPV or Fr. Jenkins? Was he "their" principal? How do Cekada and Dolan call an SSPV school "our school"? Sounds like C/D have always been dividers (whether school involved or not),thieves and out for themselves. What was he expecting parents to choose between educating their children or "his position" - which was what exactly (I want ALL your money for me and my pal Cekada so we can Thuc me a bishopric from the CMRI Pivaranus (and then try to steal his "priests"), have my portrait made and put in the church for you to worship, build ourselves a big house w/climate controlled bedrooms, walk in closets and go on resort vacations--all to preserve the Catholic faith and priesthood, y'know--who could fail to be a 'little sympathetic' to that when he whispers it into your ear w/his rat smile)!?

  19. This has got nothing to do with admiration, etc.
    My inquiry is to the Reader and the Watcher as to whether they've ever done the Catholic thing, and called for prayers and sacrificing for the conversion of these (supposed) poor sinners.
    (Suppression of this post count: 4)

    1. Back in 2009 we publicly called for Dolan's conversion on, and throughout the years we have invited him to repent and seek conditional holy orders.

      N.B. Your post has not been suppressed.

    2. We -- as well as Pistrina and many others (including Bernie Brueggemann, SGG’s biggest benefactor before leaving) implored Dolan to repent. Yes, we all did “the Catholic thing” – but Dolan didn’t. Now, how about you doing “the Catholic thing” by telling the truth (for a change).

  20. I am sorry to say that Anonymous June 27, 2017 at 4:00 PM is truly an uninformed ranter. He obviously has not read all of VOV, P.L. or Laypulpit,( The Watcher). If he had, he would be on his knees praying not only for the souls of these clerics, but for the many families they have ruined, especially the Children. How does the biblical quote go about giving scandal to children? Was it not said by Christ Himself, that it would be better for one to tie a millstone around ones neck and to cast oneself into the sea rather than to give scandal to one of the innocent children?

    These sites whether you like it or not are the defenders for the same cries coming from a smaller group of people who have been abused by the likes of C&D et al, just like the many who cried to Rome for justice under Cardinal Law.
    It does not matter who commits the crime, the fact is the crime has been committed. While restitution can never be attained for these poor families because we have no hierarchy to go to, sites like this one and others can protect the innocent from falling into the clutches of these vultures, by virtue of their
    respective testimonies.

    I don't judge these men or say what should be done with them, I leave that to God. However, I will do everything in my power to stop further damage to anyone, especially the children.

    So truly, whoever you are, stop telling us what to do. It would be far better for you to get on your knees and pray for these money changers, and not waste your time on this site telling us how to protect the innocent, and preventing them from venting about their own ordeals under these parasites in Shepherd's clothing.

    You do not like this site so stay off it, and do something positive with your time, like take your own advice and PRAY.

  21. The Reader June 25, 2017 at 6:09 PM wrote: "Sedes can never be considered clerics in the proper sense of the word."


    1. Sorry. You're wrong, for the simple reason that they cannot, by virtue of their extra-canonical status, enjoy the rights and privileges attendant to the Roman Catholic clerical state. They are only "clerics" in the popular sense that liberal Western democracies consider the ministers of other confessions to be clergy. But that has nothing to do with the Catholic sense of the word.

  22. The WatcherJune 27, 2017 at 7:40 PM
    We -- as well as Pistrina and many others (including Bernie Brueggemann, SGG’s biggest benefactor before leaving) implored Dolan to repent. Yes, we all did “the Catholic thing” – but Dolan didn’t. Now, how about you doing “the Catholic thing” by telling the truth (for a change).

    - How about you Watcher provide some *real evidence* (not just your postings) that Mr. Brueggemann asked Bishop Dolan to "repent" of anything.

  23. This is off topic, but someone told me this website disagrees with Fr Cekada's contention that you cannot attend an "Una Cum" Mass. (The name of Francis in the Canon). Have you published your reasons why you believe it is ok to attend such a Mass? Im fascinated by the subject and would love to read anything you've written on the subject.

    1. Let us first say that on our staff we have some who personally elect not to attend an una-cum Mass.

      However, the position we have taken in posts and comments is that since the una-cum prohibition is merely a hypothesis contrived by men who are not theologians and not even bona-fide Roman Catholic clergy, attendance at such Masses should be left to the individual's informed conscience.

      For some, the arguments behind the prohibition are persuasive. That's fine with all of us here, sedes, R-&-Rers, FSSPers, and traditionalist Novus Ordites. However, when a mere conjecture from non-professionals is presented as a dogma, that's where we protest.

      It is not dogma. It is not even a theological opinion in the strictest sense of the word. Indeed, it has no theological note whatsoever. It's a hypothesis promoted by men who have no advanced degrees in theology from an approved Roman Catholic Institution.

      That said, if you personally embrace the hypothesis and hope it's true, we won't call you a heretic or a schismatic. Just don't anathematize others whose conscience has led them to a different course of action. In today's ecclesial crisis, conscience must be king.

  24. Are Pistrina Liturgica and The Reader the same poster?

    1. Absolutely not. The Watcher curates the entirely independent blog The Lay Pulpit.

      PL posts either as The Reader or Pistrina Liturgica. Any of the Readers may post as "The Reader" (after receiving clearance from the Reader-in-Chief), but only the managing editor may post or allow another to post under "Pistrina Liturgica."

  25. Is the Watcher one of Pistrina's multiple personalities?

    1. See our reply above, June 28, 2017, 8:46 AM.

    2. It's pretty clear that the primary poster under Reader is a more polished writer than the Watcher. I'd also hazard to guess the Reader is male and the Watcher female.

  26. Have you ever noticed the large amount of people who have mental problems who follow Father Sanborn? I'm wondering if they have the mental issues before or if he brings their mental instability to light?

    1. From what I have witnessed, the mental instability of people who defend Father Sanborn is shown in their actions. There is usually an obsessive compulsiveness about them. Their family life is not good, meaning a divorce, an imbalanced marriage, loss of job, or children who tend to lose the faith. Therefore, they end up throwing all their time into reading, listening, and defending Father Sanborn or his connections. The time might be better spent in prayer to find a better spiritual guide or reading saints' or Our Lord's words, but instead, they tend to take whatever opinion Father Sanborn believes as the word of God. It's quite disturbing how a priest must knowingly take advantage of these poor individuals. I'm sure they are just seeking some kind of peace and the devil must be taunting them and trying to get them to go off the deepend in their extreme thoughts, words, and actions.

      My question would be, as a priest, wouldn't Father Sanborn be obligated to get these people help? There are obvious instabilities among many of his followers. Would it not be best for him to not only offer them spiritual guidance and prayer, but also to suggest some professional help?

  27. Why do replies keep getting deleted?

  28. Is Father Sanborn and the Cincinnati duo so worried about this site that they are now sending their crazies to comment on it? That sounds like them, encouraging the crazies to "defend" them. The ironic thing is that it shows 1. That they are worried about this blog AND 2. That there are more crazies at those places than I thought there were!

    1. They never cease to amaze, do they?

    2. You people like to make assumptions. You know what they say about assumptions :)

  29. It's obvious to anyone who knows how the Aussie situation came about that you do NOT know.

    I may contact those concerned in Arizona to find out why they really switched to CMRI because you dudes (or shall we say duds) here have demonstrated repeatedly that you do not know what you are talking about. You make a lot up, speculate a lot, and mix it with some facts.

    1. Then you'll find out that PL was 100% correct.

  30. Anonymous June 28, 2017 at 4:19 AM
    Rambles on:

    "Yes, you DID delete my previous post 4 times.
    State of play:..."

    Aside from being Anonymous, this blogger is annoying. He/she sounds the democrats constantly trying to make TRUMP LOOK BAD, by doing everything wrong themselves, and then blaming Trump.

    Give it up friend, you are boring and annoying!

  31. Anonymous June 28, 2017 at 4:19 AM makes some good points.

    1. Anon. 10:36 PM, that's because you and Anon. 4:19 AM are the same person.

    2. No we are not! Anon 10.36

  32. Desperation hits in and Sanborn and company asks their cult followers to spam anyone who writes the truth and is against them. One more example of why staying away from these places is so important: you run into people like that.

  33. The ReaderJune 29, 2017 at 4:31 AM wrote
    "Then you'll find out that PL was 100% correct."

    we will see because I know you are not correct about some other matters. You are fishing.

    1. If you really dig down deep, you'll find out a whole lot more than we've posted. We've withheld some facts at the request of our sources.

      Sorry, but we're not fishing. We've landed a big catch. And whenever we conjecture, we plainly so signify in explicit language.

      The reason behind you frenzied denials is that you're scared of admitting the truth about the cult masters.

  34. Asgain, Anon. 8;31 AM, you and Anon.'s 10:36 PM and 4:19 AM are one and the same person.


  36. Reader, I agree with your deduction when you clearly state this strong possibility.
    "...The reason behind your frenzied denials is that you're scared of admitting the truth about the cult masters."

    May I add this, I think that you and the Watcher have scored BIG TIME. I've notice the the ranting and repetitive emails seem to be a ploy to inundate the site with bogus comments to really just take up space with junk.

    That in and of itself is a method used by what is commonly referred to as a HACKER.

    Well we know it is not Russia, but I think this "Jack In The Box" is playing my favorite tune. " Pop Goes the Weasel".

    He's popping his lid, and your popping the garbage out.

    Great Job!
    Thanks for taking on the extra work. It is really appreciated by me, and I am sure a whole lot more who enjoy this blog in more ways than one.

    1. Thanks. We had never moderated before except during the staff vacation because we wanted our forum to be as open as possible. As most people realize, we tolerated negative comments as long as they met reasonable standards of decorum. Some may remember that we even published negative comments after we had removed inappropriate language.

      It's clear the cult wanted to shut people up. They dread the comments section as much as the weekly posts. Their effort is the best sign we have seen of the impact this and other blogs are having on the cult masters. Best of all, our emails show they alienated many who were willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Now everyone understands the cult mentality.

      We don't mind any extra work because the several Readers check in throughout the day. No one will have an undue burden, and comments will be posted in a timely manner. Also we'll continue to publish comments critical of this blog, provided they meet minimum criteria of decorum and decency.

    2. Shadow, and The Reader:

      Well said ... and well done!

      The blog posts and comments here must have hit a raw nerve (or vulnerable point) of the cult masters. The desperation of the cult masters and their enablers is getting obvious. They are (as Reader put it) trying to shut others up. But they will fail miserably because by now, many trads have seen through the cult masters for what they are.

      Let the weekly message of the Reader and PL resound throughout Cultilandia to shake 'em up.

  37. This comment re TRRadio comes in as a thought that occurs to me as try to get to sleep so turned on the computer and am writing.

    The podcasts of Fr. Michael Oswalt found on TRRadio give us a picture of the novus ordo seminary or seminaries he attended. Unfortunately many may be membership only but others would be available at the TRR site or on ITunes

    Some may hold that novus ordo seminary preparation is better than what is offered in Brooksville. To me this is counterintuitive, and this comment is not a defense of Brooksville or CMRI.

    Novus ordo seminary training and associated experiences appear to have been almost frightening to someone of Fr. Oswalt's sensibilities forcing a gradually accelerating and then unbearable wake-up process.

    He had come through everything fine from what I can see and has a genuine vocation to the secular priesthood in my opinion. I am glad I 'met him' through TRRadio.

    His podcasts about his seminary experiences are detailed.

    He rejected the idea of re-ordaining at Brooksville, perhaps because he would have been required to sign some kind of contract and chose CMRI because he said, of his devotion to Our Lady which carried him through the process discerning he had to leave the novus ordo.

    Cancelled my TRRadio subscription a few days ago.
