
Saturday, August 5, 2017


bestiary, a medieval collection of stories, each of which was based on a description of certain qualities of an animal, plant, or even stone. They presented Christian allegories for moral and religious instruction and admonition. Encyclopædia Britannica (1975)

Editor's Note: Herewith is the fourth post in a series that originated with a comment letting us in on the secret behind "One-Hand Dan's" freakish creature chronicles in the "Bishop's (?) Corner." According to our informant, Li'l Daniel uses violent incidents starring the cult's feral cats and their blood-spattered quarry to externalize his grievances.  A reminder of our format: we first quote verbatim from a "Corner" and then interpret it to reveal Dannie's hidden message.


We'll start off with a witty correspondent's favorite animal anecdote. Here's what the Wee One wrote for Pentecost VI 2017:
The cats are both eating and sleeping more in the heat. Puccini believes in tithing when it comes to small rodents.
"He didn't even bother replacing the obvious allusion to the Gerties' giving him money (tithing) with a more subtle word," marveled the sharp eyed observer of the Mitered Maggot's prose.

Yes, indeed, the word was so obvious it didn't need much deciphering at all. Just a keen awareness of the Dirtbag's priorities. But the real question for PL is:
Why was His Blatancy so transparent this time?
Usually it requires some head-cratching to puzzle out his meaning.

We'd say Dannie Boy abandoned his characteristically cryptic tone because the cult's hurtin' for money. He can't afford for the increasingly tight-fisted Gerties not to get the message. You'll recall we've reported a string of weekly collections coming in under $4,000, which is not enough to sustain the declining cult center or its "clergy's" outsized appetites. Wee Dan's worst fears were realized on the very day he delivered this fable, for the July 16 take, reported on Pentecost VII, totaled a poverty-level  $3,212.

Like Li'l Daniel's kitty comrades, the Gerties are taking the hot, un-airconditioned summer off, finally treating themselves and their families to road trips "down home," stuffing their hideously asymmetric faces with fast food, and installing a fan or two in their shacks.  (Some may've been able to afford to hire an exterminator.) Absent from sweltering $GG, they're putting to good use the windfall of extra cash that's now available since they stopped heeding Dannie's demands for their money.

Bad news for His Appetency.

Soooo bad, in fact, that the situation called for the cats to come to his rescue in the guise of male idlers who irresponsibly turn over to the cult masters what by rights belongs to their wives and children. "One Hand" is tired of the Dirty Gerties' giving irregularly and stingily. He's also peeved at the deserters' refusal to make up for the collections they've missed while AWOL from the dying cult center.

If he and the Cheeseball are to have any chance at a luxury vacation this year, the cultlings have got to pony up. Hence the not-so-subtle "tithing," with its almost tax-like suggestion of regular, fixed, unavoidable payments for the comfort of the overfed but undereducated "clergy."

We'll have to wait to see whether the culties got his drift or whether they'll ignore him.


The same "Corner" carried the following eerie allegory, which isn't at all hard to decode either:
A mourning dove crashed into my bedroom door light, and lay dazed on the deck for awhile. Its mate sympathetically surveyed the scene and waited for recovery. They both then flew off, but silently and without their mourning cry.
Dannie's been losing cult couples lately, and all he can do is stand around watching in agony as dollars vanish.

The stunned dove is a cult-addled spouse attracted to the glittering theatrical lights of "One Hand's" Sunday big shows.  The patient mate is the loving husband or wife who waited for the spouse to return to sanity as soon as the truth about the cult masters became known.With the one partner's senses finally restored, the couple could then cancel the insurance policy naming $GG the beneficiary (the "mourning cry") and head off for a better climate, never to be heard from again.


The foregoing tale of escape and redemption is not what Wee Dan expected, hence his rueful tone. The Low Sunday 2017 "Corner" detailed the usual procedure for dealing with wounded souls that find themselves trapped on the SW Ohio cult's dismal property:
The Fathers were waiting for me Wednesday evening for dinner after the High Mass, when Puccini appeared with an Easter offering. He deposited the still live bird in the convento, and then flopped down on the floor, the very picture of detachment. The bird flew about a bit, but then met its end. Puccini is a remarkably quick cat on occasion. Ars Gratia Artis is ever his motto.    
The struggling, soon-to-be dispatched prey in the feral cat's clutches represents the few Gerties who flew off in moral outrage at the 2009 $GG $chool $candal yet came winging back after the Ham Sandwich spoiled. Back at the cult, cynical "priests" keep a close watch on the untrustworthy migrants so they'll never fly the coop again or take others with them if they do. Whenever the returning birdbrains get sick of the nonstop fundraising, divisive troublemaking, and smug hypocrisy,  the cult masters are ready to intervene at once to prevent them from flocking around the anxious Gerties.  Educationally, the malformed "clergy" aren't too swift, but when it comes to suppressing the truth about themselves, they're faster than a fat kid chasing an ice-cream truck.

Times are tough at the destabilized wasteland of $GG. The cult masters can't afford another uprising, thus the unspoken moral of the fable: if you spread your wings, then it's "Bye Bye Birdie."  The kingpins have never forgiven the Gerts whose exodus deprived $GG of an income to match the aspirations of its grasping "clergy."  The last seven and a half years have been lean ones, requiring "One Hand" to make nice to the returning turncoats on account of their money and their propaganda value.  But he won't let 'em get away again. The "clergy" are ready to pounce catlike at the first sign of unrest.

Ars gratia artis ("art for art's sake") really isn't the cult motto. Dannie came up with that one because he's seen it on the MGM logo and wanted to pretend he knows Latin. Plus he was eager to boost blood-thirsty Puccini's ego by comparing his feline familiar to the studio's Leo the Lion. No, the cult's motto is, even if the Latin text escapes His Deficiency, nemo me impune lacessit ("nobody calls me out and gets away with it.")

How could Dannie ever forget a brown-noser's candid advice to get rid of Tony Baloney in 2009? Whenever can the offended Wee One banish the remembrance of all those fliers permitted to circulate at the Sunday big show right after the $GG $chool firings? We bet he still can feel the sport coat lapel crumpling in an angry palm. And he continues to burn, secretly, at the sanctimonious weasel who loudly left the cult as a result of witnessing the unedifying contretemps.

You don't need us to tell you he didn't forget any one of these or any other slight.

Some very nasty creature is waiting to fall upon the neck of the prodigal sons or daughters who might dare fly off with their money a second time.  What's been found, won't be lost again. No other ecclesiastical hustler will get a chance to devour the prodigals' substance. Dannie means to consume it all by himself.

He has to. The run is almost over for SW Ohio's amateur production of American Horror Story: Cult.


  1. I'm wondering if there is a way to sign up for alerts for when your blog comes up on Saturdays?!

    1. Try becoming a follower of the blog (but make sure you conceal your identity). The follow button is on the right-hand side.

  2. Are you suggesting that the Gerties have caught on to the Bestiary theme and would recognize that the tithing is referring to them giving to $GG? Or is it simply that "tithing" has such a strong association with donating to church that a Gertie would understand the implication even if they thought these stories were true, and not fictitious?

    1. We can't speak for our correspondent, but IOHO, the answer is YES! to both questions.

      After three installments of this series, a number of lukewarm Gerties tell us they're reading the almost weekly animal allegories with new insight, and they don't like what they see.

      As for those backward cultlings who haven't caught on yet, the word "tithing" is so loaded that they couldn't miss the message.

    2. An update to our reply to Aug 5, 8:27.

      Our informant really nailed it regarding the tithing, didn't he? Look what Dannie wrote in his "Corner" for today (emphases ours):

      Well, if only the Baptists knew about Vespers being almost all biblical, I’m sure they would crowd in. Then our parking lot would be packed on some Sunday afternoons. Imagine. Twice on a Sunday and once during the week, and they line up to tithe their ten percent!

      Boy does he want the Gerties to get the idea. To make sure they did, a couple paragraphs later he wrote:

      Summertime brought another light attendance last week, but a good collection.

      He's sure has money on his mind, doesn't he?

      P.S. The collection haul still amounted to less than what $GG used to rake in before the 2009 $GG $chool $candal.

    3. Since churches run 100% on donations seems that it only makes sense for them to bring it up. SSPX does it. The N.O. does it. It is normal. You act like they demand copies of all parishioners pay stubs and then send them a bill accordingly.

    4. You couldn't have ambushed Dan better if you tried - he absolutely fell into a trap of his own making - I'm only glad I told you what his "allegories" meant. I also predicted last week we'd be in for some more animal allegories and behold the "weasel".

    5. We are so obliged to you, Anon 10:52, for the instruction you gave us. It opened up a whole new world of insight. What once was foggy and a bit sicko is now all very clear (although still sick with all the gore).

      The "weasel" is a new animal character, which we independently anticipated in our post before spotting its appearance in the filth "Corner." We definitely have one individual in mind; perhaps you do, too. Anon Aug 6 10:39 below also spotted the new player, and we think he's on the same track as we are.

    6. I don't these men you write but about but we live in a country where $$$ is essential.
      If the man is talking about money it's simply a reflection of the new reality that most Americans are still adjusting to 16 years later.
      I don't dislike or like anyone in this world you all inhabit nor do I have ill will towards anyone in particular.
      Just a simple sobering reminder of living in a former first class nation who's best days are behind us.

  3. Talking about cats all the time is dumb. Trying to analyze it is insane. Here interpret this, although it may be too deep for you:

    Sinister and vaporous among the sea
    I divine angry fragments near the water
    Be wary! The stink is going
    So glittering under the ground
    I dispel quaking icons in the dream
    We Reach! The sin never ends
    Dark and red behind the wind
    Way cool! The day will vanish
    shadowed grieving
    seeing the light
    memories of water
    In whose arms
    the refugee
    take comfort
    wondering why

    1. Anon. 10:55 PM, I “googled” the opening lines of what (I suppose) is some sort of poem – and one whose words are rather cryptic (and hard to analyze). What you are implying here is that it is folly for PL to try to “analyze” something that defies analysis (and therefore you are ridiculing PL’s analysis of Dannie’s animal musings).

      Actually, we (and everybody else besides you) think that PL did a brilliant job of analysis. And it is you, Anon – not this article’s analysis – that are insane. PL’s article was not only witty; it was pertinent, and eminently relevant -- a super accurate representation of Dannie and the SGG cult center. What you wrote merely smacks of irrelevant nonsense. Get a brain, whoever you are! (Oh yeah, and get some charity too. You seem to be in

    2. watcher 9:51 AM
      Seem to be in what?

    3. @Watcher 9:51 PM

      I knew my poem would be too deep for you to analyze. It says something very clearly if you look just below the surface, but that would require effort. As usual you are like a robo replier simply taking whatever accusation somebody says and turning it on them. I suppose if I said you are a beautiful, intelligent, and wonderful person you would respond. “anon, no YOU are the beautiful, intelligent, and wonderful person”

    4. To anon. 9:51 AM: When I “cut and pasted” my comment, I was too hasty, and didn’t proofread it. I left out the words ”short supply.” So, my last sentence should have read, “You seem to be in short supply” [of charity]. Once again, “haste makes waste.”

      To anon. 10:54 AM: Whether the poem was “too deep” for me or not is irrelevant. (And, BTW I figured that you were going to make such an accusation.) (The fact is, too, that there are a good many people who would be puzzled by the passage you related – especially when taken out of context. And that does not make them – or me – “unscholarly know-nothings.”)

      The point that I was trying to make (that was obviously “too deep” for you) is that the article’s analysis of Dannie was brilliant -- and your criticism of him was both and uncharitable. You – whoever you are – have a willfully malignant attitude. But then, you always did, didn’t you?!

    5. The Watcher, your comment seems to have gotten cut off once again! "You seem to be in..." Please let us know the rest!

    6. Please do tell us what your poem is about, I'm curious now!

    7. Yes, I myself would be interested to know too. Actually, I tried again to “google” this “poem” online (again). Nothing came up. (I’m beginning to wonder if it exists.) And, actually, I believe that the “anal aperture” who posted it doesn’t know what it means either – and that’s why he hasn’t responded to 1:38 PM’s (or my) query. But whether it exists or not (or whether he can decipher its “deeper meaning” or not), that is, again, irrelevant. My original comment had nothing to do with “whether or not I can decipher the ‘poem’s’ deeper meaning,” It had to do with the Reader’s comment. Nothing more, nothing less.

    8. @ The Watcher

      Clearly since you can’t “google” it must not exist then huh? Actually it is an original by your best friend Sir Howd E. Toity.

      Your accusations are laughable as your comments are the definition of uncharitable.

    9. Also @Watcher I didn’t respond right away because unlike you I don’t live in my Mom’s basement spending my days and nights on this blog. I have a life.

    10. Anon. 10:06 PM and 10:08 PM; Your responses speak for themselves. No need for further comment. BTW, I have a life too.

  4. The Reader said:..."As for those backward cultlings who haven't caught on yet, the word "tithing" is so loaded that they couldn't miss the message."

    Don't be surprised! If they are still sitting in that pew, then they are putting up with the stink.

    As always excellent reading, thanks.

    1. True, but some, at least, are starting to gag.

  5. I attend a real church (real both in having properly educated clergy, and in being a beautiful building well over 100 years old, made of masonry rather than swimming noodles), and it too only pulls in $4,000 a week. How sad that these crooks make as much as (and until recently, much more) than legitimate parishes.

    Also, I didn't realize that $4,000 is not a lot for a parish to maintain itself. I will try to start giving more on Sundays.

    1. For most chapels, $4K a week would be a fortune.

      Don't forget that $GG has a big, unnecessary payroll to cover as well as other expenses you wouldn't see in another chapel. Your chapel is no doubt well managed and doing splendidly.

  6. SGG's bulletin said that they are sending 3 seminarians to Florida. That's amazing, considering none of these places ever have one, let alone 3. What's up with that?

    1. Yeah, that's the first we heard of them too. We're eager to find out the names. Does anyone out there know?

      If the past is any indication, the three won't last long. Gertie kids have usually been short-termers down at the fetid pesthouse. They're not used to doing chores and serving food: that's what Ma and Sis are for. And they've never run into the likes of a Scut before either. He makes the "Principal" look like a real softie. They better keep the rector's cat dry, that's all we can say.

  7. Do you guys have a crystal ball or something?
    Yesterday the Reader guessed cult masters wouldn't forget the "sanctimonious weasel" and today Dannie wrote that Caravaggio "bagged a brown, weasel snouted creature the other afternoon, and went to hide it from me, lest I impound it. I’ve seen these animals around before, and wonder what they are. They walk with a curious, wavy motion."

    Do you think the "wavy motion" means the guy still doesn't know whether he should stay at SGG? All I can say is he better watch out.

    You can really call em. You are AWESOME dudes.

    1. You're really good at deciphering the animal allegories! Dannie's got his eye on that guy, so he'd better shut his smart aleck mouth. "One Hand's" not forgotten a thing.

    2. Also, PL called the "weasel" brown-nosed, and Dannie described the animal as "brown, weasel-snouted."

      Given that your post was published before Dannie's BC article, do you suppose he might have used your post for inspiration?

    3. You've got a good point there, 1:29 PM. Maybe we brought back to mind what the "weasel" did back in 2009 and Dannie decided to target him.

      However, although we'd like to give ourselves the credit, we probably can't. From his remarks in the past, Wee Dan prepares his sordid little "Corner" several days in advance of making the bulletin available online.

      Therefore, we'd have to say we were somehow on Li'l Daniel's wavelength when we came up with that line in the editorial meeting. Ever since our savvy anonymous informer tipped us off to Deficit Dan's animal allegories, we've gotten better and better at understanding the Dirtbag. So let's just chalk it up to coincidence. (We'd hate to think we could read that grubby mind.)

    4. If Carvaggio is Dannie's alter ego, how could he have hidden the weasel from himself?!

      Also, its far too early in the year to be staying inside because "winter is on its way"!

    5. The "weasel" really wasn't hidden. It slinked back to the cult, and Dannie and Cheeseball found it "convenient" to let him think he was "forgiven," especially since the "weasel's" pal came crawling back, too.

      But the "weasel" has been squeaking about the non-stop fundraising and visiting the other side. Dannie can't ignore that anymore, not even for the propaganda the "weasel" affords.

      The "weasel" wants everyone to believe its's a really moral beast, so it's time now to shut it down. And Dannie will, make no mistake about that. He knows the "weasel" is a coward. It was too scared to really go after Dannie in 2010.

  8. What surprises me most is that once Dan's code is deciphered he keeps using it. It's not like the Germans knew of Bletchley Park but Dan sure knows he's being taped over here. He's like the gift that keeps on giving or should that be "tithing" like the Baptists at "Vespers" ?

    1. He probably can't help himself. A normal person would have nixed all the bloody animal stories a couple of years ago after we started making fun of them as inappropriate Sunday fare. But not Dannie. It's his only outlet.

      We're happy that he keeps it up, not only for the bestiary series but also because the gory, gag-inducing anecdotes lower him in the esteem of Catholics. He and his cult are now a punchline.

    2. Reader stated:
      "He and his cult are now a punchline."

      More Like a GAG line!

    3. Bravo! Wish we'd thought of that. Thanks.

  9. Sanborn raised $17,000 to go to his Australia mission. Where is that windbag getting all that money?

    1. IF the amount is true, it just proves there's a sucker born very minute.

  10. Dolan's talk about the animals has gotten to be so disgusting that many of us our questioning his sanity. Maybe he has something psychologically wrong with him?

    1. The stories of animal deaths and maiming are truly disturbing.

  11. Reader wrote:

    "...A normal person would have nixed all the bloody animal stories a couple of years ago after we started making fun of them as inappropriate Sunday fare. But not Dannie..."

    The key word in that statement is "NORMAL". Does anyone really think that Traddie-land has any normalcy to it, at all?

    1. We think that most people know in their heart of hearts that Traddielandia is a madhouse. Just because all the blood-and-guts-and-torment stories occurring Sunday after Sunday are about animals doesn't make them any less gruesome — or tolerable.

  12. Gruesome yes, normal no. The content of
    the Bishops Corner will never change. So perhaps Dolan should call it the Butcher's Block instead, and then enjoy all the sick antics of their delight with the law of the jungle.

  13. In regard to 'Caper 3'

    "However, locking a pet inside a closed space, violently lashing out at a pet after getting in trouble with a parent, or taking pleasure in watching an animal in pain are all "red flags" that signal the need for professional intervention. This is particularly true when the child has the cognitive maturity to understand that what s/he is doing is wrong - and repeatedly does it anyway.
    there are many types of IATC (intentional animal torture and cruelty), including individuals who do it (i) as a religious ritual sacrifice, (ii) as an ‘artistic’ sacrifice (e.g., killing animals in films such as the controversial 'Cannibal Holocaust'), (iii) because they have psychological disorders (such as antisocial/psychopathic personality disorders and engage in deliberate acts of zoosadism), and/or (iv) because they have sexually paraphilic disorders (such as crush fetishism in which small animals are crushed for sexual pleasure). Additionally, there is some research showing that in some circumstances, IATC is sometimes used to coerce, control and intimidate women and/or children to be silent about domestic abuse within the home. [What do Lotarski, Dolan and Cekada have in common?]
    Another ‘triad’ of psychological factors that have been associated with IATC are three specific characteristics of personality – Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy(the so-called ‘Dark Triad’). Studies carried out by Dr. Phillip Kavanagh and his colleagues have examined the relationship between the three Dark Triad personality traits and attitudes towards animal abuse and self-reported acts of animal cruelty…
    There is no easy solution to childhood IATC. Given that most children learn antisocial behaviour from those around them (from their very own butcher--I mean bishop!), the best way to prevent it is teaching by example. Here, parents are the key. Prosocial behaviour by parents and other role models towards animals (such as rescuing spiders in the bath, feeding birds, treating pets as a member of the family) has the potential to make a positive lasting impression on children.

    The sociopathic personality first develops in early childhood or adolescence and is classified under the diagnosis of “conduct disorder,” which then develops into “anti-social personality disorder” (both of these are listed in the DSM). One of the early signs of a conduct disorder is often cruelty to animals.
    An individual who is able to engage in cruelty to animals appears to have no conscience and thus no remorse for his or her behavior. The act of cruelty to animals results from an apparent need for power and control, and this need is accompanied by a lack of empathy. Animals are targeted, especially helpless and defenseless ones, because the perpetrator does not recognize or care that they have feelings and can experience not just physical pain but also emotional pain."

  14. Caper 3 w/P appearing w/the live bird and depositing it in the “convento” as an EASTER offering while the ‘fathers’ were waiting for Dolan for ‘dinner’ (after High Mass or for the Black mass?) the very PICTURE of detachment, not specified how the live bird meets it’s end (but it is an EASTER offering—and P (which priest is he?) is “remarkably quick” at animal sacrifice/torture after the ‘bird’ flew about a bit?),” calling that “art” or an “Easter offering” and in conjunction w/ ‘dinner’—really scary, blasphemous and satanic evil right there in front of the faces of these parents in the Church bulletin. Seems w/the pope cutout pics, might be some albums lying about the rectory or principal’s residence/school office computer (Cekada does like to make videos)—as we already know animal torture videos viewed there, plus Lotarski children exposed to computer porn which they email to other “parishioners” (children or adults?). I notice none of the parishioners comment on these ‘capers’–seems some may know quite well what is going on here (which definitely ain’t the glorification of God or the sanctification of souls).

    22. Students have watched inappropriate videos (including of animal torture) in the Principal's office on his computer. One of the sons of the Principal e-mailed a link to a pornographic video to one of the parishioners. This video is so bad that we cannot describe the contents here.
    The Principal once administered corporal punishment to a seventh grade boy in the presence of witnesses, during which punishment he actually broke a paddle over the boy's back. While administering the punishment, he was seen to be in a rage, sweating profusely, trembling, and red in the face.
    My decision to leave St. Gertrude is not based upon advancing the sedevacantist cause but upon (1) not being able, in good conscience, to be associated with clergy whose behavior is morally reprehensible, (2) not being able, in good conscience, to entrust my soul and the souls of (potentially) my wife and children to clergy who calumniate other priests, lie from the pulpit, and defend, excuse, and employ as principal of a supposedly Catholic school a man who physically abuses children and scandalizes them so that their bodies and souls are in danger. How could I ever trust clergy who do such things? How could I possibly turn a blind eye to it and act as though nothing were wrong? I cannot.
    Greeters at Walmart? Jailbirds more like…

  15. The Reader.Hello,someone made the comment about Sanborn obtaining $17000 for his Australia mission.We are going to watch Australia.We are sure in time he will take over the other CMRI missions there.Is it true there has been much said about Julian Gilchrist and it has been all bad.We live on the East Coast not far from the Big Apple.

    1. We agree that Tradzilla will try to avenge the loss of Our Lady of the Sun in AZ by taking over the CMRI's Australian missions. From everything we've heard from commenters, there's a lot of discontent Down Under, so those missions are ripe for the picking. It's quite possible, too, that the CMRI won't put up much of a fight insofar as those missions may be more of a liability than a benefit to them in a era of retrenchment in the US.

      But to do so, the Donster'll need financial support from Americans, which may affect contributions to the pesthouse. (There's only so much money to give.) Australia may become the proving ground for the viability of his new 'Roman Catholic Institute"; however, he's been silent about it since his big announcement, so we haven't much to go on.

      All this bears watching, as you suggest. Whatever happens will tell us a great deal about the cult's future direction.

  16. Hello Anon August 10 at 12.08 AM.

    That $17000 will not go very far. You are sure in time Sanborn will take over the other CMRI missions in Australia. What makes you say that when you live on the East Coast not far from the Big Apple? Wow!


    Have you ever thought Big Don might open a seminary Down Under?Back in 2013 Pivarunster made a comment about starting one in Adelaide(where JG is based) in a long term plan.It will also be interesting to see if Big Don gains any followers in New Zealand.As you say,it all bears watching.

    1. That's a possibility, especially if there's $$$ in Australia, but we think the Donster has his heart set on opening a seminary in France.

    2. 10:12 PM

      Watch and pray.

  18. Anonymous August 10,2017 5.33PM.What a goofy comment.If you have been reading Sanborn's newsletter,he made the comment that in time their work Down Under will grow.Who cares if that person/persons lives not far from New York.They might be SSPV who knew Sanborn.

  19. I don't fault Cekada, Dolan, and sanborn for their position. I fault them for being creepy, Non-Catholic, misogynists, who have lost their moral compasses.

    1. As we've said before, some of the Readers are absolute or materialist sedes, too.

    2. You say this, but much of what The Reader posts is incongruent with the sede position.

    3. True, but collective editorial policy differs from individual positions.

  20. From Anon 8/9/16 9:26 "Additionally, there is some research showing that in some circumstances, IATC is sometimes used to coerce, control and intimidate women and/or children to be silent about domestic abuse within the home."

    Since these bunny/bird animal killing stories usually contain tithing or offering appeals (Caper 1 Dead rodents better tithe up the animals are eating (and sleeping) more "in the heat"--doesn't one usually eat less in the heat?), I am wondering if they aren't actually coded blackmail threats in the bulletin to certain people that they better fork over more dough(whatever lies Dolan relates to the SGG dupes who believe these postings are about his 'enemies').

    Caper 2 could be a threat/intimidation against someone's spouse who may leave SGG (fly off) after the spouse "recovers," but will be silenced (i.e. not say a word about what's going on at SGG) after they've crashed into Dolan's "light" (get decked and lay "dazed"--remember Cekada's "Robert Rawhide" "School Dazed" 'defense'?).

    "Well, the fallout from my article that responded to Father Anthony Cekada's "School Dazed" has begun."

    It was also really too odd the email Cekada fired off one Christmas Eve. These two (and probably Sanborn as well--except he seems to keep his head firmly in the sand about truths he don't want to know) are very scary. I wouldn't let any child of mine near the place and I certainly wouldn't want to be receiving communion from the hands of either of those two (or any priest who would stay w/them).

  21. The Reader August 12, 2017 at 2:30 PM wrote:
    True, but collective editorial policy differs from individual positions.

    A house divided.

  22. Please point me to the claim made that the sede Bishops should not offer Pontifical High Mass.
