
Saturday, July 29, 2017


There where they burn books, eventually they also burn people. Heine

Editor's Note: If you read Dannie's "Bishop's (?) Corner" in the July 9, 2017, $GG bulletin, the "very well organized and attended" YAG (Young Adult Get-Together) was a "success," which, he assured us, had a "serious and spiritual side, as well as a social one."

Aside from those comments — and a heap of self-serving praise for the Cheeseball — he was pretty spare with the details. But don't worry. PL received a first-hand account from an insider: It confirmed all the reservations we expressed both in our post of May 13, 2017 (click here) and in subsequent comments You might recall that our objections raised the hackles of many a rabid cultling.

As a public service, we'll share some of our informant's verbatim highlights of the weekend. The Readers will refrain from overly intrusive editorial comment and let the facts, as narrated by an impartial third party, speak for themselves.  In unvarnished form, they're enough to convince anyone that the inept party planners at $GG delivered a bust at the most and at the least an insult to any serious (and well-adjusted) Catholic adult who attended. (All emphases are ours.)

"Friday's events began in the afternoon with a Mass from Fr. McKenna, with a homily on the true meaning of Christian love in a marriage.  Next we had dinner in the social hall.  There was more than enough food for everyone, and most of it was homemade (but I am guessing it was all made by rank-and-file Gerties, not any of the priests).  They had already set up alternating baby pink and baby blue plastic plates at the dining tables when we arrived.  They made the women use the pink plates and the men use the blue ones (the mandatory plate color rule continued through the rest of the weekend). 

"After supper they announced that after every meal, they would pick random attendees to help with cleanup duties .... One-Hand Dan made an appearance at the dinner, but was not seen the rest of the weekend.  Checkie and McKenna were with us, on and off, most of the weekend (Forlorn Finn made brief appearances Saturday and Sunday).

"In the social hall was a 'selfie station' with a life-size cardboard cutout of Pope Francis which Checkie encouraged us to use.  The station included props such as a clown nose and a feather headdress to wear for the photo.  These props were inspired by real photos of Francis doing things a trad would not like, such as attending indigenous religious ceremonies and wearing a clown nose himself.  Not many people actually used the selfie station.  At the end of the night an attendee also played a song poking fun at Vatican 2 on his computer for all to hear.

"Saturday began with a Mass in which McKenna talked about St. Elizabeth as a model Christian wife (encouraging women to simply tolerate consistent, unrepentant, abhorrent and scandalous behavior from their husbands.  I wonder what he would say about tolerating that from a sede priest).  Next, we went to the social hall where Checkie gave a speech about how difficult it is to find a Christian spouse in the modern world.  He made sure to go through every type of non-Sede and explain why we shouldn't marry them (non-Catholics, post-conciliar Catholics both liberal and traditional, SSPX, etc.).  At this point the men were allowed to change from business casual into jeans [!!, Ed.] for the Saturday outing, while women had to wear skirts at all times.*  Many of the men ended up wearing jeans for the entire rest of the weekend (except at Sunday Mass).

"We had brunch, then drove 45 minutes each way to spend 3 hours at the Air Force Museum (why they would choose to spend all day at a museum that appeals to such specific interests, and had nothing whatsoever to do with Catholicism, is beyond my comprehension).  After the museum we had our 'ice cream avalanche' in a pavilion outside the museum.  I think the 'avalanche' part referred to the wide variety of toppings available (amusingly, they brought an industrial sized tub of hot fudge that they did not heat up, and was far too thick at room temperature to be used as chocolate sauce).

"We returned to SGG and Checkie gave us a tour of the facilities.  He did a good job of keeping the potentially dull tour fun with his humor.  I think everyone's favorite "fun fact" from the tour was that their architect used swimming noodles, covered in terracotta, for the arches in the cloister (to save money over what another architectural firm was going to charge to custom carve styrofoam).  We went to Checkie's office, filled with scholarly theological books in Latin.  I wondered how many of these books were written at a level Checkie could grasp, given his level of Latin comprehension.

"We had a trivia contest that Checkie hosted, where we were given all the pictures that Checkie had put on the YAG page of Pope Francis doing something ridiculous that he had put 'funny' captions on.  The contest was to rewrite the captions that went with the pictures from memory.  Although this contest had been announced on the YAG site many weeks prior, some attendees said they weren't aware that the contest was going to happen, and even fewer seemed to have put much effort into trying to memorize the captions.  The winner got a photo with Checkie (and the Pope cutout) and a gift certificate to the church's bookstore.

"Next came square dancing. Of course they couldn't be bothered to hire a professional caller and lose out on a couple hundred of the approximately $2,500** they raked in from registration fees, so one of the attendees did the instructions. At one point there were instructions for the men to put their arm around the ladies’ shoulders or back, and the person running the event started repeating to the whole group that 'linking arms is enough' to make sure nothing unholy happened during the dance (I wondered why they would even have an event that could be a near occasion of sin for hormone-ridden teens in the first place). Then we had a group walking rosary around the property. 

"We ended the night with a bonfire... and book burning.  An attendee owned a copy of Salza and Siscoe’s 'True or False Pope.' (I wonder if the attendee actually tried reading it first).  People tore out pages a few at a time and threw them into the fire.

"Sunday's sermon*** by Fr. McKenna was about the importance of wives being submissive to their husbands.  After Mass we went bowling.  They fed us rubbery bowling alley pizza for lunch.  Then we all left on our merry way home.

"Overall the weekend felt like a jumbled mish-mash of unrelated activities interspersed with awkward small talk.  I don't know what their intention was in holding this event (was it to encourage us to relocate and fill the SGG pews? To make money?  Was it simply an honest attempt to get young people together with no ulterior motive)?"

We think we know the answer to our informant's last questions, but we won't say a thing — for now.

* Not only could we see jeans in the group photo, but one woman in the first row is wearing FLIP FLOPS (click here). We wonder what the Swampland attendees told Tradzilla about all this "immodesty"! On second thought, maybe they kept their snooty traps shut, lest stray images of their own leisurewear materialize on Big Don's screen. A vision of denim and open-toed footwear may inspire more wrath than the mixed swimming, wet T-shirt-green-lagoon pic or the "Wasted in Tampa #drinkhard" shot we found on social media. 

** We have strong reason to suspect that one of the attendees most likely got in free.

*** Rather than subject the YAGGIES to Uneven Steven's pitiful attempts to mimic "One-Hand Dan's" hammy sermon cadence with its annoying (and cloying) overly stressed, breathy syllables delivered in the pseudo-educated sociolect of Tradistan, why didn't the hosts instead play Sandy Posey's "Born a Woman" to make their point? And speaking of the immortal, "countrypolitan" Sandy, the sound track at the bonfire should've been her "Single Girl" — the perfect theme for YAG 2017. That ballad seems more germane to the weekend than a pyromaniacal book burning.


  1. For some reason, a quote by Terry Pratchett comes to mind: " was a scene to make a happy man slit his wrists on a fine spring morning."

  2. Actually most of them look like nice people who should have had better things to do.

  3. Book burning? The Church approves of that! Burning the Siscoe & Salza book? Surely each individual doesn't have to read a whole book in order to participate in that. All one has to hear about is one major fallacy promoted by the book. And it so happens, that the book's main thesis relies upon their own re-definition of "ipso facto" to mean contrary to what the Catholic Church always uses it to mean. In fact, opposite than even what modern secular legal systems always use it to mean...because it is against the very meaning of the Latin. Even more absurd when you know Salza is a lawyer and Fellay gave his stamp of approval!

    1. Please elaborate on ipso facto.

    2. For the umpteenth time, here is a reply to that argument:

    3. Click HERE to access quickly the reply on True of False Pope.

    4. Response to the reply:

  4. Oh I think it certain after this entry the cats will be back to mauling the bunnies again and the raccoons will be back in the walls. Perhaps a Cheeseball on the roof fixing the ailing HVAC (again) and Uneven barbecuing the "guests" one by one as they try to find the leaker of these revelations.

    The reporting was almost like a documentary. The cardboard Francesco was laughable - Tony's infantile humor of course. I must git me a red nose also ! How to find a sede spouse - a red nose and a cardboard cut-out. Stellar match-making technique and I don't think !

  5. The Book Burning is a bit frightening. It reminds me of the antics of the Nazis during WW II. However, putting that aside, and going with the theme of "Come On Baby Light My Fire"...," why not burn something worth burning? How about a copy of Vatican II? Then for good measure throw in "Works of Human Hands." Then sign off in a true Blaze Of Glory by burning that heretic pin-up of Francis, and then call it " A night to Remember".

    1. How about just a nice weekend without polemics for young people to meet and mix in an adult atmosphere?

  6. A question for your informant -- Did the sermons include any mention of the husband's obligations ("love your wives as Christ loves the Church")? Kinda important, me thinks.

    1. The sermons are available on the $GG website (McKenna's sermons from July 7-9, 2017) for people to listen to and come to their own conclusions.

    2. The informant’s description was very deceptive. It was a good balanced sermon on the roles of husband and wife.

      9:50-13:09 (role of husband)….not as tyrants, but as leaders…love your wives….lead by example…be selfless…family needs before his needs….etc

      13:10-16:20 (role of wife) be submissive to husbands…..doesn’t mean become a slave or drone…don’t take over for lacking husband but build him up….etc

      >16:21 talks about both roles

      This can be verified as the actual sermon is posted online.

  7. "We have strong reason to suspect that one of the attendees most likely got in free". The brunette on the far left, front row, correct?

    1. No. We had in mind a certain member of the cult élite.

  8. It’s rather amusing that Checklesworth Q. SpittenKrapp would give a “fun fact” about using “swimming noodles” and terra cotta for the cloister arches. The reason, of course, that the architect used these materials was that they were CHEAP. Well, here’s a “fun fact” for Checkie: the way those arches are made (and the “bubble gum” crap they’re made of), they’ll start falling apart in a generation or so. Normally, arches are made of stone and are inherently strong, with a “keystone” at top dead center to give the arch its structural stability. These flimsy pieces of crap have no structural stability whatsoever, and – as we said -- will probably fall apart in a generation or so.

    Granted, “arches” don’t have to be made the classic, stout “Roman arch” way (with stone, etc.) – but he way SGG’s are made, they wouldn’t even qualify as shoddy. But then, what do Demolition Dan and “Leaky roof” Tony care if they do? All they wanted was a “Hollywood stage set” that would last until they retired and “rode off into the sunset.” If it falls apart (which it will), the gullible Gerties will be there to “pick up the pieces” (both figuratively and literally). Perhaps if some of these YAGsters eventually join the cult, they

    1. Seems like some good prudent spending to me. Going with real stone these days would be very expensive and a total waste of money.

    2. Prudent spending? Yes, it would be, if the job were done right. But nothing at SGG was ever “done right” – including the leaky roof that the Gerties have been “tapped for” to pay for its repair several times. No, it wasn’t “prudent spending”; it was shoddy workmanship -- typical SGG cobbled up junk, pure and simple.

    3. Please keep in mind that His Effeminacy, ever-delusional despite repeatedly being beaten like a drum, still has these words on the website: "When completed, the magnificent Gothic church will be a “sermon in stone” on Catholicism’s perennial values, and will draw Catholics from the soulless suburban churches of the post-Vatican II religion.
      With its new facility, St. Gertrude the Great Church will also truly become a national shrine. It will offer a share in the Church’s full liturgical life and its many and rich devotions and observances throughout the year not only to local Tri-State Catholics, but also to a steadily-increasing number of visitors."

    4. "Perhaps if some of these YAGsters eventually join the cult, they..." They what? Please do complete your thought, as it seems to have been cut off. We are eager to know!

    5. Sorry about that! (When I went to “cut and paste it” from the word draft I wrote, I must have “missed” the last part! (Frustrating!). What the last part was supposed to have said was, “Perhaps if some of these YAGsters join the cult, they can be suckered into helping pay for replacing it when it inevitably falls apart.”

  9. There is NOTHING immodest about flip-flops; they are simply not dignified attire for Mass. If you'll notice, the time the photo was taken was not specified - it was at a more casual point of the weekend where denim was quite in order.

    There is nothing morally wrong with burning a pompous book that contains serious errors and mistakes.

    1. Yes, you are right about nothing immodest with flip flops.

      I disagree with you on the scandal a book burning could possibly cause, especially the fact that the book mentioned was written by men who dare go up against Cekada. Book burning, in general, seems like a very controlling and more of a wanting a scene or attention than anything else.

      The statues/cut-outs seem pretty petty and immature also. It confuses me that this was an adult get-together with such nonsense as it's highlights. A YAG would have been better served with mass, talks, and activities at the facility. I see nothing immoral about what they did (bowling or dancing), but getting to know people would have been easier with group activities like volleyball, cards, team building activities, bonfire, bowling (only if close), etc.

      Dancing and touching strangers is just awkward, and getting in a car for 45 minutes to go to an air museum (after being in a plane or driving hours to even get there) is just bad planning.

      On a positive note though, since they had leftover money from this year, maybe next year they will just have the events catered at the church facilities. They probably learned that the dancing was a little too awkward, and hopefully learned that the only one who found Cekada and his humor amusing was cekada. I do hope someone else will be put in charge of the planning because athough I'm sure they put a great deal of effort into it, it seems that someone more up to date on young adult fun would have known that some of these things wouldn't work out well.

    2. 10:03

      If you approve of "burning a pompous book that contains serious errors and mistakes," then would you also endorse consigning Checkie's Work of Human Hands to the next bonfire?

      This blog has thoroughly documented its myriad errors and mistakes as well as its pomposity (see our 2010 posts).

    3. Anonymous July 29, 2017 at 10:03 PM

      You and I know there's nothing immodest about flip flops, but you should tell that to the cult clergy. They are obsessed with women's footwear.

  10. I happen to know that NONE of the attendees got in free. The coordinator's housing was paid for ONLY because there was money left over afterward, and ONLY because the assistant coordinators insisted that some concession be made for the amount of work she put into it. Have any of YOU hosted 50 people for 2 days and made all of their food from scratch? Do you have any idea how much that COSTS? $$$$$

    1. Yes, we have hosted a large group of people, during the annual Lay Governance conferences, which last more than 2 days. We make sure that all conference fees directly benefit the attendees, not us. Our budgets are planned in detail, so there're no last-minute adjustments like assistants applying a surplus to benefit their coordinator buddy. (That little detail stinks to high heaven. Everyone involved down there should be ashamed.)

    2. Isn’t Lay Governance a protestant invention?

    3. When and where is the annual Lay Governance conference? Is there a website is more information about this?

    4. The next conference will take place in September. No, there isn't a website because some attendees have family members that assist at cult chapels. They're afraid of retribution. That's why the conference invitation-only.

    5. How do I get an invite?

    6. You could e-mail us with a list of your credentials, recommendations, etc. There would also be a background check, which takes several months and requires your written permission. But we must tell you up front that the board is very cautious. (We're not even members of that body; we're merely consultants.)

      There have been attempts to infiltrate the conference in the past, unsuccessful, thank heavens. Again we assert that the family members of our participants would be targeted if the cult masters ever found out. It's true, some of them don't approve of Lay Governance, but that wouldn't mean anything to the kingpins. These poor people would be guilty by association if there were photographs or recordings of the transactions. But you're welcome to try. Just don;t get your hopes up. These people understand the Tradistanis are are very cautious.

    7. Sounds pretty strict. How many people attend this conference? Can you post a sample agenda as I am curious as to what types of things are discussed.

    8. Unfortunately it has to be strict. The cult masters take it out on the innocents — guilt by association, you know.

      Usually each annual conference has a theme and a guest speaker, with related workshops. Last year it focused on the una-cum nonsense (see our Oct. 8, 2016, post). In other years, the conference centered on getting rid of a troublesome "priest."

      They're still finishing the final planning for this year's conference in September, which will feature the many independents available to take over a chapel once the laity kick out the scumbags. People just don't know how many alternatives to MHT, $GG, and the CMRI there are. They may even announce the inauguration of a placement service for chapels looking for a new "priest." We'll post a summary of the activities around the end of August or beginning of September.

    9. You sound like a bunch of Masons. Your secret invite only “lay governance conference” sounds a lot like the secret societies that the Church has traditionally banned. You say sedes are wrong and make up their own rules and that trad priests are not real clergy, yet you ignore your pope and church and create your own “lay governance” which goes against the governance that should come from the church.

      I have one main questions can you explain the difference between your position and the Novus Ordo? Since you constantly defer to and believe the Novus Ordo hierarchy IS the ACTUAL Church hierarchy why then do you even exist? Why not follow your Pope until the “hierarchy” condemns VII.

    10. I would genuinely appreciate an honest answer to anon 2:10's questions. I've been following this blog for a year and wonder the same things. I understand if your reply is that you don't know, as I don't either.

    11. As we have often written, our position is aliquid pravism (AP) — something is wrong with the Vatican establishment of today, and anyone who agrees with that affirmation is our brother or sister in the Faith, whether she or he be conservative/traditionalist Novus Ordo, R & R'er, sede of any flavor, or independent. Inasmuch as the Church has not rendered a decision on 2:10's queries, we allow each party to act in accordance with the dictates of conscience.

      Our staff is varied, each holding a different position, but we all embrace AP, which includes the recognition that Tradistan and its cult masters do not belong to the Church.

    12. So if you consider “sede of any flavor,” your brother or sister, why then do you not consider the SGG priests, who are following their conscience with their sede position, as your brothers?

      You basically say you know nothing except something is off with VII as the Church hasn’t ruled on it yet, but yet you KNOW that SGG priests do not belong to the Church?

      Also the “Church” you speak of did render a decision they passed VII and have left it there for many decades.

    13. Converting Masonic rules to Pistrina's is easy!


      During his term in office, the brother who has been elected as Master (The Reader) is the most powerful member of the Lodge. He also shoulders all of its many responsibilities.

      The Worshipful Master (The Reader) has the authority to:

      1. Rule any brother out of order on any subject at any time.

      2. Decide what can and cannot be discussed. Should a brother believe that The Master (The Reader) is arbitrary, unjust or unfair or is acting in an illegal manner, he can appeal to the District Deputy Grand Master.

      If that officer agrees that the appeal is a valid one, he will forward the complaint to the Grand Master.

      If, however, that brother insists on speaking after The Master (The Reader) has ruled that he is out of order, he may be committing a Masonic Lay Governance offense.

      Courteous brethren accept the requests made by The Master (The Reader) to serve on various committees such as the examination committee, the investigation committee and other duties, as determined by the Lodge’s needs.

  11. It was simply an honest attempt to get young people together to meet and socialize. Nothing more, nothing less.

    1. I agree and kudos to SGG for hosting it. I think it would be great if more trad churches did this.

    2. Then why was there a surplus big enough to pay for the "coordinator's housing" (see 10:08 above) and to save for "next year" (see 10:12 below)?

    3. Anon 29 July 10:10 PM

      Don't you think that the adults who paid $50 + travel expenses to attend the YAG weekend deserved something a little better than activities suitable to Animal House?

      Posing with life-sized cutouts of Bergie, a book burning, a tour of the collapsing cult center, and a trivia contest based on Cheeseball's puerile captions hardly constitute mature entertainment. Our guess is that the young adults with any sense were greatly disappointed at what amounted to be a delinquent boys' outing.

    4. In this day & age I would encourage more traditional chapels having youth gatherings.
      Have you seen what our Hemisphere has de-evolved into lately?
      There aren't many places to hang out for the rare few under 25 traditional Catholic.
      This is splitting hairs my friend.

    5. anon 1:53 am

      Good points.

  12. The accounting for the YAG was clearly spelled out afterward in an email that was sent to all the attendees. The remaining money went back into the YAG account for next year. This is a fact.

    1. Thanks for clarifying. I am surprised anything was left since $50/person doesn’t go far for an entire weekend with meals, etc.

    2. 10:12 PM

      All funds should have been spent on the attendees who underwrote the event. Why should they have to support the next event, if there is a next time? And what will happen to the "profits" if there isn't a YAG 2018? Will the funds be returned to the 2017 attendees?

      We're sure the YAGGIES would have appreciated something better than "rubbery bowling alley pizza." It's sad that the planning and budgeting were so incompetent that there was a surplus. 2017 YAGGIES had a right to have their money spent on them, not squirreled away for some other use.

      Everyone should be watching for a YAG next year, and if it doesn't take place, there should be a demand for $GG to distribute the corpus to this year's participants.

  13. The square dance instruction was to "pick up the next girl on the fly" after passing your own partner, with no additional instruction. The suggestion to link arms was made only because many of the dancers did not know each other well, and linking arms was also demonstrably easier, faster, and more secure for traveling around the outside of the square at a fast clip than trying to get an arm around someone's waist or shoulders.

    1. Anon 10:19 PM Were you a YAGer?

  14. Your article and information from your “insider” pretty much simply confirms what was already in the YAG agenda is what happened and that SGG hosted an event for a bunch of young people to get together and meet. Seems like a pretty nice thing to do.

    I’m sure they will take feedback and improve the event each year if they decide to continue, but for a “first” year it seems to have gone pretty well. If I were single and younger I would have gone to events like this and been happy they were put on.

    If you think how they hosted it was so horrible maybe you should host your own “yag” and do it your way vs just complaining about how it was done at SGG.

    PS From most of what you guys/gals write on this site I was under the impression you were shall we say nearing the elderly side of life and I am surprised you have somebody young enough in your club to get into the YAG.

    1. An informant doesn't have to be a staff member.

  15. From the inside, the MHT ones stuck to themselves.

  16. It so happens the coordinator who benefitted was also mentioned in the bulletin as working at SGG this coming school year. Who were the co-coordinators who agreed to the money distribution? The coordinators two siblings?

  17. The comments from the cultlings run along familiar lines: ignoring the obvious (that the YAG was a pretentious flop – or, as one perceptive commenter put it, “petty and immature”), and then using the “comments” section to get mired down in tangential discussions (including making the false accusation that the “informant” was one of Pistrina’s staff members). The one comment about “linking arms” (vs. “trying to get an arm around someone’s waist or shoulder”) was particularly amusing (and ridiculous)) – as if doing the latter would get someone “hormonally overcharged.” Anybody who would “get off” on doing that would have to be “unbalanced”!) The fact is, “putting one’s hand around someone’s waist or shoulder” is not “immodest” in any way: it’s what square dancers usually do.

    The trip to the Air Force Museum, BTW, was probably done because it was a “freebie” for the organizers: the museum doesn’t charge admission. Never mind that it was TOTALLY BORING for the womenfolk -- because they don’t count anyway. After all (as Uneven Steven said in his sermon) they should “submit to their husbands” – right?

  18. Reader commented:"How about just a nice weekend without polemics for young people to meet and mix in an adult atmosphere?"

    I agree with you, but then again "boy meets girl" is a normal and natural thing to do, but not under the Control Masters of Traddie-ville.

    1. You've got it! For the cult masters boy+girl=increased collections.

    2. “boy+girl=increased collections” is poor reasoning as this could equally increase or decrease membership at SGG

  19. At YAG they gave out prizes (mostly cheap packaged foods) to people who were the first or last to register, the person who came from furthest away, ect. They came up with bad puns and allegories for the prizes. One example was for the two people who registered last. They were "sticks in the mud." One person got the sticks (a box of stick-shaped crunchy dessert things) and the other person got the "mud" (a jar of Nutella). Of course since each only got one of the two items, they were left with either sticks and nothing to dip them in, or the Nutella and nothing to put it on.

  20. Anonymous July 29, 2017 at 10:12 PM
    "The accounting for the YAG was clearly spelled out afterward in an email that was sent to all the attendees. The remaining money went back into the YAG account for next year. This is a fact."

    It is also a Fact that they robbed the people at St. Clare's of over $100,000 when they wiped out the bank account before they left.


    History only repeats itself, unless you learn.

    Check St. Clare's, it does not exist anymore

    1. Another fact is that the event accounting was NOT given to the attendees. All that was mentioned was what was done with the surplus money ($323) "after all the accounting was finished."

    2. That money could have bought a much better lunch for the YAGGIES who were returning home on Sunday. Add the extra $6.00 or so p.p. to the rubbery pizza fee, and you've got something pretty decent to tide you over until you get home.

      But, of course, no one at $GG should have gotten a dime for any of the work they put in, including the "priests." It should have been a labor of love, an expression of their apostolate, with all the moneys from the registration fees going to the benefit of the attendees, not to the Gerties, the "nuns," or the "clergy."

      If the Readers were among the attendees, we'd demand a full accounting of how every dime was spent. How about all you YAGGIES out there? Don't you want to know down to the last red cent where all your hard earned money went?

    3. I am not familiar with St. Claire. Can you explain? Was the 100k all money that St. Clair parishioners donated as I am guessing whoever drained the bank account was owner of that account?

    4. I was told that Joe Selway bankrolled that church. Is that not the case? I was told that it was always in the red, and he was always making up for their failures.

    5. So did Joe bankroll the church or did it's parishioners put up the 100k. I.E. was it their direct donations or not?

  21. You should go back to not requiring a post approval, this new way is much too slow. Ya I know some people blasted you in a similar way that you pretty much always blast others and it probably didn’t feel good, but bid deal so there are a few extra posts about how you delete comments and now you only play into that by monitoring all comments.

    1. We didn't go to moderation because of the "blasts" : we always allowed them, and we even enjoyed them. Even now, almost all comments but spam are published. We do delete those that offend decency.

      We had to moderate because the spammer was disturbing our Readership. As it stands now, there isn't too much time before a comment is posted, except when they arrive during our night-time, so we'll stick to moderation.

  22. Pretty amazing that you have an "informer"! Sounds like you are at war. You mean, a guy pays (or was paid?) to go and participate for days and disingenuously participates just so he can later make petty complaints about a lay youth gathering? So, this informer also doubts Bp. Dolan is a did he handle the doubtfully valid hosts in the ciborium at Mass?

    1. 12:10

      His complaints are by no means petty. They're substantial. Remember the gathering was billed as the "Young Adult Get-Together," so he had every right to expect it to be a mature assemblage of marriage-minded traditional Catholics, not a boys' club romp.

      We have no idea what the guy's position is on Dannie's "priesthood." Just because he used the moniker "One Hand," doesn't mean he doubts the validity of the Wee One's orders. Remember that Dannie's apologists hold that one-handed conferral of sacerdotal orders is OK. According to Tony Baloney, "a priestly ordination conferred with one hand must be considered valid." Maybe the informant believes the same. We didn't ask him, and you shouldn't make any unjustified inferences. Perhaps he'll reply and set us all straight. But until then, no one but he knows.

    2. Perhaps while you embolden the word "Adult" I can embolden the word "Young" which you are trying to push out of focus.

      There was nothing "immature" about the events. I think pink and blue plates is more of an idea designed by a female, but the men were prudent enough not to complain.

      There was some silliness involved, but if you read the Summa of St. Thomas, he says that some silliness is definitely necessary at times. As well, if one is looking for a spouse, it is practical to see how everyone reacts in different situations, and they designed the circumstances to be quite various.

      Your informant was petty. He was dishonest, and he most certainly publicly condones the doubt about his orders by using the term "One Hand". That is what is to be presumed by his very words.

    3. 12:48

      You presumed wrong, see the guy's post at 2:58 below. Like all cultists, you haven't the discipline to read closely.

      Also, there's a big difference between the mirth recommended by the saints and the frat-bouy antics of the $GG cult masters.

    4. 12:48

      And I would add there's a big difference between young and youth, the word 12:10 (= 12:48?) used.

  23. I preferred the unmonitored comments too, that is until the crazy culting came to start spamming the site and threatening to copy and paste the same comment 20 times a day. I appreciate pl's moderating from him. As far as I can tell, the cult still has people who write in and are published, but no more of the psycho cult follower.

  24. Book burning is very scary. The fact that they even had a cut-out of ANY person is also very irrational for normal people.

    In numbers, it looks like the yag was successful. Yet, from the accounts of some attendees, there were certain groups who kept to themselves, including the elite Sanborn/Brooksville group. Other people have been on an adult online group looking for wives, husbands, and friendships. It is monitored by a few of the Sgg priests. Looks like the same adults went to the ssg.

    I didn't listen to the sermons, but I will say that anything this cult does/says about the females being submissive does it behind the curtain. On a recording, like a sermon, they won't tell women that they need to put up with the cheating, drinking, neglect, or abuse of the males. In personal counsel, in the confessional, and the likes, one would be given that instruction. The males, especially the ones associated with Sanborn are typically given passes from how they treat their wives AS LONG as they provide financially for the family and the Church. This has been like that for over 30 years, and unless it has changed to even more in the male's favor, I doubt that it will ever provide the full extent of Christ's teaching....does it not say to Love your wives as Christ loved the Church?

  25. I used the name "One Hand Dan" in the same way as I used "Checkie" and "Forlorn Finn," not as any type of commentary, but because those are common nicknames used on PL's blog.

    My goal is to explain what happened at the YAG. I will leave it to The Readers to continue the discussion of one-handed ordinations.

    1. You just had a chance to oppose it, and you didn't. In Catholic terminology, you condone the campaign.

    2. Your remark doesn't follow at all. According to Checkie's statement (which we quoted), one could call Dannie "One Hand" as a matter of fact without impugning his orders.

    3. We all know exactly why this site does so, and it's not for friendly, historical purposes. Your campaign is public and rigorous, and someone who has the chance to oppose it, and doesn't, condones it.

    4. Good Catholics don't call priests by the disparaging names you do here. It is disgusting and unedifying.

    5. 10:19

      That's true enough, but then the crud balls whom we disparage on these pages are NOT Roman Catholic priests, as we have explained many times (most recently in our July 8, 2017, post THE NOTHING OF A NAME). Moreover, the orders of a number of them are of doubtful validity.

      The scumbags who figure prominently on this blog and who have merited good Catholics' opprobrium are religious entrepreneurs masquerading as Catholic clergy. They're what's really "disgusting and unedifying."

    6. Reader, your reply looks like spin and attempted justification of the sin.

    7. Let us assure you it's no spin & no sin.

      These impostors are absolutely, positively, 100% NOT Roman Catholic clergy.

      You can take that to the bank.


    8. I have heard Fr.Vili's sermons online.
      He seems like a good priest.

  26. The "introductions" at YAG took place...on the LAST day of the event.

    They tried throwing the clown nose from person to person as each introduced themselves, but shortly gave up, as soft foam balls go nowhere when tossed. Also, over time it would be too difficult to remember who already spoke in the group of 50 if the order was random, so the speakers just handed the clown nose to the person next to them.

    1. How degrading for a sensible young adult. Each must have been mortified. (I.e., each who wasn't as sick cultie.)

    2. FSSP:

    3. How much different is that from all the raccoons, butchered bunnies, dying birdies, and feral cats at $GG?

    4. Surely the FSSP is not responsible for the odd actions of the bishops from whom they receive the Sacrament of Order.

    5. I can't trust the FSSP or the ICKSP because Novus Ordo "Bishop's" "ordain" them.
      I wish both orders would use pre-June 1968 Bishops for Holy Orders.

  27. From a former cult member: when i was with this group, I would defend them to the death. You are "programmed" that way. They are your key to your salvation. I had seen your website, but I thought it was mean and degrading. As I became more disenchanted with the group, I ended up coming back to your website. I reread some of the points, and it started to make sense. Although I still wouldn't use some of the same words you use, the information itself is very true and makes someone realize that these things are happening and you are not alone. It isn't in your head, although they want you to believe it is. You aren't crazy because the same things have happened over and over again to many people.

    You may not realize how many people you have helped with this site. In the past, the information about this group was not as available and people "joined" not knowing what they were getting themselves into. Now, the info is out and it is clear that it is best to steer away from this group. People, like myself, won't speak out because we know how this group works. They attempt to discredit anyone who leaves or speaks out against them.

    As regards to the yag, in the big picture, it was a nice idea to getting like minded young adults together. Yet, when you look at the small details, they messed up. Cekada took it upon himself to use it as his opportunity for acknowledgment (book burning, cut out dolls, noses). The coordinator was clearly out of touch with what normal traditional young adults enjoy (half a day at an air museum? That sounds like a 3rd grade field trip. The get to know you game after the weekend was pretty much over? Again, just bad planning.)

    I don't blame the coordinator though. If she was raised in this group, you have two categories: those that shelter their kids from everything to the point they do not know what normal actually is (again, trad catholic normal, not society norms) and #2 those who pretend to follow the rules while around church people, but live a totally different life outside of the group. You may have very few in a third catagory, but that's only if you aren't caught up with the group and only go for the Mass. In my experience, that is extremely rare.

    When it comes down to it, someone needs to look at the motives. I don't understand how any cult follower can criticize your site, while at the same time support The Cekada/Sanborn group (I purposely left out Dolan due to he doesn't seem very involved in anything except as a figurehead). The group tends to publicly bash other religious. They have books and newsletters written on why everyone else is wrong, except for them. If their true intention was to give people the sacraments, why is so much time spent on why everyone else is wrong? They could be using that time administering to the sick, serving missions, counseling, giving catechism, volunteering, spending time with their parish. Instead, week after week, month after month, they beat the same dead horse about v2, francis, and society. They already have parishes. Why do they tell the people they have what they already know and chose to leave already? Yet, their parishioners come on here and tell you to stop doing what their own people are doing?

    1. Thank you for speaking out. We hope more people read your message and get out.

    2. “From a former cult member: when i was with this group, I would defend them to the death.”

      Then you are exactly the type of person I am glad is not currently there. I attend SGG, but don’t defend them or anybody to the death. Some things I agree 100%, some I disagree 100% and some in the middle. I imagine I would feel that way about anybody. This is normal. It is “cult like” to have your broken mindset that priests are either walking Saints or walking Devils.

    3. Ha, by the cult masters themselves, you are taught never to criticize a religious for any reason. If I wasn't the kind of person you would want, then you are going to have to kick out most of your parish.

  28. Seems would have been better if Cekada had stayed away also (though doesn't speak well for McKenna that he'd go along w/these activities). Instead of Catholicism definitely making people swear allegiance/ worship Cekada and cult fetishes: (1) Encouraged to make fun of pope (papacy) and another human being Bergoglio and to say nothing when others do so (one's 'spiritual' guides). Must ridicule who/what Cekada, Dolan & Sanborn have decided to ridicule (that will "prove" he's not the pope!). Also who keeps copies of these pics and what will they do w/them/use to blackmail in case someone tries to go to SSPX etc? (2) Not encouraged to memorize Biblical passages on marriage/love--but contest who memorized Cekada's 'captions' making fun of the pope/Bergoglio. Is he now Mao? Or is this to show how everyone must fawn all over his 'wit' (sarcasm) like Sanborn (sarcasm esp about his "enemies" makes him laugh (feel better about hating them)). (3) Burning book of 2 men (also mentioned by NAME) who criticized Cekada by name.

    Probably because Cekada (pro-death) & Dolan are so lazy and selfish themselves, they never engages in activities that are prolife (Dolan did speak up one time saying it was a good activity when Stephen Heiner & another of his radio station organizers made fun of the activity). Seems a more serious (adult) type of public witness to Catholicism could have been arranged that involved adoring God or giving honor to the Blessed Virgin. Perhaps a rosary procession, praying at an abortion clinic, porno shop or a public distribution of fliers on modest dress, etc. Male participation seems almost 2/3 and YAG did encourage those who thought they had a religious vocation to participate so could be was more male bonding exercise than reviewer could really indicate-- activities do seem more male oriented and reserve Dolan as the 'bishop' to come in for the final sale (kill). However, especially if that was the intent, to have such activities which aren't "fun" but cruel, sadistic and even violent/encouraging hate (frat vs seminary is right!)--just hope it woke up anyone who might be thinking of going there. Sure wolf Cekada was watching to see who worshiped him/participated most eagerly in these activities as an indication whom he should go after. Also surprised w/this being for marriage, no married SGG married couples and/parents were on hand (ie rather than touring SGG) to witness what an actual Catholic marriage is about -- see some of their homes/take part in some of the activities--example better than sermon. Also seems sermons might cover what one should have/be before seeking a spouse and what to look for in a spouse. Seems to me also a married couple MIGHT know more about arranging such a weekend rather than those who don't have a spouse and no prospect of a spouse and maybe never even had a date. Many cos now do this for money so might peruse how they do it for some ideas if have no experience in the matter.

    1. It's clear very, very little intelligent thought went into planning YAG 2017. $GG can't do anything right.

  29. Is this informer that clueless that he didn't know what the purpose of the gathering was, yet went? Was his own purpose for attending ONLY to try to get some dirt to inform about? And pay money to do it??

    Get the clue: has been on-line for several years and it's advertised purpose was particularly to foster marriage among traditional Catholics. I know one such I heard where someone from Alabama married someone from California. What's the "ulterior" motive for that?

    I think the informer originally went with the obvious intention, and then when no girl was interested in him, he did the sour grape routine.

    If he went with both intentions and managed to strike up a relationship, it would have been shot down very quickly once the female asked him if he knew who the informer was!

    1. “Sal Monella” – how apt! -- because that’s what you are: poison! (Thanks for the “Freudian slip”!) You and your cult buddies keep trying to disparage “the informer” while ignoring the obvious truth of what he reported. [The old ad hominem or, shall we say, “shoot the informer” trick>] The things reported eally happened -- and what “the informer’s” ”intentions” were has nothing to do with what was reported: facts are facts, no matter what his “intentions” were. So, in future, “Sal,” we suggest that you stick to the subject matter, not its author.

      Also, get over your manic preoccupation with who “the informer” is. [Does Checkie want to know, so that he can “discipline” him – or have the YAGsters “shun” him?] You culties have a morbid fascination about finding out everyone’s identity (while you totally ignore what they have to say). And then your hallucinatory conjecturing about “the informer’s” personal profile is a real laugher! Just for reporting the facts about this pathetic YAG fiasco, he’s now some sort of loser” who “strikes out with girls,” etc., and who then “mouths off” because he’s got “sour grapes.” Actually, in describing him, you are describing yourself (and your fellow culties). Get over it!

    2. "If he went with both intentions and managed to strike up a relationship, it would have been shot down very quickly once the female asked him if he knew who the informer was!"

      How do you know informer was male? Also I would think any female would be privately aghast to think that her husband would be spending his life fawning over Cekada (or Dolan or Sanborn) and think fun dates/ family activities would be spent memorizing their least sarcastic 'caption,' and engaging in childish activities ridiculing and/or committing violence against anyone who didn't agree w/them. I surely would not want a husband who went along w/such tasteless activities instead of standing up and stating plainly this isn't Christian and it's ruining everyone's good time (especially burning Cekada's enemies' books (to paraphrase C/D who is their 'real' enemy? "The enemy is really Archbishop Thuc. And us. There isn’t any other enemy. ") not facilitating the matchmaking activities--especially if you are seeking new parishioners (i.e. matchmaking between attendees & SGG (cekada/dolan)). Also would not want father of children who would expose children to such activities. Certainly don't think activities that lead to heaven (?!).

    3. Well observed, Anon. 9:59 & Watcher.

      Of course, the question we had when we first read Sal's comment yesterday was,

      How could the woman he met at YAG know he was the informant when the report was posted well after YAG took place?

      She'd've had to've been clairvoyant or a mind reader. And if she had revealed those supernatural powers to the culties, she might've ended up where S & S's book did!

    4. One thing you would be very surprised (or not surprised, depending on who you are) is that many of the youth do not hold what these leaders say as church teachings. Yes, the parents guilt them into staying in these groups (various degrees of guilt), but they do not follow the "guidance" of the leaders with their lifestyles. They do the minimum of what they need to do to maintain face with their parents and their own parish, but life is certainly different for the next generation. Don't be surprised in about 10 years, the 3 leaders become of least importance. In 20 years, they may even look back at them with a sense of disbelief that anyone followed these crazy people.

    5. Great comment.

      We're not surprised at all. We've seen the young people's social media pages and heard them bad mouth cult masters. (They call them worse names than we do!) When younger generation comes into its own as mature adults with families of their own, they'll have nothing to do with the cult, except perhaps in the Swampland where they have economic incentives to stay. And even then, the malformed successors to the cult masters will be so weakened that they'll have to tow the line in order to eat.

      The kingpins have already lost most of their former prominence in traditional Catholicism. PLs made sure of that. It's only the older generation that supports them, and even that cohort is weakening in its enthusiasm. Our prediction is that in five years Checkie, "One Hand," Tradzilla, and the loathsome Jellyfish won't count for anything. In 10 years, Tradistan won't exist, except in small pockets of insular crazies tied by bonds of kinship and family business.

    6. To The Watcher 6:44 AM

      Yet again you talk about “FACTS” and yet again you don’t have them. If a person could be labeled as Fake News it would be you. See the comment above that references the post showing that the comment implying that the sermon on Sunday was just about women being submissive was wrong. This was misleading and incorrect and PL’s “staff” should have verified something so easy before posting their “informants” info.

    7. Sal, why would the informant tell his girlfriend he was the informant if she asked? He could deny even having heard of PL quite easily. Plus, hopefully his girlfriend, upon discovering PL, would be more upset about her discovery that the clergy are CHARLATANS and $GG is a CULT, than she would be to find out her friend told a few white lies for the greater good of helping expose these frauds.

    8. Anon 7;21 PM, I don’t know to which “comment” or “post” you are referring, but your assertion that its interpretation was “wrong” is just that: an ASSERTION. How do you know that the “informant’s” interpretation was wrong, just because it (obviously) differed from yours? Perhaps it is yours that is wrong (which it probably is). And the thing that tells me that your interpretation was wrong is not because of anyone’s words, but because of ACTIONS: the fact that one of the YAG “events” was a trip to the Air Force Museum underscores the MALE emphasis of YAG. (Sure, bowling and square-dancing can be considered “gender neutral” or “whatever” – but the Air Force Museum??!!) YAG me with a spoon! As they say, “Actions speak louder than words”!!

      Also, “history” (besides “actions”) is on the side of “women’s submissiveness” being the correct interpretation. By that, we mean Dannie and Tony’s well documented “track record” of misogyny, which has reinforced that theme over and over again. (And Uneven Steven is not about to "sermonize" counter to his bosses' wishes.) So, if you intend to get into any protracted “war of words” about “your interpretation vs. the informant’s interpretation,” we suggest that you don’t (because we will not dignify any such continued banter with a reply).

    9. "the comment implying that the sermon on Sunday was just about women being submissive was wrong. This was misleading and incorrect and PL’s “staff” should have verified something so easy before posting their “informants” info."

      Maybe 'informant' was being sarcastic--who could imagine SGG/MHT clergy giving a sermon on being submissive? Surely one is required to mock, ridicule, calumniate and stab in the back (or burn) one's superiors. Surely attitude has rubbed off on SGG/MHT frequenters -- even the 'informant.' Also could be simply what thought the sermon was about since is female.

      "Checkie gave a speech about how difficult it is to find a Christian spouse in the modern world. He made sure to go through every type of non-Sede and explain why we shouldn't marry them (non-Catholics, post-conciliar Catholics both liberal and traditional, SSPX, etc.). "

      Maybe next time Cekada will go through all the Thuc & MHT/SGG consecrated congregations they must avoid. Of course, while much more entertaining (and think of the selfie props like testicle crushers), that's a sermon that might never end...but could start w/Bishop Ramolla (maybe take a tour).

      "Msgr. Ngo's lineage includes the broadest conceivable spectrum of theologies likely ever to be held by men all claiming to possess valid "Catholic" priestly and episcopal orders that are derived from a single prelate alive in their lifetimes. The spectrum ranges from the head of a French Satanist sect all the way to the strictest of Traditional Roman Catholics."

      "In the 1980s the Palmariana Church jumped onto the front pages in Spain with a story that its Holy Father was said to have mutilated his testicles and pressed a cilice, a sort of spiked band, into his eyes, damaging them severely, before he reached the peak of mystical revelation."

      "Bishop Basilius” passed a security point and was shaking hands with Cardinal Sergio Sebiastiana outside the Vatican’s Pope Paul VI hall when the Swiss Guards stepped in.
      What caught their eyes? His too-short cassock? His black runners? Or that the purple sash was really a scarf? Either way, the guards escorted him out."

    10. Regarding The Watcher's point about the Air Force Museum being a "guy's" activity: I wonder if the YAG organizers intentionally waited until the last minute to announce the museum as the "Saturday outing" so they would not turn off women from registering.

    11. Good thinking. And definite possibility. We'll bet some of the guys were disappointed, too. Not the best place to encourage romantic thoughts.

    12. To the Watcher 11:30 AM

      As I said in my comment, the sermon is posted online for all to hear so you don’t have to take my word for it. Anybody can listen and hear it is a good and balanced sermon on the roles. He talks about both roles and doesn’t overly focus on women just need to be submissive which is what was implied.

    13. Also to the Watcher, your comment about the Air Force Museum is ridiculous. First of all it was picked by a female, but regardless of that you crotchety old men must have forgotten what it is to be younger. If a YAG were around when I was dating I would have cared about one thing and that would be the women that attended. I’m sure the ladies feel the same way. Sure the aux surroundings might make up 5%, but let’s get real. Although the more ridiculous you people get about this stuff the more your true colors come out.

    14. That's your interpretation. Others could get something entirely different out of it. In the context of YAG and cult teachings, it's easy to see how our informant arrived at his reading.

    15. The Reader 7:09 PM

      Do you interpret it differently than I? Do you not think the sermon was balanced and fair?

      This is not something that takes much "interpretation". To get something entirely different out of it would mean not listening and inserting your own meaning and words that were not there. Maybe you need to spend more time as "The Listener" :)

    16. 7:27

      Our interpretation matters not. The informant heard the remarks live as they were delivered— we won't call them a "sermon" because only someone duly empowered by the Church may preach — and drew his conclusions. You should address your query to him, not to us. We merely noted the fact that different people find different emphases in the same set of locutions.

      Going off subject a bit, the Tradistanis really need to stop billing their talks as sermons. Without a canonical mission, they haveno faculty "to instruct the hearers in the Christian faith or move them to practice it." Tradistan has no ordinaries, so there's no one to grant the faculty or permission to preach. Moreover, there's no one to examine the Tradistanis' qualifications to preach (character, sufficient training).

      This charade must end.

    17. Anon. Aug. 2 7:03 and 7:08 PM (and 7:27 PM, etc., etc. etc.): no matter how many times you “post,” you are a “pest” (as in house-fly, flea, or some other hatchling from a dung heap). BTW, I just don’t believe you that the suggestion to go to the Air Force Museum was made by a woman (or a trained seal, for that matter). But whether it’s true or not, it’s a moot point: the museum is still a total bore for women. (And you, BTW, are a bore too.) I said (in a previous comment) that I would not dignify you with a reply; but I had some time on my hands, so I said to myself, “What the heck? Why not?” – so I did.

    18. The sins of the consecrator are not passed on to the candidate.
      In an absolute dire situation (70"s-80's) the conferral and survival of Holy Orders,outside the Holy See,is not new.(St.Ansgar St.Anthanasius The iron curtain pre-1989.Yes each situation was different etc..but you get the point)
      That is basic rudimentary sacramental theology.
      Also,Palmar De Troya changed holy orders in 1978 when that man suddenly crowned himself ANYTHING coming out of Palmar post Summer 1978 is outright invalid.

    19. I am a woman. Have any of you ever been to the Wright Patterson AF Museum in Dayton? It is an awesome place. If you were to visit, you would see people of all ages (young and old, teens and middle aged) all races, ethnicity, nationalities and both sexes. A woman could/ would enjoy it just as much as a man and just as much as a child or an adult/ senior. Wright Patterson is beloved by those who maintain it and by those who visit. My only criticism would be that three hours isn't nearly enough time to spend there.

      Do you have any idea how very petty and trite your comments and posting appear to an outsider who just happened upon this site? A church sponsored an event for young people/ young adults to socialize, to have fun, to attend mass ..... and this is bad because you dislike/ hate the priests with a vengeance and with a vendetta? Clean, healthy fun. As for the cut out with the pope and selfies and clown noses -- surprise! -- a NO parish woman's retreat did something similar. It was hysterical. (Truly funny.) They did a costume contest and a bunch of skits too. Would you condemn them too? Square dancing and bowling are wrong, exactly how? Blue and pink plates -- well if I were doing the planning, I would have done purple plates for all. (Subliminal messaging = blue + pink = purple). And FYI, $50 for a weekend retreat is a very reasonable price. Typically these sorts of events cost $120 and up for a Friday night, all-day Saturday and Sunday til noon or so event. If there were funds left over, it is not unusual to reserve any excess money for the next years' event. I have been involved in planning retreats and it helps immensely if one has some funds to work with before registration fees come in. And why in the world would you denigrate and detract a sermon that is public and accessible? People can hear for themselves the content and decide for themselves whether the sermon is based in Scripture and sound theology and balanced in presentation. As an outsider, I am not impressed. How many parishes are doing anything remotely similar for the young adults in their communities? Very few.

    20. We can't imagine too many places offering a book-burning either.

      We know you must be new to the site, but you should be made aware that the "clergy" are not genuine Roman Catholic priests.

      BTW, the problem with bowling and square dancing isn't that they're morally wrong: they're just gauche.

    21. To be fair, I was not impressed with the "book burning" event. Shaking my head! Big sigh! That being said, I am a staunch supporter of the 1st Amendment, so if one wants to burn flags, books, effigies, etc. I guess it falls within the realm of protected 1st Amendment activities. Keep it legal and safe, get a permit with the fire department and make sure a fire extinguisher is handy. But seriously, I would rather see a book donated to the local library for the Library's Annual Book Sale and Fundraiser than to see a book burned. Now if it were a book about witchcraft, the occult, satanic rituals, etc., then my thoughts and feelings would be different -- but even then I would privately shred the book rather than make a public spectacle.

      Now, to be entirely even-handed, there was a weekend conference/ retreat in Steubenville, Ohio that advertised a bon-fire and book burning celebration. They were collecting Protestant books - especially books written by Luther or about Luther. I believe the conference was co-sponsored by Franciscan University and a local Catholic church there. Whatever. That would not be an activity I would be a part of and I think the slogan here is "Live and Let Live." Also, to be fair, there are some Protestant groups (i.e., Baptists) that do public book burnings. Only the Protestants and Baptist tend to burn Catholic materials.

      So there you have it:
      The Catholic Church in Cincinnati burns books critical of a priest.
      The Catholic Church and Catholic University in Steubenville burn Lutheran and Protestant books.
      The Baptists burn Catholic books (and I think they were also destroying rock and roll, heavy metal, rap/hip-hop music recordings and movie DVDs that they thought were "of the devil").
      I would donate my unwanted books to the library fundraiser -- with the exception of satanic type of books Again, if it were an occult type book, I would shred it privately.
      So what books would YOU burn?
      What books would you burn?

    22. Yes, I am new to the site. I should be made aware that the clergy are not genuine Roman Catholic priests? I have not met the priests you speak of in this blog article, but that homily sounded a whole lot more "Catholic" than what happens in a number of parishes in my community. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find a reverent, respectful, orthodox Catholic priest and parish? who is not preaching the Democratic party line, gun control, social justice and open borders, climate change and you must recycle to be a good Catholic and Christian? As I see it, very few of the "clergy" are genuine Roman Catholic priests these days. Did I mention that I am not at all happy about what is happening in the Catholic Church!

      Some Examples:

      Father James Martin of A Bridge Too Far and The Road to Perdition. You know, the James Martin, SJ of "have fun at Pride, guys" infamy along with his multiple tweets against The Nashville Statement? Or maybe the "Baptize me Buddhist", Father Sosa, SJ -- who by the way does not believe in the devil (it's just a figure of one's imagination and a societal construct)? Or maybe Bishop Barron who tells us that hell will be empty with perhaps the exception of maybe Hitler? Or maybe the man who said "who am I to judge?" and "proselytism is a grave sin and solemn nonsense"? Of course the "clergy" aren't "genuine Roman Catholic priests". None of this is Catholic. Why would anyone expect the clergy to be Catholic when Pope Francis himself is a liberal Lutheran? And anyway, it doesn't seem to matter if you are Catholic because atheists, Jews, Muslims, Protestants, pagans, etc. all go to heaven too.

      The Baptist pastor a stone's throw from where I live is more Catholic than a good number of the Catholic clergy. I am absolutely serious. The Protestant theologian who wrote the Nashville Statement is more Catholic than many of the Catholic clergy. At least this Protestant theologian embraces Catholic values and teaching about marriage and sexuality as stated from the Holy Scripture! And I am so not impressed with that drug fueled homosexual orgy at the Vatican apartments -- complete with police raid. Of course the clergy are not genuine Roman Catholic priests -- at least not when Protestant clergy and theologians are acting "more Catholic" than the "supposed Catholic" clergy are acting.

      And so you think bowling and square dancing are GAUCHE. Others think these activities are THE CAT'S MEOW. Maybe next year they will go rock climbing and host a talent show. Each to his/her own.

    23. 2:03 PM

      We don't — and wouldn't — burn books. We wouldn't even burn Checkie's ill-written, error-filled Work of Human Hands. PL happens to believe opinions contrary to ours can be defeated with reason. And if we can't, then we need to reconsider our opinions — or find a competent champion. And we certainly don't believe a book written by Catholic authors, a part of which exposed the intellectual weaknesses of malformed sede religious entrepreneurs, should be burned. However, since the sedes were incapable of a written reply and had to resort to cheesy video responses, we guess burning it was the only recourse these inept barbarians had open to them.

    24. I'm sorry, but I don't believe anyone comes to this site accidentally.

      I have visited the airforce museum in ELEMENTARY school. It is something you take a child to or visit if you are interested in planes. It isn't a date/get-to-know you type place. The whole outing appeared to be a good idea gone bad. The person planning it seemed like they were very old-fashioned and living in a different era.

      For the person defending these men, how can you read the weekly newsletters with the cats killing animals, defend men who justified killing terrie Schiavo as her husband's right, defend men who justified kids watching pornography on the church/school computer, defend men who knowingly vacation at a gay-friendly (catering to gays) resort, and ones who had another priest deported? Anyone who goes against these men are considered crazy.

      The book burning is stupid because don't you have to buy the book before you burn it? So, you are giving these people money in order to pay for it? What money did they use to buy these book burning? Their parishioners? Who would give money to these men when they are literally burning it?

      Please read up on these men. Stop wasting your money. Look for a church who holds the faith and shows charity in all things. I can tell you that by defending these men, you are doing yourself, others, and God an injustice.

  30. Reader,
    Tell SSPX to stop giving sermons that Francis is a real pope. He has not given them authority to preach that.
    According to you should the trad clergy be able to give a discourse during their Masses?

    1. FYI: The faculty and license to preach comes from the ordinary.

      If you're asking our opinion, we would recommend trad "clergy" deliver as their discourse a sermon written in pre-V2 days. There are many books available with fully written sermons for all Sundays and holy-days. To be sure, they should also tell the faithful the source.

      If the laity must hear something, then let them hear a sermon written by a real priest who had sufficient training. The sede malformed impostors have no business in sacred preaching.

    2. Reader, FYI - I know that the faculty and license to preach comes from the ordinary, who is approved of and appointed by the Pope.
      The license to preach comes from the Church.
      The Church via the Ordinaries have not granted licences to preach to SSPX clergy, so should they preach?

    3. While the SSPX may occupy a unique canonical position in Traddielandia and while their members certainly have the sufficient training, in our view no one should represent remarks made in Mass as a sermon or a homily without a faculty and license for sacred preaching.

    4. I think a lot of pre-v2 sermons would be great, but some would have to be modified to apply to 2017, but since you think sedes are wrong shouldn’t you listen to your pope and his priests in the mean time until he is proclaimed a heretic by the N.O. church? Seems like you pick and choose what parts apply just as you accuse sedes of doing.

  31. What about the odd ball well educated, far superior mannered and humble priests that are few in number, but do exist.
    Should they be silenced? Should we be deprived of their superior intellect and understanding of sacred scripture, which is just as inspired as in the days of old, if not even better. After all having the gift of hindsight and then having the intellect, and knowledge to be able to apply it to today is a gift from God. Are we to stay stagnated in the waters of time, or are we to go forward and teach all nations? It will always be the Faith, if the priest is genuine in character. That is the problem today. Fake News, Fake agendas, Fake Priests!

    1. ....and don't forget the fake Catholicism of the sede cults.

    2. I attend a Sede chapel and our priests give balanced Catholic sermons.
      They DO NOT go on & on about Jorge or the V2 sect.
      I know you all bad times with SGG but not every chapel is connected to Dolan/Sanborn!

  32. An amusing post. Today in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe we hear a story that someone spent good money and a whole weekend out of their life to attend an event they hated, and then wrote you a long email complaining about it. Pretty funny, but not something that any rational human being would do. Good thing you didn't post the name of this supposed individual, because then it could be disproved. Better to just tell a big tall story and let your kool-aid drinkers drink it up without question.

    As someone else said, you didn't post anything here that wasn't already on the internet. I don't know if anyone actually believes this account is real, but if they do I wonder if their supply of bridges could use an addition?

    1. We'll have to worry you: the post was 100% genuine.

      As for the reason the person attended the weekend, there are more things in heaven and earth, Anonymous, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. A far more plausible explanation is that the individual had great expectations based on all the PR & hype coming out of the cult and was disappointed at all the childishness he encountered. (Blue and pink plates for the boys and girls, for cryin' out loud!!) The guy's an adult who expected an adult-oriented weekend.

      And where did you get the notion the informant "hated" the event. There's nothing in his account to justify that conclusion. You culties just can't read text without misunderstanding it and adding something entirely unwarranted, just like Checkie couldn't translate Sacramentum ordinis correctly.

  33. Unfortunately SGG and the Fake News Media share one thing in common. FAKE NEWS, the world according to their own respective agendas.

  34. dcs July 31, 2017 at 4:33 PM

    "Surely the FSSP is not responsible for the odd actions of the bishops from whom they receive the Sacrament of Order."

    IF this be the case, then surely Lutherans cannot be condemned for following Luther and his heretical religion.
