
Saturday, December 9, 2017


Man's rational life consists in those moments in which reflection not only occurs but proves efficacious. Santayana

Last week's post generated a mountain of discussion — pro and con — mostly via e-mail.  Many correspondents asked us to explain the basis for our daring hypothesis. Were the Readers just guessing? Do we have an inside track? What evidence is there for the predicted unraveling of Tradistan? Did some sociological construct or theological proposition nudge us to our conclusion? Were we smoking something other than a splendid H. Upmann Magnum 50?

With so many e-mailers curious about the reasoning behind the post, PL decided to devote this week's edition to an explanation of our rationale. Right up front, we'll tell you there's nothing arcane or mysterious. No logic-chopping theories. No crystal balls. No fifth column inside the élite sect compound. No flies on grimy cult walls. We did nothing more than contemplate basic consumer behavior.

Maybe a concrete example will make it clear.

Suppose that, for some unknown reason, the best-selling toothpaste in the U.S. suddenly became unavailable. Let's also postulate that, owing to relentless marketing over several generations, this brand far outsold any other, so much so, in fact, that it alone was associated in consumers' minds with dentist-delighting oral hygiene and dazzling pearly whites.

What would happen?

Would the next-best-selling competitor then occupy the number-one slot?

Market mavens say no.

Oh, for sure, there might be an initial uptick in sales, but #2 wouldn't immediately take over the old marque's dominance in shoppers' psyches. Consumers would still consider the no-longer-available product as the gold standard. In their minds, #2 wouldn't be much better than a consolation prize, so naturally they wouldn't automatically transfer their brand loyalty to a commodity their shopping habits voted second rate.

At the same time, the competition, capitalizing on the opportunity open to them, would redouble marketing efforts to capture American housewives' allegiance and toothpaste dollars. But before one of the other manufacturers could secure the top spot, years, perhaps decades, would have to pass, and many millions in advertising dollars would have to be spent.

According to our analysis, this is the condition of Trad Nation U.S.A. today, as the about-to-be extinct Tradisaurus Rex Quondam (now "The Lowly Worm") slithers out of the Boy "Bishop's" way.  The Donster used to be the biggest brand name in the woefully unregulated world of traditional Catholicism. (True, if he were a dentifrice, he'd've been pulled off the shelves years ago, but, then, Sedelandia is no rational marketplace.) It took years of self-promotion and fawning hype, but the Flushing Rat, little-by-little, managed to make a lot of cult zombies mistake a pisher for a mensch.

As "The Man," Sin-burn was also Sedelandia's one and only public intellectual, a title he'd earned by (a) writing self-promotional newsletters, (b) ranting and raving to anyone who'd sit still long enough to hear him out, (c) noisily debating straw opponents, and (d) snagging ego-centric interviews. His prose was annoyingly lumbering, his podium persona nasally bristling, but amid all the sophomoric posturing, he managed to be, on a few occasions, almost thought-provoking (until you unpacked what he wrote, that is).

No contender for the vacant see of Tradistan can make that claim, in particular his "eventual successor," as Dannie calls the Boy "Bishop"-Elect. Where is Junior's œuvre? Who outside the Swampland élite thinks of the Kid as Trad Nation's chief theoretician? In a similar vein, who regards "One Hand" or Pivvy or the skittish Long-Island Jellyfish as a "scholar bishop" or learned advocate of the sede hunch?

Besides lacking the mental chops to assume Don's rôle, none of the sede hopefuls has the time or the cash to project onto folks' minds the image of a Tradzilla redux. Each already has his identity fixed in the lay imagination, and, believe you us, it is not the image of a profound thinker or theological prodigy. Pussbucket, sacrament-denying "priests" who can't understand Latin neither whisper their names in awe nor play tinny recordings of their babbling in lieu of a Sunday sermon. To arrive at that standing, the wannabes would need decades in addition to hundreds of thousands of dollars for a targeted marketing campaign. How could "One Hand," for instance, who last week again reported a picayune collection of less than $4K — $3,422 to be exact — afford it?

He couldn't. And neither could the others. (A good thing, too, because nowadays none but the utterly brain-dead degenerate would fall for it.)

All this explains why PL insists there'll be no single central figure in Trad Nation for generations to come, if ever.  The yawning void, however, will permit a fresh class of "bishops" to step up to the plate to provide access to the sacraments without all the soul-killing infighting. With real degrees, multiple valid lineages, and an insider's knowledge of "The System," each one will offer a haven to moral Catholics anxious to escape the depraved lay trash who support — in Carl Hiaason's strikingly apropos phrase — "submaggots unfit to suck the sludge off a septic tank."

As the depleted ranks of cultlings turn inward on themselves at Big Don's exit, it's time to brusha, brusha, brush away the "clerical" plaque of the past.



  1. Not surprising to me (or to you) that you quote the atheist Santayana at the beginning of your article.

    1. We've quoted this before, but it deserves a repeat:

      When 'Omer smote 'is bloomin' lyre,
      He'd 'eard men sing by land an' sea;
      An' what he thought 'e might require,
      'E went an' took - the same as me!

  2. 'The yawning void, however, will permit a fresh class of "bishops" to step up to the plate to provide access to the sacraments without all the soul-killing infighting. With real degrees, multiple valid lineages, and an insider's knowledge of "The System," each one will offer a haven to moral Catholics...'

    Who and where are these bishops?

    1. Patience, friend. Patience. All in due time. They're among you, and soon you'll know.

  3. Why did you quote an atheist, Reader?

    1. See our reply of 9 Dec., 6:24 P.M. to a similar comment of 9 Dec., 4:39 P.M.

  4. Not a good reason to quote a hater of God.

    1. Nonsense. We use any good quotation for an epigraph. Just because we may quote Homer or any other writer from classical antiquity doesn't mean we embrace paganism. Likewise citing Emersdon doesn't mean we're Unitarians. It's the aptness of the thought that counts, not the private confession of the writer. Civilized people with a quality university education understand the principle.

  5. Nota bene: I compliment your choice of those creamy-light Cubans.

    1. A stellar tasting note, Simplicius!

      The Reader-in-Chief found it moderate to full with a woody taste (as on the TopCubans site), but he agreed on its creaminess. This respondent concurs with your matchless assessment of this creamy, savory smoke with just enough sweetness to make for an ideal post prandial hour. On our next educational visit to the island, we'll pick up another box.

  6. Why did I have no difficulty understanding TR's hypothesis?

    To me it seems a natural widening out where there is a market it will be filled. I thought The Readers were super in coming out ahead of the pack, thinking ahead and seeing accurately... on this and didn't think it would provoke controversy.

    If things rankle attendees at the traditional centers most criticized by this site then as alternatives start appearing around the country (US) they will be taken.

    TR's are right to be cagey and not state directly because this is even now in the formation stage - it is like a chemical reaction, it is fizzing as when you put baking soda into lemon juice. The time to come will be very interesting but all I want is a low profile setting if I can find it.

    1. An excellent analysis, N33, and you've hit the nail on the head, so much so, that we'll be accused of posting your comment ourselves.

      All outrage is being sparked by the cult "bishops," who are behind the negative comments. They know for a fact that what we've written is true, and they're trying to keep their victims from looking elsewhere.

      Their ploy won't work. Tradzilla, now "The Lowly Worm," was the only card they had to play, and he was never a face-card or an ace anyway, just a sorry deuce (they told the easy-to-fool cultlings that a "2" was a crosier). His departure has pumped out whatever oxygen was left in Tradistan.

      As more and more of independent priests are made available through the apostolates of the new "bishops," bishops uninterested in building petty empires, maintaining fan clubs, and hauling in tons of the laity's money, folks will naturally drift away from the "bishop"-led cults, which will shrink even more. Only the Swampland will survive owing to the Big 3's financial support. However, it will have no influence outside the fetid bog.

    2. But there's a massive problem with this... Bp. Sanborn hasn't gone anywhere.

    3. He doesn't have to be physically gone to be gone from people's minds as a figure of influence.

      His heart condition and Junior's upcoming accession have already kicked him to the sidelines of the Trad scene. He's a has-been, and everybody knows it. Life is cruel when the edge is gone.

      The post-Tradzilla era has begun even if he's still loitering around the swamp and occasionally growling. Everyone's attention, even Dannie's and Checkie's, is on the upcoming "consecration." When the culties see the Kid kitted out his new pontificals, wielding his crosier with panache and flashing his ring, they'll completely forget about the jurassic Donster flailing in the bog.

    4. You clearly aren't in the loop. And you have no real knowledge of Bp. Sanborn's medical problem, now completely fixed. (Millions of Americans have been fixed by these procedures which are now considered "routine.")
      And as far as "influence" is concerned, nothing's changed.
      Bp. Sanborn may very well end up being a centenarian.

    5. Sorry, but we're very much in the loop. Plus we have experience. When someone's ticker is in trouble, people start to write him off. It's hum,an nature.

      Furthermore, we'll take Dannie's word over yours. Don't you remember that the Wee One wrote about the rector's dealing with "a serious heart condition"?

      As for the "Lowly Worm's" longevity, we wrote the following weeks ago on Nov. 25:

      "The Donster could live to be a centenarian, but this brush with mortality combined with next year's 'consecration' of his replacement has landed him to the ash can of Sedelandia."

      And that's the point. He could live longer than Mathusala and still never regain his previous status in Tradistan. The Kid's upcoming consecration will be over the top: our guess is he'll have at least one co-consecrator, maybe two.

      After that blowout, the rector is toast.

    6. His father died of heart failure, no?

    7. And why couldn't his father attend his ordination in Écône?

  7. Oh bravo, Nandarani33!

    Again, I'm waiting to hear all about these Catholic, sede, non-una cum bishops. Reader?

    1. Nothing before its time, our friend.

      But for now, let us tell you that they have all been through "The System," have authentic degrees from recognized ecclesiastical institutions, do not say una cum in the canon, and personally consider themselves sedevacantists.

      But you'll never hear them "preach" those two hypotheses, nor will they insist the laity subscribe to them as a requirement for receiving the sacraments. Their only focus is upon offering valid sacraments and in providing Catholics with valid priests who themselves focus solely on the provision of the sacraments. Everyone leaves their hobbyhorses at the door. Most importantly, no "priest" associated with them has to send them tribute money or swear allegiance. People's money stays at home, and only when they need a "bishop" for confirmation etc. do they have to make cash outlay, and that is only for transportation, food, and lodging while in town. At last, Mass centers are "no spin zones."

    2. But, they aren't Catholic! They have "no mission from the Church." You need to stay consistent here!

      Might I also remind you that the men who put us in the situation we are in now, the very periti of Vatican II, were educated men with degrees from "recognized ecclesiastical institutions." A degree is a guarantee of nothing.

      The university system of today is even more liberal than it was back then.

      I don't think some people have really thought this through.

    3. A bad formation is no guarantee of orthodoxy.

    4. Just the name of Fr. DePauw justifies the intellectual formation and good taste of yesteryear.

      As Bernie would say the system was rigged. Roncalli was elected so as to make Montini a Cardinal.

      Had most Catholics had a strong intellectual formation they may not have accepted the changes so easily.

    5. There were plenty of well-formed priests who knew what was happening was wrong, but they went along with it all despite their reservations. They thought it was merely a "phase" and things would soon return to normal. Many left this earth unhappy and embittered. In one case, a dying regular said he should have resisted, no matter the material consequences. He'd thought he could conduct a rear-guard action but realized the forces grew too powerful as time went on. He and his colleagues all over the world should have acted sooner to enlist lay resistance.

    6. Pius XII promoted Bp.Montini to Archbishop of Milan.
      Curiously,Bp.Ratti was Archbishop of Milan before being elected as Pius XI.
      Pius XII knew very well Montini was being promoted to an important post.

  8. I've heard stories of Sanborn making profits from his missions. They are money making schemes for him, not giving people the sacraments.

  9. Please tell me why these men have a sick obsession with cats? Sgg writes about it in almost every newsletter. It's quite disgusting to hear about a cat's disgusting eating habits of innocent bunnies and surely this is not what Catholic bishops of the past did?

    While Sanborn is too intelligent to write about his cat, it is well known his cat would rule the seminary and everyone had to bow down to his cat. It was allowed everywhere except the church itself.

    It's quite disturbing when you put this in prospective.

    1. Yes, it's positively nuts. Have you read this post from 2011:

      BTW: We seem to remember the cat's picture appearing in the pesthouse newsletter one time.

  10. I get scared of posting so sometimes don't read the comments after one I've put up.

    However! Here is a cat story that takes the cake - from one among the best posts at The Lay Pulpit -

    It is a heart rending story of a cat that simply Could Not leave its mistress. If someone has already introduced this "my bad."

    Please keep reading as this post contains two excellent sources for traditional audio. Thank you.

    FSSP: I have been catching up on some reading and yesterday found a post that really had me convinced, it's ok after all - and loving to show how gullible I can be, I will say that until I got to a particular section of the Catechism of the Council of Trent (see below for the best audio version that probably exists from the #1 best reader in my opinion of traditional material) meaning for about 10 hours I was ready to say, FSSP can after all remain an option even though I knew ordination is vitally important.

    So today my ear ran across tape 6, sides 1 and 2 on the sacraments. The COT's beginning discussion of them with its introduction to them - that's what this particular tape contains so a person could actually just go to the site below and pick out tape 6 under Council of Trent Catechism... and it couldn't be clearer to me once again: form DOES matter. See another example below.

    Before I forget I absolutely MUST congratulate Eric Hoyle for his loving and - what words could be used? - work on Confessional Jurisdiction. I recognize someone like him as kindred to me in the sense of never stopping until satisfied one has 'got at' the truth. I followed each and every twist and turn of his mind, it seemed, in CJ. Yay Eric! I have your address and plan to write.

    I'm not vouching for anything other than the audio at this site - if you check it out, scroll down in the audio section and you will find some very good things if you are looking for inspiration from old material.

    Look for Catechism of the Council of Trent, under the Biblical Catechism - which I just finished listening to before embarking on the COT.

    Also at this site in the Audio section is material from Dom Marmion. His work is HIGHLY recommended by me. The descriptions at this site are pretty accurate - I'd never heard of him, and now, he is ever more deeply appreciated.

    I'm the one who is moving, hopefully and prayerfully, out of Hawaii just for the Catholic Church. I recently met someone else, who upon receiving baptism and initiation into the Church realized soon that it is not the Catholic Church. Keep in mind this person wasn't even baptized to the extent that I was born into a protestant family partly descended from a Lutheran seminarian minister.

    I'm the one who did not have to be re-baptized since the NO accepted my Lutheran grandfather's baptism as valid, but who did come into the Church via the NO and realized it is not the Church.

    Both of us entered via the flagship Catholic Cathedral in the Islands - Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu. Very sad to see the high altar abandoned and the table set up in the center of the knave, pretty much. Sick. From what tree did I drop, understanding this so well?

    So... No FSSP for me anyway, but other options are to be found. The research is going to be delightful. I have only one more financial thing to take care of in my mind before launch.

    A cavernous source of audio is this site: on and on it goes -

