
Saturday, July 2, 2016


Of all human powers operating on the affairs of mankind, none is greater than that of competition. Clay

June's over, yet, as of this posts's publication time, we haven't seen that month's pesthouse newsletter online. In May, Tradzilla, a.k.a. the Donster, boasted he'd be leisurely touring the Continent at the end of July, so it's likely there won't be time for another newsletter until after he returns.  (Executive travel abroad to multiple countries requires a lot of prep, you know: it takes time and energy to secure reservations at 5-star hotels, pore over Michelin fine dining guides, schedule costly sightseeing excursions, etc.)

Normally we wouldn't care, but in his last newsletter, you'll remember, Big Don promised he'd "shortly" be founding "an organization of traditional Catholic priests." Ever since then, we've been on pins and needles waiting for the big reveal, which now appears delayed or —  horrible scriptu — even scuttled.

We mean, wouldn't it have been logical to proclaim the new group's foundation before heading off to the Old World in order to high-pressure the suave Continentals to join? What a coup it would have been to round up Stuyver, Trauner, Jacmin, and Héquart in their natural habitat. Tradzilla could then lumber on back to the good, ol' U. S. of A. triumphant over the other cult "bishops," especially his puny rival "One-Hand Dan," who must by now be apoplectic with jealousy at the Donster's expansive European apostolate. After all, "Wandering Bishop of All TradWorld" was the rôle Dirtbag Dan had fictitiously assumed for himself so many years ago, and now it belongs in fact to that upstart Flushing Rat.

All we can say about this eerie radio silence is that something serious — something horrendous — must have happened to keep Big Don's annoyingly loud mouth zipped. The Readers are reminded of 2011: he announced his big $30-k plan, yet there was never so much as a word afterward (click here).

You'll be pleased to learn that Pistrina may know exactly what's behind the Donster's curious taciturnity!

Although the details aren't completely available yet, we've received multiple reports about lay meddlers' shepherding a scheme to unify trad "clergy" by means of a separate, competing outreach effort. Supposedly Don's emergent competition features a super-secret web site with a message board where victimized "priests" may air their grievances or share with each other their nagging concerns about TradNation's discredited "leadership."

The claim-jumping organizers (whose identities remain undisclosed) are said to have once been pretty nasty adversaries of the $GG cultmasters. (Rumor has it they still have an axe to grind.) Moreover, sources swear these bold-as-brass intruders into Discipline Donnie's territory have invited everyone — and we mean E V E R Y O N E — to participate, including "clergy" indentured to dying $GG, the swampland family-run cult, and the hapless CMRI.

If the reports are in any way true, then Tradzilla may be reconsidering his plan to form his new group. All things considered, it won't help his recruitment campaign if there's a horrid gossip site out there where disgruntled "priests" post their gripes about the cultmasters' arrogance and double standards. For instance, what would happen if other "clerical" prospects read a cult "priest's" complaint about receiving a harsh reprimand for eating at Wendy's?

Wouldn't you think some potential members might not want to subject themselves to the same kind of petty tyranny and hypocrisy from a well-known habitué of Panera's? (Unless, to be sure, they could be persuaded that Panera belongs to an ontologically distinct class of fast-food dining establishments and ergo doesn't count. Ah, the utility of a Scholastic background!)

IOHO, the Donster is uncharacteristically wise to put his plans for a new organization on the back burner. A cyber venue where resentful "clergy" vent their pent-up frustration can be not only therapeutic but also dangerously liberating. Just imagine not having to share your bitter chagrin in fearful secrecy with just another whipped coward like yourself. Imagine having a sympathetic audience of 100 or more of your malformed peers, who could offer moral support and goad you to stand up for your rights as a male adult endowed with a free will.

So, then, instead of crying to cult-crazed lay rite-trash about knee-knocking fears that Tradzilla will discover you've been chowing down at Taco Bell, you now have the narrow shoulders of your wimpy brethren on which to wipe your sniffling nose. Unlike the helpless laity, these newly emancipated "clergy" might be able to do something about it. Worried that their own guilty, non-organic dining preferences will suffer severe theological censure, your macho "clerical" buddies might just resist a control-freak Tradzilla when he smashes into their "chapels" roaring for them to submit.

Certainly the Donster may decide to end this horrific threat to his weakening hegemony by taking direct action to condemn the audacious, nascent venture as contrary to the age-old principles of Catholic clericalism.  For instance, he could start by bullying other "clergy" to refuse to sign on. But he'd better do it fast, for the nimble organizers have stolen a march on him. In fact, they may already have a large number of vengeful registrants posting away furiously.  If this new clerical complaint forum catches on, Discipline Donnie might as well kiss his new organization good-bye — along with his own future.

As we said before, there'll be no room for him at the cult compound when Tradistan's latest boy bishop takes over very soon. The real powers in swampy Bonkersville have to be mad as...ah, uh, um... the dickens at Big Don for bringing all this scrutiny down upon the family-controlled cult. Besides, they didn't like "One Hand," Cheeseball Checkie, or the Duo's "contractor" pal in the first place. And now they have to block their social media accounts, no longer able to advertise the good life they enjoy as a result of Tradzilla's flexible standards (where an individual's wealth is concerned) and their abundant family fiscs. We truly understand the plight of the upper-crust swampland élite: It's always a problem when an uppity servant brings trouble back to the manor house as a result of his underclass associations.

However, it looks as though we'll have to wait until Big Don returns from his summer trans-European holiday to find out what he intends to do to stop this horrible incursion onto his fast-receding turf. But by then, it may be too late.

 Bye-bye, Donnie. Your very own Brexit exit from Brooksville — may just be beginning.


  1. The newsletters are often late, as I recall. Don't be surprised if it comes out presently.

  2. My guess is he wants to brag about his recent ordination, so he held off on the newsletter.

    1. Don's ineptitude is legendary, that's true. But we can't understand why he couldn't have produced a June newsletter and then bragged about the June 29 ordination in the July issue.

      But there's no profit in applying logic to the cultmasters. They all march to the beat of a very different drummer whom only they can hear.

      Well, whatever. He may have had to revise it in light of the new threat to his plans. That would be understandable. It could also turn out that he'll just segue into the July issue without so much as a thought about continuity.

  3. Replies
    1. Funny you asked. An anonymous email correspondent just sent us the following address:

      Apparently you need a password to enter.

    2. Thanks to The Reader for the link. (I just had to ask!)[July 23, 2016 at 9:01 PM
      She goes by the handle "Peregrine." The only web site we know is here.]
      This Lux Vera site has a link to a book, “The Story of Satan & A Visit to Hell.” The author is a Mary Ann Panevska.

      Would it be safe to surmise that this lady is also the head or leader of Pastor Bonus Forum?

      I don’t claim to be the brightest bulb in the chandelier! (After all, I was with the sede’s for too many years how bright can I possibly be? )

      If this is redundant forgive me.

  4. It appears to me that in these perilous times for both the Church and the world that more time be spent in praying and doing by the clergy, and less time in idle chatter on web-sites that are hosted by retired lay people.

    It appears that the whole trad organization is based on disunity and secret passwords just like Rome.

    I suggest as constructive criticism that conferences for the clergy instead of restricted web-sites, and retreats instead of idle chatter will help solve some of the problems among them, and their respective parishioners.

    While I disagree with most web-sites on the internet, this blog however, at least offers a host of information to rectify some of the problems that effect the ill treated laity suffered at the hands of the cult leaders, with their restricted institutions of non Catholic charity.

    I for one have had enough covert operations, how about some OVERT TRUTH, especially by the clergy.

    Thank you P.L. for not requiring a Password.

    1. You're right about conferences as necessary for a renewed governance of TradNation. Our position is that these conferences must include lay leadership.

    2. The Reader is correct, to the extent that Dannie, Checkie, Big Don and Pivarunas have ZERO leadership skills. Actually, they cannot lead because they are not real clergy. Just pretenders and predators. The unfortunate thing is that these predators have so many willing enablers.

    3. The film-flam "clergy" prove the truth of the old adage "There's a sucker born every minute." If these charlatans had to survive in the real world and were held against real standards, they'd be unemployed. The superabundance of gullible marks permits them the live large off the dole of stupidity.

    4. Excellent comments.You are aware that Pivarunas had no high school education.He ran away from home at the age of 14 to join the CMRI cult.As to him having full seminary training,a utter lie.How can people be so gullible to believe that trash.Pivarunas does have a knack of lying and covering up which people have woken up to over the years and left.We just pray that Fr Oswalt would see it.He had Pivarunas there in AL for confirmations recently.

    5. The people's stupidity keeps all these low-life pretenders in business.

  5. A friend who attended this year's Latin Teachers' conference told me that no one saw any of the blue CMRI sisters and their Gregorian chant lectures. Plenty of heretics but not a schismatic in sight. Could Texas be too hot for them? Quite a difference from the last time I attended!

    1. Appreciate the update. Maybe the cult didn't have the money this year to send them. No matter what, we're certain the conference was better off without these sub-amateurs. There are people available who really know about plainsong as well as the underlying texts, which Latin teachers would find far more useful than these gushing wannabes. Anyway, the conference organizers should leave the freak shows to the carnivals.

  6. Hello Pistrina Liturgica.Greetings from Down Under Australia.We found your website several weeks ago and are shocked at the articles.You are doing a great task at this expose of these scumbags.

    We attend a Church here in Brisbane that is now under the care of the Oratorians of St Phillip Neri.They are decent men,well trained and academic.We did attend the SSPX for years but left.Our archbishop Mark Coleridge is a good man too

    We were advised by some friends about that sede priest(Gilchrist) here and from all accounts yes a complete weirdo(no true vocation).He has a way of lying and deceiving good people.The Church here in Australia are aware of him.The CMRI will never have any luck here,Gilchrist destroyed their reputation and to make matters worse,his "bishop" does nothing with him. Reading a recent comment on this website he was over there in the USA attending ordinations.The official Church would have him defrocked.

    We look forward to future writings.

    1. Thank you very much for both the update and the kind words. We suspect that the real Church would never have ordained the majority (if not all of) the sede "clergy."

  7. The SSPX Down Under know all about G.Be warned keep away.

    1. We hope the SSPX and the institutional Church Down Under make every effort to warn people formally about the danger.

    2. Hopefully, the Australians and the New Zealanders (plus the islanders of Fiji and Papua New Guinea) will show themselves to be rational and decent people by REJECTING the scum Gilchrist and the bigger scum, Pivarunas.

      Looks like the cultlings in USA are the most depraved in the whole world.

    3. Indeed, the Yank culties are utterly infected. If they could confine their diseased trash to the 'States, it wouldn't be so bad. But they continue to export this virulent riffraff to the rest of the world. Other countries should ban any "priests" —including their own citizens — who have been miseducated in a U.S. sede "seminary," as a menace to the common weal, in the same way any civilized country would bar an Ebola victim from entry.

    4. Anon July 8 at 1:44 PM

      Have you prayed for Fr Gilchrist & Bp Pivarunas?

      God Himself does not propose to judge a man until he is dead. So why should you?

    5. Wow, never realized Pope Francis reads this blog. Greetings, Holy Father! Now, about those marriage comments...

    6. Hey, NCTrad

      Since when has Francis (call me Jorge) commented on this blog? Are you sure that was his posting style, or mode of expression? hehehe

    7. We don't think it was Bergie, or else he would have asked everyone to show G & P mercy.

    8. We have a duty before God to fight for our Faith and expose and warn the faithful about these bogus "Clerics"We find it very hard for someone to say not to judge the actions of these scum.What planet are they on.Our family remembers that Gilchrist fellow years back up at the Mount,very strange and had a effeminate manner.Pivarunas will accept anyone for his so-called "seminary" training.Hear all the sad and horror stories about what these sede "clerics" have done to Souls.It makes us really angry that people would do nothing.Keep up the expose PL.

  8. Not to get off topic but Hoyle has had his monograph responded to: check out I disagree with his defense of the cult, but you have to admit, this guy is very sharp. I'd hate to be the lawyer who goes against him in court!

    1. We weren't impressed at all. His meme that everybody with a different position from his is benighted is tiring, to say the least. Moreover, his register of discourse does not match Mr. Hoyle's.

    2. What does the meme and register of discourse have to do with the substance of what was written? He seems to have blown away 192 pgs from Hoyle with one quote from St Alphonsus Liguori! The case for logical implication is strong too. This was one small post put together in a couple of days. Hoyle spent huge amounts of time. Again, I don't like the guy, but that IS impressive to me

    3. But he isn't to us.

      We don't think he "blew away" Mr. Hoyle's more informed, more densely textured argument with just "one quote." Parlor tricks of that ilk don't impress us because they're an illusion. Intellectual discourse is not a matter of dueling citations but of serially reasoned arguments and counter arguments, which the cites from authorities either support or challenge.

      In our view, and we don't ask you to accept it, the reply did not rise to the same intellectual and discursive level as Mr. Hoyle's effort. Moreover, we find it contemptible that sede apologists cannot dispute without recourse to sophomoric ad hominem attacks and insinuations of presumed superior understanding in virtue of the partisan position they embrace. Mr. Hoyle's tone took the high road throughout.

      Now all that doesn't mean we don't welcome the writer's response to Mr. Hoyle. We hope it encourages additional analysis of Mr. Hoyle's position and prompts from him a rebuttal in turn. Such interplay of ideas will help us all come to a better understanding of so important a topic for the faithful who stand outside the institutional Church.

    4. Here's a response to some points made recently, including the quotation from St. Alphonsus Liguori:

      Section 5, Objection 2 (revised)

  9. There is also a discussion on this topic on the Trad Forum. Follow these links:

  10. Anon July 10, at 4:31 AM

    Our duty is to pray. Whatever makes you really angry, you must resort to prayer. If there was no internet, how would you expose anyone?

    So you can stand in front of God and say, "I never prayed for the Clergy but I exposed their failings and weakness on the internet". What then?

  11. Pray for these bogus "clerics" to see their errors and return to the lay state.

    1. Probably from a strictly legal point of view, they're just laymen who happen to possess holy orders.
