
Saturday, November 18, 2017


Haud semper errat fama ("rumor is not always mistaken"). Tacitus

Last December 31, two of the Readers (#1 and #5, to be specific) predicted that Tradistan's "bishop"-elect in the fetid Swampland would receive his birthright miter by mid-2017. An anonymous commenter then guessed the long-anticipated event would take place in December of this year, so as to coincide with the Kid's ordination anniversary. At the time, we embraced our correspondent's opinion.

Lately we've learned that Tradzilla is finally disposed, like it or not, to impose hands, maybe in spring 2018.  And indeed the horse's mouth informs us the decision has already been made.

We don't want to be coy, but at this writing we can't share the exact content of those reports because we haven't been able to confirm them to our satisfaction. Last week, we had expected to see something on the $GG website, but it was curiously—and uncharacteristically— silent (no crowing from the Bantam "Bishop," no requests to storm heaven with prayers). Now something has surfaced on the MHT site.

If you were familiar with the content of the reports, you'd understand why cult kingpins would want to keep the lid on for as long as possible. What's for certain is that a 2017 "consecration" is absolutely out of the question, unless the situation deteriorates.  (N.B. The situation would have to be very serious, though, because scheduling a December "consecration" at this late hour would require scaling back the schmaltzy theatrics.)

Precisely when the big show will occur — winter/spring 2018? — depends upon which of the reports best represents what 's happened. In circumstances like these, the earliest stories are often contradictory or confusing or misleading in small details.  The reports we received, we can tell you, range from alarming to merely serious, from outright denial to gravely alarming again and then to guardedly optimistic. The upshot of it all is that PL will have to wait for published confirmation from another sede cult source before posting what we know. (We don't entirely buy everything in the MHT newsletter, except for the promise of a gaudy, schmaltzy spectacle).

What's crucial at this stage is to pin down all these rumors. In spite of the newsletter account, the situation is still fluid. Once we know more, we'll post. If anyone out there learns something, don't hesitate to share it with us.


Anyone for a nice cup of tea?


  1. From all accounts that I have heard, it will be spring 2018. Don't let Sanborn fool you that the only reason is that he needs his vestments and to know his rubrics. They have said he's next in line before he was even made a priest. I bet his nuns have been making his vestments for awhile. If he's been under Sanborn's care since he was as six, does this mean senior admits that he's been following around Sanborn in order for his son to one day be made bishop? Sanborn hasn't stayed in the same place for 36 years. Does this also mean that they moved to Florida because, again, they knew one day junior would be made bishop and had to be down in the warmer climate because of his hands? Or did senior threaten he wouldn't pay for the seminary unless they moved the whole Shebang to Florida so that his son could run a new convent and be made bishop? So many questions remain, but it doesn't remain questionable that junior will be bishop by spring. Seeing that Sanborn has realized his institute is not working out, his money is drying up, sanborn couldn't get his hands on arizona's money, and he can only get more money through his best benefactor, junior's father, a token of appreciation must be made to senior. That family is in control, and it's about time Sanborn showed everyone just how much.

    1. Great analysis.

      As we wrote in our post, we haven't taken Big Don's newsletter account completely at face value. We'd say if conditions worsen, or even look as though they will, the "consecration" may take place in winter: And anyway, Easter falls on April 1 in 2018, you know. Why not let the Kid do all the heavy lifting?

      The only disagreement we'd have is about the "nuns" making all the vestments. We'd bet that the cult will buy the best for Jr. from Italian clerical tailors: no homemade stuff for royalty.

  2. He was only 23 when ordained a priest? While I know that this occurred in the "good old days" with a dispensation, I'm a little bit suspicious in this case...

    1. Excellent, Dave.

      It might be instructive to review Bouscaren, Canon Law:

      "...the priesthood [shall be conferred only] upon one who has completed his twenty-fourth year (c. 975). Dispensations...are granted (for a year or, at most, for a year and a half) for the earlier reception of the priesthood, especially if there is a dearth of priests."

      The only problem here is that Robert Fidelis McKenna, O. P., had no power to grant a dispensation.

      The sedes are outlaws, pure and simple.

    2. If there is no one with authority to grant a dispensation, then one cannot obtain it.

      Check what the law says about acting under that situation.

      It is similar to Lefebvre consecrating bishops without a papal mandate, but not as grave, for a few reasons.
      Lefebvre, those he consecrated, and their followers actually think the lawful authority i.e. a living pope had specifically ruled against SSPX’s actions, yet they defied the person whom they recognized as the ultimate lawful Church authority.

  3. I can tell you this: the scandals are going to go out of control with Selway as the head. He tends to coverup for family and the big 3, just like Sanborn has done in the past. Only this time, more is at stake because it's family.

    Out of curiosity, can you tell me when in the past a bishop was allowed to stay with their family in the same town? Is this Jonestown/Selway-town?

  4. Hi, Reader

    The sedes will claim epikeia to justify this and whatever else they wish to do.

    BTW, would any of The Readers be willing to write up a short (yet comprehensive) summary of EPIKEIA? Hopefully, this could cover the historical and canonical aspects; and what is most pertinent for trad Catholics - applicability vs. nonapplicability.

    1. We agree it's become a blanket excuse for lawless behavior in many sede circles.

      We actually don't need to write up a brief summary. Most of what you ask for can be found in McHugh & Callan's Moral Theology, 1958 ed., vol. I. One of the significant points they make is that epieikeia is at once lawful and dangerous—dangerous because "it rests on the judgment of the individual, who is prone to decide in his own favor to the detriment of the common good as well as of self." (Our emphasis).

  5. We've all heard about the House of Rothschild.
    Well this is the House of Selway.

    You can take this one to the bank too, it ain't the Lords House.

  6. I read Fr. Selway's bio. I can't believe they actually mentioned moving the whole seminary to accommodate one person.

    1. From direct discussions with Michiganders who are in the know, we think there was much,much more motivating the move than the syndrome so often invoked as the reason. Many in-the-know Wolverines may (reluctantly) recall the scene of a certain someone arm-deep in ice to chill champagne before the relocation took place.

    2. What were the motivations?

      " the scene of a certain someone arm-deep in ice to chill champagne"

      Can you explain what this means?

    3. Yes. The same man who had to move to a warmer clime owing to extreme sensitivity to the cold was reported by a "priest" to have been seen plunging his hands and arms into a container of ice to chill bubbly for a big party.

  7. Anonymous November 19, 2017 at 1:10 AM

    SSPX and other sedeplenists use epekia to justify what they do too.
    They should not.
    They do not think there is absence of lawful authority.
    Sedevacantists have a case.
    Francis followers do not have a case.


    What is Sanborn's priest (Fr. Pio Espino) doing at the cmri minor seminary? Sanborn teaches the cmri are not legit (although he won't say it publicly because of Dolan), but didn't he consecrate the Espino brothers from Argentina?

    1. Years ago, we heard that the brothers Espina had begun working with a Franciscan, who reputedly had been conditionally re-ordained. According to our informant, Big Don didn't like the association and ordered them to separate themselves from the man.They refused, and then they contacted the Pivmeister for "episcopal" services. At that time we thought the bros. intended to establish a seminary in South America to serve Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, but we haven't heard anything more about it.

  9. Somewhat off-topic, but does anyone think this "forces" CMRI to add another bishop to their ranks? Pivarunas has been at the helm for nearly 30 years.

    1. We think you are very much on topic. This is a game changer all the way around.

      We're looking forward to what others will have to say, but in our opinion, the Pivster will sit tight for a while. He sees an opportunity to grab the lead in Tradistan, so there's no sense sharing the glory yet. And remember he's only 59, quite a few years younger than Tradzilla.

      Big Don and Wee Dan are on their way out, and Piv probably thinks he can fill the vacuum. Dannie's been out of the picture since the 2009 $GG $chool $candal, and Jr. shouldn't bother him one bit. He may suspect the B'ville cult will soon circle the wagons and just focus on itself, leaving the whole, wide world to the CMRI.

      Of course, this won't happen, as we'll begin to discuss next week.

    2. Piv has always thought the "whole, wide world" belongs to him. There's a reason why he's constantly overstretched his priests not only in the U.S. mass centers, but around the world.

      I'm not sure how familiar you are with all of the players at CMRI, but there are certainly some obvious and interesting choices for the next receipient of the mitre merit badge.

      I'll be awaiting your post on all of this and hope you're able to provide more about CMRI. Piv has slowly and methodically positioned his chess board for a moment like this, and with the rising unpopularity of Francis in mainstream and Traddie circles, he might think this is the time to strike while the iron is hot.

      I agree he won't be hasty, but as the congregation grows, the questions are going to be asked on why he's the only game in town with the ring. I know that nearly 10 years ago parishioners were whispering that very same thought.

    3. Great insights, although we think there's been a fundamental change in the situation: with all the new traddie "bishops" who have surfaced in the last few years, Piv won't be "the only game in town" now. In addition, refugees from the Novus Ordo will check out the CMRI on the web, and most will stay away. Chances are there will be — or they'll be able to get — a valid independent "priest" ordained by one of the new bishops nearby. The new bishops, many of whom came from the N.O. system and enjoy multiple lineages are working hard to find and ordain suitable men to meet the laity's need for valid sacraments.

      But, yes, we agree that Pivvy may think this is the time to strike and carve out for himself the rôle of leader of Tradistan.

    4. This perception of yours runs completely to the contrary in the Cincinnati area. All of the sedes here were from sede lineages. None are from N.O.

      The CMRI seems to be, by far, the most important sede group overall. SSPV is small with few parishes. The Westchester-Brooksville association is smaller. There is Petko and some others, but even smaller in numbers.

      If there are a bunch of independents out there they ougt to speak up and reach out.

    5. The men we're referring to are not in the Cinci area but soon will be operating there and elsewhere through independent priests. BTW, we would classify former FSSP's as former N.O.'s.

  10. Yes,A VERY interesting question.What are your thoughts Reader.

  11. Here's the thing: Sanborn and Dolan do not grow long term. They start to see growth when they first arrive at a place (Florida, Michigan, Arizona, California, Etc.), but once people find out who they truly are, people begin fleeing. Remember Junior's prediction about a school with 100's of kids by 2018 just in Brooksville? How many kids are currently in that school? And how many are not related to the big 3? And this person with such predictions and who can't hold any outside kids in his school is the next bishop? This is who is going to save their church? They've been calling the kid the next bishop since he was in high school. After he was ordained a priest, they began calling him the closest thing to a saint on earth. Many have declared his family saints. He busts open a bottle of champagne upon the death of John Paul.

    The seminary building is falling apart. The church donations is sustaining the high life of food that he requires his personal chef to make. The seminary, when they do actually produce priests, have the priests turn around and create their own seminaries. Which, have you ever wondered if that's why he created his enterprise with him as the head? A no compete clause and profits from whatever they make probably go back to his pocket?

    They continue to collect land around the seminary so the big 3 can build houses and have a compound. It's starting to look like that place is going to be similar to the fundamental mormons who won't let anyone in except those who they approve and can help fund their small compound.

    Ohio is just as bad. Look at their all saints day photo? The group gets smaller every year. The school consists of a handful of families, and has always been run by The Lotarskis. The building is falling apart. They can't pay bills. The families going to other chapels is becoming more and more. The whole group is falling apart.

    As I said, they aren't growing. Despite the claim of success, their numbers say otherwise.

    1. We agree. The $GG/B'ville cult's days are numbered. Under Jr., B'ville will become an isolated, family cult, withdrawn from the world. $GG will slowly fade away.

  12. Why these "leaders" just can't be happy with giving people valid sacraments is beyond me. You have tradzilla who tries to say the novus Ordo is wrong every month (if you read his newsletter, you probably already know the novus ordo is wrong) and wastes his time with that and telling everyone they aren't smart enough and most are going to hell. You have Dolan who spends his time begging for money and vacationing. You have pivaranus trying to conquer the world. Why not just give people sacraments and pray for change? I'm sure I'm missing some people here, but these tend to be the ones who are focused on in this thread. Neville and the sspv tend to stay to themselves.

    As far as selway, after the miter is given, is his dad or he going to give the orders? Will the institute be passed to him or be given to Dolan? Is Dolan and Cekada's group signed on to the institute?

  13. We believe, as you'll read next week, that very soon you'll see what you asked for: sacraments and prayer and no cult of personality for fake bishops. Everyone will "stay to themselves."

    As for the "Institute" (LOL), we'd say it's time to pull the plug. With Big Don out of the picture, it can't even continue on paper, as it has been existing since the announcement. Very few were willing to work under the Donster, and no one would want to work under "One Hand."

    1. So, he created this "Institute" right before he makes Selway a bishop. Was it done so that Selway will always stay under him? Was it done so people will promise to follow selway? Why is it that he is mainly associated with Argentine priests and selway? Why did he send one of his only Americans to Australia?

    2. We don't think so. If the Donster's to be believed, the "Institiute" has been years in the making, and he probably never figured on his health becoming an issue so early. For a while, we thought the "Institute" was going to be his escape route from the Swampland so that Jr. could take over. Without his presence, the "Institute," which already seems stalled, can go nowhere.

      Two of Argentines are the only ones with any real education or brains. Without Squirmin' Herman and Scut, the "seminary" would be lost. The other Argentine, the Toady, whom the Donster had dispatched to AZ years ago, may have been a candidate for Australia since he went there first, (see our post of April 8, 2017), but perhaps he wasn't cut out for the job. That left the Yank.

    3. His father died early of heart issues. It's always been on his mind.
