
Saturday, December 2, 2017


It is not obligatory for a generation to have great men. Ortega y Gasset

Picking up from where we left off last week...

Now that the sede politburo has bid До свидания! to its very own "Meester Beeg,"* the liver dumpling who labored unsuccessfully to pass as Grade-A foie gras, TradWorld will undergo a radical transformation.  In fact, the sea change has already begun. None of the "episcopal" proletarians scrambling for high-profile exposure can replace the "Lowly Worm" (formerly called Tradzilla) as commissar of the traddie Gulag. Therefore, no longer have we any reason to pretend Traddielandia is unified by a common set of principles dependent on a "clerical" chairman for interpretation.

It's time to accept the ascendancy of the tribalism that's been Sedelandia's true organizing principle from the very beginning.

Thoroughgoing destabilization has put an end to the grubby influences, the frayed allegiances, and the fragile myths surrounding "The Man of Tradistan." In the unfolding New TradWorld Order, no center still holds, not even a fictitious one: it collapsed on itself in 2009 when Big Don suicidally defended "One Hand" at the height of the $GG $chool $candal. It just took the 2017 intervention of Nature for traddies to see the gaping void. Hence forward, it's every sede cult for its own miserable self.

Case in point is the Swampland. Once the Boy "Bishop" accedes to his birthright in early 2018, B'ville will repudiate Dannie's ebbing SW Ohio sect. Painfully aware of the newly minted "bishop's" limitations as a brand, — grim portrait poses can't substitute for gravitas — Swampies'll go to ground, letting no one else in. CMRI will likewise cease its unsustainable overextension and contract in an attempt to preserve a dwindling funding base.

But the historical fact remains that whenever there's a social vacuum, something else must take its place.  The restless herds of refugees from Francis will be seeking shelter to practice the Catholic faith. However, there won't be one, single sede opinion leader to whom they'll stampede. People have grown too wise in the post-sede era, thanks to the Internet. Additionally, the only men around capable of inspired leadership don't want a job that demands they wear a mask of scornful arrogance.

Stepping in for the tired gang of discredited, cult-obsessed episcopi vagantes will be a different sort of traditional "bishop," one who acknowledges he's but a sacrament machine, one who refuses to promote the blasphemous falsehood that he belongs in any way to the hierarchy established by Christ. Almost all these men are former Novus Ordite presbyters who've returned to tradition. Armed with advanced degrees from recognized ecclesiastical institutions of higher learning and schooled in "the Roman System," they recoil at the impious folly of representing themselves as the Church in exile.

Since they have experienced first hand the filth of Modernist Rome, with its own toxic cult of celebrity, their selfless motivation lies in satisfying the laity's demand for life-giving sacraments.  By private conviction, they may be sedevacantists, but they have no interest in cramming a threadbare hypothesis, and a minority one at that, down the throats of their Catholic brethren. Divine faith is more important than some iffy conjecture. Furthermore, as former insiders, they're aware that sede cult leaders never posed a credible threat to the Vatican Establishment, which dismissed them as ineffectual crackpots who never belonged to "the System" in the first place.

For that reason, the new breed will never attempt to assert control over others. Instead they will act as conscientious middlemen for the faithful who want (1) the sacraments, not soul-killing polemics, and (2) sensible, well-vetted men of good will willing to confect those sacraments for the cure of souls. Under this new, decentralized paradigm, newcomers as well as long-time traditional Catholics who've lost confidence in the "bishop"-led "Church of Sedeology," will find a congenial—and peaceful—spiritual home. With no money-pit foreign "apostolates" to pay for, the revolutionary new arrangement will relieve the beleaguered pocketbooks of the faithful.

Say goodbye, then, to Sedelandia's big-frog-in-a-small-pond era. Say hello to a thousand puddles, each with its own tadpole. Conscientious laity, both those with and those without holy orders, will welcome a dawning age of decency, where traditional Catholics won't see a Big Bossman for many generations to come, not until the Restoration.

* Take, for instance, Comrade Dansky's barely disguised kiss off. The Wee One must be wallowing in the karma the rector generated with his November 2009 speculation about Dannie "as a greeter in Wal-Mart in order to support himself" (click here). From His Revengency's comment in the November 19, 2017, "Corner," it looks as though "One Hand" has written off the stricken Donster " he deals with a serious heart condition ... We offer our congratulations to Fr. Selway .... as [Big Don's] eventual successor." Hmmmmmm. "Serious" sounds permanent, doesn't it, and "eventual" doesn't sound too far off, does it?


  1. How's that going to work with sgg since from all appearances, it seems like selway doesn't get along with cekada?

    1. That's why we think that under the Boy Bishop, B'ville will split from $GG. It's not only that they hold Checkie in contempt, they're furious that Dannie brought them all the unwanted scrutiny. As soon as Jr. has his miter, there'll be a discernible movement away from $GG. It's an albatross around their necks anyway. We wouldn't be surprised to see something, some time, in writing to formalize the, er, "distancing." They don't need $GG's paltry collection for the "seminary" anyway. BTW, we don't see too much of a future for that dump either. The Kid's got better things to do at the "school" and "convent." Besides, the pampered priory princesses deserve more goodies than the plebeian "sems."

  2. You sure jump to conclusions, unless this hypothesis is better supported than you let on.

    I'm not so sure that this tadpole idea is an improvement anyway. Sooner or later folks will need sacraments only bishops can provide. If you are going to an independent chapel served by a priest "sacrament dispenser" he will have to affiliate with someone: CMRI or SSPV or the SGG/MHT...or a shadowy character like Bp. Petko.

    I suspect that most sede-minded folks will not comfortably accept as valid consecrations in or by the Novus Ordo rite.

    1. As we wrote, there are many men now with valid episcopal orders (from several different lineages, not just the Thuc line) who are ordaining "priests" and supplying necessary services. And these men continue to associate themselves with the "priests" they've ordained, although they make no pretense of being the hierarchy. You should note also that we said these are former N.O. presbyters who have found tradition. All the ones we know have been conditionally re-ordained as "priests" in the old rite and can trace their episcopal orders to multiple valid lines. (That's more than the cult masters can do.) In addition, they all embrace one form or another of sedevacantism personally. The only difference between these men, who have real academic credentials BTW and pastoral experience in "The System," and the sede cult "bishops" is that they don't lord it over the priests and laity with whom they work. When asked, they have the competence to provide sound counsel owing to their formal training. Furthermore, they're not the least bit interested in building mini fiefdoms for themselves. The Big Frog era is over.

    2. Well if the tadpoles stay in the shadows, afraid of the great big bass, then their validity means nothing.

      All you do is expect us to take your word for it. Back up you hypothesis with evidence: names, places, etc.

    3. The deafening silence...

  3. Yeah, yeah...I don't a believe a word of it, and you'll never know because you'll be dead (old age - you are already well and truly there).

    1. But we do know, because it's already begun.

    2. I am replying to The Reader, December 5, 2017 at 10:55 AM : I understand what you are saying and am so glad I am intelligent enough to process all I have learned over the last several years, as well as appreciate on many levels, this site...and the intelligence of various commenters here - and am young enough to move. I'm the protestant born granddaughter of the Lutheran minister/seminary professor person who was hanging around your site some time back - I've processed so much even since then.

      I'm grateful to The Readers - I'm one of the people who'll be joining the opened up fray and hopefully landing at one of these low-profile places with no drama but valid lineages and credibility.

      I hope I'm not misunderstood in any way - I'm just thankful and that's the only reason I'm writing. There's nothing in Hawaii - even Eastern Rite (not referring to orthodox of course).

  4. Why do you say "priest"?

    Regardless of your opinion regarding traditionalist "men in orders" being canonically laymen, they are still priests, not "priests". Perhaps vagantes, in your mind at least, but still very much priests.

    Would you say "confirmand" or "Holy Communion"?

    Do not adopt the same type of "superior" attitude as those whom you are against..

    1. We've explained our editorial position several times, but here it is again very briefly:

      These men received their orders outside the Roman Catholic Church, and hence cannot be considered Roman Catholic priests, even if their orders are valid. They bear no commission from the Church, are not clergy in the juridical sense of the word and thus do not enjoy the canonical rights of RC clergy. They are "priests" in the same civil sense that Anglicans are, hence the punctuation.

      Our attitude is not that of superiority but of fidelity to legal niceties. As for confirmand and Holy Communion, we would only set those terms within quotation marks if we were referring to people seeking the sacraments from "One-Hand Dan" and the men he's "ordained."

    2. Your attitude is basically that you don't like these guys and went desperately searching for a way to malign them while maintaining a smug sense of superiority regarding lawfulness. Never mind the fact Anglican "priests" are NOT valid and the home alone rationale is dubious at best.

    3. Not at all, we're pleased to inform you.

      There was no desperation: these gerbils malign themselves, and all decent human beings find them despicable, just as we do. And, as we've written over and over again, even if these men possess valid orders, they are not Roman Catholic priests. Hence, for all practical purposes, they're equivalent to "priests" whose orders are indubitably invalid.

    4. No, they are not. This claim of equivalency is absloutely absurd.

      You really need to take a step back and realize how deeply you undermine your own credibility with your insistent doubling down on the point.

      No Anglican "priest" can under any circumstance confect the blessed sacrament. He is really no different than a guy wearing a priest's costume. The validly ordained sede priests have orders. They can confect the sacrament, the essential duty of a priest, and using air quotes with them is simply gratuitous. They are priests. Perhaps irregular, perhaps schismatic, perhaps many other things, but still priests for ALL PRACTICAL PURPOSES.

    5. But they are not Roman Catholic priests: that's our point. Validity is not the issue.

    6. What then, are they?

      Orthodox "priests"? Atheist "priests"? Agnostic "priests"? No-religion "priests"?

      A man, who professes Roman Catholicism, and has been ordained as a priest. Yet, he is not a Roman Catholic priest? How does that logic work?

      Perhaps not Roman Catholic *CLERICS*, in your mind, but they ARE priests.

    7. If they have not been through "The System" and received orders illicitly, they're not Roman Catholic priests, no matter what they profess, because they have no commission from the Church. As we've said so often, these guys are laymen with orders, but possess no clerical rights. If their orders are doubtful, then they are just plain laymen.

    8. Some people commenting need to read Confessional Jurisdiction, linked on the right at the top of this site.

      Eric took all the paths my mind would have taken and intricately provided me satisfaction. Or rather deepened my understanding of epikeia's limits. I was formerly a TRR believer - True Restoration Radio, and its stable of associates.

    9. If these men are not Catholic priests, then you may not receive the Sacraments from them. You would be receiving the Sacraments from a non-Catholic minister, which is a schismatic act.

    10. Some of us agree with you here, but others of us don't. But then, we're all aliquid pravists, so we tolerate differences of opinion among ourselves.

  5. Have you folk here at Pristrina heard of the recent Papal Coronation of Pivarunas.A friend who ran in to several Mount St Mikes(Spokane,WA) people were told at the recent Fatima Conference,several women had visions during the bishops Mass of Saints Peter and Paul crowning Pivarunas as the Pope.One woman who must be a nutjob is called Myra.Have you heard anything.Ha,Ha,Ha.Must be back to the Schuckardt days.

    1. No, we haven't heard a thing. Tradistan is truly crazy!

    2. That would match the claim of "universal jurisdiction" supposedly possessed by Pivarunas according to one of their "seminary" "professors".

    3. Ah, yes, the missionary bishop with universal jurisdiction. We don't think even the SW Ohio/Swampland cultists would dare make that claim.

      Lunacy, all of it!

    4. The name "Myrna" has appeared before on various other sites: RogueBishop and Cathinfo, to name two. She is of the Mount St. Michael's group and VERY vocal!

  6. THE READER.Nothing would surprise us.Piv the Pope,just about fell of the chair with laughter.

    1. We're still laughing ourselves silly about Piv the Bishop. (Likewise re: Trazilla ("the Lowly Worm" now), "One-Hand," the Boy "Bishop"-Elect, & the Jellyfish.

  7. Nutjobs, both women and men can be found almost everywhere.
    Who care about silly women and their alleged visions?

  8. Could the woman's name be Myrna rather than Myra?

  9. I have been following your website the last few weeks.I live in Australia and attend the SSPX.Much good info about the sede world.Pivarunas the Pope,Nuts.

    Have you taken note that there is only one CMRI Mass location now here.Looking at the CMRI website,Melbourne,Brisbane,a location in NSW and even Perth have gone along with the Fiji Islands.Is Bishop Sanborn taking these over.Any info?

    Keep up the fine work.

    1. Indeed we have, and we think that Tradzilla at one time saw a chance to expand Down Under. However, his recently announced heart condition and the subsequent "consecration of Junior may curtail, or at least delay, any expansion. As the Donster leaves the scene, we can't see where the B'ville élite will want to support an extended outreach.

  10. Yes,it is Myrna.Believe she follows some nutcase in California who makes the claim to be a Catholic prophet.

    1. Is that Joseph Saraceno? He makes the claim to be a Catholic Prophet.A nut case

    2. Anon 7:43 PM

      Correct me if I'm wrong - I thought Myrna is a true believer in the "magisterium" of Pivarunas.

      If she is following a California nutcase, then the nutcase must have had the prior approval of Pivarunas, wouldn't you think so? And what would such action make of Pivarunas?

    3. I really don't think it's Saraceno. There's another one in central or northern California whose name I've forgotten. I think he's written a book.
      Myrna isn't too sharp (but she thinks she is) and means well but I didn't think she'd fall for this nonsense.

    4. Saraceno only predicts the exact time of the Second Coming. As far as I know that's all he's predicted so that's why I don't think she's into Saraceno. It must be that other one that I can't recall his name that some Trads are into & who lives in central or northern Cal.

  11. Reader/PL

    Did you know that bishop Terrence Fulham(Our Lady of Fatima,Spring Hill,FL)has died aged 50.Do you have any info or anyone else who said his Requiem Mass and did the burial?He posted some comments here on this website a few months ago.

    1. Yes, we were aware of his passing. here's all the info we have to date:

  12. I was shocked to see your mention of Bishop Terry’s death, but am grateful to know so I can pray for him.

    He sometimes honored me with his custom on eBay. We had some pleasant chats on the Latinity of the psalms as well as a discussion on the French translation of the breviary. A very learned man indeed. A special requiem aeternam for him.

    1. He was indeed a learned man, and one who knew the deep background on all Tradistani "bishops," especially the Jellyfish.

      We'll miss his frequent emails with their rich, juicy information.

  13. I remember him too, in reading the archives, and with a good feeling.
