
Saturday, June 25, 2016



A must-read, game-changing monograph by Eric Hoyle on confessional jurisdiction after Vatican II has just been published and is available here. His brilliant effort promises to turn Tradistan on its head. Without exaggeration, it will transform forever the spiritual lives of truth-loving, traditional Catholics. After studying it carefully, you'll want to (1) print out a copy of either the ACT OF PERFECT CONTRITION or Semple's HEAVEN OPEN TO SOULS and (2) then leave the rotten cult masters IMMEDIATELY. 

We'll discuss this dazzling monograph sometime in the future. Meanwhile, on to today's post...

I like convents, but I wish they would not admit anyone under the age of fifty. Napoleon

Pistrina is blessed with a very well informed readership, many of whom remember what authentic Catholicism was like in pre-conciliar days. On more than one occasion, they have observed the disparity between the sede cults' fictional, often cruel re-imagination of the Church and the actual beneficent practice of the past.

Relying on that abundant treasure of lived experience, this week we're publicizing a few reports about the Florida super-cult convent in Bonkersville. Pistrina will refrain from comment, other than expressing a brief impression at the end.

We ask you to read over the material and then tell us whether the behavior reported therein is characteristic of the ethos of a genuinely Catholic religious institute for women. If you are a former religious or have read extensively about pre-V2 religious life, feel free to give your two-cents' worth, either by e-mail or in the comments section.

We're looking forward to the discussion! We want to hear from others whether Catholic religious life in the old days was one of evangelical poverty and holy detachment or one of secular privilege and worldly attachment. In addition, we'd like to hear from you about the educational qualifications of teaching nuns from the past.

So, for your consideration, here are the facts — "just the facts, ma'am," as Sgt. Joe Friday used to implore back in the '50s. You be the judge about whether the swampland convent represents an authentic religious community for women as the real Catholic Church understood it before the crisis:

The mother of the head "nun" not only teaches at the school all day, she remains after school hours and shows up on Saturdays to do chores, clean, and run errands for the overworked "nuns."

Parents and cult members shower the spoiled "nuns" with gifts.

 There are unconfirmed reports that the "nuns" are registered at upscale stores for Christmas presents.

 The "nuns" are allowed frequent visits and yearly, week-long vacations at their families' homes. They spend at least one day per month at their parents'.  They are also permitted to go on family outings for shopping sprees and fine dining at elegant restaurants.

The Hernando County property website records that a Big 3 family with daughters in the convent has purchased property that backs right up to the site of the future new convent. On the other side of the convent, there are family-owned LLC sites.

Girls who leave the convent are often allowed to return, especially if a parent is disappointed at their having left.

 There is no indication that the "nuns" have completed college.

 Meals are cooked for the "nuns" at least twice daily during the work week while they're served brunch and dinner on Sundays. They have a cultivated preference for organic, high-dollar foodstuffs. On occasion, these foodie "nuns" request the laity to prepare extravagant meals. And while they don't cook for themselves, some of these godly gourmandes love to bake as a hobby, using only the most costly ingredients. According to one report, for Christmas they requested expensive chocolates and organic teas.

The children do all the cleaning and lawn mowing, and, according to several reports, the "nuns" used to leave their dirty dishes for the children to wash. At one time, students lost a half day of their education each week in order to clean and perform chores for these pampered "priory princesses," including detailing their automobiles.
. . . . . . . . . .

From all this, the Readers have to conclude that, exactly like the Novus Ordo, these so-called nuns appear to have rejected, in the words of the Encyclopedia of Catholicism, "a spirituality of separation from the world as a precondition of holiness" as they "have blurred the distinction between religious life and the laity..."

What say you?


  1. If I may be so bold to ask, just who is Eric Hoyle? He sounds like me.

    Is it possible to get a hard copy of what he has written? I am from the old school and find it very hard to comprehend fully lengthy treatises such as Mr. Hoyle's reading them on the internet.


    1. You should be able to print it out.

      We don't know the gentleman personally, but we stand in awe of his scholarship and intellect.

  2. My guess is that someone will come here to say the kids are privileged to do these chores for the nuns. Why wouldn't these parents pay for a mediocre education so that their kids can have this privilege of chores, parading around as the choir and servers, and be able to say their children are attending one of the best private schools. Is this not the same MO as Cincinnati?

    Was it not said in another comment from a different thread that these nuns forced a child to stand out in the hallway in boxers or that they slammed heads into walls? What kind of training do they receive? It sounds like little to none, if any of these accusations are true. How many kids are at this school? 30? And all related? Sounds like this place has major issues.

    1. We hear that the school is now populated only by Sanbornite cultists, the sane people having already left.

  3. I'm astounded! No, this doesn't sound ANYTHING like pre-Vat II nuns. I was in a cloistered monastery so I realize that active nuns could have had a few more freedoms, but NOTHING like these 'nuns'. These are absolutely NOT nuns, but pampered girls who for whatever reason prefer this existence rather than going out into the world to make their way. In a way I feel sorry for them, for who is going to care for them when this thing dries up, or their parents pass away as it surely must? Doesn't anyone see the seriousness of this situation?

    1. Probably the girls from the Big 3 families may have had some provision made for them in the parents' wills, but anybody else is at serious risk, as you observe. But even the Big 3 girls are in danger if the economy turns bad and their parents' enterprises collapse.

      We should feel sorry for the ones who entered this group under overwhelming pressure from their moms. They must be very unhappy with their state in life, no matter how privileged their existence. All that resentment has to find an outlet.

    2. Pull up the hernando county tax appraiser site. Public record states these families are buying land under their children's names. That takes care of their future, correct? Are all the nuns from wealthy families? Is this what the families are obliged to do? Buy real estate for their children who go into the convent?

      Does this happen with the seminary too? Do the seminarians family need to buy them real estate, and if so, are they allowed to keep it or does it turn into one of sanborn's dummy/unknown corporations?

      What job do these nuns have? Is teaching their only income? So, they have 5 nuns in Brooksville and 5 lay teachers in Brooksville. Do they pay the lay teachers? How much income is this school bringing in for them to be able to build a convent with the whole 9 yards? Is Arizona supplementing the convent construction?

    3. Resonse to The Reader June 25, 2016 at 9:07 PM – you write: “They must be very unhappy with their state in life, no matter how privileged their existence. All that resentment has to find an outlet.”
      I think you hit the nail on the head Reader, except the perks given to them are not necessarily privileges per se, merely bribery to keep them in line. I’ve no doubt the resentment of some of these young women is due to the fact they actually don’t have a “vocation” at all to this rendition of the religious life and are literal prisoners to this so-called convent. Some of them perhaps actually desire to marry and have families, but, they have no choice in the matter. I can’t possibly believe so many girls from the 3 main families, fellow students and probably life long friends at that, can all have genuine vocations to the celibate life. Their frustrations can turn into resentment and some sadistic behaviors, in this case, toward students. Hey, some of these women want to get married. Their keepers apparently feel that by indulging them in rich foods, frequent visits with their families (unheard of “back” in the day for the most part) family vacations, registries at upscale stores for Christmas gifts – what possibly could an old fashioned nun need from such stores? Dining, and at that in public, at elegant restaurants? (Oh I forgot, back in the day ALL nuns were forced to dine at elegant restaurants on a regular basis, sorry about questioning this practice – lol!) Food is being used to compensate for something else I won’t spell out for fear of offending certain inhibited people.
      These women have never stepped foot in a university, let alone community college, or even a tech school? Where did they go to novitiate? Have they ever even been inside a real convent? Who is teaching them their nunnly ways? Are they even allowed to drive?
      Let us all pray for these girls, as I’ve a feeling most of them have no choice in the matter of their vocation and know of no way out of it for fear of being excommunicated and all on their own. I’ve a feeling the mother of the head nun must be actively involved in the 24/7 operation of the local convent simply because the girls aren’t getting along with each other and rebel by not doing any real work themselves. As they age, pity the day when their biological clocks start to set off warning alarms.

    4. I am fairly confident that historically many religious (men and women) were from privliged and wealthy backgrounds (but didn't stand to inherit much, particularly where primogenitor prevailed), lived relatively better that common layfolk did, and many were undoubtedly corrupt (which explains all the reform efforts of various saintly sisters). While these "nuns" seem to fall far short of the self-depriving ultra-dedicated pious ideal of teaching nuns in the first half of the 20th century, it's important to not loose touch with the fact that it was probably a high-point for female religious life.

  4. To compare and contrast these women with a genuine nun that I knew when I was a boy is like apples and crabapples. This nun earned herself a Ph.D. in early childhood education in the 1940's from Catholic University of America. While serving as an assistant chancellor for one of the Ukranian eparchies here in the United States she went to law school at night so that she could assist her bishop and she paid for law school on her own !!!!!!!! when she was in her 50's. When I knew her as a child when she was in her 60's she was an elementary school principal who had to clean up messes left by the prior nun who was the principal before her.

    After she retired she delivered meals on wheels to elderly Ukranians until she was 85. When she was in a wheelchair for the last 3 years of her life she ran a prayerline for folks in need.

    This was a nun! I wish I knew Latin well enough to write "Behold a great bride of our Savior." You all get the point.

    1. Ecce sponsa Salvatoris nostri magna would be our rendering.

      Like you, we remember such great nuns. It sickens us that these spoiled, untrained, acquisitive "Brooksville Bachelorettes" lay claim to the same title.

  5. Isn't Eric Hoyle the ex-"monk" from the Dimond compound? The one who gave them like a million dollars then was entangled in the lawsuit against them?

    1. Who cares?

      Read the monograph. It's the content, not the biography, that matters. (And, BTW, unlike Dannie and Checkie, this gentleman knows Latin and has a command of theological diction.)

    2. Are you tacitly saying he is the same, or do you genuinely don't know?

    3. Anon, yes, that's the man who sued the Dimond Brothers.

    4. Once again we say, Who cares?

      Content is king, not personal history.

    5. Ha well, he seemed to be an unbalanced person, having given so much money to those hacks, and then being swayed by the even more looney ideas of Richard Ibranyi.

      I understand that only recently did the whole case end, and he lost.

      The Dimonds say that when he left the compound, he seemed possessed and was acting erratically. He even said drinking coffee was a sin because it had caffeine.

      Why are you such hypocrites? If it was something written by the cultmasters, you would reject it right away, but because it suits you, you play the "content" card, "who cares who wrote it".

      He had the same ideas the Dimonds have, that is, he violated every principle of theology and was a Feeneyite. When did he convert?

    6. We'll have to gainsay you about the charge of our hypocritical automatic objection to anything the cultmasters write. On November 13, 2011, we admiringly praised an article by Big Don that appeared in Sodalitium (click here, if you won't believe us).

      Perhaps others can enlighten you on the author's personal history. As for us, such information may be nice to know but it has nothing to do with weighing the arguments advanced, which we engage outside the sphere of biography. And on a purely personal note, we think biography just adds clutter to a debate about ideas.

    7. Dear Anon 3:16 AM,

      I don't object to your bringing up my personal history, but your way of bringing it up was in rather poor taste. You repeated some allegations that come from untrustworthy sources and, unless I miss my guess, are outside your personal knowledge.

      Let me set a few things straight. I was never a follower of Richard Ibranyi. One of his articles (1) convinced me that it was wrong to attend Mass at a church that adheres to the Vatican II religion, and (2) gave me strong reason to believe that the Dimonds' claims about the founding of “Most Holy Family Monastery” were false. I read many of his articles in 2008, but don't recall any loony ideas I picked up from them. It was not hard to recognize that Richard Ibranyi is not a trustworthy source on religious matters, to say the least.

      I “converted,” i.e. was set straight about the ordinary magisterium and baptism of desire and blood, roughly in spring 2009. My intention all along was to adhere to the Church's teaching; my mistake was in following what seemed like good arguments from people who had no business teaching the faith, instead of learning from trustworthy pre-Vatican II books. I had just been converted in 2004 from Protestantism, and in 2005 I was taken in by the Dimonds.

      The Dimonds' attacks on my personal character are not worth answering in detail, but their frenetic vehemence should be a clue that they are pretty far off the mark.

      If any internet commenters want to investigate my character and history, especially with regard to MHFM and the legal case, they are most welcome to do so. Of course that would be a waste of their time in the scheme of things, but that's their decision and I'll be happy to assist their investigation. It would be refreshing to see people find out the truth and publicize it, instead of doing little or no research and just passing along gossip and calumny.

      Any eager investigators? Here are some leads.

      (1) Frederick Dimond's deposition was marked confidential by the Dimonds. Ask them to allow the public release of the transcript. Ask what's in it that needs to be confidential. Frederick's middle name and birth date? Clear evidence of Frederick's mendacity? What could it be?

      ---continued in next comment---

    8. ---continued from previous comment---

      (2) The Dimonds still say that Joseph Natale, the founder of their monastery, became a Benedictine monk at St. Vincent Archabbey and founded MHFM as a Benedictine monastery with permission from the Archabbot at St. Vincent.

      The truth is that Joseph Natale was a lay brother candidate at St. Vincent Archabbey for a few weeks in 1960.  In 1963, he corresponded with then Archabbot Strittmatter about his desire to found a religious congregation for handicapped men.  It was only after Natale had started his community for handicapped men that he began to call it a Benedictine monastery.

      These points are proved by records from St. Vincent Archabbey and video of Joseph Natale.  Links:

      St. Vincent records
      (p. 3, lay-brother candidate Joe Natala, 5th from bottom; pp. 4-5, correspondence between Natale & Strittmatter)

      Natale video
      (2:15, “The main thought in the beginning actually was to establish a community for handicaps.”)

      The Dimonds told the big lie about Joseph Natale under oath:

      Dimond interrogatories
      (pp. 5-6, Interrogatory #4)

      (3) What do Canon Law and the Benedictine Constitutions say about handling the money of an entrant into a religious community? What procedure was followed by MHFM? Same for the religious vows. What causes make them invalid?

      That's enough for a start. Add a few interviews – be sure to include the lawyers in the legal case – and you're well on your way. If you can assemble the evidence, it won't be difficult to draw the right conclusions.

      Thanks to Pistrina for publicizing my study on jurisdiction, and to all who make the effort to read and consider it. I hope it may serve the cause of truth, all personalities aside. AMDG.

    9. A wonderful — and instructive — apologia, instructive in that Mr. Hoyle gives an object lesson in how to respond as a Catholic to personal attacks. Would that the trad clergy were so temperate in answering criticism.

      In future posts, Pistrina fully intends to promote further discussion on this topic of absolute importance to traditional Catholics, once the earnest have had a chance to digest Mr. Hoyle's monograph.

    10. I was the one who wrote the comments at 12:29, 1:06 and 3:16.

      Of course I can't know if all that the Dimonds said about Hoyle is true because I don't even live in the U.S.A., and I don't think it is because they are known bad willed people, but I thought there must be at least some truth in what they said, it can't all be 100% false. So it seemed to me Mr. Hoyle must be an unbalanced person like Ibranyi, so that's why I wanted to know if it was him.

      Either way, I sincerely apologize for what I wrote. It was uncharitable and bad. I should've asked in a good way, without directly attacking the person.

      It seems Mr. Hoyle has gone full circle and is now a good Catholic, so that's always good.

      I have no objection to the no jurisdiction position, but I confess I haven't really studied it that much either. It makes some sense that all that they're doing is illicit and shouldn't be done, but at the same time I wonder if the present situation demands that the sacraments be available for those who seek them.

      This is my gut feeling on the matter and like I said I haven't studied it. I may read the monograph. I already read some pages.

      I don't defend the cultmasters at all and I have no fear if what the monograph asserts is all true. As it is, I have no access to the Sacraments anyway, so I have nothing to lose.

    11. Thank you for the edifying apology. No harm done – if you hadn't brought it up, someone else would have. It's nice to put the matter to rest, or at least to get it out in the open. Putting it to rest is probably too much to hope for :)

  6. PL & Reader - your brusque answers to the question about Eric Hoyle is out of character & unnecessary. There's nothing wrong with being an ex-monk of the Dimond's 'monastery'. You make it sound like you do know but don't want to acknowledge the fact that someone even remotely connected to the Dimonds did a masterful job & is posted on your blog. The people who read this blog are smart enough to know that it's the content that's the important thing. You needn't be touchy about someone that was once connected to the Dimonds being quoted here. He's an ex-monk - remember? He did a masterful job & I see nothing wrong with mentioning his background. It's no big deal but is interesting to know who he is. Just sayin'

    1. We agree with you and hope we didn't give the wrong impression in our three comments above (8:58 PM, 12:48 AM, 1:53 AM).

      We don't care in the least who he is/was and we hope we made it clear that he did a masterful job. We are truly in awe of his work.

      As for his background, we're not "touchy" at all. Any past or current association makes no difference to us: he could have been a Persian Fire-eater for all that matters, and we still would have praised and linked his work.

      By asking Who cares? we intended to communicate our position that biography and personal history are utterly irrelevant when assessing a work of exposition. Intelligent people prescind from all such accidentals and evaluate only arguments, sources used, and expressive skill. In our view, biographical information may be useful solely to explain the motive for writing (which again for us is usually of no concern).

      Perhaps you may have dramatically read our colloquial "Who cares?" as a petulant cry of objection to the subject of affiliation, which, we'll grant, that question sometimes can be in conversational mode. We can see how someone could have gotten that impression, but let us assure you and others it wasn't our intention. For us it was more like "So what?" Perhaps we should have considered the possibility of being misunderstood and written instead:

      Questions about an expository author's personal history and organizational affiliation are of no import when evaluating the intellectual worth/utility of his effort.

      Next time when we use a colloquial phrase, we'll try to be aware that it several interpretations could obtain depending on spoken inflection and opt for a more formal expression. To be honest, when we wrote the phrase, we just didn't consider that it could be read as indicating over-sensitivity.

      Well, lesson learned! Thanks.

    2. Hey, Reader & PL

      When I first read your "who cares?", my reaction was: neither do I.

      For me, I don't think it indicates over-sensitivity or a refusal to acknowledge that you know the identity of the writer Eric Hoyle.

      I am not one of the Anons writing above who objected to your colloquial phrase of "who cares?".

      The objecting Anons CHOSE to read it as indicating bad will on the part of Reader/PL. Why? Perhaps it suits their agenda, whatever that may be. It may be so, it may not be so. Who knows?

      So far, the objecting Anons have not commented on the contents of Eric Hoyle's writing. Is the writing comprehensive in coverage? Does it make sense? Is it sufficiently detailed, is there a logical structure and development of arguments? Is it backed up by citations, references? Is anything critical left out? These are all relevant questions an HONEST reader (or objector) could raise. But instead of relevant questions or points, we see an obsession with the personality of Eric Hoyle. When told that this is irrelevant, these hypocrites falsely accuse Reader/PL of (guess what) hypocrisy! One wonders if such behavior and tactics were learned from the cult masters. One thing for sure, if the expositions, disclosures and discussions on this blog could be derailed by such distractions (on personalities or whatever else) then this would benefit the cult masters. Suspicious, isn't it?

    3. Yes, it is. Very suspicious.

      The work must be judged on its own using the criteria you have so insightfully outlined. The author's identity and personal history are irrelevant here.

      It could be that some sedes have read the monograph and are scared stiff of its implications. If they object, then let them subject the text to withering, intellectual scrutiny and then let the Republic of the Intelligent decide who may be right and who may be wrong. (They may fear to do so inasmuch as they have no comparably educated apologist in their ranks to take the author on.)

      If we're not mistaken, the learned Mr. Hoyle appears to invite comment, both favorable and adverse. In our estimation, he's searching for the truth during this crisis and therefore has made his splendid effort available to everyone for input. That's a truly Catholic posture and may explain Tradistan's instinctive retreat to its default position of ad-hominem argumentation.

    4. Anon June 26, 2:14pm - I'm Anon 3:39Pm who took Pl & Reader to task & if you were referring to me, I assure you I have no 'agenda'. I'm a simple truth-seeker & just want the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the whole truth. I'm glad that Reader set the record straight.

    5. I read Hoyle's work. So you guys are now (a) members of the Modernist-Bergoglio church or (b) Home-aloners like Hoyle. Those are the logical implications if you buy into it! If you don't buy into it, why is it a "game changer?"

      Sedes don't have intellectual fire power? I can think of three:
      Steven Speray ("Catholicism in a Nutshell")
      Mario Derksen ("Novus Ordo Watch")
      The unknown lawyer who runs the blog "Introibo ad Altare Dei"

      All three highly intelligent and well-educated people who are sedevacantists.

    6. It's a game changer because it can end the cults' mythical claims. BTW, we see more options than you have listed, especially when you take into account the power of the act of perfect contrition. But this isn't the place to raise that topic.

      Although we were thinking primarily of the "clergy" when we spoke of the s' intellectual inferiority, we don't think the 3 notable individuals you mentioned have Latin in their arsenal, at least to the extent that the learned Mr. Hoyle does.

    7. John Lane and John Daly should be mentioned. Both are very intelligent and I think Daly has done substantial reading in Latin theological works. Not sure about John Lane's knowledge of Latin one way or the other.

    8. Let's not forget Fr. William Jenkins, SSPV. Super-smart and understands Latin very well.

    9. Indeed, Lane and Daly are stars.

  7. I've heard the same stories about the nuns there. I've heard spoiled, bad tempered, and not leading a life of poverty. I also heard they were a sad excuse for teachers, which may be why they need 5 other lay people teaching a measly 30 students. To top it off, to ask for others to cook all your meals after having them teach your classes too? Then to have the students clean and wash their cars?

    What kind of order is this? I hope these rumors aren't true, or maybe we should call it the order of spoiled sisters.

    1. Or, perhaps more appropriately, the "Brooksville Bachelorettes."

      We're afraid these stories are true. There's so much direct testimony.

    2. You could start a renaming poll: pampered princesses would be my vote.

      It definitely doesn't sound like they are Brides of Christ, like they should be. Who is in charge of a convent that would allow this? Sanborn? What are their vows? I will live a life of luxury, have servants, and abuse my power as a teacher of children and servant of Christ. Shame on them! And shame on their superior for allowing this to happen!

    3. These "superiors" (LOL) demand the same pampering for themselves.

  8. WOW! This sounds like a good job for any LAZY LOAFER to get your three squares a day.

    Oh Well! To those who want to continue to support the Beast, have fun. I for one will not give another dime to any traddie cult who eats better than I do.

    1. Every traditional Catholic needs to adopt that motto! Then the Beast would starve.

    2. Anon 8:121pm - People in prison get 3 squares/day too. I feel sorry for them. First, they're coerced when young to join the 'convent', then they're bribed with sensual delights (the best food, vacations home, & shopping trips)to stay there. They're not so much lazy loafers as they are privileged prisoners. Sad.
      I'm thinking that if they're in their 20's, then their parents must be 40 somethings which means that the parents are too young to have known what the real church looked like. They have some skewed concept of it. Also, they see the world is in shambles & getting worse so they want to protect their offspring (as all good parents do) & so have built a bubble for all of them to live happily ever after. This of course is contrary to what Christ wants as He told us we are to be in the world but not of the world. Else how is our faith to be tested & tried? And how is the world going to see our light?

    3. For the "name the order" contest, how about "Little Sisters of the Rich"?!

    4. Anon 6/26 10:22 PM probably has the best analysis of the poor things' plight: They've built a bubble and called it Catholicism.

    5. Whether coerced or not, the behavior isn't acceptable. If coercion is the case, these parents will have God to answer to about their actions. So will whoever is in charge of that convent.

      Children raised in the faith, just by reading their catechism and stories of saints, know this isn't proper behavior of even queens, let alone a nun. They should have put a stop to their mothers' meddling ways and not encouraged such constant contact. The superior should have stepped in and stopped this behavior from all involved. In no way does constant contact with family allow for cohesion with the community or a break away from childhood. This is wrong on all accounts.

      As far as the nuns' behavior in past posts to children, it is absolutely sickening. These nuns should be disciplined for their cruel actions and no longer be allowed to teach or be around children until proper instruction can be followed and they repent for how they have treated any children. It makes me wonder what, if any, instruction is given on how to deal with discipline, instruction of children, or classroom management. If they have been given proper instruction, these schools wouldn't be seeing the problems they currently seem to be having.

      A traditional catholic school can thrive, not have declining enrollment of that you see at sgg or MHT. There is obviously something wrong with the management of these two schools if the only ones who will stay are the families who run the school. That does not imply there is something wrong with the families who choose to walk away; it is more of an implication of something not Catholic going on in each of these schools.

      My curiosity is peaked on if the schools can't keep enrollment steady, how are both these parishes doing on attendance in the actual parish? An exclusive community run by one or two families in cincinnati and run by 3 families in florida, is not what was intended for the true Catholic Church. These places need to wake up and realize that they have stepped over the line.

    6. Well said. This is imitation Catholicism at its worst -- worst because there is money to sustain this abomination.

    7. Anon June 27,2016, 1:16am - since your curiosity has been piqued, allow me to ask you to look at this from a different angle.
      Most readers here grew up knowing what the real church was like - the priests, nuns, customs, rituals & even how the churches & convents were governed & run. The parents of these poor victims in the cult were too young to have experienced the real Catholic culture. So put yourself in their shoes & try to see the world through their eyes & not judge them based on what you know. I don't believe that they are evil as much as terribly misguided. The parents are doing what they think is best given the utter chaos & breakdown of society in general & the uncatholic, heretical & crazy pronouncements from on high - the pope himself. They can't wake up on their own - this is all they know. That's why this blog is so important. Somehow the truth has to hit them in the face, and how do you reach them in their bubble?

    8. If these women were married, would their mothers be at their house for over 8 plus hours a day and part of the weekend? No, the husband would step in and say, "This is a bit much. Husbands and wives are to leave their families when they take vows."

      So, how is the superior in charge of this convent not stepping in and telling them to back off and not hinder their vows? It doesn't take someone older to see that this is wrong.

      Sanborn, who claims to know how it was pre-vatican 2 and has sermons of his parish needing to live by pre-vatican 2 standards, knows this as well. He shouldn't be contributing or condoning this behavior of the nuns or their parents.

    9. I don't know Sanborn but I'm wondering if it's a power trip. He's got himself his own little kingdom. People are doing his bidding without questioning. He must not know pre-Vat 2 standards but claims he does & these sheep just follow along. What does the Bible say? - Thus have my people gone into bondage, because they have not knowledge.

    10. We think Tradzilla is making it all up as he goes along.

  9. PL

    In the "bishops" corner of the sunday SGG bulletin,Dolan makes the comment that this new year at MHTS it will be a full house.Do you know how many will be there?From reports this is untrue as many leave.

    Who are these benedictine nuns at SGG?Who is their superior and where did they make their vows?

    1. Not including the poor soul they'll ordain on Wednesday, there are 4 left. We think about 4 more will join them in September, a couple coming from the B'ville cult. We doubt it will be a true full house since we've heard they've got room for 15. But you must remember that Big Don once said he doesn't even count enrollment until much later — December, if we recall rightly — because of the high early drop out rate. Of course, the cult families will make sure their boys don't leave. It looks as though this year they're trying to stem the losses by sending Scut the Prefect to France to make sure the two "seminarians" there return to the pesthouse. It's been reported that those who go home during the summer break often don't return to all the craziness.

      These so-called nuns relocated from Indiana, we're told. From appearances, they seem to be at an arm's length from Dannie, who uses them for window dressing to show Big Don that he's got "sisters" too. Note, however, that he had to import the Brooksville Bachelorettes to oversee the annual $GG girls' camp. The $GG "nuns" seem to govern themselves, which is a good thing. If Dannie and Checkie get involved, they'll drive them off just as they did with those other "religious" they used to have slaving for them.

    2. Oh, I'm sure the Brooksville Bachelorettes were there on a fundraising scheme for their new convent. If they pretend to be all nicey, nicey to the kids, the parents might actually give the convent a donation. It is almost like a publicity tour for their future convent.

    3. These people have no financial sense:

      a. You have Cekada flying down to Florida every month to teach a few classes, which they could easily do through Skype.

      b. You have Brooksville flying nuns up from Florida, when they could easily use the nuns they have on their property at SGG.

      c. Both cekada and sanborn had perfectly adequate buildings, but they wanted more. They hire the same incompetent contractor, mess up construction, and are now constantly trying to fix their mistakes.

      d. Who pays for all this? The parishioners do.

  10. Does Sanborn tell his followers that it's a mortal sin to read Pistrina? Or is he hoping that if he ignores or never mentions it no one will be the wiser? How could someone get it into the hands of the 'nuns'? Only the truth will set these people free. How to get inside the bubble?

    1. That's a tough nut to crack. The Big 3 mamas are mean and ever watchful. They really pressure the girls to stay. And when the little things get enough courage to leave, the moms "nun-shame" them into returning. Apparently "Lady Macbeth," as one of the "nun" bosses is called, makes sure everyone stays in line, specially the Kid.

      When they build the new convent with all its luxurious appointments it will be harder to pry the "priory princesses" away. It'll be like a wealthy sorority house where champagne wishes and caviar dreams come true. And who would want to trade all that sybaritic excess for a life of housework and childcare? Perks and luxuries are great aids to sublimation.

  11. Rich Clares?
    Sisters of Perpetual Self-Indulgence?

  12. Sure, but I just thought of an even better one.
    Girls Of The Ultra Worldwide Apostolate of Sanborn & Co. It could be shortened to GOTUWAS & Co. or simply GOT U -GOTU

    1. Bravo or Brava, depending.

      Could that also be read as Got-chew (= Got you!)?

      That would send a shiver up all those miscreant little spines waiting for a head slamming.

  13. Yes, that's how it's pronounced & that's what it means. This title not only exemplifies the girls but the founder as well. In other words- you've got 'em all in one title!

  14. Who do these Lady MacBeths think will care for them when they're old, and their husbands are gone, if they force their daughters into a convent??

    1. They better pray the old man has a hefty life insurance policy. But it's possible they've got offspring to spare. You, know, the ones who refused to become a little Sister of Perpetual Self-Indulgence. When ma comes under those chicks' control, they'll be some heavy pay-back, that's for sure.

    2. They enter as"
      Novices of Nonsense and become Sisters in Perpetual Need.

    3. Very good, and very unfortunately, all too true: Sisters in perpetual need of luxuries to make them stay put.

  15. AnonymousJune 27, 2016 at 3:01 AM
    ..."Who are these benedictine nuns at SGG?Who is their superior and where did they make their vows?"

    That will be another 64 Million Dollar Question that will never get answered.

    Whenever a new breed of nun appears in SGG. such as the run away Singing Nun known as Sr. Nicki, BEWARE. She at first sight looked like some kind of a Dominican. Later I learned that she was garbed in Bishop Dolan's old white hand me down cleric frocks, and was paraded as a Genuine NUN for the longest time.

    I asked Bishop Dolan what order did she belong to? That question fell upon deaf ears. That's when I realized it was the ORDER OF MAKE BELIEVE in the Land of the Fairy Tale.

    Then, one day she too had enough, and decided to take flight, and was forever thereafter known as the FLYING NUN.

    1. Did she get expelled from CMRI?Do you know the reason?

    2. Hasn't Dolan have a couple nuns come and go? People warn him about the "nuns", but of course, he knows best and ends up getting left, creating a scandal, etc.?

      I thought Sanborn promised him nuns anyway? It was rumored that after the numbers would increase, Sanborn would send them so many nuns. Maybe Sanborn backed out of the deal? Or maybe the families put their foot down and didn't want their daughters going into the Sgg scandal?

      Anyone from sgg to confirm this?

  16. Are you joking?! If you're not, then this saga gets crazier by the minute. If this is a true story, when did it take place? How long was she there? You mean she fit into his clothes? And nobody noticed that it was a priest's outfit? Her name was Sr. Nicki??!! Why was she known as the Singing Nun?
    PL, do you know about this?

    1. Yes, we do know about her. She had a beautiful singing voice and was often a soloist in the choir. It was around the mid '90s that she "took the habit" (LOL). She didn't last too long, just long enough for her son to sell the cult his old car. Like the other "nuns" at $GG, she just couldn't stomach all the crazy disorder and left: it's organizational chaos down there and everybody's the cult masters' slave.

    2. Well, one more nail in the coffin to prove that these priests don't know all they say they know about pre-Vat II church. I'm not a theologian, but I understood that there was to be no soloist since the attention would be placed on the person. In other words it's not supposed to be man-centered in any way. Also Nicki must have been a nickname, right? And she had a son??

    3. Dannie loves theater. Yes, there was an adult son.

  17. I've heard these "nuns" are not only pampered, but they are extremely cruel. The discipline that they've been rumored to use is not preventative or even used to change behavior; it is cruel, sadistic, and mainly focuses on humiliation and physical punishment. Someone really needs to investigate these people. No wonder why the only people allowed in this school are relations. There is obviously a cover-up going on with this place.

    1. We've heard the same reports. We don't know what FL law says. Maybe child protective services can't investigate the place without a formal complaint from a victim or the parents. From the information we now have, only inveterate cultists send their kids to that awful place, so there's little chance of any reporting. Besides, based on the stories we've heard, the whole cult compound should be re-named Spanksville. Obviously there's a lot of rage in the swamp.

  18. Can someone confirm if the Brooksville sisters were in Cincinnati to fundraise for their new sorority house?

    1. In Sunday's "Bishop(?) Corner," Dannie wrote the following:

      "Last week, too, saw our Girls’ Camp. With the Sisters from Florida and campers from Canada, we spanned the breadth of north to south for this admirable apostolate."

      That a would seem to confirm from the horse's mouth the presence of the pampered "priory princesses" at decaying $GG. We wonder how much the little Sisters of Perpetual Self-Indulgence collected for their brief jaunt to West Chester. And then when you consider the travel expenses, the Gerties must have dropped a bundle on the Brooksville Bachelorettes. Did Whole Foods do the catering? They certainly wouldn't eat the normal Gertie starch-and-grease fare.

      That's going to be some sorority house, especially if they can get hold of the assets of Our Lady of the Sun in AZ.

      On a more somber note, we certainly hope that head-slamming wasn't one of the sporting activities at the camp.

    2. “Sister Nicki” was actually called “Sister Mary Magdalene.” “Nicki” was her name from before she became a nun (probably a nickname for “Nicole”). She had been married (and widowed) before that. She was Dannie’s sacristan (as well as a singer in the choir). I believe she was the choir DIRECTOR too – at least for a while. As a sacristan, Dannie worked her to the nubs; and he, Tony, and Lotarski used to “pick on her” and criticize her quite often (even though she did an exemplary job as sacristan).

      She worked long hours at her sacristan job, often staying there past midnight. During Lent – and especially Holy Week – she worked like a dog to try to pleas Dannie; but Dannie always found an excuse to criticize her (and to say that she “wasn’t ready for her final vows”). She never did get her “final vows.” Eventually, after taking his abuse for so long, she finally quit (and went back to civilian life). Another sacristan, a lay woman, also quit (in protest) over Dannie’s treatment of the nun.

      There was also another nun there (named Sr. Scholastica). She eventually suffered a nervous breakdown, and she quit too. (She also left the religious life.) We’re not sure where she and Nicki are right now – but they’re no longer affiliated with the cult center.

      While she was at SGG, Sr. Mary Magdalene had to provide her own car; and she and the other nun were housed in an old, 1920’s vintage house with antiquated kitchen and bath facilities. Eventually, one of the parishioners rebuilt an old bathroom for her (with no financial help from Dannie, by the way). She paid for some, while the parishioner actually paid for the bulk of it (in addition to donating his time). Needless to say, the materials were pretty much “bargain basement.” (Dannie’s bathroom, in contrast, was outfitted in ROMAN MARBLE; and everything about it was “first-class.”)

    3. QUESTION: was Dannie trying to wreck Sr Mary's vocation with malice aforethought?

      Or is Dannie merely a lousy boss?

  19. I seem to remember a story about sacristans that was posted here quite awhile ago that sounds like this story. Are these the same ones? I think that now Dannie has no set sacristan & so has begged for someone to come forth & help, right?
    Getting back to the soloist - I was taught that only protestant churches had soloists. A singer may have had a small response but never could be the key part.

    1. You know that in Tradistan there are always exceptions when the "clergy" like something.

  20. Is it just me, or does trouble follow these men wherever they go? Especially with pretend nuns?

    1. Nope. It's not you. These guys breed trouble everywhere they go.

      Mark our words, there'll be trouble with the pretend "Benedictines" too, unless the head pretender knows how to keep Wee Dan in his place.

      She might just understand they're the widow-dressing the $GG desperately needs at this moment so she won't let the scum clergy come sniffing around looking for women to push around. Hats off to them for not cooking those five loungers' meals. We'll bet Tradzilla makes fun of the Wee One for not getting these babes to do his bidding.

  21. Where do these nuns and priests get the notion that they are royalty and deserve to be treated as such?

    Not so much the priests, although they should be an example and not the spend-thrift they are, but the nuns who take a vow of poverty should be disgusted by the life they lead. Do they not have someone, other than their mothers, supervising them?

    I still hold the priests responsible for their elaborate spending, elegant restaurants, lack of common sense or consideration in spending the parishioners money or generosity, etc. Yet, they definitely did not take a vow of poverty like the privileged princesses.

    I'm also curious how these priests and nuns can get away with being so cruel to students and people still give them money? Yes, I realize it is only their cultist elite families giving them money, but it is like these people are brainwashed.

    1. They may not know the difference, coming as they do from Spanksville, where locked garages and wailing are the norm.

      We used to think the laity were brainwashed, but lately we've concluded that they're the ones in charge down in the swamp. The clergy do what they're ordered.

      These wannabe sorority girls from the local chapter of I ATE A MEGA MEAL are far from being ashamed. They probably think they're suffering and sacrificing.

  22. You can tell a great deal by the way the clergy and church members treat others. When discussing MHT or sgg, I have heard the words exclusive, cold, uncharitable, extreme, cult, and snobbish come up repeatedly. People have explained the clergy, the parishioners, and the churches themselves in this way. I will admit, I have not heard the same of their satellite churches. It is only the main two.

    When the main words described of the church and the parishioners are words such as the above, how can anyone ever consider these places to be true Catholic Churches? Is it the influence of those in charge? Or the influence of those attending?

    It seems to be getting worse, not getting better. So, I don't want to hear the cult followers explaining this as the clergy is improving the situation. People no longer seem afraid of the clergy and are speaking out about the problems associated with these places. You would think they would do something to improve the situation instead of perpetuating more problems.

    1. At these cult headquarters, there is an unholy symbiosis going on where the "clergy" feed off the laity, and the laity in turn shape the "clergy," especially in the fetid swampland.

      To keep their position (i.e., keep the financial support), the "clergy" tell the people how special they are as sedes and at the same time make them mortally fearful of leaving for another chapel. For their part, the fatuous laity, mostly made up of the offscourings of traditional Catholicism, enjoy this false sense of exclusivity and thereby demand more of such feedback from the "clergy."

      This vicious circle then leads to a dread of any information that might challenge the status quo. (That's why they keep paying in spite of all the facts that this and other websites provide about these scumbag "priests" and "bishops.") The result is the virulent uncharity and hostility to newcomers so characteristic of the cult motherships.

      You're right that people are no longer intimidated by the "clergy." The cults indeed are witnessing the collapse of their center. That's the reason we believe the depraved laypeople in the cults are "cocooning," i.e., turning inward and forming impenetrable enclaves of hardcore cultlings who will prevent outsiders from entering.

      We predict that as soon as the Kid gets his birthright miter, the B'ville cult will curl up like an armadillo. Junior is one of them, not an interloper like Big Don; he knows his limits and has no grand dreams of empire. He'll be content with the few families that comprise the cult and that supply more spoiled Brooksville Bacherlorettes. As for future levites, the families are now starting in earnest to provide them. Thus, the swampland cult is completely self-sufficient.

      $GG is not so fortunate, so it will continue to unravel. When Wee Dan heads off to his retirement bungalow, the place will collapse.

    2. Hey, Reader

      SGG may collapse even before Dannie retires. What if Checkie deteriorates into a condition similar to that of Terri Schiavo? You think Dannie can run the ship with his crew of fools, and not be under tremendous strain?

    3. No, he can't. He was just barely getting by with that blunderer Checkie, but with only those other three zeroes, Dannie's gonna pop his top. Even now, you can bet, Phony Tony's not doing too much work. He's kicking' back and chillin' out as he milks his ailment to the max to keep the free food coming in. They've probably passed off some of his work to Gerties, but the folks won't want to do it forever.

      If we had to guess, we'd say some of the smarter Gerties see the end in sight. The place is falling apart (like the swampland), and they know the clownish "young fathers" couldn't run a neighborhood lemonade stand. The people have already started to distance themselves with low Sunday Mass attendance and anemic donations.

    4. Reader:

      It's possible that more and more Gerties are reading this blog and paying attention, and starting to put two and two together ... and taking action (e.g. quietly rebelling in myriad, small ways).

      If you don't have solid info on this at the moment, what does your gut say?

    5. More than our gut agrees with your assessment. We've got confirmation, which you'll understand we cannot disclose. (The cultmasters are a vengeful bunch, and these people are ready to show their hand in public yet.)

      Many Gerties are hanging on because they want to leave on their own terms and not be kicked out. Some are waiting for Dannie and Checkie to retire. These fifth columnists assist at Mass, sure, but they are alienated from the cultmasters. They know how bad the situation is, and their withdrawal of both moral and financial support will prove fatal to $GG. IT's important to realize that attendance is by no means an indication of satisfaction with the cult.

  23. "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree"

    If the founders of the organization are motivated by GREED, then one can only expect Greed to motive their participants.


  24. The world seems to believe in the theory, "What goes around, comes around". We Catholic believe, "Do unto others as you would have do unto you".

    Either way, if Terry Schiavo was not even given water, and this was condoned by Fr. Cekada, then he should not expect any better for himself.
    However, you can bank on the fact that he will be crying for every known treatment for his life, and every pain killer known to man.

    1. Hi, Shadow

      Let the world believe what it will; we Catholics believe that the judgement of God is secret and terrible.

      If Checkie still retains an ounce of faith ... then mundane matters (physical pain, treatments, pain killers) pale into insignificance when he is alone with his conscience, staring at the impending judgement.

  25. AnonymousJune 29, 2016 at 2:09 PM

    QUESTION: was Dannie trying to wreck Sr Mary's vocation with malice aforethought?

    Or is Dannie merely a lousy boss?

    Sr. M M was neither NUN or Employee, that was her BIG MISTAKE.
    As a 24/7 employee she would have been entitled to full benefits plus overtime, of which Dannie would never pay. His motto is: "Use and abuse, especially women"!
    The only Employee who gets all the fringe benefits "PLUS" is Mark Lotarski.

    As far as destroying a vocation goes. You cannot destroy what never existed. Sr. M M was not in any religious order or under any vows. If she were, she would have been provided for by SGG, and company, like Sanborn provides for HIS LOVELY LADIES LACED IN LUXURY.

    Truly this woman was exploited. Had she been an Employee, and paid a just hourly wage, it would have bankrupt SGG with all the work she did.

    Thank God, she came to her senses and left the
    Pit of Perversion, she probably saved her soul, and her back.

    1. Correct on all counts, except, perhaps, one: We don't think Big Don provides for his bountiful bevy of Brooksville Bachelorettes -- THEIR PARENTS DO.

    2. 'tis true that Sr. MM was exploited and worked to the bone. But why was this so?

      Was Dannie deliberately ill-treating her just because he didn't like her? Or was it because she did (or said) something that riled Dannie?

    3. I don't know the situation, but I'm guessing that he exploited & overworked her JUST BECAUSE HE COULD - & because she was just a woman.

  26. AnonymousJune 30, 2016 at 4:25 AM

    ..."Was Dannie deliberately ill-treating her just because he didn't like her? Or was it because she did (or said) something that riled Dannie?"

    Who knows what Bee got into his Miter?

    All I know is the abuse she sustained all those years will make her a candidate for Sainthood long before the Misfitted Mitered Mite can hope for.

    1. She was there for years?! How long did she endure?

  27. What's the source that Cekada has cancer?

    1. Dannie Dolan announced it some weeks back and keeps everybody updated each week in his bulletin and "Bishop's (?) Corner." Big Don also announced it in his May pesthouse newsletter.

  28. AnonymousJune 30, 2016 at 7:08 AM

    She was there for years?! How long did she endure?

    I am not sure of the exact amount of time she was there, but I would guess it was from about mid 90's to 2006.

    Any amount of time was too long for anybody to endure all the work load they piled on her shoulders. I am sure she released a lot of souls from Purgatory. More so then they ever did!

  29. Eric HoyleJune 26, 2016 at 3:55 PM

    ..."my mistake was in following what seemed like good arguments from people who had no business teaching the faith, instead of learning from trustworthy pre-Vatican II books. I had just been converted in 2004 from Protestantism, and in 2005 I was taken in by the Dimonds..."

    My heart felt sorrow for your costly mistake sir, as I too was a victim of their Rattling Tales, and Forked Tongues.

    They spell their name wrong, it should be DIAMOND Back Rattling Brothers. I personally think they belong to the Brotherhood of Satan with all the lies they spew forth from their venomous vile mouths.

    What Brotherhood do they belong to outside of the Biological Brotherhood of: Show Me The Big Bucks?

    You at least have an excuse. I was no convert, just ignorant and innocent. Both of us perfect prey for the vipers.

    Thank God for someone that viewed one of the many tapes I bought from the Biological Bamboozlers, and immediately called Bad Boy Michael himself, and challenged him into
    a theological debate of which he was left slithering for words.

    Michael the alleged expert in Latin was also put into his place when my friend corrected his total lack of knowledge in the pronunciation of the Latin let alone its interpretation. The beauty came into motion when Bad Boy Michael asked for my friends credentials. That is when my friend silenced the hiss from the asp when my friend alone continued the Theological debate on the Council of Trent in LATIN.

    The last words I heard from my friend was the accusation he levied against both Dimond Brothers as anti-Catholic Charlatans.

    "A half a truth is as good as a whole lie."

    So therefore they are total LIARS, like the Father of Lies himself.

    Talk about STARVING A BEAST!

    1. Hey, Anon

      Did your friend (the theological/latin expert) tape record the telephone debate with M. Dimond? That would be priceless. Giving Dimond a taste of his own medicine; you know that the Dimonds like to record their phone debates.

  30. Moore SlayerJune 30, 2016 at 6:13 AM

    "What's the source that Cekada has cancer?"

    I believe it comes from his Partner In Crime in the bulletin which he entitles the Bishops Corner. If I am not mistaken you can look it up on their Web site SGG.ORG and read it for yourself. If not, I am sure the staff at P.L. would be more than happy to accommodate you with the information. They Aim To Please With Facts!

    1. The first announcement we noticed was on Penetecost Sunday. The Wee One wrote in his "Corner":

      Fr. Cekada is currently engaged in a series of medical tests and consultations. He has been diagnosed with a very rare form of bladder cancer. Click here.

      In his May pesthouse newsletter, Tradzilla confirmed it on p.3:

      Our professor of Canon Law and Sacred Liturgy, Father Cekada, has been coming every month faith- fully to the seminary for over twenty years. He has recently been diagnosed with cancer. He has to un- dergo chemotherapy until the end of July, when he will have surgery. Click here.

    2. Sounds like it's serious.

      I found this to be particularly funny:

      "He is absolutely necessary for our cause, and from the point of view of his knowledge and expertise, he is in his prime. He also cheers everyone up with his legen- dary sense of humour."

    3. Hilarious! That blundering idiot has done more to sink Don's "cause" than anyone else in Tradistan. We think the adversaries of the "cause" must be praying mightily for his recovery since his ignorance and ineptitude give them a decided edge: He's so easy to defeat, as S & S have demonstrated.

  31. AnonymousJune 30, 2016 at 1:57 PM


    "...Did your friend (the theological/latin expert) tape record the telephone debate with M. Dimond? That would be priceless. Giving Dimond a taste of his own medicine; you know that the Dimonds like to record their phone debates."

    Actually he did, but the portable device was never found after his death. I know how priceless that was, as it would have made an excellent YouTube expose of the Dastardly Duo snared in their own vile lies.

    Until opportunity knocks again, STARVE THE BEAST.

  32. My wife lived as a religious in a regularized, in good standing order that secretly uses the traditional rites and faces persecution from the local hierarchy and the Vatican. She was sent home after temporary vows because she grew very ill under the order's austere life.

    She just told me "do they know what traditional means" when I read this article to her. Thankfully she has no contact and very little awareness with the American "trad" BS, let alone sedelandia.

    All of her order faster on bread and water three days a week, every day of Lent. They had to sleep on their backs, and moving would have the night watch wake them up and tell them to "return to sleeping position." There's no way any of the allowances these nuns have would ever be allowed, nor would it be considered "traditional."

    Funnily enough, these sedes would call her order "Novus Ordo."

    1. The Swampland priory princesses have no idea what it was like in the old days. Thanks much for sharing your wife's story. We hope it will prove to other visitors how far from tradition all these crazy American cults are. The Brooksville Bachelorettes probably have Sleep Number mattresses and pillows and comforters from Heavenly Bed.

      Over here, it's all just a farce. The reason we're not laughing is that so many depraved lay people think this nonsense is the traditional Catholic Church.

  33. If the priests in Florida live the high-life, why shouldn't the nuns (except for that small fact that they do take a vow of poverty)?

    You have a bishop to be, who has always been rumored that he didn't have a religious vocation, and a handful or two of nuns, who have also been rumored not to have vocations. The majority being pushed into a religious life because of an overbearing mother or dominating father who guilts them into thinking their sacrifice will be rewarded in the end.

    So, this lay mother superior goes to the priest anytime she doesn't get what she wants or anytime she wants more cuddling of her daughters. If I'm not mistaken, the rumor is that 4 out of the 5 nuns in Brooksville are her daughters, even though their is a convent in Arizona that houses the other nuns? I'm guessing this means that they didn't leave their home and become a bride of Christ if their mother is still overseeing their every move? How many more daughters does this lay mother superior have that willbe forced into the convent? All praises to her if they are truly like St. Therese's family, but there certainly must be a difference if these nuns are living next door to their mother, sees their mother 7 days a week, and catered to like princesses!

    Why would a priest give a lay mother all that power? Does she fund their operation? Is she a widow? Does she not have any other kids to take care of at home? What's the deal here?
