
Saturday, November 11, 2017


...nostri farrago libelli... ("the hodgepodge of our little book") Juvenal

As a rule, PL likes to post about one cult topic at a time. That way, we may fully demonstrate to our readership the barking madness of Sedelandia. Dirtbag Dan, perchance in a lupine mood induced by the meager collections of recent months, yelped so wildly in both last week's "Corner" and the $GG newsletter that we had to share his medley of grief.

Notwithstanding his baying fans' bestial protests against our forecasts of nearing doom, “One Hand” continues to gainsay his very supporters, thus giving weight to PL's prescience.  With your indulgence, then, today let’s set aside the niceties of unity, structure, and coherence in favor of some confessional bits and pieces from the cornered, quivering leader (?) of the distinctly endangered sede pack.


Dannie was still in the air, SW-Ohio-bound from his Argentine wine-country vacation, when he began hallucinating about more exotic foreign travel. As he journalized in the $GG November newsletter: 
I fly United to Houston. They are not so charming as the Chileans, but plenty of room for a good sleep. I follow the flight path on the screen after I finish my prayers, and I see Lagos in the corner of the map. Not so far! Before I nod off, I think: “I must visit Father Nkamuke and his flock one of these days...”
This was no empty reverie. He'd hatched a definite plan, for Panhandlin' Dan began the newsletter by shamelessly alms-baiting for travel dollars:
You know how this bishop and our poor mission priests count on your charity. Bishop funds are nearly depleted. Please send some more. 
(Somebody should shriek aloud for the beadle!)

When so much "work needs done" at the crumbling cult center, you have to ask why he's going to the almost-dried-up well of financial support to cadge more trips abroad. You'd think all his money-grubbing energies would be focused on warming up the Gerties' "coldhearted cheapness" to help Erroneous Antonius pay the "bills [that] will be coming in."

But, then, that would be too businesslike, wouldn't it? Besides, behaving like a real Catholic priest from the good ol' days would mean he'd have to stick around the moribund cult. Overseas junkets get His Anxiety's mind off all his money problems, allowing him to imagine, if only for a week to ten days, that he's still the globe-trotting "Bishop" of TradWorld, a title that several others have successfully taken over.

Before the next costly getaway, the remaining Gerties who keep the West Chester eyesore going should demand an accounting of the sources for the "Bishop's Fund."


Hardly a week goes by without a bitterly nostalgic reminder from Dannie that attendance at the cult's big shows has tanked. Last week's "Corner" began with the following lament:
Fr. McKenna says he’s always edified by the numbers who come back, freely, one day after the day of obligation, to pray for the Poor Souls to be freed from their fiery prison. And it is true, but the Bishop remembers many years ago that one could have an evening High Mass for All Souls, and draw a good crowd to pray for poor souls, “whom no man could number.” Those who once attended are dead, and it is for us the living now to remember them too in prayer, at Mass and with indulgences. It is a wonderful thing that we can offer many Masses on November 2 (each priest is privileged to offer three) and that the living still come, albeit in little clusters rather than crowds, to pray for our dear dead.
(Don't you love the way he writes about himself in the third person, and with a capital letter to boot? He must not have gotten the memo explaining that nobody anywhere in TradWorld is the "bishop." Those bozos aren't even bishops.)

Gerties are either dying off or have left in disgust. There's no one to replace them. The "little clusters rather than crowds" mean there are not only far fewer All Souls' stipends to divvy up among the "clergy" but also much lower weekly collections. Last week's bulletin recorded a puny haul of only $3,394 from the previous Sunday. No wonder his sermon for Pentecost XXII was titled "It's All about the Money," where at the beginning he growled, "There always are some freeloaders, I suppose."

The Wee One's heart must be thumping like that of a baby mouse caught in Caravaggio's jaws.


While we're on the theme of the poor souls, it looks as though "One Hand" is hell-bent to get the Gerties into the cult center any way he can:
Well, this was part of the Autumn Holy Week. It ends today. Go to the sacraments and then go in and out and gain some indulgences if you haven’t yet done so. By saying your “six,” (Pater, Ave, Gloria) a soul could be released from prison, purified and ready for God.
Let PL remind Catholics that the toties quoties plenary indulgence, in all probability, cannot be gained at $GG for the poor souls.

Why not?

Because the Raccolta stipulates the faithful must visit a "church or public oratory, or even a semi-public oratory." That means they must visit buildings belonging to the Roman Catholic Church. As we all know, the $GG "mass center" is not a temporal property of the Church, and it certainly is not a parish incorporated by the Church. (The cult masters themselves would bristle, we suspect, if anyone claimed the decaying cult complex was subject to the archbishop of Cincinnati or to the supreme authority of the Apostolic See.) Therefore, the gaining of the indulgence is almost assuredly not attached to $GG (or to any other sede pseudo-chapel, for that matter).

We find the lack of candor offensive, to say the least. The SW Ohio cult masters should know better than to pretend their shabby structure qualifies under the rules. Back in 2015, we put an end to all that fiction about "privileged altars" (click here). Owing to Readers' attending an out-of-state conference last week, this year we weren't able to get the word out about the toties quoties scam. But better late than never, right?  


Dannie must've taken some flak from Gertie gals about the pants-wearin' Argentinian women of Mendoza (click here for our post from two years ago). In the November newsletter he mused, without much hope, we must add:
A longstanding practice, the Traditional Catholic ladies here all wear pants. Difficult to eradicate. We agree to work on this seriously for the next visit. 
Now, we gotta see that!

As wasteful as we find Dannie's foreign adventures, we're actually hoping some stupid suckers give him the bucks for another trip to Argentina — if only to see how sensible women react to Dresser Dan's proposed fashion makeover.  PL's staff boasts a number of Latin Americans, both men and women. On many an occasion, they've assured their American colleagues that Latinas are not like the weak-willed, brow-beaten U.S. cultie chicks who flinchingly endure the zany rules fabricated by malformed "clerical" control freaks.

These proud, poised ladies have a mind of their own; they won't be intimated by some sawed-off gringo who wants to meddle in their personal lives. Latin women are confident in their own well-developed sense of Catholic modesty: They don't need instruction from some norteamericano fake-"bishop" on how to dress.

 See for yourselves! Take a look at some of these ladies again:

Do they appear as though they're going to change their style merely to satisfy Dannie's whims or help him save face among the caterwauling she-wolves of sede Gringolandia? Does that "priest" look as though he wants to start trouble? We'd bet he knows better than to mess with rock-solid, ineradicable local custom, unless he wants the pious mendocinas to take their kids and hubbies elsewhere.

The poor guy really shouldn't worry that Travelin' Man Dan will stop visiting if the womenfolk refuse to lose their pants. Dannie needs him as much as he needs the dollars that accompany his visits.


  1. While I understand modesty and the need to look decent in Church, I fail to comprehend the Trad compulsion to have a 1950s dress code. Fashions legitimately change and develop, and can do so without loss of modesty and good taste.

    1. Absolutely right. This fossilized Catholicism of the sedes is yet another proof of their illegitimacy,

    2. Don’t blame this one on the sedes. The SSPX is probably the biggest proponent of the frozen in time modesty. St. Marys, KS is a prime example.

    3. Careful at whom you cast aspersions, dear. These FSSP ladies might not agree with you.

  2. I had to laugh at the Toties Quoties argument you raised. Years ago in an abortive sede clergy-only email list I raised that precise point that since no chapel is officially erected in a diocese how could the indulgences be gained? There ere few takers except the current "Pastor" of Mount St. Michael who argued that since we've always done it and the Novus Ordo isn't the church we can use Epikeia for the practice to continue. Shows he has no clue what Epikeia is or means.

    Second point: the reference to these jet setting wannabes reminds me of the expression: "Gangplank Bill" which referenced William Card. O'Connell who in a book review by the Boston Globe was described in part as follows:

    "Unlike previous archbishops of Boston, O'Connell invited celebrity. He lived in what O'Toole describes as an "intentionally grand and relentlessly public manner," and traveled abroad so often that he became known as "Gangplank Bill."

    Seems the "Missionary bishops" like "banquets" (as Big Don calls them) and travel every much as O'Connell - hang on... it's "traditional"....

    1. Well observed! And "Number One" is a highly interesting study in power. At least he was valid.

    2. Anon. 11/11 9 pm,

      You're right about the "clergy's" misuse (and over use) of epieikeia.

      Actually, traditional Catholics could gain the toties quoties indulgence by visiting a church erected within a diocese. If they weren't sure about a structure built and consecrated after V2, there are always older churches available. We know of a well-trained traditional "priest" in Europe who counsels the faithful to do this very thing.

    3. Dannie’s “indulgence” ploy is a real laugher. (He used the word “indulgence” no less than three times in his recent ’Corner.) Who does he think he’s kidding, by intoning such a “last ditch” plea to trick the Gerties into buying his fake “indulgences”? Get serious, Dannie! That old razzamatazz isn’t working anymore! I just wonder if there are any Gerties left who actually believe that crap! (Perhaps Dannie ought to go back to peddling “paver stones,” or reviving SGG’s “walk-a-thon.” At least these scams were pure fund-raising plays, and not the selling of phony “indulgences”!)

    4. In Dannie’s ’Corner this Sunday, he lamented about all the lights that are burned out (or otherwise malfunctioning) at the cult center. Is the cult center so strapped? (One wonders how Dannie can afford to travel to the far reaches of South America, yet can’t afford new light bulbs for the cult center.) Again, Who are you trying to kid? Who’s going to believe such “poor mouth” crap!

    5. The Bantam "Bishop" also wrote (emphasis ours), "How beautiful—and safe—was our church at night with all the light." Apparently it must be pretty spooky now. (It gets worse when you go inside.)

      And did everyone notice that he'll "do a leak update" next week?

      How could he have wasted so much money on foreign travel when there are still, after so many years, leaks to be fixed and outside lighting to be repaired?! These are necessities, not cosmetic options.

      No one should contribute a dime from now on. $GG can't get its priorities straight.

    6. Your eagle eyes must have seen Dolan's remark that "Sunday church attendance continues low this Fall" but did you get a load of this freeloading remark in the bulletin?

      "We Fathers are ever so grateful to the five or six souls who send in a meal each week or now and again. We average about two meals a week, but could probably use three (Sun- day, Tuesday and Thursday, say. "

      Man is he shameless. If Dolan can afford to travel all the way to Argentina, then he can afford to feed his employees without sponging off the few souls who are suckers enough to provide meals on wheels.

      Tell him to get a crockpot. They come with recipe books.

    7. Pistrina Liturgica @ 5:40 AM

      Can you explain the misuse of epieikeia and explain why it cannot be used in this case?

    8. E. may be invoked if the difficulty of obeying the law here and now were disproportionate to the end that the law has in view. In this case, there is no difficulty at all — simply visit a canonically erected church or oratory. In fact for many of the Gerties, it might be easier to fulfill the law in their own neighborhood than to schlep all the way over to the dying $GG cult center in West Chester, Ohio.

    9. Is the law "here and now" referring to current Cannon law or some other law? If Cannon law is it the modern version or 1917 version?

    10. Epieikeia is a principle of interpretation of human laws, even ecclesiastical laws.

      "Ecclesiastical law is an ordinance or law which is issued by legitimate authority of the Church. The legislators for the Church are: the Sovereign Pontiff and Ecumenical Councils for the entire Church; the bishops and local councils for their respective territories; superiors of religious institutes, according to their constitutions" (Roberti, Dictionary of Moral Theology).

  3. Get a crockpot? NO, put your apron on, mister, humble yourself and cook meals for Bp. Dolan etc. Yes, that's right. Get off your massive behind and start doing something useful/charitable, because being on PL whining like small girl ISN'T charity. Got it, buster?

    1. Anon. 11:16 AM, your comment is as empty as your brain. It is Dannie who should be putting on an apron, and humbling himself (for a change). He should be giving back to all of those poor Gerties he’s been preying on all these years, living high at their expense. And you, Anon.— like the “scarecrow” in The Wizard of OZ -- need to get a brain (and some humility, too, for your pretentious attempt at trying to “take the moral high ground”)). “Got it, buster?”

    2. Anonymous November 13, 2017 at 11:16 AM

      The title is "missus," for your information, and a woman hating cult weasel like you should call me "b---h" not "buster".

      Cooking for un-bishop Dolan is not an act of is an act of self degradation fueled by stupidity. Serving One Hand Dan is a job for you and your kind, not for normal people who know the truth.

      BTW, my behind is quite petite thank you very much and convincing people to get out of SGG is super "useful/charitable".

      Got it, creepo?

    3. Your title is sickening, uncharitable, ugly, feminist mole.
      And I clearly understand that your behind blocks out the sun.

      Moreover, you, like that slimy collection of toads whom call themselves "The Reader," are long on false accusations, and short on anything even approaching solid evidence.
      Got it, you sickening harpy?

    4. If it's charity you want, then stop feeding Dolan altogether. Did you get a load of that photo this week? His gut and backside are so big they block out the solar system.

    5. @anon 10:05 AM
      Would you like to volunteer this week to supply 3 or 4 meals? Thank you in advance!

      @anon 3:49 PM
      LOL at the "sickening, uncharitable, ugly, feminist mole" it was funny

  4. Crockpot? Have you forgotten the story of "Lurch" who went to the store to buy the ingredients and when the crackpot returned found the crockpot liner was missing and so returned to buy a crockpot. Lil'Dan regaled us with it in a previous "corner".

    We know they have one unless the second liner was hidden by the marauding felines in Tony's slipper.

    1. Well remembered!

      Apparently even a crockpot is too difficult for the malformed nincompoops to manage. Of course, it's certainly more convenient for the idlers to let the 5 or 6 losers do the cooking, slow or otherwise. Those poor lay people probably don't charge them for the ingredients either.

    2. I believe it is an aversion to having to do anything for themselves? Look at the Brooksville seminary where they have a full time cook and maintenance person. Look at the sisters of Brooksville, which despite having a number of sisters, still have families cook their meals for them so they can use their time more wisely (baking sweets to indulge on with their organic ingredients paid for by the parishioners who also do their shopping, lawn care, cleaning, etc.)

      The groups do not do things for themselves because they are from the privileged elite. They need to spend their time catering to themselves.

    3. If the sisters wanted to emulate the "good old days", one of their own would be housekeeper/cook, and everyone would pitch in as needed. Sister Housekeeper would also do the shopping and keep the accounts, and pinch pennies so hard, she'd be having Lincoln sing Dixie.

      That's how it was actually done.

    4. The difference between Big Don and Lil' Dan is that Don has BIG $$$ backing him - Dan lost his shirt after the School Scandal.

    5. Yes, and that money just bought his son an episcopal consecration. With Sanborn's health, it will be coming soon.

    6. @ anon 5:48 PM

      Who is getting consecrated? How was it bought?

    7. Well, of course, junior is being consecrated. It had been bought before he was even a priest by his dad's constant donations to the seminary. Sanborn was forced to move to Florida based on junior's hand condition. The big 3 followed him there, where senior still runs the show. Junior runs the convent, with one of the nun's mom. This is how corruption happens. A leader becomes dependent on his big donor and starts letting him make the decisions and even promises consecrating the son based on the amount of money that is given to help keep up the crumbling seminary, which tends to have mostly foreigners. The Americans are not smart enough in Sanborn's view to make it through his program. Yet, the foreigners can't pay for the seminary. So, senior supplies all the money and will have his son be running everything one day. They have a seminary, convent, and school. Senior's kids are all the head haunchos of the seminary and the convent (one is the mother superior and the other is being made bishop).

  5. What gives with you, Reader? Idlers? Really? Hardly!
    Are the cooks "losers" or "poor lay people"? Do you not comprehend that your hatred causes you to devolve, morphing into a bundle of contradictions? You may choose to run away from this by refusing to publish, but don't fool yourself into thinking that what I'm observing is not being clearly seen by all others.
    Charging for ingredients? Don't be ridiculous! Unlike you, most Catholics wouldn't dream of being so stingy as to charge clergy for ingredients for food they are charitably providing. Please think before you put digits to keyboard.Thank you.

    1. No contradictions here. Losers are poor souls. And if Dannie can afford expensive travel abroad, he can afford to pay for his own food (and cook it, too). Why must the poor losers contribute to the collection, cook Dannie's dinners, and pay through the nose to boot?

    2. The clergy openly sustain themselves on the freely given donations of the parishioners. This is normal. This is known to all. So whether they use the donated money to buy food or eat donated food it is all the same and all coming from the parishioners in either case. What’s the difference and who cares?

    3. These men are not Roman Catholic clergy.

  6. Also of interest is the photograph of the children dressed as saints on the $GG website - from previous years - where have all the children gone?

    Dan informed us that their breakfast consisted of potato chips and cookies - sounds "appetizing" to me.

    Probably next year the party will be down to Dress-up Dan and the cats with regurgitated rodents for his delight.

  7. WOW! Another intellectual comment from the SGG Peanut Gallery.

    Your Right! Getting a Crock-pot, might not be the answer. Perhaps a CRACKPOT!

  8. The Reader November 14, 2017 at 11:11 PM wrote:
    These men are not Roman Catholic clergy.

    Cut the crap. They are Catholic and they are clergy.

    Your assertions that they are not, don't fool me.

    1. No, you're very mistaken. As we have shown countless times, they do not belong to the Roman Catholic Church and do not possess the rights of Roman Catholic clergy. While we admit that some of them possess valid but illicitly conferred orders, they are still laymen operating without a commission from the Church.

    2. It is irrelevant to the point I made @9:12 regarding the parishioners openly donate with full knowledge these are sede priests regardless if you want to call them “Clergy” or not.

    3. It is not normal or required that Catholics who do not belong to a parish sustain non-Catholic, self-declared "priests." It is a waste of money and misdirected charity.

    4. These parishioners do belong to a parish. Simply because you state otherwise does not make it so. Is your position that the Clergy at SGG are not even priests?

      If so, you would think that would be the main point of your blog and not all of the other random stuff you talk about like analyzing cat stories. Your positions are very inconsistent.

    5. Once again, you are mistaken.

      A parish is a defined territorial district, with a church and a congregation, and is one of the parcels of a Roman Catholic diocese ruled by an ordinary. Furthermore, a priest commissioned by the Church is in charge of a parish.

      It's easy, then, to see that cult Mass centers do not satisfy any of these (and many other) juridical conditions to be called a Catholic parish.

      In our general view, expressed consistently and many times, sede "clergy" are layman who illicitly possess Roman Catholic holy orders. If their orders are valid, then they confect the sacraments. That said, however, they are still not Roman Catholic priests in the strict sense since they have no mission from the Church, are malformed, and enjoy no canonical rights.

      Specifically with respect to $GG's clown crew, we believe that 4 of them probably have doubtful holy orders owing to the 1976 one-handed ordination in Écône.

      Our positions are completely consistent; the weekly themes do vary, that's true. But they are unified around the principal mission of our apostolate: shut down the cults by persuading people to abandon these ecclesiastical masqueraders.

    6. Reader Nov 16, 4:04 PM

      ..."shut down the cults by persuading people to abandon these ecclesiastical masqueraders".

      Then state your address where people may come to.

    7. or

      After all, this is the digital age.

    8. Reader, would digital Mass fulfill the obligation?

    9. An intriguing question, the answer to which must await the judgment of the Church as to moral presence.

  9. Anonymous Nov15 7:31,

    They most certainly are not clergy of the Catholic Church. Some of them may indeed have orders that the Church would recognise as valid but they are no different to say Greek Orthodox, Armenians, Old Catholics or Episcopalians who have undergone ordination from Old Catholics etc. In all cases none of them have a mandate from the Catholic Church.

    Cekada, once, wrote very well on the subject with 'two bishops in every garage' or bedroom whatever the title wa

    1. But these sede opinions change with the circumstances, don't they?

  10. On November 4th, Cekada tweets that Sanborn did not have a heart attack. Yet, Brooksville parishioners have said he has, and he is making Selway a bishop soon. What is going on?

    1. We frankly haven't been able to nail down the truth. See today's (11/18) post. We're hoping people with more information will comment.

  11. Sanborn's November newsletter says he will be making Selway bishop by spring because he's been under his care since he was 6 years old. Does he not mean that his father has been paying for his episcopal consecration for 34 years?

    1. A mister certainly seems to be Jr.'s birthright. The reasons for the action may be a little more complex than alleged.

  12. Veritas November 17, 2017 at 1:48 AM.

    You do not write truth.

    They most certainly are different from say Greek Orthodox, Armenians, Old Catholics or Episcopalians.

    The sedes are Roman Catholics who believe the Roman See is currently vacant. They are not members of formally condemned non-Catholic schismatic/heretical religions.

    1. Anonymous,

      To be fair you may have a point and the clergy of the Greek Orthodox, Armenians, Old Catholics and Episcopalians undergo a proper formation unlike the sede cults.

      However, that does not make them Catholic. Pius XII was unequivocal in his condemnation of illicit consecrations, clearly here, noting particularly #39:
      (...) it follows that bishops who have been neither named nor confirmed by the Apostolic See, but who, on the contrary, have been elected and consecrated in defiance of its express orders, enjoy no powers of teaching or of jurisdiction since jurisdiction passes to bishops only through the Roman Pontiff as We admonished in the Encyclical Letter Mystici Corporis in the following words: ". . . As far as his own diocese is concerned each (bishop) feeds the flock entrusted to him as a true shepherd and rules it in the name of Christ. Yet in exercising this office they are not altogether independent but are subordinate to the lawful authority of the Roman Pontiff, although enjoying ordinary power of jurisdiction which they receive directly from the same Supreme Pontiff."

      But, of course, the sede cults have always been keen on 'Recognise & Resist' when it suits their purposes.

  13. The Reader November 16, 2017 at 10:54 PM,

    TV has been around a long time. If people were morally present by watching Mass anywhere on TV, we would have heard about it by now.
    Perhaps you are unaware of what presence at Mass entails and that rulings have already been made about moral presence at Mass when one can't fit inside the church due to the number of people, yet is present onsite but outside the building while joining in Mass in spirit.
    Principles have been established, so the advent of new forms of media are covered by the them.
